Empty Horizons Audiobook [MLP Fanfic]
![Empty Horizons Audiobook [MLP Fanfic]](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/project/attachment/59696/floating_islands_zeppelin_by_sviatoslav_scifi_d7rglau-pre.jpg)
Project Overview
Howdy! I'm Goldenwing, and I'm creating a casted audiobook of my MLP fanfiction, Empty Horizons!
The surface isn't safe anymore.
In the ruined depths of Canterlot, a team of brave salvagers discover six mares, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though these mares cannot remember what happened to their world, they possess powerful magic that hasn't been seen for centuries.
Now the Elements of Harmony are thrust headlong into a world beyond recognition. Twilight and her friends must dive into the sunken remains of history to determine what happened, but Equestria isn't the harmonious land it once was. Before they can focus wholly on the past, they may first have to survive the present.
It isn't going to be easy.
It's a rather well-received adventure story about the Mane Six striving to survive in a far-flung future where the world they know is submerged beneath a great ocean and ponies traverse the skies between their floating island cities in mechanical airships. It gets kinda dark sometimes, so beware if you're squeamish!
I'm looking for VAs who can show up, read the lines they need to read, and keep doing it until it sounds great. We've got a fantastic Narrator already, and I think we can have a ton of fun making something of quality. Maybe stick around afterwards for the sequel as well, eh?
Click here to join my Discord channel and talk if you have any questions, or just send me a PM on this site! And make sure spread the word to any other VAs you think might be interested in these roles!
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Latest Updates
In the wake of some recent disagreements unrelated to the project, we have lost our narrator. As such, we need a new one! If you guys know anybody or would personally be interested in auditioning for the role, then I've opened it up on the project page. I'm hoping that the new one will be more productive than the last. Thanks!

Twilight Sparkle! A bookish young mare with great faith in books and friendship. I would recommend listening to her in the show. Twilight also becomes possessed by dark magic later in the story, so you'll have to be able to do a more sinister tone as well. The third audition line is her dark side.
Polaris! It’s—the north star! Didn’t you ever pay attention in astronomy class?
Don’t you get it? All this happened because my friends and I weren’t here, and now we have to fix things and—and make them right again!
(corrupted) Oh, but isn’t this what you wanted? Freedom from our shackles? Vengeance on our foes? Our true power, revealed?

A classy, fashionable young seamstress from Ponyville. Watch the show and listen to her speak!
I’ll be fine for now, dears! I’ll be sure to call if I need anything.
(coldly) Is this the type of stallion you are, Whitehorn? A gentlecolt to the last, until it truly matters?
Pinkie, dear, do you know what a harlot is? It’s a call girl. You know, a courtesan, a fille-de-joie?
A thestral bounty hunter who specializes in subterfuge and preparation over brute force. Ana stalks her targets extensively before making her move. With the sole exception of her older "sister," Gava, Anatami uses a steady stream of biting humor to keep others from getting too close to her. Laughs on the inside.
I think that there’s a dozen hungry corporations and twice as many scheming lords that would pay a pretty penny to get their hooves on ponies like that.
I need you to send this out to a few places. My sister’s expecting mail, but it’s hard to really pin down where she’ll be. Y’know how it is with those wanderer types. And you might want to shut that cute mouth of yours and get started, too, cause if you haven’t noticed this whole island will be swimming soon enough!
C’mon, sis. I already know you’re a big bad bird, alright? Let me guess: you pounced the first chance you saw, and they surprised you.
A fierce griffon bounty hunter. Gava is the main villain, and lives for the thrill of the hunt. She often takes joy in making ponies cringe with her predatory presence, but she has a soft spot for her younger "sister," Anatami. Look up Gilda the Griffon from MLP, and aim for an older or rougher version of her voice.
It’s hard enough making friends as is, Anatami. Half of the guards already have nightmares about us. I’d rather not turn them into reality.
(condescending) I ate your eye, dyejob! How have you not figured that out?
(exhausted) You lucked out this time, dyejob.
Whitehorn is an esteemed and charismatic journalist on a quest to make the world a better place. He is always cordial and polite, but isn't afraid to manipulate anyone he thinks would be useful to him. He sounds very distinguished and classy.
It’s ridiculous. Preposterous, even. He stands there in his suit and socks, buying whole islands just to plant a fancy garden, digging up… well, you just to show it off. Even after all that he would still have the money to fill this whole island with bits, lock the doors, and never come back. He probably doesn’t even bathe himself.
And pour a cider for me, Fritzy. Now then, my lady, how can I help you?
So then you haven’t heard the story of Countess Rarity? The Last Lady of Old Equestria?

