Friday Night Funkin' Vs. The Wolf

Friday Night Funkin' Vs. The Wolf

Project Overview

Basically, Friday Night Funkin' Vs The Wolf is a Friday Night Funkin' mod involving BF and GF fighting a monstrous entity known as "The Parasite" (nicknamed The Wolf), due to getting lost in the forest. However, this fight is more interesting, as this creature wants them dead so it can play with them... forever

Will you join and help us make this mod? 

(P.S. Don't worry, I'll do most of the coding myself!)

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Music Composer
Music Composer
Menu Theme

The menu theme is gonna be dark and dreary. Like an ominous drone. (With some static accompanying it.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
"Wolf Flesh" (Song 1) (Instrumental)

This song is made to be techno and fun, but then get hard and rough after the first minute. 

(Lasts 2 minutes)

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
"Glitch" (Song 2) (Instrumental)
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The second song will sound like a metal song from the beginning. However, there will be several glitches throughout, hence the name. The arrows will also get a bit... funky.

Length: 3 minutes

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
"Hellbound" (Song 3) (Instrumental)

Hellbound will probably be the longest song out of all of them, totaling 4 minutes. 

The song mixes the first two with techno, rock, and metal, as well as the glitches from "Glitch" 

It's a really beat-heavy song, and I hope for it to sound catchy ^^

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Parasite - Vocals
Role assigned to: Cursed with Glorious Purpose

The Wolf is a sinister, evil entity. While it will speak in beeps and boops. I want it to sound similar to if it was saying these lines.

It talks in a scratchy, vile, and monstrous voice. It's voice also glitches at points.

  • Now you will stay with me... forever.

  • Let me play with you, my dear Boyfriend.

  • That fool is wrong, for I am the one who is GOD.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Boyfriend - Vocals

Y'know, Boyfriend. The cute squeaky voice.

  • Beep!

  • Boop!

  • Bop!

Background Artist

The background artist for the mod. 

The background will include several trees, along with a deserted road, with blood leaking from the trees and scattered around the road. And blue, dark goo coming from the woods and the trees.

Looking closely, the blood around the road should spell NO HOPE.

  • Say something you think would fit

The Wolf's Design
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For this, you will draw The Wolf's idle pose. 

Here is how it looks (taken from The Wolf's wiki): The Parasite is a white arctic wolf. However, it has several trails of blue goo running down its face. One eye is completely covered in blue goo while the other has a massive hazel iris. Some of the wolf's left leg is shredded, and several black patches can be seen on his left leg. His right toe can be seen as a stub. Lastly, some ripped clothing can be seen in random parts on his body.

I'd like the Idle Pose to be threatening. Like it standing over the player, or having a hand out if it were grabbing BF

We will get to Left/Right/Down/Up/Jump-scares if you get accepted ^^

  • Say something you think would fit


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