Freddy's Custom Pizzeria Simulator Season 1 (CANCELLED)
Project Overview
Hey, I'm ShadaTech! I have this new Roleplay I am doing with my friend VrGamer_YT.
Yep! That's right, a new roleplay on a new channel! Freddy's Custom Pizzeria Simulator!
About this series: It is a pizzeria simulator, where we roleplay as the animatronics having fun, going on adventures and expanding the pizzeria.
1. You NEED to have a decent microphone for this...
2. You NEED / MUST HAVE DISCORD, you will be messaged on discord, if you get the part.
3. You MUST need to improv on the spot.
4. Please try to be 12+, we can't work with people under that, Sorry! Unless we need child roles, which isn't right now.
5. You need to have Minecraft JAVA EDITION and can run 20+ mods on 1.7.10
6. You need to be comitted!
7. Try to be active on the discord server.
8. Be nice to EVERYONE! No being rude.
9. Have Fun!
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Me & the other Owner had a falling out. And I don't want anything to do with him. You can watch this for more details:
Second Casting Call, for this exact roleplay is available.
Go audition: -
New Casting Call - TNwST Roleplay
I have a new casting call for a RP that is done more often then the rest for my Minecraft Those Nights with Shadatrap Channel. Casting Call Link: It'll be done in version 1.12.2 for Minecraft Mods. -
Hey, if anyone who has auditioned / followed this roleplay could also audition for my other one! Which will be a lot different. That would be appreciated! Link:

Nedd Bear has a goofy country accent, and doesn't sound like he understands the severity of his actions, often quipping silly one-liners as though telling a joke to kids. The thicker and sillier the accent, the better, as long as it is still easy to understand.
He must of course be silly and joking around.
Whoops! That's gonna leave a mark.
Stranger Danger!
Don't you hate getting killed by obscure secondary characters?

Pigpatch has a very goofy appearance, but speaks deeply with wisdom and menace, delivering his one-liners as though standing over the body of his enemy.
I'm open to interpretation with this character, so feel free to try any style or accent.
(Any style at all. It can sound like this, or sound a bit different!)
The talented hawk hides his claws.
I consider it a dignified death... Not really. It was actually quite pathetic.
Even monkeys fall from trees.

his dialog is very uncharacteristic of that persona, sounding more like an elderly grandfather telling a long drawn-out story to a friend. He speaks with a deep voice, and is in no hurry to say what he's going to say, pausing between phrases and pondering the words before he speaks them. I want all of that to sound natural, however.
He must keep getting reminded and love telling stories!!
Now friend, it seems you have met a terrible terrible demise.
But I don't seem to bad about it.
After all, if it wasn't from me, it would of been from someone else, ya know?

Happy Frog is a very upbeat and cheerful character, and I want her lines to be a stark contrast to the pain that may happen at the pizzeria.. She should sound bubbly, excited, and even a bit ditsy.
You and I don't get to talk as often as I'd like!
I bet you weren't expecting me now, were ya?
Move over Freddy Fazbear! Happy Frog is the new star of the show!

This character is a ring leader with a commanding presence, but it also a bit twitchy. He should sound like the ring master at a circus combined with a malfunctioning jukebox
He also loves using Magic. And what do you think an Elephant will sound like? Add that to the mix.
What did you think of my act?
I don't get out much, so you have to forgive my enthusiasm!
I hope you enjoyed the grand finale!

The voice should be modeled after automated carnival and circus attractions, such as Fortune Tellers or Prize Cranes, things that are designed to sound friendly but come across as unnatural, robotic, and unnerving.
Please Deposit Five Coins
Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Rockin Pizzeria!
You're the star of this show now!

This character is a robotic singer, and everything he says is in song. . I also want his song voice to be pretty over-the-top, as a performer for children probably would be. You're welcome to layer on some sort of robotic filter, nothing too overpowering though. Putting a good filter on can go a long way!
I've found my guitar! Now reach for the stars! As I plunge it through your heart!
Let's get this show time rockin!
Why so blue? You'll know I'll be true! And now, I'll make slivers out of you!

This character is a pirate, teeming with personality and with a thick accent. He's a rapscallion with a heart of gold.
Yarrr! How may I be of service?
Did ye touch me bird?!
Yarr! Ye win some. Ye lose some.

He is a golden rockstar animatronic, One out of two. He should sound like what a Fredbear would, but of course. With a rocking tune to his voice!
Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner!
Come on in and enjoy the ride-ah!
It's about time to start the show.

Rockstar Spring Bonnie is a Rockstar edition of his original counterpart, Spring Bonnie. Who is currently being worn by William Afton. Except he is still more like an animatronic. He should have a real big rockstar singing voice instead of a proper normal voice.
I knew Afton once! But trust him, I did not.
How is this company still up and runnin?
Who wants a rockin Spring time!

I want her to sound innocent, sweet, and completely irritating. I would also like the lines to be sung as though by a child on a playground.
Uh oh! How unfortunate! Uh oh! How unfortunate! I'm gonna do a sneaky thing, and through a new contender in the ring!
Uh oh! How unfortunate! Uh oh! How unfortunate! I know how much you like the fight, so I'll add a new problem to your night!

I want him to sound very innocent, but also like the demon himself inherited a child so they became very annoying, The Spawn Of Satan.
**Insert Manic Laughter**

He must have a mexican like accent, due to him being a mexican styled beaver.
Would you like some tacos?
No No, I'm a beaver, not a squirel.
Senior Amigo!

Ballora must sound Mysterious yet Creepy, being one of the funtimes, created to kill. Finally escaped from the body of Motlen Freddy. She inhabits this new body after it is bought.
Come and dance with me.
I know you are here somewhere, I can hear your... breathing.
Do you like my dance moves?

Funtime Freddy should sound like this character called "Goofy" or a bit like him from Disney. After all, this Funtime Freddy is a lot more goofier and sillier then the original.
Bawn Bawn! Let's not keep our friend waaiiiiiiitttinggggggggggg!
I have a surppriiiiiisssseeeeeeeee for youuuuuuu!
Bawn Bawn! Go get em!!

Funtime Foxy is the opposite of Foxy! He / She invites kids on down to their cove, so they can all play games and have fun. Down to their funtime cove!
Show time is on the hour! Not a minute before, not a minute later!
Come join me inside of my cove! We have a lot of games to play.
Join me, the Funtime! And let's have a true FUN TIME!

This Ennard isn't like the other one who is "Molten Freddy". This version of Ennard is all fixed up and a nice variant compared to Molten that is. But when things get really dark or when he / she is being controlled. They can be creepy.
Don't be afraid child, I'm one of the nice ones.
There was a little piece of me in every body, until they all broke free. Leaving me, the good part left.
I have a reputation to keep, being the nice one, that is.

Funtime Chica loves Cupcakes, Cakes and Ice-Cream of course. She only gives Cupcakes to people, and wants to steal everyones Cakes and Ice-Cream. She is obsessed with them. But sometimes, she can be super scary and creepy, like she is someone else...
Do you have ice-cream, cake or cupcakes?! They're my favourite! GIVE THEM TO ME!
Don't you just love my Funtime Cupcake!
Believe me, I am not all that you see. Don't get distracted!

Security Puppet can be silent at times. And when she gets lonely, she starts stalking people. Anyone from the pizzeria. But what she loves most, is to either kill or make friends.
Stay inside child, let's keep you safe.
The last child that went outside, went missing. Let's try to stop that from happening
Why don't we be friends? Or else, you may.. die?

Bubba, the boss from fnaf world. Is in this roleplay, yes. He can be super scary and dark. But also very funny and nice at other times.
No Spoilers! Or I'ma kick your butt!

Candy The Cat is a very chill guy, he is cheerful and everyone can get along with him quite well. Apart from every single version of Freddy (mainly Freddy Fazbear, Toy Freddy, Funtime Freddy, Rockstar Freddy and Molten Freddy) due to Candy's being a rival location. Candy The Cat is very competative with Freddy's.
Hey, why am I here? I should be at my place! Candy's Burgers and Fries! MEOW!

Popgoes is from the fnaf fan-game "Popgoes" by Kane Carter. He can be scary and secretive, you don't want to get on his bad side or else, bad things may happen. But he can also be nice at numerous times. Becareful the Black Rabbit isn't near him.
Welcome to the Popgoes Pizzeria!

Spring Bonnie serves food to the humans and they enjoy being around him. As he can be funny and tell jokes. But he can be very serious, especially when talking to his "other" self, Mr. Afton. The current Spring Bonnie in the pizzeria. This causes a lot of confusion. But of course, at Night. He can be real terrifying.
Is that me?!
How is there two of me?!
Where's Fredbear my pal?

Tangle is a bit toxic and sassy towards everyone. She likes to be included in EVERYTHING even when it doesn't involve her. She is also very secretive of somethings, including her past.
What did you say to me? Do you want to fight me?? I'll tear you apart!
I've torn others apart before! Do you want to end up like them?

White Rabbit enjoys talking and chatting to people. But... He does in secret plan to kill his next victim. The nice guy, is just an act.
The light shall cover all.
What do you want? Sorry if that sounded rude.
Let's have a nice time in the light, don't trust the dark.

Black Rabbit is like a 3D Printed version of RXQ (Shadow Bonnie) but doesn't have all of the mystical powers. She is shy a lot, and doesn't talk much. But, she is good friends with Popgoes. Don't let them stay together for too long though.
Everyone has a dark side.
Let me show you my dark side, maybe you'll embrace yours.
Come join me in the darkness.

Cassidy, is Golden Freddy. A female, she can only talk to Circus Shady who is a kid like her. Except no one else can hear her. Only him. She speaks with a little adorable ghastly voice. And she HATES AFTON, and wants to make him suffer at all costs. She is nice to everyone else.
You specifically must have both Discord and Skype. So you can be in a call with us, on Mute. Except on Skype you're in a call with Circus Shady / SpringShadaw (Both by ShadaTech) to talk to him, so no one else can hear you.
Listen to me!
Circus Shady, I know you're the only one who can hear me... I need you to do a few tasks for me.
I need help, I'm an inanimate suit, I need help!
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