Five Nights At Angie's Game

Project Overview
Welcome to Angie's Pizza City! You have been selected as a nightguard, and make sure nothing goes wrong in this special place! You have a somewhat working Monitor and a flashlight soo that's something to be proud of right? And hey you can also do a nightshift and a dayshift so you can make some of that extra cash while being a guard. Pretty neat right? So remember always wear a smile and you are the face of Ange's Pizza City.
What could possibly go wrong?
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Latest Updates
Is the game cancelled?
No, the game is not canceled, but we still need-modelers since my modeler quit and I am looking for a new modeler. and A coder if that's possible. Contact me: Justcallmenate#3245 On discord
Give us raw audio and we will add the effects
(Laughs) Hey, kittens! Do you want a song!
Shh, be very quiet
Let's play Hide and seek!
Let's rock and roll
Don't forget to have fun!
Come here! I won't bite!
Raw audio
Hello boys and girls!
Don't be scared I am a good boy
Hey buddy you are not following the rules
Angie and I are thrilled for you to be here! please help yourself to some pizza.
Don't forget to check out the prizes
Raw audio is needed
(laughs) Hello Kids! Wanna see some magic!
(laughs) No, you see me now you don't!
Welcome to your brand new job at this brand new location.
I want you to forget whatever you heard on the internet, cause those are just some dumb rumors.
Say something you think would fit
Say something you think would fit
Audio for game
Say something you think would fit
Music for game
Say something you think would fit
Coder for game
Say something you think would fit
The writer to help me
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions