Teyvat Karaoke

Teyvat Karaoke

Project Overview

Hey yall Riki here!! (Please refer to the TikTok link for my content.)

Thank you all so much for wanting  to be a part of this casting call! We are so elated to see what the future holds with this, and can’t wait to see everyones auditions! This call will feature a lot of different playable characters from Genshin impact and will have multiple ranges. Everyone can audition for more than one character. 

Please make sure you read ALL instructions Top to bottom so that you don’t miss anything. Be Mindful that I’m only accepting auditions from VA’s that are 18+ so if you’re younger and wish to Participate, I heavily apologize. The Dialogue will sometimes contain: Heavy Insults, Slight crude humor, and arguments.  (There will not be explicit language, sexual content, or cursing.)

Do note that each role will be speaking AS WELL as SINGING, so if you can perform one and not the other, please let me know immediately in your submission email  so I can consider more than one audition for a particular role.

Please be aware this is NOT a paid project unfortunately. I do not know how long this project will continue for the time being, and I am one person so I do not have the funds to allocate to multiple people for this Collab. (This could change in the future if the opportunity rises for funding.) For now this project is set to be long term, each character will at least appear twice.

Each nation will have a set group of characters to audition for, so if there's a character from a specific nation you know you can pull off.)

(Also so you can get a feel of the content I post, heres my Tiktok page:https://www.tiktok.com/@thedizzler72?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc 


Before you continue, If you prefer using email for casting calls, please refer to this google doc:, you can either audition through here or via the Goggle doc, whichever is more convenient: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15idgryQvy7D5yA3eXULnmEtbMF2zhDitNxWlx8x-4fk/edit?usp=sharing


The story:

 Master Diluc found himself worried about his Tavern since TCG had opened up at the Cat’s tail. He needs to find a way to market his bar so that it doesn’t go out of style. Master Diluc, Patton, Charles, Luka, and Venti all sit down and come up with “Teyvat Karaoke”. Characters from all around Teyvat can come to Angels Share and sign up to sing with some of the  best talent: Yun Jin, Venti, Xinyan and many more and become the Angels Share Teyvat Karaoke Champion. 

The Competition is held via discord call, (If you’ve seen my videos, you’ll know how that works.) since Teyvat is a vast land. The character’s aren’t required to move around or get to Mondstadt to participate.

(This story will also be a featured discord call that will be opened for auditions during this Casting call, if you wish to audition for any of the above characters (Except Venti) Please message me personally on Discord: ✨Riki✨#3439 )


  • Please record all audition lines with 2 takes maximum in AABBCC format. (In case you’re confused: The format means: Audition Line 1 Take 1 /Audition Line 1 Take 2/, Audition Line 2 Take 1 /Audition Line 2 Take 2. /ETC)

  • When submitting for individual characters, please place Singing lines and Talking lines on the same track. (No need to send singing and talking as separate MP3’s)

  • Please make sure your audition lines are Mixdown onto one MP3 File. (32bit, 48KHZ. If you’re confused about this, please don’t stress too much.)

  • Please do NOT add music, SFX, FX,and  ad libs. Please limit background noise and air as much as you can.

  • Please submit your MP3 file as: ‘YOURNAME_CHARACTER’ and submit it as: Teyvat Karaoke- YOUR NAME - CHARACTER NAME. (In the little description please share with me a brief set-up of your studio (At home or otherwise.) 

  • Deadline is July 30th 9:00pm EST

  • Please do not SLATE in your audition.

  • Please make sure to review each youtube link (of the original characters VA)  for the character(s) you wish to audition for. The goal isn’t to just match the ‘voice’ , the goal is to match the tonality, attitude, and personality of the character. 

  • Please be aware that if you are casted, BandLab is what will be used for collaborative singing. (It’s a free app and software.)

  • Please note that I’m more in need of male characters. There are a few female characters though.

PSA: I do not own a single character in genshin, am not a producer, contractor, voice actor for hoyoverse or have any affiliation with Hoyoverse, this is purely for fun and for people who enjoy genshin content and like fan works. 

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  • Casting

    Hello everyone! Thank you to all who auditioned!! I will be adding all of your contacts via discord so please look for a tag: Riki3113 trying to add you. (That’s meeee.)

    I will be sending you a link to a server if you are chosen and/or shortlisted. Please look out for this within the next few hours/days…

    Thank you all so much! Looking forward to working with you all!!

cast offsite

Name: Keaya

Age: Seems Mid-20’s.

In the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya is the most trusted aide for the Acting Grand Master Jean. You can always count on him to solve any intractable problems. Everyone in Mondstadt loves Kaeya, but no one knows what secrets this witty, charming knight has...

