Half-Life 2: Episode Three (AUDIO DRAMA)

Project Overview
Half-Life 2: Afterword is a project dedicated to continuing the beloved Half-Life 2 series created by Valve. The vision of this project is to imagine what Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and its story may have been like, had it come out around 2010, the same timeframe as the previous 2 Episodes.
This is currently an audio-only project, to be released in audiobook/podcast format. However, if enough coders and modelers were to become involved, it may turn into a video series with matching visuals instead.
Currently, we are heavily in need of voice actors and script writers. The main story beats and a lot of the beginning has been written, but this project is still in early stages. Having voice actors to be able to script read and writers to pitch ideas will greatly aid in this project's development.
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Alyx Vance is a headstrong, capable woman, and one of the main characters of the Half-Life series. She’s more than able to take on the forces of the Combine on her own merit, but generally relies on those around her for help, such as her father or player character Gordon Freeman. If possible, I’m looking for someone who can mimic the inflections of Merle Dandridge's take on the character- it doesn’t need to be exact, but it’s crucial that her attitude and personality are very close.
Voice Reference:
- english
- female young adult
The Combine killed my father. I think it’s time we returned the favor.
Judith’s broadcast showed us the Borealis, somewhere here in the Arctic. She included the coordinates, so we should be able to get there easy enough.
Gordon! Hurry! The Combine are closing in on your location- I'm not gonna be there for backup!

Barney is a brash, witty guy, and a close friend to Gordon Freeman. In this story, we first see him with a group of rebels, attempting to eradicate any remaining nearby Combine communications to their homeworld. However, he soon meets up with Gordon when approaching the final frontier of the Combine's Earth operations- their fortress surrounding the soon-to-appear Borealis.
For this voice, something akin to Mike Shapiro's delivery is preferred. He's a comic character, but most of his lines are either deadpan/dry humor, so we're looking for something that's not too over-the-top.
Voice Reference:
- english
- male adult
- american (southern)
Gordon! Hey, if you're on this frequency, speak up!
If there is some giant creature out there, you'd better hope you're already running like hell, buddy.
I just hope they don't have any more of those Advisor things up ahead. God, the way it stared at me, and that weird tongue-lookin' thing...

Dr. Kleiner is a collected, intelligent individual who aids Gordon Freeman and co. on their journey. In this story, Kleiner will mostly be contacting the player via radio or video transmission, and thus won't be interacting with them in-person for very much of the story, if any.
Voicewise, an intonation similar to that of Harry S. Robins' performance is preferred. Someone who's a bit nasal, but with deeper tones, and who can convey the emotion needed without coming across as crude or shrill.
Voice Reference:
- english
- male adult
We heard your helicopter take off before we got a chance to say our farewells- Is everything alright?
Do you copy? Alyx, Gordon, do you read? Please respond! We’ve received word that your altitude has significantly dropped, and movement has completely ceased. Please, if you are able, speak up!
There should also be a few smaller settlements nearby- if you see any marked on your radar, go to them. They should have some supplies that will be vital to your survival.

Dr. Magnusson is a petulant, narcissistic man, who is one of the leaders of the Rebel cause.
In this story, he will appear in audio or video transmissions to Gordon, often alongside Dr. Kleiner.
We are looking for a similar performance to that of John Aylward in the role.
Voice Reference:
- english
- male adult
If you manage to pull this off, I might just forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa. You know the one I mean- involving a certain microwave casserole.
The Borealis? Good grief, that’s just a fairy tale! Do you mean to tell me you’re venturing out with no goal in mind but a ship that doesn’t exist? What you’re describing is a death trap!
I hate to cut this “pity party” to an end, but I’ve just got word that more Combine forces are on the way. We need to prepare for an all-out attack.

Russell is a quick-witted, inventive man that is a friend of both Eli and Alyx Vance.
In this story, Russell has been stationed in the Arctic bases when they were overrun, and escapes with Mossman & the rebel teams.
Voicewise, someone akin to Rhys Darby's performance is appreciated, but something a bit more serious is perfectly acceptable as well. The New Zealand accent is very vital to the character, however.
Voice Reference:
- english
- new zealand
- male adult
Alyx? My lord, how long has it been? Get over here!
I barely escaped with my life. Judith and the other scientists made a break for it, but I was lagging behind- I just managed to grab our research when a Hunter came bursting in.
Hey, Alyx- do you know what happened to the Russells I gave you? I don't mean to pry, but most of the tech was custom built by me, so I really need them back if you have them.

