GenesisVerse | An Animated Biopic [PILOT CASTING]

GenesisVerse | An Animated Biopic [PILOT CASTING]

Project Overview


GenesisVerse will be a 3 season long animated series, consisting of 20 episodes in total. This series will poke fun at the turbulent career of the British prog-rock/pop band Genesis, as well as the musician biopic genre. With this, you should expect a kind of Eddsworld-style comedic webseries.

Season 1 is already written and ready to go however, the pilot must be created first before continuation. I intend to upload this on Newgrounds, Tumblr and Youtube and sending this to the actual artists for a greenlight .

This is why it is an unpaid project as this is primarily a fan-run passion project which by the laws of copyright, should not have any funding or profit whatsoever, unless stated otherwise by the holders. Credit will be given for all contributors, regardless of the project outcome.

If the copyright holders fully support this project's production after the pilot, payment may change to deferred for main roles later on.

In order to actively participate in the project, I would recommend that everyone has access to discord so that the proper resources and schedules are given effectively.

Think you sound a bit like one of the Genesis members? Apply now, piece of cake! Hang on, before you do I do have to lay on a few rules:

A: No voice alterations such as pitch changing, unless you are using noise reduction. 
B:You must be comfortable with using profane language and yelling.
C: It is strongly recommended, to research a bit into your desired character as we are basing this animation on actual people. References will be handed in the character descriptions. (All Characters are RP English, please attempt to replicate the accents suggested.)
D: Audio recordings must be clean and coherent.

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Latest Updates

  • Casting is complete and production begins.

    All of the roles for the pilot have been filled.

    Thank you all so very much for trying out for the roles and do not fret if you were not selected. If this project is approved for further episodes, we will have more supporting and main roles open every episode with larger varieties of ages an genders.

    I am still open for more animators to come on board. Please DM if you are still interested in joining the crew.

    What's next?
    Production of the pilot episode and recording is on the way and Im predicting that I will have the episode completed with 2-3 months as I am currently working on the animation alone.

    Once it is published and completed it will either be available as an update here or on my profile. Teasers will also be posted on all my socials so keep your eyes peeled.

    Thank you again members of CCC for your amazing efforts and I would love to work with all of you in the future.

  • Final Deadline and Initial Cast

    • Final Deadline for remaining casting will be between the 25th-30th of January, depending on the submission count.

    • We are still open for casting on Peter Gabriel and Chris Stewart. A reminder that Peter is a Season 1 long term role and Chris Stewart is short term to two episodes only.

    • The roles of Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Anthony Philips, Richard Macphail and Mr. Chare have been cast and assigned. Thanks to everyone so far who has had a go and I appreciate everyone's effort!

    ✏️Animation Begins✏️

    Non- dialogue based shots are being animated at the present moment. Further progress will be made soon once audio is fully recorded.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: GrimCammy

Just some generic British school children attending the prestigious school, Charterhouse. Some are a mix of rebellious children seeking to break free from the strict rules and some are loyal and proud of representing their school.

Some are encouraging to our main characters and some are actively trying to sabotage them.

- Voice age can vary from 12-16
- Accent must be british (Can be any region but RP/London is preferred).
-You may either read fom the audition lines or provide a custom line yourself.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british (london)
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • general british
  • english (british)
  • Look everyone! Gabriel just hit him with a pillow. Let's nick their stuff!

  • Did you hear what happened last night? Someone broke into the girls school. What a savage.

  • *Actually say something that would fit. Go ahead.*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: DavidJCourt

A generic teacher of Charterhouse school. They are in charge of instilling discipline to the students, not being afraid to rule by fear and resorting to corporal punishment. They are strict, firm and intimidating.

-  Accent must be close to RP or London British.
- The voice of the teacher would be inspired of 60s films and television such as Tom Brown's School Days.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • british (posh)
  • british (london)
  • male adult
  • You two! Late! That will be a lash for each of you.

  • [Disbelief] Would you believe it? One of our students caused a distruption at St. Anne's. What has this school come to?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Peter Gabriel [LEAD]
Role assigned to: Cursed with Disgruntlement

Peter has three sides two him: In public, he's polite, nervous and speaks softly and timidly (I've met him, so I know.). Despite this, he keeps his points sharp and concise and gets his message across.