(Description from the Official Website)

Original Voice Lines: https://youtu.be/kU0THxXUa9o 



Kaeya is an outwardly confident and charming individual with a flair for drama. He is sometimes seen as overly laid-back and even lazy, but he takes his work seriously. He is surprisingly popular among the elderly of Mondstadt, even earning himself the title of "top candidate for grandson-in-law." His charisma and determination have earned him the admiration, respect, and favor of many people in Mondstadt — yet, his love for provoking others has also gained him the exasperation of those same people. Kaeya also enjoys putting people into high-stress situations and challenging their values, which he does to both his enemies and his allies alike. He takes pleasure in seeing the hesitation in his comrades' eyes at the moment just before they dive into battle with him, just as he takes pleasure in the look of fear in his enemies' eyes as they face off against him.

He seems to get a kick out of telling bold-faced lies and convincing others to do his work, but this serves him well in his role in the Knights of Favonius. He is a self-proclaimed "anti-hero with an attitude problem;"[2] as long as everything ends the way he wants, Kaeya does not care about the methods used. Still, according to his informant Vile, he draws the line at working with those who threaten other people's families, believing they deserve to be "hunted down and destroyed."

Despite his extroversion, the Traveler has observed that he appears to struggle with loneliness, though he playfully deflects when confronted about it.[3] He frequently reminds the Traveler that they can talk to him, invites them to spend time with him, insistently offers (sometimes extensive) assistance, and often voices his disappointment whenever the Traveler has to leave, showing his desire to be helpful and aversion to being alone.  


Description for the Audition: 

Spoken Line: A mocking tone, Keaya wants to tease Diluc here, and cause him to lose his cool.

Singing line: He’s singing this to mock his Karaoke Partner. Try to imagine Keaya being overly dramatic with it. 

  • “ Come now Diluc, be a dear and let him go first- yes?

  • “You’re as cold as Ice, you’re willing to sacrifice our love…” (Please sing this acapella. This song is in reference to Foreigner- Cold as ice.): Foreigner - Cold As Ice (Official Music Video)

Role assigned to: Zachary Lopez

Name: Diluc


Age: Seems Mid-20’s

As the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, the ever-dapper Diluc always presents himself as the epitome of perfection. But behind the courteous visage burns a zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs, allowing him to mercilessly vanquish all who threaten his city.  (Description from the Official Website) 

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/ceQDg_YrQAc 


Kaeya calls himself and Diluc "anti-heroes with attitude problems." He decided to take matters into his own hands by becoming, to his dismay and embarrassment, the "Darknight Hero" to protect Mondstadt's people.

Diluc was once an ideal young man, dedicated to his work with Knights of Favonius. After his father's untimely demise as a result of using a Delusion, along with Inspector Eroch ordering Diluc to cover up the incident, his faith in the Knights shattered and he left the organization. Even after Eroch was purged from the Knights for being a traitor, he still holds resentment towards them. He claims that the Knights take too long to get the job done, although he still appreciates those who put the effort in, such as Lisa and Jean.

When he was a member of the Knights, he adored his father, Crepus. Being praised by his father made him happier than fame and anything else, and Crepus told Diluc to be faithful in his duties. After his father's death, he has been suppressing himself. Despite coming off as bitter and grumpy through his speech, he has a gentle, tender, and modest nature. In his childhood, Diluc had a lighthearted and happy nature, rather to the contrary of him now.

Diluc is not fond of alcohol, as he does not like its taste and that it clouds his mind when he tries to work. He prefers non-alcoholic drinks such as grape juice and apple cider, which he had ordered developed upon his return to Mondstadt. This does not appear to be well known by many however, most likely as a result of him being the current owner of Mondstadt's largest wine producer. He even expresses surprise when he learns that Diona also loathes alcohol, having initially believed that he was the only bartender in Mondstadt that did not like alcohol.[2] He also tends to part with his possessions he no longer needs, such as his father's private residence.


Description for the audition:

Spoken Line: Diluc is getting impatient with a customer who won't behave. There's Emphasis one “ONE” to show this is the last straw. 

Singing line: He sings this confidently but nonchalant.  You can tell he knows it well.

  • Spoken: “‘Sigh’ Sing or drink- Pick ONE.”

  • Sung: “When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway” (Please sing this acapella. This song is in reference to Micheal Bublé: Sway) Sway

Role assigned to: Euan Dixon

 Name: Albedo

Age: ?? (Voice age presenting 20’s)

Albedo — an alchemist based in Mondstadt, in the service of the Knights of Favonius.

"Genius," "Kreideprinz," or "Captain of the Investigation Team"... Such titles and honors are of no consequence to him when there is so much more research to conduct.

The pursuit of fortune and connections cannot hold a candle to his heart's desire — acquiring the limitless, obscure knowledge left behind by previous generations of scholars.



