Fallout: London - Announcers
Project Overview
What is Fallout: London
Fallout: London is a DLC-sized mod for Bethesda’s Fallout 4. As a continuation of the base game, the mod will allow the player to visit the previously unexplored post-apocalyptic environment of London.
As a divergence from previous official titles in the series, Fallout: London is not set in America. Visiting a totally new setting allows for us to explore totally new cultures which have not homogenised with their American counterparts. It also allows us to explore pre-war European history, and the effects the Resource Wars had on the class structured society of pre-war Britain.
Who are we looking for?
We have a need for voice actors with a decent amount of voice acting or real life acting experience, to take upon roles within our project. Like most other Fallout projects we would expect you to have at least a condenser mic with a cardiod polar pattern with a Pop Filter (An AT2020 XLR mic set up would be a good starting point).
Obviously due to T&C of our parent game, our mod cannot generate money and is therefore non profit, so we cannot offer to pay for services. However, obviously if you do work with us we allow you full control of your own work to do with as you please, and we will give you full credit.
Instructions for Auditioning Voice Actors
We require that all Voice Actors who are interested are able to communicate and send/receive files through Discord servers. this is of utmost importance. We also require the usage of google spreadsheets, Google Docs, and Google Drive.
Whilst on Discord, you will be communicating with me (@prilladog) via DMs or through text channels on the Fallout: London discord server (Link in the Contact Us section).
If you do not make the cut this time, do not worry. We have PLENTY of other characters that will be up for grabs on this casting call page.
This is just a small part of the many more casting calls to come that we will need talents such as yourself to fill, so remember to try again!
Will there be more roles?
Yes there will be more roles that you will be able to apply for in the future. Just because they are not listed yet doesn't mean that they don't exist; more roles will be added as we continue with our project. Bear in mind that the deadline will be changed after each casting of old characters and accompanied posting of new characters.
Upon the deadline date being reached, we will no longer accept more auditions for the specified roles. We will then go through all the submitted auditions and cast our characters.
Successfully casted?
If you are casted, you will receive your lines within a week through discord along with recording instructions, deadline, accent specifications, character bios, and line directions.
For audition audio submissions for this casting call, please provide your audio files for your audition submissions and within the file name, please include your Casting Call Club name and the name of the character you are auditioning for with that submission.
Casting Call Club will send you a notification upon a successful casting. In addition, someone from our PR team will contact you via a PM on the CCC containing information on how to join our Fallout: London discord server, which as stated, is where our voice acting is managed.
Further audio quality guides, instructions and settings
(These will apply for your actual line submissions if you are cast:
- Set the gain on the mic to "not windows" so then normal tones will average around -20 db. If you have to shout and it peaks, use a hard limiter or limiter set at -0.5 dB.
- Just remember that adjustments of gain and body distance/positioning is usually hard to control when you are recording yelling lines.
- Keep a distance of 12-15 inches from the microphone itself (not the pop filter).
- If you are near your laptop or PC, it must be behind the microphone so that the microphone is set up between you and the PC/Laptop. You must then also put something between the PC and the microphone to block the laptop/PC sounds.
- Keep notes of your mic settings, your position, etc. when recording to duplicate it exactly when recording lines if you are cast. If you are casted for a recurring character, you will not be allowed to change your settings, position of mic, etc. at all because we need consistency in the recordings.
- Never change the gain while recording and try not to move your head or your body in any direction while recording.
- Before you start to record your audition, first record some loud laughter and adjust your gain level so that the laughter does not peak. Once that is done, do not change gain settings at all during recording. Although normal volume level talking will sound soft, that is what our audio team wants.
[Borrowed from Sim Settlements]
Sending Lines
All lines must be sent back with the correct format and organisation specified within a month of receiving the script. If there is any issue with this please do not hesitate to contact me.
Failure to notify me about any situation that would cause a delay will mean that I will be proceeding with the standard procedure by expecting line submissions within a month of receiving the script. If you are casted and have any complications, please notify myself via Discord DMs as soon as possible.
Contact us
If you need to contact us through e-mail, please send me a private message on either Casting Call Club, or discord.
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/pkPcZjD
LEAD CHARACTERS:- Any person applying for a lead role is expected to be able to produce over 100 lines. (In this case make sure you have enough time set aside for recording.)
SUPPORTING CHARACTERS:- Any person applying for a supporting role is expected to be able to produce 100-20 lines.
MINOR CHARACTERS:- Any person applying for a minor role is expected to be able to produce 20-10 lines.