With his friends however, boy, can he be a pain in the arse with his enthusiasm. He's a little less than mature for his age and engages in childish quarrels, especially with Tony and Mike. He still maintains his friendly demenour and tries to see the light in a bad situation.

On stage, his eccentric personality is in the spotlight. One could say he is odd, devious, insane? He's loud and a daredevil, I mean he's the singer after all! Definetely the opposite of his public appearance.


Public Voice:
Friends Voice:↕️  An in between of both voices. Still the same tone of voice but with a little more confidence and energy.
Stage Voice:

Role Type: LEAD Long-term

** Character will only appear entirely in Season 1 and will make a return in Season 3.


  • Light singing is required for this role (it doesn't have to be good like it is in real life.)

  • Only read the lines and not stage direction, if you need to call out takes, please do so clearly.

  •  Please read all three audition lines if you can: This is to ensure you would be able to capture all three personalities accordingly.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • english (london)
  • adult
  • male young adult
  • singing/vocals
  • animation/character
  • animation
Other info:
  • baritone (vocal)
  • tenor vocals
  • [Public Voice] {Nervous} Hi there. S-sorry I'm in a bit of a hurry right now. Got to go!

  • [To his friends] Guys........guys..... GUYS! I have an song idea about a kid getting decapitated- oh ,no, no calm down. IT WAS JUST A SUGGESTION!

  • [On Stage] Once upon a time little Henry got his head chopped off with a croquet mallet {Makes decapitation sounds} Bye, bye Henry!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chris Stewart [SUPPORTING]
Role assigned to: VestigialVirtue


Chris is a carefree guy following Peter Gabriel's steps and helping him run the band. He's a bit clumsy but he picks himself back up. Though a bit quiet, he'll chime in to boost motivation in the group.


** This character will only show up for the first two episodes of Season 1.


This was the only recording of his voice I could find. Please deliver a younger version of this type of speech.

- Please read both lines. Do not read stage direction.
- Accent must be closer to RP (Recieved Pronounciation).

  • english
Voice description:
  • british (posh)
  • male young adult
  • british (london)
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • [Running] Almost... there! [Stops out of breath] Chris Stewart, reporting for band rehersals.

  • Is it just me or is this guy a little... oh wait, we shouldn't talk about that.

General Animator
Role assigned to: Ellie L Ward

As the only animator currently on the project, it will, of course, take a while to get the animation fully animated from start to finish. In order to improve efficency, here is a call for anyone who would like to join the crew and speed up the creation of the episodes.

As stated previously, I am unable to make payment due to being prohibited of monetizing any aspect of this project. In return, you will be able to have credits and be able to have the work for your portfolio. This role is open to people who, like me, want to improve their animation skills on the side.


  • Animation type: 2D digital.

  • Software: Krita

  • Art style: Eddworld inspired.

  • Responsibilities: Animating scenes using existing animatics and storyboards as reference.

Other info:
  • krita
  • adobe animate
  • 2d animation
  • amateur animator
  • animation
  • flash animation
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tony Banks [LEAD]
Role assigned to: YackyTI

Tony is the keyboard player of the band. Don't be fooled by his quietness and polite tone, he IS in charge of the band and he knows it. He's obsessed with keyboards to the point he will fight his own best friends to the death if they try take them from him. When he performs, he never admits to making a mistake and makes it a priority for the show to go on. 


Role Type:

** If the project is approved, the character will appear in all 20 episodes.


  • The voice must have a youthful tone but not cheerful or optimistic.

  • The accent is should be closer to RP (Recieved Pronounciation).

  • The tone should remain room volume: The takes should not contain any yelling or aggressive delivery.

  • Please deliver all the lines provided: do not read stage direction aloud.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • british (london)
  • british (posh)
  • english (british)
  • animation
  • oxford
Other info:
  • alto vocals
  • [To Peter] Not again! You are not wearing that bloody fox head and dress on stage! Do you want to embarass me?

  • Can I have just one second to play this piano without you two bickering over me?