Voicelines: https://youtu.be/zUUtmv4U98g 


Having gained fame for his alchemical talents, Albedo is a reclusive person, spending most of his time in Dragonspine. He isn't fond of most social interactions and thus rarely travels to the city of Mondstadt unless it is to meet up with his fellow alchemists or other acquaintances. Yet he's also shown to at least be fascinated or interested in them in some way, often willingly appearing in events that have some sort of social setting going on and helping out the people around him in any way he can. While he does seem to enjoy company and seeing how people interact in a social setting, he finds relationships stressful and tiresome because of the amount of effort needed to maintain them. This doesn't mean he dislikes the relationships he has with others, he simply struggles with them and can get tired out from trying to keep track of everything to keep the relationship from falling apart. He prefers being around children, especially Klee, seeing her as a younger sister. Klee in turn sees him as an older brother figure.[2]

Fueled by the feeling of enlightenment, he researches about the things that pique his interest, and once the feeling is gone, either by uncovering its truth or otherwise, he loses all interest, left with a bittersweet sensation in his mind. Along with his alchemical genius, Albedo is also a respectable artist. Having initially learned the talent as a way to help with his experiments, it is now a form of relaxation for him.[1] He is Xingqiu's illustrator and regards him as a good author.[3]

             As much of a positive demeanor he gives off, the people of Mondstadt do not know      anything about his personal life and he is particularly secretive about it towards them. To the        Traveler, he does not mind sharing most of his secrets with them due to feeling a kinship of sorts as they are both not of Teyvat, him being an artificial lifeform and the Traveler a visitor from afar. He considers himself to be dangerous due to his knowledge on the Art of Khemia, something which Venti and Dainsleif are well too aware of.


Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  Monotone. He says this in all seriousness despite the context being hilarious.

Spoken Line 2: Sounds curious and excited.

Singing line: Albedo is singing to someone, sounds like he’s crying out. He’s very into it for some reason

  • Spoken: “ Is the Traveler Coming? I wish to sing The Little mermaid.”

  • Spoken:“This is a great way to test an experiment. Singing is a great way to relieve stress and test the vocal cords of human beings.”

  • Sang:“I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool” (Please sing this acapella. This song is in reference Careless whisper):https://youtu.be/g9VWhh8r5Vs?t=52

cast offsite

Name: Bennet

Age: around 16 (For some reason on google he’s 30??? But he’s a youngin.)

Original Voicelines:  https://youtu.be/MpcwurEJQ3Q 

One of the few young adventurers of the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild, he is always plagued with inexplicable bad luck.

He is the only active member of his own adventure group, known as "Benny's Adventure Team," after all the other members decided to "take leave" following a series of unfortunate incidents. As a result, the team is currently on the verge of being dissolved.

Being unable to break the poor boy's heart, Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild has kept "Benny's Adventure Team" on the books, whilst also hiding from him the fact that all the other members have long since officially left the team.


Bennett is a kind, passionate boy from Mondstadt, who dreams of becoming a great adventurer one day.

But, his bad luck always seems to get in the way...

Inexplicable landslides, running into overpowering enemies, never actually finding any treasure...

But Bennett doesn't let his misfortune get him down. He continues to adventure with as much enthusiasm as he did on his very first outing, bettering himself despite his relentless bad luck.

Fischl's raven Oz compliments Bennett on his robust nature, whilst the boy's combat style, which shows a complete disregard for his own safety, has always fascinated Varka. Even Barbara, who comes across injuries on a regular basis, is surprised by how often he comes in injured or needing another dislocation popped back into place.

Bennett simply treats his own bad luck as just another stepping stone on his way to becoming a grand adventurer.

Bennett knows in his heart that this is the right attitude for the great adventurers of the future.

Description for Audition lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  He’s utterly surprised you invited him to sing, he’s almost about to cry.

Spoken Line 2: Absolutely Panicking.

Singing line: Sounds really emotional coming from Bennet. He’s absolutely torn apart whilst singing this.

  • Spoken:“ Awww! You wanna sing with me?? I'm so lucky today!”

  • Spoken:“ I'M SO SORRY MASTER DILUC- I set my Phone on fire- Lemme Restart! HOLD ON-”

  • Sang:“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special” (Please sing this acapella. This song is in reference to Last Christmas by WHAM) Last Christmas

Role assigned to: WindVA

Name: Razor

Age: 16

A boy who lives among the wolves in Wolvendom of Mondstadt, away from human civilization. As agile as lightning.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/IX613DIxpec 


Razor is a generally good-natured person who considers his wolf pack his family, and becomes enraged if they are hurt by other parties. He loves his wolf family, but dislikes the fact that he isn't fully like them, being an infant taken in by the leader of his pack, Andrius. While he barely sees any fellow humans traveling in Wolvendom due to its fearsome reputation, he considers the few humans he does encounter to be his friends and is willing to protect them from danger if it means sacrificing his and his pack's dinner for the night. Razor is also a quick thinker, as he is able to fix Klee's disasters whenever she goes to play in Wolvendom.[2]

Razor is honest and forthright, due to his limited exposure to human life. He is not used to speaking and only speaks in short phrases and words, finding it troublesome,[3] but he continues nonetheless.

Like the rest of his wolf family, Razor enjoys eating meat and shows an aversion to most vegetables, only preferring potatoes. He gets along with Bennett well for that reason and the two typically spend most of their time talking.

  • Spoken:“ I will…beat this song. I am capable of singing with you, Lupical.”

