GabaLeth | Team GRAMPS? Comic Dub

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He's the leader of a villainous organization known as Team Flare.
(smug) I don't see any problem. I'm still here.
(offended, taken off guard) Excuse me!?
(mad) It does work! The beautiful visage of Team Flare has a similar appearance to an exclamation point, so it could be added to the end to make 'GRAMPS!'!

It's ya boi Guzma - the bad boy leader of Team Skull. Maybe he's turning into a good boy in Ultra Sun and Moon?
What can I say? The kid's never-changing blank expression really grows on ya!

He's the rugged, pirate-like leader of Team Aqua.
(not overly concerned) Why?
*grunt of disgust*

He's the calculating (and a bit nerdy) leader of Team Magma.
(concerned) Why!?
*grunt of disgust*

He's the leader of the villainous Team Plasma.
(worried) Why!?
*grunt of disgust*
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