  • [Makes a mistake] I didn't do that. [Scoff] This mellotron is broken. No, no you didn't see my hands run off the keys! Liar!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mike Rutherford [LEAD]
Role assigned to: JamesBartonVoice


Mike Rutherford is the mitigator of the group and the least intense of the original trio. In general, he is pretty mellow; trying to keep his composure and upholding a civil conversation with his mates. That however, won't stop him from getting carried away with drama and arguments, in which case he is quite intimidating.

Role Type: LEAD (Long term.) If project is approved, the character will appear in all 20 episodes.



- Applicants are required to have a noticibly deep voice.

- Accent must be closer to RP (Recieved Pronounciation.)

- Please read at least one of the lines to audition. Do not read stage direction.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • british (london)
  • british (posh)
  • animation
  • south british
  • oxford
  • [Stoned] Right, how do we get the band out of debt? I was maybe thinking ...that we should do a England? Oh wait, we're already doing that?

  • Oh, I'm dramatic?! You two picked random people from the supermarket to audition! They were bound to be shit.

  • Lovely day for it! You two want to come for a polo match?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anthony Phillips [LEAD]
Role assigned to: MJMcG


Among a group of bickering children, Ant is the mature figurehead pointing his friends in the right direction. He makes it clear to everyone that he worked hard to get where he is today and will put his foot down. He prides himself on his leadership and creativity. He'll strive hard to hold control and order over his group, but will this last?


Role type: 
LEAD (Supporting in Pilot)
**This is a short term role: If the project moves forward, the character will only appear in the first three episodes of Season 1. It is unclear, at the moment, whether the character will reappear in Season 3.


- Please read all three lines (Do not read stage direction aloud.)
- Accent must be close to RP  (Recieved Pronounciation).

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • british (london)
  • adult
  • oxford
  • Alright, alright, everyone calm down. We have a show tommorow and we're not getting anywhere.

  • {Nervous} Guys, there's too many people on that stage! I can't do this.

  • Yes, I know you are all tired carrying all this equipment, but I can't help out when I'm suffering from viral rhinitis...well yes, that's the common cold, well.... hurry up guys!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Richard McPhail [SUPPORTING]
Role assigned to: Sentipod


Richard (R.I.P.), was the most important guy in the group. Despite not being a musician in the lineup, he helped manage the band and encouraged the members to push forward through hard times. He's optimistic and level headed even when all goes wrong. 

In the pilot, he is the lead singer of the rival band, impersonating Mick Jagger as a hobby, however he does not think ill of others, nor does he have a superiority complex but rather wants to help his classmates out.


**Richard will appear in the pilot but will have on and off appearances in seasons 1-3 with little lines per episode, if approved.

(Earliest clear recording, audtion lines must be delivered more youthfully.)


  • Light hearted, youthful voice.

  • At least one line must be delivered in the audition.  Multiple takes are acceptable.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • british (london)
  • animation
  • generic british
  • animation/character
  • You could join our band y'know? We could use someone on the piano.

  • Look who came back! It is I. Yes, you know I would never leave you guys.

  • First order as manager, a fully booked gig! So what are you waiting for? In the van now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Matt Weight


Mr. Chare is the head of the Lockites in Charterhouse school. He demands respect and instills discipline in his students. He runs on maintaining traditional values in the school and is fueled by hatred of the Beatlemania influence spreading into this prestigious school and he won't let that happen starting with getting rid of Mike Rutherford, the joke of his house.


Role Type:

**This character will only appear in one episode only. If you wish you would be able to voice other background characters if you prefer a long term role.


It is unknown how Mr. Chare actually sounded however, I imagine him to be frightening and have a voice that would send chills up your spine. 

  • The accent must be posh and resembling 60s 

  • You are free to use the below reference from Tom Brown's School Days or any reference of characters in british films or tv from it's time period.

  • Please do not read the stage direction and only the lines.

  • (Growl) Rutherford! You are banned!

  • There are students out of bed! Oh when I get my hands on them...!

  • (Laugh) You think you can challenge my authority? I'll see to it boy that you shall not leave this school with your A-levels!


Public Submissions

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