  • Sang:“Wise men say, only fools rush in, But I can't help falling in love with you.” (Please sing this acapella. This song is in reference to: Can't help falling in love with you- Book of life Version.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Name: Rosaria

Age: Mid 20’s

A sister of the church, though you wouldn't know it if it weren't for her attire. Known for her sharp, cold words and manner, she often works alone.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/mMvd2rGQdgw 


Rosaria is a somewhat intimidating woman who has a rather unorthodox idea of piety. Kaeya describes her as someone who is "honest with herself". She dislikes topics that bore her and having to work overtime. Fischl overheard her cursing out someone in Barbatos' name and takes it as a sign of Rosaria's piety, an interpretation Oz doubts. Like Fischl, her intuition is very keen, as she's well aware that Diluc, Kaeya, Venti and Albedo are more than what they appear to be.

Despite her position in the church, Rosaria is the least devout; she is always guaranteed to skip all church activities when possible and the first one to leave if she is forced to attend.[2] While she does recite prayers, she does not remember Barbatos' name due to her lack of devotion, frequently mispronouncing his name.[3]

Secretly, she acts as a purveyor of justice for the Church, investigating potential threats to Mondstadt and eliminating them if necessary. She is particularly skilled in killing, having been taught by her former "family", a group of bandits before they had been wiped out by the Knights of Favonius.[2] Due to being offered a chance for redemption by Varka, Rosaria sees herself differently to the people of Mondstadt,[2] and is indebted to them for their unselfish warmth and goodwill.

Description of Audition Lines: 


Spoken Line 1:  Monotone

Spoken Line 2: She is very much NOT Entertained.

  • “Venti…I’m not singing Uptown Girls..”

  • “Keaya can you shut up a little, your mic is way too loud.”

  • (for now she won’t be singing.)

Role assigned to: WindVA

Name: Mika

Age: 20s ish (Apparently he drinks alcohol and doesnt like it so idk.)

A young knight born to an ordinary family. He serves as a Front-Line Surveyor in his Company. He is a low-key and cautious character.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/5L_lYjH9I34 


Seemingly shy and distant at first, Mika eventually warms up to the people he knows. To those unfamiliar to him, especially those with high rankings, Mika prefers to observe them and understand their personalities before properly interacting with them as a sign of respect.[2] He does seem to rely on other people for decisions, such as when to talk or what to say.[3]

Despite his young age, Mika is mature and responsible, taking care of his older brother when he comes home drunk and completes his tasks without complaining or having much issue with them. He enjoys cartography, wanting to become Mondstadt's expert cartographer and expressing a desire to map all of Teyvat. While friends with Klee, he often has to remap due to her explosives altering the landscape, though he does not mind.

Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  He’s so confused, doesn’t know how she came up with lyrics nowhere near like the original.

Spoken Line 2: Extremely curious here, although he’s a bit concerned for the answer so his tone is very shaky.

Singing Line: He’s very nervous, a little too nervous.

  • Spoken: “Klee! Those aren’t the lyrics.”

  • Spoken:“Um, Diluc, what did you do to Klee that she hates you so much she sabotaged your Karaoke Machine?”

  • Sang:“A hopeless Romantic All my life, surrounded by couples all the time…” Ref: Fifty Fifty: Cupid https://youtu.be/HoPWQq9kVdg?t=10

cast offsite

Name: Beidou

Age: 20-30s

Captain of her crew, The Crux. She's quite an unbound and forthright woman.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/YWS-uJRLzYY 


Beidou is known as the Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean for her great strength — capable of slaying the leviathan Haishan without the aid of a Vision and earning her the respect of the Conqueror of Demons, Xiao[2] — and for leading the Crux, an armed crew she established.

Beidou is well known across Liyue for her strength, her easy-going personality, and her good judgment of character. This makes her well-liked by many people, with children even looking up to her as an ideal role model. She treats her crew with respect, who in turn are completely loyal to her. While she does not like the Treasure Hoarders, Beidou honors a "first come, first serve" rule when it comes to collecting treasure[3] unless specified otherwise. Even then, the criminals fear her and try to avoid incurring her wrath, knowing that she severely outmatches them. In turn, she gives opportunities for Treasure Hoarders to leave that lifestyle behind and start over.

The Liyue Qixing and Liyue Harbor's administrative side, however, see Beidou in a different light. She frequently violates the laws and has no problems with paying off the hefty fines the Tianquan Ningguang lays on her as punishment.[4] While the two profess their antipathy to the other's way of life, they nevertheless remain allies when it comes to Liyue's greater good and seem to in fact have a close friendship, as they frequently play chess together.[5][6]

Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  She's teasing while drunk, so her words are slurring.

Spoken Line 2: She’s getting into it and she's really excited.

Singing Line: She is VERY drunk so she’s half yelling these lyrics.

  • Spoekn:“Come onnnn Kazuha! You don’t think you’ll winnnn?.”

  • Spoken:“Man this Alcohol is really kicking tonight!”

