H500k's Luigi's Mansion 3 LP: Amadeus Wolfgeist

Project Overview
Hurricane500000 needs a voice for Amadeus Wolfgeist, the boss ghost that will be featured in episode 5 of Luigi's Mansion 3: Hotel Horror! If you are not familiar with his Let's Play series, please watch it for an idea of what you will be doing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_M6H9HxdTPBX_RFau7FwWEonv4r0wf1T
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Amadeus Wolfgeist is a pianist ghost and a boss in Luigi's Mansion 3. He is passionate about music and is dramatic at times. For this Let's Play, I am looking for a male voice, a light German accent, who sounds similar to James (Eric Stuart version) from Pokémon .
I am Amadeus Wolfgeist. A magnificent artist with a strong passion for music. Each note I tap... is a feeling... a feeling of strength that starts to runs through my ghostly veins!
[Dramatically] I will play music for eternity! If there's one thing I can't stand...... it's interruptions!
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