Fallout 4 Quest Mod - "Mind Games"
Project Overview
Hi everyone! I’m looking for voice actors for a new story-driven quest mod for “Fallout 4”. For the moment, I am casting for the two female lead roles, and I will be auditioning for two more leads (male) and various supporting roles at a later time.
About Fallout 4 and Mind Games
“Fallout 4” is a role-playing game set in and around Boston, MA (aka the Commonwealth) during the year 2287, where communities are rebuilding 200 years after a nuclear apocalypse. “Mind Games” puts the player character in the role of a detective on the case of a missing person, which leads to a broader story that connects to the plot from the base game.
You can find other clips from the mod here:
The Roles
The two characters I am currently casting are:
- Joanna Roberts, female, 60s, American accent – a gunsmith and former mercenary
- Katelyn Harris, female, early 20s, American accent – a trader, and Joanna’s apprentice
Content Guidance
- No sexual content
- Frequent moderate language / occasional strong language
- Frequent references to violence and substance abuse
The mod is a non-commercial fan project without funding, so I cannot offer anything close to industry rates. I value the talent and effort actors bring with them, so I’d like to offer something, and I can budget for a flat $35 for the project. In addition, I can provide clips of finished scenes during and after development.
Payment ideally via paypal after you’ve accepted the role.
- A good mic setup so that we can make the voices and the mod as a whole feel like part of the main game.
- No experience is necessary but clean recordings are really important.
The audition and the reference video clip above
The video above is the mod’s main introductory scene, where the player meets Joanna and Katelyn, who are currently silent and subtitled. All it needs are your voices! It should hopefully give you a good idea of the setting, scenario and character visuals.
However please note that this scene is merely indicative. You will not be expected to match your performance to the pacing / lip movement of the video. The audition lines are taken from this scene but please don’t watch it WHILE recording your lines. In other words, please don’t treat the audition as an ADR session! Go at the pace that you feel is right. Eventually the final scene will be changed to match your performance.
The voiced characters in this video are using repurposed and spliced lines from the base game.
For the audition itself, you don’t need to stick exactly to the lines. Feel free to change the words slightly, add in sighs, chuckles, etc. if it feels right. You are very welcome to do more than one take, if you wish (either AABBCC or ABCABC - whichever you prefer).
Working style
- No live voice-acting sessions, so you’ll be free to do the recordings as you want, but within specified timeframes.
- Please be prepared to do pick-ups / re-recordings if necessary.
- I will provide detailed character/world backgrounds and scripts, and we can always communicate via email/discord/skype if you have any questions or want to talk more about the characters.
- Ad-libbing is encouraged to a certain extent if it feels right for you, with the only caveat being that the lines of the other characters are fixed, so we’ll have to respect that in order for the dialogue to flow.
- Recordings would be in batches as I continue to develop the mod over the next few months. I would love to get the above scene voiced fairly quickly as part of an initial work-in-progress video about the mod, so please be prepared for that. (This is why I'm casting these two characters first!)
- You will not be expected to edit, cut or process your recordings (apart from noise reduction if necessary), but they will need to be in a specific format to work in the game (that being 44100hz, 16-bit, mono WAV).
A final note
If you find that you’re not eligible for either role but you know someone who might be, please ask them to take a look! (And other roles, including male roles, will be become available during development).
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Latest Updates
Thank you to everyone who auditioned for this. The number of people taking the time to post auditions has been staggering, and I'm so grateful for your interest in the project. I've cast the role of Joanna but, with there being a lot more auditions for Katelyn (and so many great ones!) it's going to take me a little longer to come to a decision. I should hopefully get there in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience!
Deadline changed to 1st September
Hi to everyone following this project. I've been really humbled by all the amazingly talented people who've auditioned so far. The quality has been so good and the auditions have come in so much faster than I thought, that I've decided to bring the deadline forward to 1st September. I hope that's enough time for you to audition if you haven't already, and that it doesn't cause too much inconvenience.

You were born into a wealthy family in Diamond City, the main settlement in the Commonwealth. After your mother dies, and with your father occupied with being mayor of the city, you become increasingly rebellious and reckless, eventually needing to be saved at age 15 from kidnappers by Nick Valentine, a synthetic man.
You befriend Nick, convincing him to briefly take you on as a partner in his detective agency when you’re 22. After various attempts to strike out on your own as a mercenary, you try to settle in your 30s with a man and his two sons. After a time, you realise the life isn’t for you, and you travel up north, eventually opening a weapons store in your 40s.
You’re now in your 60s. You’ve seen both the horror and the beauty of the post-apocalyptic world. You’ve lived life on the open road and in the peaceful home. But regret is starting to seep in as you look back on your life, with the years and the injuries catching up to you. You hide that by projecting a wryness about your age.
You are generally warm and amicable, but you’re firm when you get down to business. There’s a certain gravitas about you.
Voice: Warm but slightly raspy. Wry. Authoritative when needed.
(Player recently saved Nick from an underground vault. You’re grateful but you’re not awed by the player. Still, it’s impressive they got the job done. Nick’s lucky to have them.)
Pleased to meet you. Name’s Joanna Roberts. Ellie here tells me we've got you to thank for pulling Nick out of a hole. Not sure I'd still have what it takes to do something like that. Glad to see he’s got a new partner watching his back.
(Player line: Wait, are you the one who was kidnapped?)
(It’s more like you eloped with someone who turned out to be a kidnapper. You can look back at it wryly now.)
Well I wasn't exactly kidnapped but... Well, let's just say I did my fair share of stupid things back then. (To Nick. Still wry but grateful) Lucky for me my knight in plastic armor showed up just in time.
(Straining slightly at the start of the line as you get up from a chair. Not exaggerated but noticeable/subtle. You want to take the lead but your body might not be up to it anymore)
Well, sounds like a good lead as any. I say we check it out.

You were raised in a market town called University Point by Joel, a member of a militia group called the Minutemen, and Rebecca, a trader. Your world was the bustle of traders and the camaraderie of the Minutemen, sworn to protect the people of the Commonwealth. Life was good.
When the Minutemen disintegrated because of political infighting, Joel quit in disgust. You were 18. When you argued with him about his decision, he revealed you were adopted, having been found as a baby in a bandit camp. With your world turning upside down, you decide to leave, joining one of the trading caravans on the road. While you’re away, University Point is attacked by a group called the Institute, killing both your adoptive parents.
You briefly live in Diamond City but eventually travel north, meeting Joanna and helping run her shop. Joanna has helped you realise that, despite so much of your life turning out to be a lie, you can still be the sort of person you want to be. You’ve tried to instil in yourself the loyalty that you thought you saw with the Minutemen, but you don’t know if you’re up to it.
You are friendly and try to do your best by people, but you are still unsure of yourself and your place, despite the confidence that Joanna has tried to instil in you.
Voice: Clear.
(Player: What exactly is this place? (that you’ll be traveling to))
The Sluice? Well, like I said, it's one of those settlements that sprang up after McDonough got in. A bit like The Slog if you've ever been there. Folks who left Diamond City but who weren't really keen on Goodneighbor, you know?
(McDonough pronunciation – MC-DON-AH)
("McDonough got in" meaning McDonough became mayor - you have no strong feelings about him either way)
(Dunno if this will help but you’ll quickly mention it anyway. Matter-of-fact)
By the way, that guard I mentioned earlier seemed like he might know more. Maybe you'll have more luck getting him to open up than I did. I can point him out as we go. Should be in the market somewhere. Either way, I'll follow your lead.
(These can just be noises or you can add words as well if you want)
- A bullet grazes your arm
- Coughing and wheezing in the smoke from a nearby grenade
Public Submissions