  • Sang:“You could travel the world, But nothing comes close to the golden coast!” (California Girls- Katy Perry REF.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Name: Baizhu

Age: 20s-30s

The owner of Bubu Pharmacy, who is rarely seen without the white snake named Changsheng. His medicinal knowledge is encyclopedic, and his personal intrigues subtle.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/BjLQwWDiph0 


Many rumors swirl about Baizhu, though most of them are currently unknown — the only one the player ever hears about is that his traditional herbal medicines are extremely bitter.[2] Despite the poor taste of his medicine, most Liyue citizens have complete faith in his medical skills, such as Keqing, who considers him the right person to visit when someone cannot identify their symptoms and Xinyan,[3] who is grateful for his highly effective voice preserving medicines.[4] One of his patients, a sickly young girl named Hongdou, dislikes his medicine greatly and only agrees to visit Bubu Pharmacy because Baizhu is so kind to her, reasoning that just seeing him would make her feel better.[5] She also believes he is very clever.[6] Baizhu's reputation is so great that even the isolated adeptus Xiao is aware of him,[7] and his employee Herbalist Gui takes great care in his work to avoid sullying the good name of Dr. Baizhu and Bubu Pharmacy.[8] Despite his great medical skill, Baizhu is not regarded as "a man of high caliber or great courage."[9]

After meeting her by chance in the hills, Baizhu took Qiqi in, despite her being a zombie with memory so poor she could barely sort herbs or remember his face.[9][10] His acceptance of Qiqi was tied to his own personal pursuits,[9] and Baizhu has grown increasingly more relentless in his pursuit of eternal life since meeting her.[11] However, it is later revealed that Baizhu sought immortality in order to protect both himself and Changsheng, aware that those who made contracts with her would eventually die young and he does not want to have others suffer the same fate as them, while not wanting her to die either.[8] Despite having some ulterior motives in taking her in, he is able to make Qiqi cancel orders she has given herself by embracing her and speaking words such as "I love you the most." However, the effect is greatly diminished because Baizhu speaks these words very lightly.[12] At the same time, he quickly acquiesces to whatever she may request from him with no worry at all and affectionately refers to her as "my little Qiqi."[13] Qiqi, who is well aware of his intentions, does not mind staying with him because of his concern.[9]

Furthermore, he is very protective of Qiqi. Xingqiu, though interested in Qiqi's story, finds it is impossible to have a conversation with her whenever Baizhu is around.[14] Baizhu has also repeatedly intervened in Hu Tao's attempts to lay Qiqi to rest; something that Qiqi dreads and fears. Even after Hu Tao gave Qiqi an exception, she still holds a grudge towards Baizhu for his desire to live longer.[11]

Despite the genuine efficacy of his medical practices, his business practices tend to be shady. Changsheng remarks he is pleased to have found new people to fleece after the sale of Everlasting Incense to the Traveler and Zhongli, although Baizhu does not appear to mind her warnings.[13] Despite Changsheng's suggestions of Baizhu's own questionable conduct, he has also had dealings with the legal advisor Yanfei about charlatans selling ineffective remedies. To Paimon, his sly attitude during their first two meetings seemed strange, yet Yanfei brushed off her concerns and claimed that Baizhu has always acted that way.[15]


Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  Ready to throw hands in the most professional manner

Spoken Line 2: Agitated, isn’t willing to be skipped over.

  • Spoken:“I don't have a prescription to cure your vocal chords of bad singing.”

  • Spoken:“Please wait your turn.”

  • (He’s not singing just yet, if you have a singing demo, please still send it. (Not required.))

Childe (Ajax)
Role assigned to: Euan Dixon

Name: Childe (Tartaglia)

Age: 20s-30’s

No. 11 of The Harbingers, also known as "Childe." His name is highly feared on the battlefield.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/ohPY-8GTxFM 


Tartaglia describes himself as "kind of a bad guy", living for the thrill of a fight and causing chaos. As a child, Tartaglia was frightened and hesitant, but he secretly desired to become an adventurer like the ones his father told him about as they fished together. After falling into The Abyss and meeting and training with Skirk, Tartaglia's personality drastically changed. Although he appears to relatively friendly on the surface, Tartaglia is a bloodthirsty warrior. The Abyss and his old master, Skirk, made him self-confident, solipsistic, and brash, thriving on the sensation of being alive. A warrior at heart, he constantly seeks ways to grow stronger, regardless of how he obtains said power. Tartaglia considers those who wish to become strong like him to be friends and takes pleasure in battling them on the battlefield. He lusts for combat and grows excited by fighting strong opponents, even if it could mean dying in the process. He uses bows because he is weakest with them, making his victories with them all the more exhilarating.[2]

Because of his pride, Tartaglia is exceptionally reliable at accomplishing the tasks given to him, no matter how difficult they may be or if they go against his values. This, combined with his straightforward nature, makes him rather easy to manipulate. Despite disliking how his plan in Liyue Harbor could potentially harm innocents, he puts it into motion to fulfill his mission in Liyue — only to learn he was meant to fail as part of an even larger plan he was not privy to, much to his consternation.

