Hey yall Riki here!! (Please refer to the TikTok link for my content.)
Thank you all so much for wanting to be a part of this casting call! We are so elated to see what the future holds with this, and can’t wait to see everyones auditions! This call will feature a lot of different playable characters from Genshin impact and will have multiple ranges. Everyone can audition for more than one character.
Please make sure you read ALL instructions Top to bottom so that you don’t miss anything. Be Mindful that I’m only accepting auditions from VA’s that are 18+ so if you’re younger and wish to Participate, I heavily apologize. The Dialogue will sometimes contain: Heavy Insults, Slight crude humor, and arguments. (There will not be explicit language, sexual content, or cursing.)
Do note that each role will be speaking AS WELL as SINGING, so if you can perform one and not the other, please let me know immediately in your submission email so I can consider more than one audition for a particular role.
Please be aware this is NOT a paid project unfortunately. I do not know how long this project will continue for the time being, and I am one person so I do not have the funds to allocate to multiple people for this Collab. (This could change in the future if the opportunity rises for funding.) For now this project is set to be long term, each character will at least appear twice.
Each nation will have a set group of characters to audition for, so if there's a character from a specific nation you know you can pull off.)
(Also so you can get a feel of the content I post, heres my Tiktok page:https://www.tiktok.com/@thedizzler72?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Before you continue, If you prefer using email for casting calls, please refer to this google doc:, you can either audition through here or via the Goggle doc, whichever is more convenient: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15idgryQvy7D5yA3eXULnmEtbMF2zhDitNxWlx8x-4fk/edit?usp=sharing
The story:
Master Diluc found himself worried about his Tavern since TCG had opened up at the Cat’s tail. He needs to find a way to market his bar so that it doesn’t go out of style. Master Diluc, Patton, Charles, Luka, and Venti all sit down and come up with “Teyvat Karaoke”. Characters from all around Teyvat can come to Angels Share and sign up to sing with some of the best talent: Yun Jin, Venti, Xinyan and many more and become the Angels Share Teyvat Karaoke Champion.
The Competition is held via discord call, (If you’ve seen my videos, you’ll know how that works.) since Teyvat is a vast land. The character’s aren’t required to move around or get to Mondstadt to participate.
(This story will also be a featured discord call that will be opened for auditions during this Casting call, if you wish to audition for any of the above characters (Except Venti) Please message me personally on Discord: ✨Riki✨#3439 )
Please do NOT add music, SFX, FX,and ad libs. Please limit background noise and air as much as you can.
Please make sure to review each youtube link (of the original characters VA) for the character(s) you wish to audition for. The goal isn’t to just match the ‘voice’ , the goal is to match the tonality, attitude, and personality of the character.
PSA: I do not own a single character in genshin, am not a producer, contractor, voice actor for hoyoverse or have any affiliation with Hoyoverse, this is purely for fun and for people who enjoy genshin content and like fan works.