Gotham High

Gotham High

Project Overview

your favorite heroes and villains of Gotham City are now students and teachers in High School! what will happen today? and what will happen to them that will inevitably turn them into the protectors and criminals of Gotham City that we know and love?  Welcome my friends, to Gotham High.

This is a new audio drama series I have in the works.


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Script Writer
Role assigned to: AJ Kingston
  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bruce Wayne
cast offsite

Bruce is the new kid at school. After being homeschooled for a while due to his parents passing, his butler and guardian, Alfred, decided to put him into high school as a way of getting him to socialize. Bruce was not happy about it, but nevertheless, the decision was final. His best friends are Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon. His girlfriend (kinda, sorta, it's complicated) is Selina Kyle.

Voice: He should sound the way Bruce did in Season 5 of Gotham

  •  Power isn't money or guns or the fear you inspire. True power is forcing yourself to do the right thing.

  • I knew where the line was tonight, Alfred. I didn't cross it.

  •  I'm not afraid to die. Not if it means doing the right thing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alfred Pennyworth
Role assigned to: agentrevenant0085

Bruce's Butler and Caretaker.

Voice: I hear him as the Alfred from Gotham

  • Very astute sir. Perhaps you should study to become a detective.

  • Forgive me for being so forward sir, but do you really want to go out in public like that? I was thinking of something a bit more...durable.

  • You gave them ten million dollars, sir? And to think I was fretting over the electric bill.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Barbara Gordon
Role assigned to: Liz Rosa

Barbara is the daughter of Principal Gordon. She is a whiz when it comes to computers and technology. She can be a bit scatterbrained at times, but she always shows determination on things. Her best friends are Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Harleen Quinzel.

Voice: She should sound like Tara Strong's Barbara from DC Super Hero Girls (the reboot, not the original).

  • Oh, come on... it's about a couple named Owlman and Punchinello the Clown Girl. Like you didn't want to read it.

  •  You think she's behind this? No way. It can't be. But... I never told anyone else about that summer. Did you?

  •  She went to all this trouble just to talk to you. She's really in love, huh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dick Grayson
Role assigned to: alexmitts

Dick Grayson is one of those kids that can be both very hardworking and determined, but also very lazy and a slacker. When it comes to schoolwork, he doesn't pay too much attention, but when one of his friends needs him to do something, he won't stop until it is done. His best friends are Bruce Wayne and Barbara Gordon.

Voice: He should sound like Scott Manville's Robin from the Teen Titans series.

  • Excuse me for having a life.

  • My plan? I was just going to wing it.

  • Am I burning too many bridges? Searching for too much? Was the Wizard of Oz right after all?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Principal Jim Gordon
Role assigned to: Zamoody

Jim Gordon is the principal of Gotham High and the father of Barbara Gordon. He always tries to make sure that everything in his school is peaceful and fair.

Voice: I hear his voice as the version of Jim from the Batman Telltale games.

  •  If you hadn't murdered all those people you could have spent every minute of the last twelve years with her. How many of your victims got to talk to their loved ones a last time?

  • Who else is going to let this city be owned by the criminal scum who prey off it? Who else is a damn coward? Not me. Not anymore.

  • When you get to my age young man, you don't miss anything. Unless maybe it's a good drink of bourbon. Even that doesn't make much difference 'cause there hasn't been any good bourbon in this country for twenty years.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack Napier
Role assigned to: CaptainDoofkin

Jack is a class clown that isn't exactly right in the head. He seems to take amusement in any deaths he might see in the news. He has a tendency to laugh uncontrollably when he gets nervous or anxious. His girlfriend is Harleen Quinzel

Voice: As Jack, he should sound like Jerome Valeska from Gotham. As Joker, he should sound like a teenage version of Mark Hamil's Joker from Batman: The Animated Series

NOTE: You MUST be able to do the Joker laugh

  • Lunatics and idiots? Ooh, my kind of people!

  • We all could go insane with just one bad day.

  • There's nothing more contagious than laughter.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harleen Quinzel
Role assigned to: Queenjamjam

Harleen is a bubbly, happy-go-lucky ditz for the most part, but when it comes to psychiatry, the girl is a fricking genius. She loves to pull pranks and have fun. Her boyfriend is Jack Napier and her best friends are Barbara Gordon and Pamela Isley.

