Gemini | Minecraft Roleplay

Gemini | Minecraft Roleplay

Project Overview

Gemini & Gabrielle James, like most people, have had an interesting life. After all the drama in their youth, they're now forced to pretend everything is normal. Like their parents never divorced, like they were never poor and pretend they were never in the foster care system. After rebelling against the rules, their parents found the ultimate option.  Sonel Academy. Packed up and shipped off to this school, they uncover it's secret reputation. It's more then cliques, it's gangs. It's more then who's popular, it's who rules the school. One rule? You stay where you belong, or else you'll get hurt.

Hey there! Thanks for checking out this casting call. This call will be updated as more characters are needed, before you audition there's a few rules;

  • You need to have discord, it's where I'll be contacting you for your voiced lines.

  • You need to be between the ages of 12 - 18.

  • Obviously, you need to have a decent mic, with almost no background noise.

  • Minecraft isn't needed, but we do have game nights.

  • When doing your audition, I recommend reading each line twice, in two slightly different voices. 

  • Under your audition leave your discord below and also feel free to audition for as many characters as you want.

Roles will be added frequently over the next few weeks so keep checking back to see if any new roles have opened up! These are only the main characters and a few of the supporting roles!

Here is where the roleplay will be posted;

Have fun!

-x- Hattie ( Owner of Bluebelle Studios )

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gemini | Main Character
Role assigned to: 135161 3613

Name - Gemini James
Age - 15
Sibling(s) - Gabrielle
Personality - Hot-Headed, Sarcastic, Creative, Intelligent, Witty, Rebellious

Gemini is the main character of the series, she presents a tough and hard persona, when really she is incredibly sweet and caring. She hosts all the best parties, rebels in school and runs the place. That was before she transferred to this new school, but she aims to become just as popular as she was before, as well as uncovering all of the school's secrets of course. Gemini and Gabrielle are incredibly close and Gemini would do anything to protect her sister. Gabrielle was Gemini's only real friend until she transferred schools. She is openly pansexual, and she is a Panic! At The Disco fangirl.

  • ( Angry ) This family is more broken then that egg you threw at a made during one of your temper tantrums! ( Scoff ) Sure, just deny it like you usually do.

  • ( Annoyed/Sad ) I only just found out... she knew two days ago. Why didn’t she say something! She could’ve just... just.. ( Sigh ) I don’t know, it’s just.. We usually tell eachother, everything.

  • ( Sarcastic ) Yeah I’m really enjoying myself. ( Laughing quietly ) Okay- maybe this place is okay.. ( Burst out laughing) Okay- Okay! I admit! This is better than I thought! So please stop tickling me! I admitted it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gabrielle | Main Character's Twin
cast offsite

Name - Gabrielle James
Age - 15
Sibling(s) -  Gemini ( Twin )
Personality - Sarcastic, Athletic, Ambitious, Funny, Stubborn, Outgoing

Gabrielle is very opinionated and quite stubborn. She likes to be right and nothing less, Sometimes, it's very hard for her to accept she's wrong, and at times even denies it. She is kind to almost everyone, but has a poor sense of judgement, which can land her in some difficult situations. More then Gemini, she longs for her parents approval and gets quite discouraged when she doesn't get it, but she doesn't like to show it. Compared to Gemini who hides her emotions by acting tough, Gabrielle covers up her emotions by constantly acting positive and happy, rarely ever showing her sader side. She loves horseback riding and Ariana Grande, but also loves bands like Fall Out Boy.

  • ( Happy ) This dorm looks so much better than I thought it would. I should become an interior designer and start my own business. ( Laughs )

  • ( Angry ) Don't you dare try that again! Do you think I'm stupid? Surprise, I won't fall for your act the second time. Your snakey, sly, fake, act. 

  • ( Sad ) She lied... ( Sniffle ) I can't believe she lied. Did she ever tell the truth? Or has everything she has said been a lie.? ( Sigh ) Sorry for burdening you with all this, it's my problem, you probably have enough to deal with. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: blade9237

Name: Noah Rouge
Age: 15
Sibling(s): Fallon & Florence
Personality: Kind, Caring, Protective, Talented, Positive, Charming

Noah is one of the kindest kids in school, he wants everyone around him to be successful and happy, occasionally though, he puts others before himself. He lives his life in a positive way. He is the youngest of three siblings, but he was raised in a rough and dangerous area. People assume that Noah and his sisters are bad people. But Noah is so kind, he wouldn't hurt a fly. That's the only thing that makes him angry in this world, is people assuming things about him. Him and his sisters all got scholarships to the school and Noah got his from his musical talent, he is able to play almost any instrument, and is a very fast learner.

