Project Overview

Currently, the script is complete but going to get some photos and images shortly after the casting is complete. The timeline is to find voice actors by the end of the month of July 2023. Please view the script below if interested.

Full PDF version of the script for the film.

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    Hello All,

    Thank you for your submissions and for following the project. I have marked it as 'complete' inadvertently but I am still seeking auditions. The auditions currently here are all really great and fun to listen to. There are still a few roles I need to fill however. I will reach out to each of you directly for the next steps of the project once I have all of my desired voice actors. Thank you all so much for your time. Feel free to come back to the project page to see updates and screenshots for your viewing pleasure.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Anderson (Lead protagonist)

Captain Anderson is the leader of the bunch. Highly respected, yet maverick and unconventional military officer. He is the commanding officer and mentor for Commander Lewis.

Voice description:
  • english (posh)
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • english (british)
  • animation/character
  • [on the bridge of his ship in battle] We won't last long out here, not with that Covenant Battlecruiser in pursuit.

  • [talking normal/ low] Lieutenant, I read about Stedus. They have a... turbid political history. Be weary. Trust no one.

  • [to his subordinate who he has known for many years] We have no other choice. You have no other choice, Commander. Evert, you have served under me for many years now. This will be your greatest test and ultimately your greatest achievement. You will coordinate the defense. Lead Jack and the men on the ground to victory.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Evert Lewis (Supporting protagonist)
Role assigned to: Jungelson

Evert Lewis is a Commander in the UNSC navy under Captain Anderson. Evert is a straight arrow but friendly and sometimes sarcastic with natural wit. He is wise for his age and will be one of the main protagonists. Role will span multiple films. Pleasure ensure that you are able to commit to multiple films.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • english (british)
  • english (posh)
  • [in battle] What in the blazes? Get to cover!

  • [introduction] Lieutenant, I’m sorry, I’ve been remiss. My name is Commander Evert Lewis and you are..?

  • [sad] I won’t let you down sir.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shipmaster (Lead antagonist)

Lead antagonist. Like the other roles, this alien is also a Sangheili. He is the most cruel and unrelenting. Borderline evil. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • We cannot allow any humans to escape with the Holy Writ. Hunt them down.

  • Our twenty year campaign against the humans is coming to a close. The Great Journey is near, my friend. Once we secure the sacred relic, we shall have more knowledge of the Forerunners than any being in the universe.

  • You humans have fought valiantly. [pause] Now fight me with honor. [pause] Die with honor.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Molsu (Secondary antagonist)
Role assigned to: Approximately 82 kangaroos

Alien (Sangheili) Major part of the Covenant. Secondary antagonist. He is cruel and unrelenting in battle and in his tone. His role will span multiple films. The role must have a voice that sounds like a Sangheili. Or can be altered to sound like one.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • …Their slipspace drive. We should pursue them before they expose our presence to the other human forces...

  • We shall blacken this world. Burnt to a crisp and then they will understand the consequences for resistance like all the other worlds we have charred in the name of the Great Journey.

  • What.. function does it have? Why is the Shipmaster so desperate to find it?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SepiaAnt8071

Monitors are extremely intelligent, but are also highly devoted to their original functions and protocols; this results in a zealous attitude towards protecting the ancient artifacts we see in this script.

I can provide guidance for how monitors sound if you are unfamiliar. In the halo games, the primary monitor is 343 Guilty Spark.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • happy
  • [intrigued] Ancient beings, but not just mere beings... Creators and caretakers of life. Not Gods like your kind proclaims but architects of the galaxy.

  • [attitude] Well excuse me, when your memory spans ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine years, we’ll see if you remember the entire unrestricted library of the Forerunner archives. Do you know how much data that is? The monitor pauses for a brief moment and Molsu looks at him as if to say something. Then the monitor continues and cuts him off. It’s fifty four trillion, three hundred and forty six billion, six hundred and fifty nine million–

  • [informative] The directive contains many valuable resources such as technological blueprints, Transcendence rituals, containment protocols, ancient chronicles, and galactic cartography. I’ve said too much. Perhaps, you could release me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marine Sergeant Major
Role assigned to: Sole

A standard gritty Marine non commissioned officer who will be with the main protagonists.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • gritty
  • animation/character
  • [in battle] Lieutenant, we’re completely surrounded.

  • [in battle] Let’s give it to ‘em!

  • [talking low] LT, nothing could have survived this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Major Kojora

Alien (Sangheili) Major part of the Covenant. He is cruel and unrelenting in battle and in his tone. The role must have a voice that sounds like a Sangheili. Or can be altered to sound like one. He will be a minor antagonist who serves under the 'shipmaster'.

  • english
  • Quiet you!

  • How many times must I say it, you do not speak unless spoken to.

  • The city. Their camp is nearby on the edge of that forest. I shall report this to the Shipmaster.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marine Private

Standard infantry

  • english
  • [in battle] That got ‘em! Yeah!

  • [in battle] Copy that!

  • [in battle] Take cover!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Navy crewman. 

  • english
  • [in battle] Captain! Our right engine’s out and left stabilizers are about to be… [he/she is interrupted]

  • [in battle] Copy. Charging up FTL drive.

  • [in battle] FTL is ready to be engaged.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grunt #1
Role assigned to: Angelina Velez

Cute funny little aliens called 'Grunts'. Their scientific name is Unggoy. They have high pitch mischievous voices. 

  • english
  • [walking] (sigh) How much longer must we trek to find this city.

  • [pointing] Look!

  • [panicked] It’s not my fault! (to Major Kojora) Look at my legs, I’m not fast enough!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Generic alien voices needed for the film. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • The Shipmaster is dead.

  • What will you have us do... Shipmaster.

  • The human ship likely sustained damage to their engines, communications, and their slipspace drive.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The main emperor of the kingdom. He is dying and his daughter must take over. The voice actor for his daughter has a chinese accent so it would only be proper to also have her father have a similar accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • chinese
  • chinese (mandarin)
  • chinese accent
  • Do not speak, but listen. I have only a short time left in my life. My daughter will become an empress after my passing. The realm will be hers. Do not let my death be in vain. Protect the kingdom.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emperor's Guards
  • Halt!

  • Please stay by your ship and send an envoy to negotiate the terms of your stay.

  • I will have to discuss this arrangement with my Emperor. It will be up to him to decide. Come with me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emperor's Caretaker

Gentle voice woman who can serve as a voice of reason for Diana (Emperor's daughter)

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female senior
  • Miss Sulla, please. Your father needs rest. He’s very ill.

  • There isn’t anything we can do for him, Miss.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marine Corpsman (medic)
Role assigned to: Sole
  • english
  • His condition is not good. We’ll need to transport him back to the-

  • Of course, ma’am.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Senator (3 roles open)

Political/ formal sounding adults. 

  • [pleading] Diana, we haven’t had a resupply from the core worlds in years. Most of our trade vessels leave here and are never heard from again. I’m sorry, but I have to agree, your father is ill and we will just have to hope he recovers.

  • [concerned] We don’t have much of a choice. We’ve already detected that two of our neighboring worlds have been completely destroyed. Burnt to ash.

  • [desperate] We’ve waited long enough! There is no hope for us if we do not act!


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