Voice: She should sound like a teenage version of the Harley Quinn in Batman: The Animated Series

  • This could take a few days, as the scrapbook will require glitter and taxidermy.

  •  Yeah, yeah, yay Girl Power. I hate to break it to you strong female characters, but I'm just the sideshow.

  • Aww, come on Puddin'. Don't you want to rev up your Harley?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oswald Cobblepot
Role assigned to: smittysmash

A very well mannered and eloquent boy, Oswald Cobblepot has been commonly bullied for his short stature, bird-like nose, and his limp when he walks. These qualities have given him the nickname "Penguin" when he's at school. His best friend is Edward Nygma

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Penguin from Gotham

  • It was my own fault. Foolish arrogance led me astray. But I learned my lessons. I'll be back, stronger and smarter than ever.

  • It is a sad fact that there is no loyalty among thieves.

  • Sometimes, if you're not careful, friendship can blind you to what's staring you right in the face.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edward Nygma
Role assigned to: DaniValentine

Ed Nygma is probably one of the smartest kids in school. He has a habit of asking riddles and giving fun facts despite nobody asking him. He also has a tendency to give away too much information when he gets frustrated. His best friend is Oswald Cobblepot

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Riddler from Gotham

  • A good riddle reveals the asker. To solve it is to solve the mystery of the person posing it.

  • A diamond plate, a glowing grate, a place you never leave. Where am I?

  • What do a dead man, a cruise ship, and an emu have in common? Correct, nothing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harvey Dent
Role assigned to: AJ Kingston

Harvey is probably one of the most popular kids in the school. he's on the honor roll, he's the captain of the football team, and he's well-liked by the school. What his fellow students don't know is Harvey has a split personality disorder that he's been fighting for a while. His best friend is Bruce Wayne and his girlfriend is Pamela Isley.

Voice: In terms of Harvey Dent, he should sound like a teenage version of the Harvey from Gotham. In terms of Two-Face, however, he should sound like the Two-Face from Batman: The Animated Series

NOTE: I will need to hear both voices. one for Harvey and one for Two-Face

  • It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair! You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world... is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair.

  • I'm sure he'll understand about the greater good and the choice you had to make and all that. My question is... will you ever really?

  • Everyone has a part to play. And no, I won't tell you your lines before it is time to go on.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Selina Kyle
Role assigned to: Vyn Vox

Selina is known for being witty, cunning, and crafty. She can snatch things from people’s pockets without them even realizing it, and she takes pride in her own skills. Her boyfriend (kinda, sorta, it's complicated) is Bruce Wayne.

Voice: She should sound like a teenage version of the Selina from the Telltale Batman games.

  • As someone always in trouble with the law, I've seen my fair share of courtrooms.

  • I like weapons that only the skilled can control...Guns are for jerks and cowards.

  • Tell me you heard me tell that guy to go screw himself.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pamela Isley
Role assigned to: AniCoop

Pamela is a very eco-friendly person. Despite being the head of the cheerleading squad, and every guy in the school falling for her looks (except Bruce, strangely enough) all she really cares about is making the planet a bit more aware and considerate of the environment. Her boyfriend is Harvey Dent and her best friend is Harleen Quinzel.

Voice: She should sound like a teenage version of the Poison Ivy from Batman: The Animated Series

  • Harley girl; important errand. I'll be gone for a few days. Please water the plants. All except for the mimmitia. Don't water it, don't touch it, don't even look at it!

  • So whoever's choosing has a redhead fetish, fine.

  • We're kindred spirits, you and I. We should be working together, protecting both Flora and Fauna.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Fries
Role assigned to: TheGrimoiresVoice

Victor Fries is a very gifted child. He is fascinated by the concept of preserving a body in ice and the science behind it. He sees it as a helpful tool for the future of healthcare. When he's not focusing on his ice preservation experiments, he's fawning over his crush, Nora Fields.

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Victor from Gotham

  • It was in Gotham that I was fated to endure the rest of my life in cold... and why shouldn't the rest of the city suffer a taste of the same?

  • Ever since the accident which transformed me into a human icicle, I've had to struggle just to survive! I didn't complain- I even grew to appreciate my special condition! I could endure anything... except the unbearable loneliness!