  • ( Excited ) We're going on that one for sure! I freakin' love theme parks, I mean- who the heck doesn't?! Quick! Gabbie we need to get in the line before it gets too long!

  • ( Annoyed ) Come to say sorry? Don't bother. Usually I'm very forgiving, but after you let me feel so guilty for so long, for something you did. I'm not in the forgiving mood. So if you could kindly go the hell away, that'd be appreciated. 

  • ( Sad ) They all think I'm scary and mean, just because of who my family are. ( Angry ) It isn't fair! I'm tired of being so nice when it just dies in vain! ( Sigh ) It's just frustrating, you know?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: PattyPixelVA

Name: Yasmine Martinez
Age: 15
Personality: Confident, Intelligent, Extroverted, Persuasive, Ambitious

Yasmine grew up without much, so whenever she wants something. She will work to get it, she likes things her way and dislikes people who get in the way of her goals. She isn’t a bully unless you get in her way. Then she will make sure you will never do it again. She breaks the   ‘mean girl’ stereotype, in some ways but in other ways, she’s just as petty. She is naturally talented at almost everything she does, with straight A's and multiple extracurriculars there's barely anything she can't do. So when Gemini joins the school, it's the first time someone has rivalled her. So she'll do what she always does, make sure Gemini doesn't get in her way, using any methods needed. 

  • (  Angry ) You can't keep playing me like this! If you don't like me, just tell me! Because I am not- let me repeat, I am NOT, your backup if she rejects you!

  • ( Excited/Shocked ) I don't- I don't know what to say! This is amazing- you did this all for me? Like, look at that cake, it's beautiful! Someone grab my phone- I NEED to take a picture!

  • ( Sad/Annoyed ) I worked so hard- I spent weeks, working as hard as I possibly could. For nothing, she just slides in and gets what she wants. I will make sure she will never ever beat me again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: mazdayueh

Name: Delphine Woods
Age:  16
Personality:  Intelligent, Clever, Neat, Loyal, Mature, Trustworthy
Sibling(s): N/A

Delphine is one of the richest kids in the entire school. When she first started in Sonel Academy, she was apart of the mean girls clique, however after some events during the end of the year. She parted ways with them, she's much more down to earth and kind, she's very humble about her wealth and never flaunts it.  No one is sure what happened with her and Yasmine, but everyone knows it wasn't good. Delphine has a hatred towards Yasmine, that'll become very important as the series progresses. 

  • ( Happy ) Just... lets all admire how freakin' adorable all of these animals are! This makes me miss my animals so much! Guys- when we get back to the dorms, I'll show you pictures of all my horses and dogs!

  • ( Annoyed ) Normally, I'm flattered when Yasmine feels threatened by me. But now, after all these horrible rumours, I didn't think she'd go this far. I can't believe I used to be friends with that... with that- with that female dog.

  • ( Sad ) I'm fine- I just.. didn't get a lot of sleep. ( Sniffle ) That's all, I promise. You guys go out without me, I'm just gonna catch up on my sleep.. heh.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dev

Name: Addison~Jade
Age: 15
Personality: Tough, Curious, Daredevil, Creative, Charismatic, Brave
Sibling(s): Kaiya

AJ is kind to those she likes, but incredibly hostile and aggressive to those she don’t. No one knows about her brutal past. Her little sister, Kaiya also attends the school under special circumstances, since she is only 11. No one knows why, and no one dares to ask. She has a close group of friends but even they don’t know much about her. Everyone knows AJ's life has been quite rough, and that's what AJ and Gemini connect over during the series. Apart from that, she is very brave and adventurous. She craves adventure and is a huge daredevil. There's no place too high or a rollercoaster that's too scary. It can be alarming how little fear she has, and is willing to do almost anything.