Amongst the rest of the Harbingers, Tartaglia is considered an oddball. While his fellow Harbingers prefer clandestine operations and staying behind the scenes, Tartaglia favors being front and center. He is a public figure known for attending social gatherings and even participates as an actor in plays and theater. As a result, Childe's coworkers are wary of him, while he holds them in disdain for their schemes and "intangible" methods. While he is easily capable of scheming, he only resorts to such approaches when necessary due to his straightforward nature. He also appears to treat his subordinates less harshly than the rest of the Harbingers, stating that he doesn't use lethal force against the recruits in his care nor does he threaten any of them.

Tartaglia dedicates himself to those he cares about wholeheartedly. He is unquestionably loyal to the Tsaritsa and holds her in high esteem, seeing himself as her weapon of war.[3] He also cares deeply for his family; he sends money, gifts, and letters home often. Tartaglia is exceptionally proud of his three younger siblings and dotes on them frequently, especially his youngest brother Teucer — he is willing to lie and even put himself in mortal danger, so as long as it makes him happy. Although he was once on good terms with Zhongli (even allowing the former Archon to use him as financial support), he seems to have taken his deception personally, stating he will only forgive him if he agrees to trial by combat.[4] Zhongli appears to be unaware of Tartaglia's change in opinion, being under the impression he will still meet him for drinks to catch up after the recent Liyue events.[5]

Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Line 1:  Rolling his shoulders back like he's ready to throw down. He's excited

Spoken Line 2: He was preparing for battle, then realized this isn't that kind of “Show” so he nervously chuckles out of embarrassment.

Singing Line: He’s singing this normally.

  • Spoken:“Comrade, don’t be shy now! I'm ready when you are.”

  • Spoken:“This is the fight I’ve been waiting fo- wait…it's verbal? Oh I see! I’ll put my swords away. ”

  • Sang:“It's gonna take a lot to Drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men Or more could ever do” (Toto- Africa REF)

Role assigned to: Zachary Lopez

Name: Zhongli

Age: Old. (6000+) Voice age: 30s

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's mysterious consultant. Handsome, elegant, and surpassingly learned.

Though no one knows where Zhongli is from, he is a master of courtesy and rules. From his seat at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, he performs all manner of rituals.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/Wpx760zyOIQ 


Zhongli is a calm, reserved, and polite man, who holds an air of nostalgia. Whereas he is said to have a stoic demeanor for duty, Zhongli also has a sentimental side.[2] He knows much about Liyue history and culture in part due to his time as the Geo Archon; like Venti, he has many experiences and memories, as he was a god well before The Seven even existed and one of the oldest still living in Teyvat. He holds philosophical ideas towards money and has great respect for Liyue's traditions, including those that have been forgotten or warped over time. Zhongli tends to be humble, being worried he comes off as a "bourgeois parasite."[3]

Zhongli tends to forget about Mora in transactions, agreeing to spend large sums of it without having any Mora on hand and even taking "discounts" as granted despite being an obvious scam.[4] He often ends up relying on his acquaintances for financial support, such as the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor or Childe. Although he works for Hu Tao,[5] he does not like her childish behavior.[6]

It is later revealed that Zhongli's "carelessness" stems from being the creator of Mora. With the Gnosis allowing him to create limitless Mora, he never had to worry about running low on his personal finances. Unfortunately, when he chose to live among mortals, he lacked the foresight to find an alternative for them to continue minting Mora in his absence, along with creating a retirement fund for himself. As a result, he shamelessly spends the Mora of others.

Being the reminiscent person he is, Zhongli enjoys Osmanthus wine as it was the drink he and his former Archon friends used to have when they met up in Liyue. He dislikes seafood as it reminds him of the promise he made to his people in the past when he fought a particularly annoying type of sea creature, although he does not mind eating them if they have been ground to a pulp.

Description of Audition Lines: 

Singing Line: He’s singing in a smooth tone.

  • Sang: “Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars” (Fly me to the moon- Frank Sinatra.)

cast offsite

Name: Itto

Voice age: 20s-30s

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/-rkx_KJj4wg 


Despite appearing as "mean and overbearing," Itto is a kind soul at heart, apart from trying to pick a fight with Kujou Sara at every possible opportunity. He is not particularly intelligent, but can put in the effort when asked of him. He is respected by his gang and mostly liked by Inazuma City's people, especially children, but is at odds with the Tenryou Commission despite his mostly harmless antics and pranks.

Itto takes pride in his oni heritage and does not like those who discriminate his kind. He appreciates the sacrifice made by his blue oni brethren for ensuring that oni could be accepted into human society in the present day, even wanting to share the results with them as thanks for their efforts. He always remembers the age-old pact between the oni tribes and never uses his strength for malicious purposes, refusing to terrorize humans and steal rewards that he hadn't claimed legitimately. Due to this pride, he is extremely competitive,[2] although he knows when to concede.[3]

Itto also has a habit of making names on the go and maintaining his appearance no matter how severe the weather can be. Despite only being part-oni, Itto is extremely allergic to beans; making contact with one can cause significant shock, while consuming them can cause him to be bedridden for prolonged periods of time.[4]

Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Lines 1 and 2:  Have fun with it. After hearing Itto’s lines in game, Just get creative with these. 