  • I failed you. I wish there were another way for me to say it, but I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness, and pray you hear me somehow, someplace... someplace where a warm hand waits for mine.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jonathon Crane
Role assigned to: AJ Kingston

Jonathon is known as a bit of a creep. he usually spends his time studying up on fear and different phobias and when he's in the science lab, he tends to experiment on a serum that shows people their worst fears, which he had learned from his father. He also has a tendency to pull pranks strictly for the purpose of scaring people, just to see how they react. His best friend is Jervis Tetch

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Jonathon from Batman: The Animated Series

  • There is no such thing as a totally fearless human! Each of us has some special, supreme dread--often unknown to us--buried in the deepest recesses of our being!

  • Let's see what happens if I increase the dose a little! God, I love science!

  • Though it is simple to bring on, you cannot escape from fear. For fear is not a delusion. You are a sentient mortal condemned to die, and time is against you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jervis Tetch
Role assigned to: Timothy Horan

Jervis is a very theatrical kid. He enjoys being in the drama club, and he is known for being obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. He also has a fascination with controlling the mind, be it by hypnosis or by technology. His best friend is Jonathon Crane

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Jervis from Gotham

  • I haunt your dreams like a ghost, for I know what scares you most. So run, run, as fast as you can, there's no escape from the Magic Man.

  • You're mighty in Gotham, Batman, but in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter reigns supreme.

  • Are you not going to drink your tea? It's special tea. My special tea. My specialty.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Waylon Jones
cast offsite

Waylon was born with a rare genetic condition that gave him a crocodile-like appearance. Now, he uses his terrifying looks to scare kids at school into doing what he wants. For once in his life, he actually feels somewhat powerful. His best friend is Eduardo Dorrance.

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the croc from Batman: The Animated Series, but with a southern drawl.

  • All my life people been screamin'... ever since I was a kid -- just cuz I was born different... just cuz I look different, but lemme tell ya... you people ain't no joy to look at neither!

  • You are my eyes, above the surface. And I am the deadly jaws beneath it!

  • Ain'tcha heard? Crocodiles got real tough hide! But you... you got nowhere t'hide...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eduardo Dorrance
Role assigned to: SUREN A.

Eduardo believes that strength equals power, so the stronger you are, the more powerful you are. As such, he does everything in his power to make sure he is as strong as he can be. He spends most of his time either working out in the school gym or picking on students he deems as weak. His best friend is Waylon Jones

Voice: He should sound like a teen version of the bane from Gotham

  • You know nothing of strength, little boy. I know strength. Such as the strength that comes from numbers. And the strength one gains from knowing his enemy's weaknesses. Checkmate.

  • Speed is good, but experience will get you far, mijo.' Picture where you'll be before you get there. I'll make it easy for you. Picture me winning and you losing.

  • Such loyalty. Perhaps I could learn your secret. I never enjoyed the luxury of family.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Zsasz
cast offsite

Victor is a total masochist. For every student he bullies, he carves a scar onto his body, and he takes great pride in it.

Voice: He should sound like a teenage version of the Zsasz from Gotham

  • Man needs no divine assistance. He makes himself! I chose to exterminate the zombies. I chose to kill. But I hurt myself, too -- to remind me that even I am only human!

  • Everything becomes clear now. When I'm counting. When I'm cutting. This is when everything comes into focus.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Talia Al Ghul
Role assigned to: EnvyVoices

Talia is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. She has lived for many years in her life, yet Ra's still insisted that she go to high school to have some semblance of a normal teenage life. She can act like a bit of a spoiled brat at times, but she does have a caring side when you really get to know her.

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit

  • Family can be replaced. And your obsession with family has always been your weakness. Let this be a lesson to you.

  • There will be time to worry of the future soon enough. But for now, you must relax... you need comforting. I can give you all you need... and more.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Basil Karlo
Role assigned to: rainesmcmichael

Basil Karlo wants nothing more than to be an actor. He is always auditioning for plays the school theater will be hosting and he sees the world as one big stage.

Voice: He should sound like the Clayface in Batman: The Animated Series

  • A sudden hush descends! The audience draws in its breath! The villains of the piece are down-- the hero stands triumphant! Only one question remains-- does he nobly spare their worthless lives... or do they die?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harvey Bullock
cast offsite

Jim's Lazy, drunk, donut loving vice principal.

Voice: He should have the voice of Donal Logue's Harvey from Gotham

  • What you know about me, Jim, is just the tip of the iceberg. There are no heroes here.

  • You tell yourself, "I'll just do this one bad thing. All the good things I'll do later'll make up for it." But they don't

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leslie Thompkins
cast offsite

The kind, caring School Nurse.