Loud and bouncy, Pinkie Pie is a bottomless pool of energy. Listen to her speaking in the show! Note that Pinkie's VA will also have to be capable of doing serious and sad tones.
“I hope this isn’t one of those boring parties. Parties always seem to get boring when ponies call them something else. Especially balls.”
“Are you Cinnamon Twirl? Darn! Are you Cinnamon Twirl? Drat!”
(somber) “Whatever happens, we have to be there for her.”
(Rarity responds)
“I’m here for you, Twilight! No matter what!”

Always ready with a country turn of phrase and some kind words, Applejack is the rock of the group. Watch the show to hear her voice!
“We’re all hurtin’ now, Twilight, but that doesn’t mean we can all just fall over and feel sorry for ourselves. Somethin’s gone awful wrong somewhere, and way I figure it, well… if we don’t fix it, then who will?”
(whistle) “Y’all need my desk? Y’know I can’t remember the last time I even touched that thing except to wipe the dust off.”
(chiding) “Twilight Sparkle, you best hush with that nonsense! Y’all know there ain’t no sense in that kind of speculatin’. Even a half-blind hen can find a rattlesnake in November if she don’t stop lookin’.”

Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Equestria. Cocksure and confident and never willing to admit it when she's scared. Watch the show to hear her voice!
Rainbow scoffed. “Please, Twilight. I’m the fastest pegasus in Equestria. I’m not gonna let some birdbrain hurt my friend.”
She lowered herself to the ground, wings flaring. “You looking for another thrashing?”
"She threatened my friends,” Rainbow growled. “She would’ve killed AJ. Though I guess I didn’t really need to tackle her, huh? Fluttershy told me about how you just teleported AJ to safety, and how she fought off all those ponies.” She snorted, shuffling her wings. “I was the one that needed rescuing in the end."