  • ( Excited ) Woo! That was the best! How could you guys not wanna go on that roller coaster! It literally feels like you're falling from the sky! It was so good! Come on Noah- lets go again!

  • ( Angry ) I will seriously make sure you don't step in this school again! No one even likes you Yasmine! You're just a low life, stuck up animal. Who only cares about themselves. You seriously think those girls are your friends? Look again, all they want is protection from your wrath and honestly I don't freakin' blame them!

  • ( Sad ) They might send Kaiya to- to a new home. ( Gulp ) It's for the best- I won't see her much but... she'll be fine without me. Right? She'll be happy.. even though I'm not there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AeroportVA

Name: Ryder Phillips
Age: 15
Personality: Lazy, Witty, Understanding, Loyal, Relaxed, Patient, Chill

Ryder is the kid in school no one really dislikes. He avoids drama and just likes to spend time with his friends on the weekend watching netflix. Almost everyone confides their secrets in him, and he’s never once spilt a secret. He sticks by his friends, and gives the best advice during the hard times. He can be scarily calm at times, but occasionally he will freak out and when that happens, everyone knows the situation is very bad, He has a lot of power as he knows secrets about everyone, but he vows never to share anyone's secrets no matter who they are. Some believe there is some deep meaningful reason behind his vow, others believe it's just because he's a nice person. 

  • ( Happy ) What? You can't tell me he's not adorable, you just can't. He is the cutest thing you've ever seen and you have to admit it, otherwise you're just heartless. 

  • ( Sarcastic/Annoyed ) Yeah, I'm feeling great, Especially since you just stood me up. ( Scoffs ) Yeah save those excuses for later, I use social media you know? I saw you go to the mall with other people. Don't try and lie saying you felt ill.

  • ( Nervous ) Uh well I- Well I um-  You look- uh..  I meant to say- you uh well- you look great. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emmalyn ( Emmy )
Role assigned to: Kitty Dough

Name: Emmalyn ( Emmy )
Age: 15
Personality: Dramatic, Perfectionist, Socible, Romantic, Confident,

After joining Sonel, Emmy became ‘friends’ with Yasmine and Valerie straight away. Despite being friends. Emmy mainly sticks with Yasmine for the sole purpose of protection, with Yasmine she gets invited to the best parties, protection from all bullying and is incredibly popular. She has a backbone and does not let Yasmine push her around. She can be two-faced if needed and she is one of the few people who has power over Yasmine, since Emmy knows some of Yasmine’s dark secrets.

  • ( Excited ) This outfit is to die for! Don't you think? I have a huge appreciation for fashion, it's an art form. Those who disagree need to go to a fashion show, then they'll understand how it's art.

  • ( Annoyed ) Want the truth? Well... if you didn't go and do what you did, I might've told you. Now, I don't have an issue with sly people. But those who don't admit they're sly? I have a huge issue with those people. Oh! And you're one of those people. I ain't telling you anything.

  • ( Embarrassed ) I wasn't blushing, he isn't even my type..  ( Pause ) Valerie! No don't go talk to him! He might think we're weird!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: aimeebombshell

Name: Florence
Age: 16
Personality: Protective, Artistic, Creative, Confident, Brave
Sibling(s): Noah & Fallon

Florence is very protective of both her siblings, but mainly Noah. She can be overbearing and doesn’t ever want to see him hurt. She gets very defensive when talking about her background and has been known for having occasional bursts of emotion. She finds comfort in singing and she always sings with her siblings, in their own small band. She also enjoys musical theater and acting, as despite her confident exterior, she can sometimes doubt herself and she copes by acting. 

  • ( Happy/Excited ) Doesn't anyone understand how big this is! Literally, one of the biggest actors of all time, is coming here, like to this school. Why isn't anyone else freaking out?!

  • (Angry/Sad) I don't wanna- I don't wanna hear it, okay? ( Sigh ) I just wanted a yes or no answer, and that's what I got. I don't wanna hear your justification, so just leave and stop wasting your time.