Voice: She should have the voice of the Dr. Thompkins from Gotham

  • Pick Something you think would fit for Leslie Thompkins

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hugo Strange
Role assigned to: Arkham

The Student Guidance Councilor.

Voice: He should sound like the Hugo Strange from Gotham.

  •  You're mistaken, Batman. It's now just ending. It was foolish of you to think I wouldn't be listening when you made that dispatch call earlier. I wondered how long you'd stay silent. I commend you on your restraint. But in the end, you couldn't help yourself. One of your many disorders. It's fascinating that one heroic action will also be your undoing.

  • Hasn't he already committed the legal definition of assault, many times over? Such obsessive-compulsive behavior is utterly disconnected with the rest of reality. He's not concerned with how the rest of the world thinks or feels. All that matters to this "Bat-Man" is his own perverse and relentless version of justice. And he will stop at nothing to achieve those ends!

  • You feel each blow to the city as a blow to your own body. And you wonder when you, too, might fall. But that, Ms. Waller, is merely an illusion, a rather nifty trick of the mind. It is how the people of this city accept what they cannot accept. Indeed, what they should not accept. It lullabies them into complicity. Teaches them to ignore the horrors. To embrace the horrors. To become the horrors. It is our goal, then, to eliminate this illusion. To free the people from the psychosis of the city. They will not riot! They will resist! They will not panic! They will persevere! Villains will surrender. Heroes will triumph. And with my coaxing and Roger's gifts... they will finally separate the life of the mind from the rot of the city. And they will declare... I am not Gotham. I am better than Gotham.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cyrus Gold
cast offsite

The School's Gym Teacher

Voice: He should sound like Butch Gilzean from Gotham

  • Pick Something you think would fit for Cyrus Gold

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noah Kuttler
cast offsite

The School's Math Teacher. Takes math way too seriously

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit.

  • They're only teenagers, after all... and, as such, they need to be taught a lesson.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ra's Al Ghul
cast offsite

The School's History Teacher and the father of Talia Al Ghul. Has lived on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years.

Voice: He should sound like the Ra's from Gotham

  • Don't be afraid, my son. Death comes for us all, we can only evade it so long. Consider this an honorable exit.

  • The earliest case of this disease you call a horror was recorded in the fourteenth century. The natives called it Teli'Aroa... "The Blood of the Demon". Half a world away, yet in the very year of my birth.

  • Humankind must be forced to serve the planet instead of it's own appetites.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
A.S. Scarlet
cast offsite

The School's English Teacher. Loves to read.

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit.

  • Alienor Frych stood at a distance as a witness to the crime, protecting Beatrix like her life depended on it, all while noting the names and faces of every single body in the crowd, every individual responsible. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kirk Langstrom
cast offsite

The School's Science Teacher. Has a tendency to experiment with bat DNA

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit.

  • Animals. Nature designed them to fit harmoniously into their environment. Every aspect of their existence serves a purpose. Which is most assuredly not something that happens with people.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Matt Hagen
cast offsite

The School's Theater Teacher. loves to act and perform

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit.

  • You know what I'd have given for a death scene like this? Too bad I won't get to... read the notices.

  • It probably ain't good for me, but unless I only want to do horror pictures, it ain't bad for me either.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dennis Neville Prowell
cast offsite

The School's Music Teacher. Absolutely adores music and singing

Voice: He should sound like Music Meister from Batman Brave and the Bold

  • And so for me its destiny to be the maestro of villainy! Yes, I'm the Music Meister, and I'm here to settle the score!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paul Dekker
cast offsite

The School's Home Ec Teacher. Loves to sew quilts

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit

  • Say something you feel would be fitting for Paul Dekker

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Abner Krill
cast offsite

The School's Art Teacher. has a thing for art with polka dots.

Voice: Use whatever voice you feel would fit

  • Say something you feel would be fitting for Abner Krill

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lyle Bolton
cast offsite

The School's Homeroom Teacher

Voice: He should sound like the Lyle from Batman: The Animated Series

  • Justice is not letting you off on an insanity plea. Justice is seeing you in prison for life. No deals. No privileges. No parole.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucious Fox
cast offsite

The School's Computer Class Teacher

Voice: He should sound like the Lucious from Gotham

  • Choose something you think would fit for Lucious Fox


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