Singing Line: He’s way too emotional here.

  • Spoken:“AHAHAHA, Did you hear that? I WU-ON WOOOO.”

  • Spoken:“Oh? This little guy??? PFFFT- I can win without even reading the lyrics.”

  • Sang: “Been spendin’ most our lives livin’ in a gangsters paradise…” (Gangsters Paradise REF.)

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Name: Gorou

Age: 20s-30s

The great general of Watatsumi Island's forces. He has gained respect and prestige, but always shows himself to be a humble leader.

He is deeply trusted by his subordinates and is someone with whom you can share your feelings without shame.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/Wo5xDHTw_AQ 


Gorou, like all of Watatsumi Island's inhabitants, is a loyal supporter of Sangonomiya Kokomi. Kokomi trusts him to lead the Watatsumi Army as its primary general, being sincere, determined and courageous. He has a strong sense of camaraderie and gets along well with all of the soldiers under his command, who in turn share the same sentiment and speak to him if any issues arise, including new recruits.[2] Kazuha describes Gorou as a person who says what is on his mind, uninhibited by others' feelings.[3]

In the heat of battle, Kokomi remarks that Gorou tends to have a habit of letting the adrenaline rush to his head, often requiring someone to keep him in check when he heads to the battlefield. While he considers himself to be mostly inexperienced due to his age, he tries his best to help out with any problems that may arise. He is comfortable speaking with others apart from Yae Miko, as the kitsune frequently talks in a manner that he finds himself completely flustered to the point that he instinctively hides from her if given the chance.

Gorou has dog blood in his veins and shares several of their traits, including the ability to mostly understand what they are saying from a single bark. His ears also twitch accordingly depending on what emotion is evoked. If he is particularly happy, his tail begins wagging, something that he considers embarrassing, yet is unable to control and is sometimes oblivious to. He also wishes to be taller and more muscular so that his soldiers can identify him easily on the battlefield.

He is fond of sweets due to their rarity in military life, but avoids onions as they make his eyes tear up. This once lead to him crying in front of his men, greatly embarrassing him. He is also fond of mountaineering as it builds strength and camaraderie, expressing a desire to scale Liyue's mountains if he gets the chance to travel there.

Description of Audition Lines: 

Spoken Lines He’s very confident even though he’ll most likely fail.

Singing Line: He’s talking directly to someone while trying to intimidate them.

  • Spoken:“I can’t let that Fox beat me! I’ll succeed.”

  • Sang:“Mister I’ll…make a man-out of you…” (Mulan- Ill make a man out of you.)

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Name: Kazuha

Age: 20s-30s

A wandering samurai from Inazuma who is currently with Liyue's Crux Fleet. A gentle and carefree soul whose heart hides a great many burdens from the past.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/_CufIuctzb4 


Kazuha is a polite and well-spoken person. Unlike other noble Inazuman clan members, he prefers going out and traveling rather than staying put indoors, something that he is able to do due to the seizure of his clan home. He once roamed Inazuma peacefully as a modest wanderer for a good portion of his life, teaching himself bladework and picking up other skills. Never seeking luxury, he is instead easily pleased just by sleeping on a sun-warmed rock. The time he has spent outdoors makes him attuned to nature and the wind, being able to "hear" and "smell" everything around him with absolute clarity. He can sense dangers, read people and track them down in an instant no matter how well they try to conceal it. Due to this sensitivity he prefers calm weather and never stays in one place for too long, having trouble sleeping for the former[2][3] and having his skills stagnate for the latter.

Kazuha firmly believes that everyone is entitled to their hopes and dreams and that no one has the right to take them, not even a god. For this reason, he opposes the Raiden Shogun and those who support her. Despite his values, he isn't prideful and can acknowledge the strong fighting prowess and honorable conduct of those he personally disagrees with. He sees his friend's duel as honorable and noble, but also considers his subsequent execution by the Shogun to be both fair and justified.[4] Kazuha is determined in his goals, pursuing them with thoroughness and cunning, but he also takes his time and is easygoing. He is very reflective and thoughtful about all matters, frequently pondering about various topics in his travels. He holds his relationships in high regard, immediately coming out of hiding for his friend and forever grateful to Beidou and Gorou for taking him in when he needed shelter. Kazuha frequently warns others of coming storms and possible trouble. He happily does simple errands, offers advice, and is willing to help others.

After the death of his friend and joining the Crux he was quiet and wouldn't speak to any of his crewmates, but he eventually warmed up to them and according to Beidou is fairly chatty. Kazuha has a poetic side and enjoys penning haikus, though he claims to not be especially talented at it. As a result of both traveling many places and sailing for long periods of time, Kazuha has grown particularly fond of readily available grilled fish and takes the time to prepare and finish his food slowly. While he is not picky about what he eats, he does not appreciate rushed meals or lazy cooking methods. His most prized possession is his sword that he keeps with him at all times, a source of pride for Kazuha as both an Inazuman and a samurai. He is also incredibly fond of red maple leaves, finding them beautiful and enjoys seeing them rain during autumn. When unable to view such sights, he frequently collects and carries them as a memento to ease any homesickness.[3]

Description of Audition Lines:

Spoken Lines Speaking lightly and airy as usual. (In a hush-hush tone.)