  • ( Sing a little bit of a pop song )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Veeah (Via)

Name: Fleur
Age: 16
Personality: Elegant, Poised, Caring, Witty, Intelligent

Fleur is ridiculously rich, her family are millionaires and she is the heir to a huge sum of money. Some are horrible to her, thinking she is stuck up and a snob, others are overly kind to her, wanting a bit of her money. She’s best friends with Delphine, since they both understand the stress of having this money. She isn’t always in school and randomly disappears for almost weeks at a time, there is usually a lot of security around wherever she is. She enjoys dance, but never gets much chance to do it. 

  • ( Happy ) That's right! For my birthday I booked us all in to go to a dance class. I'm dying to see Wesley try and do a split. So get your dancing shoes ready! ( Laughs )

  • ( Annoyed ) If one more person becomes friends with me for my money, I'm actually gonna lose my freakin' mind! Someone hold me back! 

  • ( Shocked ) Wait- what? You told me you were going out with- with her? Why are you here instead? I don't understand? Everyone told me you two were going out- this doesn't make sense.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CmichaelPlayz

Age: 16
Personality: Bitter, Cold, Aggressive, Quiet,

When he first started Sonel, he was confident, loud and made tons of friends. But during the end of the year, for some reason, he became incredibly bitter and cold. He distanced himself from his friends, and doesn’t open up to anyone. Unknowingly, Gabrielle tries to befriend him, and to the surprise to everyone, she actually gets through to him. No one knows why he changed all of a sudden, but everyone knows the reason must’ve been big. He bottles up all his emotions and you'll see him gradually improve during the series.

  • ( Trying to Hide His Happiness ) No, this place is terrible, I can't believe- you uh- you dragged me here. ( Coughs ) But I mean.. the music is good and- the food is amazing.. I can admit it isn't HORRIBLE.

  • ( Angry ) I've seriously had it, am I just some kind of project to you? Is this some game you're playing with your friends, who can get Felix to open up the quickest?! I knew you were too good to be true. 

  • ( Sad ) It's okay- I never needed pitty, pitty doesn't really do a lot. I guess that's why I shut myself out.. I couldn't cope with everyone sending me their condolences and constantly reminding me of what happened.. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TheEndOfEvangelion

Name: Wesley
Age: 15
Personality: Adventurous, Curious, Daredevil, Can Be Cocky, Brave

Wesley spent his younger years being homeschooled and travelling around the world with his family, Sonel is the first school he actually has been to, despite being there for a year, he itches for adventure and really wants to see even more of the world. He loves learning about different kinds of cultures and never plans to settle down. He is very popular in school and many girls seem to like him, but he's also practically oblivious to the attention he's getting.

  • ( Excited ) Well I'm glad you asked! I mainly travelled around Asia. Call me cliche but my personal favourite place to go was Tokyo in Japan. As a small eight year old that place absolutely blew me away, and it still does! 

  • ( Embarrassed ) Shoot- did I uh say that out loud? ( Nervous laugh ) Is it hot in here? I think it is.. I'm gonna go- and uh- open a window. YES! Open a window... gotta go!

  • ( Sad/Tired ) Yeah man, I really messed this one up... I keep forgetting that not everyone is so easy-going and has the same opinion as me, I really really need to apologize. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted197873

Name: Kaiya
Age: 12
Sibling: AJ
Personality: Can be aggressive, loud, protective, energetic,neurotic,protective, creative

Her voice isn't incredibly high-pitched and childish, it's between high-medium. 

Kaiya attends Sonar under special circumstances since she's too young to actually attend, but due to her and AJ being in foster care, she's allowed to study at the school. Her emotions can go out of control, she can be incredibly happy, then wanted to punch you in the face, within a matter of seconds. She has a problem controlling her temper, and some people at the school are even scared of her despite her being so small. Obviously, all her friends are a couple years older then her, so apart from her emotions being occasionally out of control, she is quite mature, and understands the weight of her situation. She gets frustrated when people talk about her and her life, like she's a small child who doesn't understand. 

  • ( Annoyed ) Can you stop treating me like a four year old, for just one minute! I want to be part of this conversation, it's my life, why are you deciding what I can and can't do? 

  • ( Excited ) I won! I won! I won! I finally beat you! ( Laughs ) But that was so much fun, please do that again with me sometime. 

  • ( Sad/Angry ) It just frustrates me, people taking being here for granted, you worked so hard to get me here, after mom and dad left... people who complain about being here, make me so angry!


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