EXTRA CHARACTERS:- Any person applying for a extra role is expected to be able to produce 10-1 lines.
NON-HUMAN CHARACTERS:- Fallout is known for its surplus of Non-human characters and Fallout: London is no different. These Non-Human characters require significant audio effects or modulation and will have a special tag in their name. Such characters classified as Non-human are things such as ghouls and robots.
- Any and all filters involved, such as helmets, gas masks, power armour or masks will not need to be replicated by voice actors and are thus, not needed in the audition files.
- Unless we specify a specific accent, all characters, no matter what species, are to have the regular English accent.
PRE-EXISTING CHARACTERS:- Some roles will require you to impersonate a member of the Pre-Existing Fallout franchise. These will have a special tag in their name that looks like: (Needs Impersonator).
PROMOTIONAL CHARACTERS:- Any person applying for a extra role is expected to be able to complete a single use script that will be used for promotional material and marketing. This may lead to other roles. You will be credited in the final product even if you only end up voicing for promotional materials.
English accents and Ghouls
Due to the expected number of auditions that will need to processed, all applicants REQUIRE a realistic English accent unless otherwise stated. This is also the same for ghouls who will require their trademark raspy voice. (Examples of both will be provided.)
If you do not provide a realistic English accent or a feasible ghoul rasp for an audition to a ghoul character, we will refuse to take your audition any further.
Recording - IMPORTANT
- All recorded audition lines should be for each character.
- Please only submit one take per audition line.
- It is paramount that you follow the context of the scene and any line instructions that are provided.
- Please record through an audio recording software like Audacity or Adobe Audition.
- Export and submit your audition as a .wav audio file with the settings of 44.1 khz, 16 bits, and mono recording format.
Remember that there is no limit to the amount of characters that you can audition for. It has been known that we even cast a voice actor for two or more roles if they're capable of providing effective and different sounding performances for both, so please bear that in mind.
Good luck on your auditions. We look forward from hearing from you.
Stay safe, and remember,
Mind the gap.
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Must try and fit the style of theme of the man known as Loyd Grossman who became famous for his work on the old TV Show 'Through the Keyhole'.
For reference, it can be found here:
Here we find ourselves going underground, quite literally. Tottenham Court Road station has long been disused and repurposed into a spacious and bustling bar. Towards the rear of the platform you can find a makeshift bar filled with the best blighty has to offer - If only the patrons were the same. Recently under new management the prices and atmosphere has shifted somewhat from the usual, but it seems there are no less customers. TCR Station has an all purpose backroom for all one's needs and perhaps it’s most unique featurette is the converted carriage booth rooms. That’s right, all the disused seating is now prepped for a night out on the lash. So begs the question, “Who’d drink in a gaff like this?”
Feeling nautical? The very essence of this quaint pub screams 50 leagues under the sea. Clearly stylised as if part of Davy Jones's very own locker, it goes the extra mile to even feature it’s very own sea. Filled with a multitude of games such as pinball, snorkelling as well as the famed crate stacking.
Traditional is, as traditional comes, This large interior is spacious, roomy and ready for a settler or two to move in. Space continues into the kitchen which is filled with all one might need for that typical traditional pub grub you’d find in any place in pre-war London. This public house has a strong focus on room for activities, be it meetings, office work or just plain good old fashion murdering. Even the room clearly designed for the landlord has enough spare room for one to perhaps engage in break dancing, or bunny hopping to avoid gun fire. Refined spatial awareness complements this room against it’s grand mahogany sideboards and federalist desks.

We require a posh satirical sounding announcer whom would be interested in voicing and upcoming recruitment style video that sounds like the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG-jspYRkco
We are in a huge time of need! Britain wants all men and women to help win the war against the invading enemy. Much like the armed services, even the people at home have to do their bit! The government needs you to help persuade those avoiding the war - Put up posters, leaflets, film and radio broadcasts, do your part to help get our message over to the members of the public whom are able to serve, but are avoiding doing so.
Are you looking for a Central London job, that offers great opportunities, fast career growth and potential to earn high commission straight after you graduate university? If the answer is YES, then the British Government might have an opportunity for you!
So, what will you be doing on a day-to-day basis as a Consultant to the Prime minister?
From all over the known Galaxy, prospective citizens work together to make a better tomorrow !
A Federal clinic specializing in psycic research - If you think you are psychic, maybe you are. Harness your unique abilities and take advantage of the many Federal benefits available for psychic citizens.
Would you like to know more ?
Public Submissions