Garbage Men Short Film

Garbage Men Short Film

Project Overview

Looking for voice actors for a short animated film I'm starting featuring my two characters, K.C and Rip, hitmen garbage men in a post apoctalyptic world. They take out the trash! 

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  • Voice Auditions

    Auditions are closed, thank you to everyone who auditioned!! I really didn’t expect so many people and it was a very exciting experience. I will definitely have more projects in the future, so stay tuned!
Project Roles: K.C Rip
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SwayLikeGrass

Preferably looking for a lower female voice, in other words, tomboyish! K.C is a really goofy and optimistic character who just enjoys hanging out with Rip, but also takes their job seriously.

If you're looking for what K.C looks like, here's a ton of art!!

  • [You're defeated after answering yet another prank call, as well as incredibly bored] Aw crap, that's the third prank call this week. I hope we get an actual job soon.

  • (Optimistic) It's okay, boss! We'll get them next time! Don't get grumpy now!

  • [You're taking off your headphones, after not hearing what somebody said to you] Hm? Sorry, I was listening to music.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Tristanier

I don't really have a specific voice in mind for Rip! Just a somewhat low male voice, but not to the point where it's raspy. Go nuts, I guess! Rip isn't as optimistic as K.C, and is more of a really stern boss. He's a very tired man, and the radiation didn't do him too much good.

Here's some art of him if you want to know what he looks like!

  • (Annoyed) Goddammit! I got blood on my shirt!

  • [You're talking to K.C] Hm, remind me to buy more garbage bags for tomorrow.

  • [You're reacting to K.C's poems] (Sigh...) K.C, as your friend, I truly believe you would improve as an aspiring poet if you stopped rhyming "easy" with "cheesy."


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