Flock ~ A Dungeons and Dragons Adventure (RECASTING MAIN ROLE)
Project Overview
What is this project?
This audioplay is based off of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign called Flock. At its core, it is a story about the end of the world, and what comes after. At this time, I am only seeking one voice actor to recast one of the existing main character roles, Rahmi Romazi (see below for more details on him). You can see some of the completed audioplays here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBxKaNtXVHOWdeHeKmqyxg/featured
As an important note, I’m afraid that I cannot offer payment for this role. Much as I do wish that I could, my circumstances don’t allow for that. This project is and always will be mainly for my own enjoyment, but I also believe that offering payment to only one actor would be doing a disservice to all others who have already contributed. My apologies!
What sort of time commitment can I expect?
As you will be replacing the previous voice actor, you will be effectively redubbing nine or ten 20 - 30 minute audioplays. The scripts for these are already completed, and I am not currently making new ones, so you'll be able to hit the ground running as soon as you're cast. All in all, the commitment will be somewhat lengthy, but I won't expect you to do them all at once without any breaks. My estimate for redubbing/reproduction for all the plays is a few months, barring any external circumstances that might crop up.
As an important note, I would like the chance to direct your acting over voice calls if possible, so if you are interested in this role, please be willing to work with me fairly closely. Rahmi's my character and he's very dear to my heart, so I'd like to have the chance to really bring him to life with you!
Audition Rules:
1) All auditionees must have good audio quality. Please avoid background static, appliances running in the background, muffled audio, and recording in large rooms with a lot of echo. Please do not use any filters or voice-altering effects in your audition unless they are to reduce external noise.
2) This project will require shouting, screaming, yelling, crying, etc. If you plan on auditioning, please be sure that you are capable of doing these things!
3) Please have an up-to-date and frequently used email address or Discord so that we may keep in contact with you. If I send out a call for lines and a voice actor does not respond up to a month after the deadline with their status, the role will be recast!
4) If possible, I would like to work with an actor who is within three - four hours of the same timezone as me (PST) so that I can have the chance to direct them over voice calls. Your audition won't be discounted if you AREN'T in that timezone, but I think it's worth knowing.
5) When auditioning, please do not go upwards of two takes per line. If you're uncertain of direction for a particular line, feel free to ask!
6) Don't worry too much about name pronunciation with your audition. If you are cast, I will gladly work with you on pronunciations and tell you what you need to know as we go through the project.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkT34MF7hew I'd like to thank you all again so much for your auditions! In the end, I wasn't able to use every single auditioner's voice to fill the role of the Voice of the World, but I hope you'll still enjoy listening to the project. This has been such fun for me to work on, and I'm hoping to do a second round of auditions for other characters who will appear in the next "episode" of this project! I'm still in the scripting stage for that one, but when the time comes, I sincerely hope I'll be able to hear your voices again for the next casting call. :) Once more, thank you all so much, and please enjoy this episode of Flock: A Dungeons and Dragons adventure! See the cast list below for all of the talented actors who lent their voices to this project: Kieran Regan - Rahmi Romazi (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Kieran...) Pharaoh - Florian Jovault (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Pharaoh) The Voice of the World: Aenyth (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Aenyth) Aska407 (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Aska407) Blazenella (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Blazen...) ElectroKitten (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Electr...) Elidus (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Elidus) GwenR (https://www.castingcall.club/m/GwenR) Jordan Heaver (https://www.castingcall.club/m/jordan...) Judy McMillan (http://www.judymcmillan.com/) MrMav (https://www.castingcall.club/m/MrMav) pixYcandi (https://www.castingcall.club/m/pixYcandi) Pharaoh (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Pharaoh) TheRybo (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Ryboy_...) Soul_Candle (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Soul_C...) Taealdi (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Taealdi) Teza Belmond (https://www.youtube.com/c/TezaBelmond) Vivaldi_ (https://www.castingcall.club/m/Vivaldi_)
Auditions are closed; Thank you for all of your responses!
The response to this casting call has been overwhelmingly positive, and I could never have anticipated how many of you would be interested in this role! I'm in the process of going through all of your auditions, and to those of you who requested feedback on your work, you'll receive a DM from me with that information as I reach you! A huge thank you to everyone who auditioned--I loved hearing all of your varied takes on this character, and I do wish I could cast all of you! Though this round of casting has ended, if all goes well, I'd love to re-open casting for a second round of characters; If you aren't chosen for this role, you're more than welcome to audition again when the time comes, should you so choose. Thanks again! - Teza

Voice Type: Young adult male, early to mid 20s, ranging from cheery to dramatic.
Bio: Rahmi Romazi is a cheerful young man who is trying his best to face the end of the world with a smile and be a beacon of hope to everyone around him. Though externally optimistic and unfailingly cheerful, Rahmi's bright disposition has slowly but steadily been cracking under the weight of trying to stop the apocalypse. While the role starts off with very unfailing cheerfulness, we'll have plenty of chances to see underneath that mask as Rahmi discovers terrible secrets about the world, the master he has served with unfailing loyalty, and his beloved sister whom he thought was lost forever.
Note that a core element of Rahmi's story is being able to hold onto hope, even when things are at their bleakest, so though things will get tough, keep in mind that Rahmi will never truly let go of hope for the future.
You do not need to attempt to match the tone of the previous voice actor. Be yourself, make the role your own! YOU are who I want to hear.
(Obliviously happy; a practiced introductioj)
Hey there! I'm Sir Rahmi Romazi, and I've been sent by my master to look after you during your journey! It's a dangerous trip, especially on a day like today, and he decided you could use the help. It's very nice to meet you!
(pause; then, bashful)
Oh, um. Am I interrupting something? Sorry!(Soft, but confident; encouraging someone else with his own story)
I make it through every day, no matter how bad, because I have hope. I know my journey might end in disaster, or even death...but my sister always had hope when we were young. That hope, even in the worst situations, always gave us a way to live for another day. So I'll always carry on what she left for me: A hope for something better.
(Gentle, encouraging)
And now... It's my job to have enough hope to share with anyone else in the world who needs it. Like you.(disgusted, whispering through gritted teeth, building up; finally discovering the whereabouts of his lost sister)
She’s been under my nose, all this time. All this time, she's been /there/, with my master...
(shouting; furious, desperate shouting)
Imprisoned by my fucking BOSS! Why! What would they even want with her?! What would they want with...
(breaking down into tears, fury giving way to pain; stress on 'seven years')
It’s been seven years, what would they WANT with her?!
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