Final Fantasy 9 Letsplay Dub
Project Overview
I am currently looking to recruit a few people to do a full voicing of Final Fantasy 9's cast. I was going to be letsplaying the game soon, and I think it'd be fun to have the entire game voice acted. If you're interested, inbox me and submit your auditions. the only thing I ask is that you have Discord or Skype for the means of chatting amongst eachother and for receiving the lines properly ^^. lets have some fun with this!
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy 9, its story, music, and all of its characters belong to Square Enix, and all their subsidiaries. I claim in no way, any legal, personal, or professional ownership of any of the features, characters, locales, and music tracks used in this game. Please support the official release, this is a non profit fandubbing with no intent to claim any money through any means without the proper written consent of Square Enix.
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Latest Updates
To everyone who has sent in an audition over the last month, I am terribly sorry for not responding to you all. My laptop broke down shortly after closing a few roles to other voice actors. I am updating now to say that I am still looking for a few characters to be voiced, and will keep those voices open. I will also begin adding newer ones at a later date for the remainder of the voices. Again, I am terribly sorry for the lack of responses, and I hope those still interested will continue to audition. Thank you very much for your time and your auditions

Zidane is an energetic, 16 year old ladies man with a bit of an ego. I imagine his voice would reflect this, but since he's been voice acted in the newer Dissidia games, I suppose you at least have a source of reference. however, don't fret how it comes out, have fun with it, and do your best!
You are way too serious Rusty!
Hmm, there's no way I could ignore a cute girl like you.
Don't worry so much Vivi, you are nothing like those dolls.

Garnet is the Princess and rightful air to the throne of Alexandros. She is 16 and finds out that her birthday is the beginning of something bigger than she ever could have imagined. She speaks regally and with authority in the beginning, but as she gets more accustomed, she starts picking up on the local mannerisms.
No.... I can't accept that, my mother is not an evil person!
Steiner! Enough! I have made my decision, and I have no intentions of returning to the castle.
Who was that man? He looked very mysterious. I shouldn't worry the others though.

Adelbert Steiner is an oafish knight who can't ever seem to catch any luck. I always imagined his voice would be relatively low but with an english accent, He has strong conviction but is always misunderstood.
What are you fools doing?! Go find the princess!!
Grrrr, that damned monkey! How can he always be so cheerful?
I don't understand master Vivi, how could you possibly be like one of those things? And so what if you are? You are still you.

Vivi is an innocent Black Mage that has a scary past. being a child, he still has the problems that most children do adjusting to real life problems, but being a powerful Black Mage, he never backs down from a fight. His vocal range would be a small child, so I dont mind taking auditions from females as well, so have fun with it ^^
U-Umm…. I'm sorry, I'll try to smile more.
My grandpa was a very smart man, I always trusted his judgement.
T-they are dead.... You killed them all.... Grrrrraaaaaaaaggghhhh!!!!!!!

Freja, a powerful Dragon knight who has lived her life in search of her lost lover Sir Fratley. her voice would be stern, confident, and unshaken no matter what befalls her. So gentle and deep or emotionless and soft would be the way to go I'd think
Sir Fratley…. Where have you gone?
What you've done to the Cleyrans… And to Burmecia as well... its inexcusable! You face now the might of a dragon knight!
Alright, I'm going to finish this soup... And then I'm going to kick your butt monkey boy.

Eiko is a young summoner who has energy and attitude to spare. She is like a bomb without a fuse, and goes off on anyone. So have fun with her audition, give me your best ^^
I don't care who you are, hurt Mog, and there will be problems!
I don't have a mother, well, I did. But she died a long time ago.
Stop worrying so much, there is always a way out!

Beatrix is a calm, stern, and loyal Knight who follows her queen no matter what wrongs she commits. Her voice lacks any emotion and exists only with conviction and determination to mite out justice to those who stand against her kingdom. So the vocal range I'd put her in would be soft, faint, and devoid of emotion.
Very well, wait here, I shall go talk with the Queen.
You're majesty, it would seem Princess Garnet has run off with the Royal Pendant.
I see the danger, but I'm afraid we Roses have to follow the Queen, no matter what. It is our duty.
Public Submissions