FNAF Fan Comic Dub

Project Overview
This is a fandubbing of confounded-star's FNAF comic. I have been given permission by the creator to dub this project and these dubs will be turned over to them at the end of the project. The main characters are Sun, Moon and Star. Star's voice has already been cast offsite. This fan dub will only be over the first few chapters and is a little gift for their upcoming birthday. :)
Extra info: Sun and Moon are two different AI sharing the same body.
UPDATE: All voice lines were recorded but our VA for Sheri dropped the project which has significantly stunted the production of this comic dub. I have tried reaching out to another VA to see if they'll take on the role and hopefully this project can finally see the light of day.
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Sheri is the manager of the establishment. She is playful and has good relations with her staff,
- kind
- confident
- female adult
I see map bot got to you~ Can I help you with anything?
Ok! We should be ready to go, miss?- (Trails off, hinting for name)
So, what position are you applying for?

Sun is happy, enthusiastic and silly. His voice is often very chipper and full of energy, with a slight gravely sound to it.
- Lively
- male adult
- Slightly gravely
and then we can- mm...? One moment..! HELLO~ NEW FRIEND!
We have lots of games to play! We can finger paint, tell stories, drink fizzy faz till our heads ex-PLODE and- Oh! Sorry! Force of habit.
I just get so excited to meet a new friend! What's your name?

Talks like a smarta**, acts defensive and doesn't like help. Especially likes messing with Sun. His voice is a mix of unhinged, mischievous, soothing and slightly raspy.
- male adult
- slightly raspy
- mischievous
- soothing
- Unhinged
Sun, you need to escort them out... They can't stay here.
For good reason. We can't just-
Sun, you're rambling...

Bailey is chaotic neutral. They have a gender neutral tone of voice and are very competitive.
- child
- silly
- Brave
- neutral
Ha! I'ma win!
AHH! (Got shoved from behind) The betrayal-

Proud, loyal and has a tendency to barter glowsticks. She *slightly* slurs her S' because of a missing tooth.
- female child
- proud
- Mid-Tone
Bet you won't last the first round!
Over here!
I got it! Bailey look!
- I am looking for a little boy and a little girl voice for two random kids.
Can we play now Mr Sun?
Bailey and Lucas are both out!
Public Submissions