Fullmetal Alchemist Dubs

Project Overview
Hello! I’m am creating a Fullmetal Alchemist comic dub crew for my YouTube channel, Charismatic Animatic!
Though these will Be my first made dubs, I have experience, and have even put together most of my first one- all I need is an Edward Elric to help me voice that one!
I will be playing Alphonse Elric and may offer other roles to some friends if they are willing.
I’ll need a Ling urgently! He will be used, and he's one of the last roles I need
I would like you to complete lines usually within a week of me giving them to you, though I’d like you to finish things as soon as possible!
I’m still an amateur, so I need people to send me audio through videos to an email I set up for my YouTube account. If you are not comfortable with sending videos of your vocals through a personal email, use a different email or don’t audition.
There will be a TON of roles for this project, and I hope to use everybody! However, we will be frequently dubbing comics and manga pages maybe too! I will be very consistent with this project and promise to get it started right away- I just need your auditions right away!
Please use a decent mic, just so there isn’t background noise!
I will specify on each role whether a girl can audition, a boy, or even both! If you think you can surprise me by pulling off another gender or age, though, go right ahead!
I want to get this project started as soon as possible, so quickly give me your auditions! I’m very excited to work with you all!
Note- the role of Scar is TAKEN- for some reason it's hard to see that it is on here, so just know that he is already cast
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Edward is a loveable, hotheaded, genius, caring alchemist. His brother Al means the world to him, as does his childhood friend and love interest, Winry.
This is a very demanding role- be prepared to email many videos of your vocals for these many dubs. You will have to be able to scream and put emotion into your voice as needed.
Like I always say, if there isn’t a door, build your own!
Keep moving forward. You have a pair of good, strong legs. Get up and use them.
GIVE HIM BACK! Take my leg. Take my heart, anything, you can have it! Just give him back! He’s my little brother, HE’S ALL I HAVE LEFT!

Mustang is a strong leader in the military, and an alchemist at that! He takes pride in his work and takes his job seriously, though that doesn’t keep him from having a lovable, snarky side to his character.
This voice actor may also have to be capable of yelling a little. The actor must have a strong, commanding voice that can also sound friendly.
I lost my pawns, my bishops, my knights, even my queen. But it’s not checkmate just yet.
In battle, you must strike quickly and end it quickly.
I’m the “Flame Alchemist”! Don’t forget that.

Winry is a heartwarming automail mechanic. She is a great friend of Ed and Al’s, and she also has romantic interest in Edward.
Winry must have a confident, strong, but also charming voice.
Why do you insist on always learning things the hard way?
Ed! Al! What are you doing here all of a sudden?

Mei Chang is a cute, alkahestry loving girl from Xing. She develops romantic interest toward Alphonse, and she absolutely adores her pet, Xiao-Mei
I want Mei to have a cute, high voice. However, for comics, I want someone who can do a girl voice and an older voice, as Mei will be different ages in different comics.
Don’t worry! I can heal you.
Alphonse! I’m so glad you’re okay!
It’s alright. I can take him on. You go help Alphonse!

Riza Hawkeye is a sharpshooter in the military and Roy Mustang’s right hand. She cares deeply for Mustang and is a fierce, strong woman.
I want Riza to have a strong voice like Mustang, but an approachable like voice.
War does not determine who is right- only who is left.
Becuse I have someone I want to protect.
You’re useless in the rain, Colonel.

Scar lives for the vengeance of his family, but eventually turns to what is right
Scar has a very rough, deep voice.
Our names our given to us by God. Since I’ve betrayed God, I no longer have a name.
There. Now you can be free and stand before God.
I will never give up. I’m willing to sacrifice the only thing I have left.

Rose is part of a religious town in the desert, and she is subject to pain from the loss of her boyfriend. She befriends Ed and Al.
Rose’s voice is open to interpretation, but I’m looking for maybe, a gentle and kind voice.
If you pray, you’ll certainly grow taller!
So... he’s never coming back?
The Father can perform many, many miracles! He’s the god Leto’s child!

Truth is open to interpretation- I want a slightly creepy unsettling factor to the voice though.
Go ahead, take what you’ve come for.
I’m impressed! You’ve won my little game.

Trisha is Ed and Al’s dead mother. She is gentle and kind, loving her family very much.
Trisha should have a caring, motherly voice.
You boys are so talented! You are so much like your father!
Ed, thank you for being such a good brother and taking care of Al.

Pinako is Winrey’s grandmother and just as much a grandmother to Ed and Al. She’s a skilled mechanic and cares for her grandchildren, yet does like to pick fights with al about who’s shorter.
Pinako should have a older, grandmother like voice.
You have grown quite a bit taller. I’ll have to readjust your leg to fit properly.
I should be finished with it in three days.

Izumi is Ed and Al’s former teacher. She is extremely skilled in martial arts and alchemy.
Izumi’s voice is open to interpretation. I do need a tough, woman’s voice though.
Everything in this world flows and circulates. That goes for humans too.
Oh, I’m just a passing housewife.

Van is Ed and Al’s father. He went away from home when they were small. He was a living philosophers stone, and had an immortal body. Though he seems negligent, he really did care for his wife and sons.
Van needs a middle age man’s voice. Whoever voice acts him may also need to play the role of Father.
You wanted to hide the traces of your mistakes, just like a child covering up wetting the bed. You ran away, Edward.
My favorite story is about the man who lived forever.

Pride/ Selim Bradley is the head homonculus. He is the first, and thus, very prideful.
I need Pride to be able to pull off a dark, creepy voice, but also an energetic child’s voice.
Humans who persevere are so easy to trick.
I will be watching you from the shadows.
(Excited child’s voice)
Are you Alphonse and Edward Elric?

Envy is another homonculus. Envy takes pleasure in seeing others suffer.
I want Envy to have a voice very similar to his Japanese voice in the brotherhood anime.
Humans are so pathetic. They throw away their lives for nothing.
Yes, that’s right! You figured it out! I killed Maes Hughes! (Laugh)

Barry the Chopper is a soul bonded to armor. He is very violent.
I have a comic I already want to do featuring Al and Barry! Barry should have a gruff, insane voice.
I Will chop you into pieces!
There are other roles not up here, like the other homunculi, Maria, Jean and others. Also, extras will need to be voiced. I will need quite a few people for this, so please audition!
Introduce yourself!
Why do you want to be in this dub?
Do you have experience?
Do some sample voices for me.

Lan Fan is protector and love interest of Ling. She is skilled in fighting and martial arts. She is loyal and strong.
Lan Fan can have a teen girl voice, just a quiet but fierce voice.
Young lord, where are you?
The Chang family will never be emperor!

Ling is the hopeful future emperor of Xing, who was on the quest for a philosopher’s stone. He is playful, but will fight for what he wants.
Ling needs a cheery voice that can be angry and passionate at times.
That’s fine! You’ll be the one paying the bill!
Friends are connected by their souls.

Greed is a homonculus. One part of himself took over Ling for a time, creating an interesting swap relationship between the two. Greed is conceited, and wants everything in the world.
Greed’s voice should be almost taunting, but a strong man’s voice nonetheless.
Greed is not very good, but it’s not so bad either. Call it what you will for humans: money, power...
Ha! Everyone wants something.
Alright, prince, what’s the deal?

Jean is the comic relief, always has a box of cigarettes in hand. Though he tries desperately, he can never get a girl.
Jean can have an easygoing and carefree voice, not quiet though.
Hey there, chief!
What, you don’t want one? More for me then.
Public Submissions