Dr. Mossman is a scientist who works with Eli Vance, providing information about the Combine to the resistance. She's not to be trusted, however, as in the eyes of Alyx Vance, she's a traitor who gave up her father and their operation to the Combine.
In this story, Mossman accompanies you onto the Borealis, as the only person left who understands how to use the bootstrap device. She wants to use the technology to take down the Combine once and for all, but doing so would go against Eli's wishes to destroy it.
Voicewise, someone akin to Michelle Forbes' performance is preferred.
Voice Reference:
- english
- female adult
Dear God... and just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.
Alyx, you're not being rational. The Borealis has the technology necessary to make sure the Combine never take over Earth! We can't get rid of our biggest advantage.
Gordon! Help! I can't turn the bootstrap device- if it's left on, we could be evaporated from existence! Hurry!

Dr. Breen is the ambassador for the Combine, keeping a watchful eye on the residents of City 17 and its surrounding areas in order to keep absolute control for the Combine.
In this story, Breen will be shown in the form of speech from before his death, whether that be audio or video transmissions.
Voicewise, ideally someone akin to Robert Culp's performance would be ideal.
Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFU6hxFfJac
- english
- male adult
A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly—Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes! Just hurry, he's right behind me!
A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth, choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked… this is death and finality.
There's not many of me left. Each one is younger, with fewer genuine memories. I can review, of course, but it is not the same as knowing. I don't trust the infused data.

The G-Man is a mysterious, otherworldly figure that appears throughout the Half-Life Series.
In this story, he appears to Gordon Freeman to steer him further in the direction of the Borealis, with the incentive of freeing him from his indentured servitude to the G-Man's many "directives".
Voicewise, it is imperative that the G-Man can sound similar to Mike Shapiro's infamous intonation.
Voice Reference:
- english
- male adult
I do apologize for the loss of your dearly departed friend, Dr. Vance. Sadly, when playing a game of life or death on this magnitude, lives will be lost in the crossfire.
All you need to do is find, and secure, the Borealis. We cannot risk allowing it to pass into… inopportune hands.
Good luck to you, Dr. Freeman. I hope that I will see you up ahead.

The Vortigaunts are a race of aliens who seek to aid humanity in its fight against the Combine. They act as something of a hivemind, though some do have unique identities.
In this story, a few Vortigaunts will show up as resistance members, and will be integral in later episodes of the story. However, in the first episode their role will not be as significant.
Voicewise, we're looking for something akin to Tony Todd's delivery- though going for Louis Gossett Jr.'s delivery would also be acceptable.
Voice Reference:
- male adult
The vortessence is eternal. We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chambers.
Perhaps the Freeman could put this energy to good use with his Gauss-ian Gun.
Freeman! Press on, and know that we will come to your aid when the time is upon us!
Citizens is a broad term for the many denizens of the Half-Life Universe that aid Gordon Freeman along his way. They are a more minor role compared to some of the main characters, but are still very well-remembered for their many key moments of helping Gordon during the events of the story.
Voicewise, the Citizens are a bit looser than the previous roles. While John Patrick Lowrie and Mary Kae Irvin are still preferred, just about any voice can fit here, so long as the intonations are somewhat close or reminiscent of the Half-Life citizens.
Voice References:
Dr. Freeman! We've been waiting for ya. Please, take some supplies before you continue on!
Ah, shit- Hunters! Get down!
Do you really think that the Combine are ever gonna be fully gone? I mean, think about it- if even one of those freaks is alive after all this, they can just contact their home base and more will come along.
This audio series is going to be a large undertaking. With so many characters and story beats, having more writers will be very important.
For applications, please feel free to either submit some reference material or write a small bit of dialogue to showcase your abilities in character-driven storywriting.
- english
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions