Golden Heart Audio Book Part 3!

Project Overview

This is Part 3 of casting for the project! For the uninitiated, this is an adventure that takes place in the northern parts of Europe, in a medieval time. It covers the history of a prophet, healer, and queen of a rat kingdom called Rokfel, a mouse named Ruuna the Golden Heart. My aim with the project is to make an audio play, similar to the unabridged recordings of Brian Jacques' Redwall, one of my biggest influences for this book. There are still many characters who need voices in the book, so don't worry if you see a third posting for the audio book in the spring!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor Ramel the pirate toad
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Marcelo2794

Ramel is Skoglar's first mate and the one usually at the helm. He has a lazy attitude that has very little regard for anyone who isn't himself. As a crude and careless sailor, he's seen a number of things that would send shiver's down any good warrior's spine. He has a deep, round voice that would befit his large and brutish stature that is tainted with a bit of a lazy alcoholic slur.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • scottish
  • male adult
  • audiobook
  • Big
  • english (british)
  • Round
  • Toad
  • Animal
  • deep
  • (with a note of curiosity) “So, we aren’t travellin’ to Dolphine’s cove but straight north? Aye Captain, you put too much trust in that ol’ trinket. But who am I to ask such daft questions?”

  • (said with a straight faced) “Flippers are no good for holding a hammer or nails, can’t make a straight cut through a board if I tried.”

  • (Yelling over the thrum of the seas) “Full sail ahead!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for Star the mole
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Blake

Star is a little mole about 8 years old. He isn't very educated and thus speaks in a simplistic nature. His voice is also broken yet innocent. He is very loyal to his friends, and loves tall places. Here's an example of what star could sound like:

  • english
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • child
  • 10 years old
  • boy
  • broken voice
  • british
  • young
  • "Urr! This’m basket be makin’ Star a tall’n beasty! Mouser Ruuna doesn’t need ta be scared! Star’ll keep you’m safe!"

  • "(Gasp) Runna mouser! Grrr! Stop’m that bad tuggin’, you big’n birdy beasty!"

  • "Huhuhu! Urr, that be soundin’ like Ruuna’r is hungry too!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for Luke the hare of Heartwood Abbey
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: StevieH

Luke is a some-what lazy, adolescent hare from Heartwood abbey, where he serves as a sentry with his friend Chester the squirrel. He is a hare who is board with the relatively slow life at the abbey and is constantly getting himself and Chester into trouble. when he's not getting into trouble, he's sleeping in any place he can find, usually to get out of his duty. He has a fairly posh and smooth voiced nature about himself.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • smooth
  • Animal
  • Exaggerated
  • Quick
  • english (british)
  • english (posh)
  • audiobook
  • hare
  • (In a tired, groggy voice) “Oh… Five more moments mum… just five more.”

  • (Quiet at first) “(Sigh) Can’t a good rabbit have his voice heard without shouting?” (Shouting as if to be heard a distance off but with a bit of irritation) “By the tooth! I said yes, mum! Now leave me bally well alone!”

  • (in a nearly sarcastic way) “Well, I hope you have some bally good food in that old cart, else I’m afraid I can’t let you in, see?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for Curry T. Dormouse
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Anthony Ziello

Curry is a traveling spice and goods merchant who pulls his cart of goods to different cities and villages to sell. He is the father of two sons who he has been training in the way of his trade. He has a more eastern sound to his voice as he gets a lot of his goods from there.

  • english
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • english (british)
  • eastern
  • male adult
  • Merchant
  • dormouse
  • Animal
  • (Nearly shouting, with a paw cupped around, to great)“Aye, and a good morning to you, Ms Abbess Elliss!”

  • (Joking at first, then optimistic) “Oh, don’t ye tell that to them. It’ll go right to their heads! Ah, they’re good kids though. They’ve been traveling with I this journey throughout the lands, learning the trade and rout.”

  • (exerting energy, in a disciplinary yet tough love way)“(Grunt) Alright, enough with that now! Settle thyselves, else I’ll turn us round and you’ll not have any sort of celebration! Come now, good lads.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for King Starliff the crow
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Mithun MK

King Starliff is a crow pretending to be a starling as their king. He is a selfish bird who wants the land and all it has (including those who live there) as his own. He hoards all the food so that one, he can appease the eagle who threatens his position, and two, so he can keep it for himself. He has a self-righteous attitude that is bolstered by his illusion of nobility. He has a very posh yet aggressive tone about him that booms forth.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • english (british)
  • english (posh)
  • Posh
  • Animal
  • outlandish
  • Bird
  • audiobook
  • (In an unhurried and mocking tone) “Mmm… And why, thy lowly peasant, have thy commanded such a thing? Come now! Speak up! Answer thou King thy worthless scum!”

  • (In a posh, kingly tone) "What art thy mission, trespassing through the land of the Starlings? And with young ones and babes no less? Surely, they aren’t your own!"

  • (In a self-righteous command) “You flightless things! I have thee and any thou are with surrounded! Give thyselves up to thou lord!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for Abbess Elliss the marmot
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Sharon Grünwald

Abbess Elliss is a marmot who leads the abbey dwellers of Heartwood Abbey in a peace-keeping manner. She is a beautifully dressed and well kept middle aged creature with a mature yet kind and patient spirit. she cares deeply for her abbey and all who dwell within it. Her voice carries a deep yet calm and wise tone that puts confidence and trust into those who hear it, though she does not take kindly to those who give her sass.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Marmot
  • Animal
  • english (british)
  • warm
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • audiobook
  • calm
  • Well Mannered
  • (In a calm, delighted tone) “It is very good to see you again, Mr Curry. I hope your travels have met you well! I see your sons have grown bigger and stronger since last we’ve met.”

  • (Confident) “Oh, enough of this talk. You’ll be safe with us hear at Heartwood abbey. We have our grand wall to keep us well and protected. And with fine watchers too! Your sons could even get some training by our well-seasoned archers to ease your worries!”

  • (In a tone that is calling to someone a distance away, stern) “What’s that, Eh? I couldn’t hear you! Raise your voice loud and firm so I can understand your words!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor for Stink eye and his brother
Paid: Hourly 40 USD
Role assigned to: Thomas Prater VO TheMightySpleen

Stink-eye and his brother (Formally un-named as of right now) are two rats of Skoglar's crew. Stink-eye is a gun-rat, a master of the ships canons, whilst his brother has an understanding of reading and writing. These two pirates are sort of a comedy duo. Stink-eye is much skinnier than his brother and tends to be more active, with a more scratchy voice, whilst his brother has a more of a round voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • comedy
  • Animal
  • pirate
  • scottish
  • english (british)
  • audiobook
  • male adult
  • funny
  • outlandish
  • (Stink-eye) “OI! Get your hide to the Cap’in, you lazy, no-good waste of fur and guts! Go on!” (His brother) “But I needs me Beauty sleep!”

  • (Stink-eye) “Beauty sl- Why I ought to- There ain’t nothin’ pretty, or beautiful or nice about ya mate! ‘Sides, I’m the good lookin’ one ‘round here! Now get your arse to the prison keep! And Don’t keep the Cap’in waitin’!” (His Brother) “Oh… Fine! But I’m going to be lookin’ extra ugly, just for you! Ow-ow-ow! Alright already!”


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