Singing Line: He’s vibing a little too much..

  • Spoken:“I can feel the wind guiding me through this song.”

  • Spoken:“Seems the tables have turned, fellow singer, my voice will carry through this rap battle.”

  • Sang:“If you leave me now, youll take away the biggest part of me…” (If you leave me now- chicago.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Euan Dixon

Name: Tighnari

Age: 20s

A young researcher well-versed in botany who currently serves as a Forest Watcher in Avidya Forest. He is a straight shooter with a warm heart — and a dab hand at guiding even the dullest of pupils.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/W2ZMPRJj2Po 


Being a Forest Watcher, Tighnari is highly knowledgeable about various species of both plants and animals, particularly flowers and mushrooms. He spends a great deal of time in Sumeru's rainforests, ensuring that the ecosystem is balanced and offers advice to those willing to listen and sternly lectures those who don't. He has very sensitive ears, not being very fond of thunder or wind since they greatly affect them. He is also not fond of the desert, having suffered from heatstroke in his youth and thus claims that it's too hot for him.

He serves as a mentor to Collei, who in turn sees him as a Master of some sorts and holds him with high regard. While he is friends with Cyno, he does not appreciate his jokes, having been exposed to many unfunny jokes and considers them embarrassing.

Description of Audition Lines: 
Spoken Lines: In both lines he’s being sassy as usual, but in both he has a small ounce of ' given up’ tone.

  • “Cyno, you’ve embarrassed me enough, don’t start drinking, we've got a long way home…”

  • “Ugh, what in Teyvat got you in the competition?”

  • (He will not be singing at this time.)

cast offsite

Name: Cyno


The General Mahamatra in charge of supervising the researchers of the Akademiya. It is said that when he gets down to work, the General Mahamatra is even more sufficient than the "Great Vayuvyastra" made by the Kshahrewar.

Original Voicelines: https://youtu.be/mMijjoTLMnE 


Cyno is a curt, stoic and generally emotionless young man with a ruthlessness and vicious approach to his duty as a matra that make him intimidating and unapproachable. He cares little for niceties or social gatherings and is known throughout Sumeru for his ruthless efficiency at upholding the law.

Despite his young age, Cyno holds the position of General Mahamatra in the Akademiya and takes his position seriously. Cyno is extremely dedicated to upholding the Akademiya's rules and punishing any transgressions, to such an extent that even the sages of the Akademiya (ostensibly his superiors) are wary of him. Notoriously, Cyno will relentlessly pursue any individuals that try to flee his judgment, even across the desert — a trait that, in combination with his prowess as a hunter and warrior, makes escaping from Cyno nigh impossible. Due to this, Cyno's name is infamous within Sumeru and many scholars fear the prospect of ever meeting him, despite the fact that he only handles cases of significant interest.

Notably, Cyno idolizes "justice" above all; though this predominantly manifests in his pursuit of suspected criminals, Cyno will also protect criminals from any danger that arises during their escape attempts until they can, in his view, be properly judged by the Akademiya. Although he is often viewed by the Akademiya's scholars as an obstacle or a threat to their research (complaints to which Cyno is indifferent), Cyno views his role as that of a protector, preventing seekers of knowledge from being led astray and becoming dangers to both themselves and the world. However, his being blessed with an Electro Vision suggests that his view of justice is closer to a desire to preserve the law, which he holds as eternal, rather than being interested in justice in and of itself.

Despite his seriousness in academics and work-related matters, Cyno is fairly relaxed outside of Akademiya duties, being an avid fan of Genius Invokation TCG. He shows concern for Collei, frequently visiting her when he has the time to ensure that she's doing well, as well as harboring friendships with Tighnari, Alhaitham and Kaveh. Despite his intentions to put people at ease, he maintains his emotionless, harsh attitude in most situations, even outside of work. Aware that his reputation as General Mahamatra often intimidates those around him (even his fellow Matras), Cyno tells jokes as a way to help people relax around him, though his jokes are generally unfunny and his long-winded attempts to explain them even more so.

Cyno also confesses to a fondness for the desert from which he hails, finding himself most at ease there and often taking nighttime strolls there to help himself relax.

Description of Audition Lines:

Spoken Line: Cyno always speaks in a slight stern and monotone voice, this line is no different despite the awful joke presented.

Singing Line: He’s vibing a little too much..

  • Spoken: “What do you call a musical insect from Mondstadt? A humBug. Do you understand? You see a humbug is a play on words using Hum and bug due to the nature of singing and- Hey where are you going?

  • Sang:“If you leave me now, youll take away the biggest part of me…”


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