Soft spoken, shy, and always afraid of confrontation, Fluttershy can still summon a surprisingly stern facade when her friends are threatened. Watch the show to hear her voice!
“Well, I suppose that would be, um, technically accurate,” Fluttershy said. She tapped a hoof at her chin. “Although I don’t think my furry friends would like being called beasts, and I never thought of myself as their master.”
“Not a zoo,” Fluttershy insisted. She hid behind her mane as the groups attention shifted back to her. “Um, that is, zoos aren’t very nice. All I did was open my home to the local woodland critters, really.”
“Just who do you think you are, mister?” Fluttershy demanded, leveling a hoof on the serpent.
An old soldier who now leads a team of salvage divers. Sea Sabre is a stern commander who cares deeply for her small team. She's always cool and collected under fire, and speaks with the quiet confidence of someone long used to being in command.
Quiet. My name is Sea Sabre. This big guy is Flintlock, and the chatty one is Star Trails. We don’t have any time to talk. You just have to trust us. We can answer any questions you have later, but right now we need to move.
Well, Miss Twilight, it’s currently 673, Anno Caeli. The Princesses have been dead for over a thousand years.
(commanding) Status report!
The youngest member of Sea Sabre's crew, and the only member of the dive team that wasn't once a soldier. Star Trails is a skilled navigator with a keen sense of direction. She's already ready to make a snappy quip when the opportunity presents itself. Trails is generally laid back and relaxed in her speech.
I just need to talk to Flint real quick, pull in some favors. Make sure he doesn’t fall asleep as soon as I leave. And then I’ll take you to the library myself.
(bluffing) I didn’t lose it! It’s just I haven’t—I’m sure it’s right where I left it, I just haven’t gotten around to finding it yet is all.
(sarcastic) Oh, nothing. Just, y’know, sending Gava limping off with a bunch of holes in her ship and a bigger one in her pride. Finding a long-dead alicorn princess. Baking some fudge brownies. No reason.
Aloof but stern, Duke Titus is one of the most influential nobles on Altalusia. He often speaks scornfully towards those he doesn't know, but he respects those who earn it and those who serve him. Although a "posh" Australian accent would be preferred, other accents can also do. He must have an accent.
“Get to it, Whitehorn. Just tell me who this mare is ‘n why I should care.”
“Do ye really think a Gifted harlot is all it’ll take for ye to change my mind?”
(Rarity reacts)
“Don’t ye try to hide it. I know how yer type works.”
(straining) “Seems yer out of rounds, griffon. Think ye can handle an old warrior without yer toy?”
The only son of Duke TItus, Pontius is a young pegasus who struggles to meet the many expectations placed upon him as an influential noble's heir. He is often caught between the fairytale ideals he hears about and the gruff practicality of his father. Although a "posh" Australian accent would be preferred, any accent will do as long as it isn't too strong or weak.
“Lady Rarity, ye should stay here where it’s safe.”
(proudly) “My father collects tribute from nearly a dozen settlements in this part of Altalusia. We’ve held our position as the most powerful dynasty on the island fer over a century.”
“Stand down, bastards. Ye’ve evaded us long enough. Let’s not make too much trouble.”
Dusty Tome is the only non-Gifted member of Sea Sabre's crew. His job is mostly the identification and evaluation of any unusual salvage, but he also doubles as the shipboard medic. Often stammers when excited or confronted.
“I can’t believe you’re going along with this charade. It’s unlike you, Sabre! Did Trails put you up to it? You know you could just tell me if you didn’t bring anything back up, it’s not a matter of who was right or—” (gasp)
A nervous little chuckle escaped his lips. “Yes, uh, of course! Just, uh, right this way! I have a clinic onboard—uh, this way—as it were…” His voice trailed off into unintelligible mumbles as he ducked out into the hall.
(excited) “Really? So—so all your pegasi could fly? Control the weather? And your unicorns all had spells? Oh! What spells can you do?”
The surly and stony pilot of Sea Sabre's crew. Sunfeather doesn't talk much, and when she does, she often seems irritated by the necessity.
“I don’t care what you think. It’s floating.”
“We’re just about ten miles away. I think you’ll like this city.”
“Not showing any indications of further damage.”
(pause, and then slightly irritated)
“Scratch that. Another pipe cracked.”
Gava's first lieutenant. Topgallant handles much of the day-to-day operation of Gava's ship, as well as the acquisition of new jobs and rumors. Usually keeps a conversational tone.
“The rumors… they’re all consistent. The stories are too similar for it to be all made up. They all talk about a unicorn mare powerful enough to strip the clothes off every noble in a ballroom at once, and they say she was levitating books at the Heighton library and talking as if she could cast any spell there is.”
“What?” (snickering) “How do you come up with that?”
(chuckle) “What are you trying to do, charm me? I’m not going to let you out because you asked what my name is in a sincere tone.”
One of the wealthiest members of Heighton society. Crazy has no concept of running out of money, and often spends exorbitant amounts on whatever pursuit catches his attention only to forget it a few weeks later. He seems to view the whole world as his toybox and loves to show off. Mostly harmless.
(excited) Tell her to arrange for a reveal dinner for tomorrow, and then a followup next week. The best of everything!
I’m Mr. Rich, but please, just call me Crazy.
I am an entrepreneur and a business pony, like my fathers before me. I invest in prospects that catch my eye and reap the rewards of their success.
The bitter rival of Duke Titus. Very dry voice. Like a bitter Professor McGonagall.
“A mooncursed blemishes my court. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“That feathered barbarian has held me back from my true greatness fer far too many years. But ye are just a bounty hunter, mooncursed, and I have spoken with many in my time. Beyond yer dark nature, what sets ye apart from the rabble?”
“Never before or since have I witnessed such disrespect for one’s betters! I would’ve had ’er drawn and quartered if the coward hadn’t fled afore that corpse worked up a proper stench!”
Narrator! Emotive, yet dignified. Interesting to listen to.
Twilight was drowning.
Her eyes shot wide open as she began to rise, her legs jerking in a panicky ascent to an uncertain surface. A jolt of pain raced down her spine as her horn hit against something hard above her. She couldn’t move. Her hooves were tied, her neck, her barrel, her whole body was held in place, wrapped tight in some cold, unmoving web.
Twilight frowned, sending out another ping of magic. There was something else, moving swiftly above the bulk of the forest. It was twisting about like a snake as it moved, and wherever it went the forest beneath it grew silent and still. A shiver ran down her spine as the shape stopped suddenly, pivoting in their direction.
Rainbow launched herself forwards, but Gava was ready this time. She sidestepped the wild charge, hooking a claw under Rainbow’s leading hooves and flipping her back onto the ground. In the same motion Gava pounced on the pegasus, pinning her beneath her bulk.
A Gifted native to Fellis Island who uses his magic to run the local thaumagram station. He takes full advantage of his talents to profit off of the refugee crisis on the island, and always puts the bits first. Think J. Jonah Jameson.
"Of course I can take care of you, if you’ve got the bits. Heighton, you say? How many words are we talking?"
“Eighty-five bits, and I’ll have your message out by tomorrow morning.”
"I know you’re new to these parts, but as one Gifted to another let me clue you in: those damnable refugees will try just about anything to cheat a pony.”
One of Duke Titus's soldiers. Much more friendly than Ivory, and often works with her.
“Th’ weapons are fer yer protection, my Lady. It’s unsafe t’ travel otherwise.”
“It’s not that she can’t talk. She just don’t wanna.”
(suspicious) “I ain’t ever heard of any Countess Rarity. Where’s yer coat of arms?”
One of Duke Titus's soldiers. Aloof and extremely laconic. With the exception of "My Lord," speaks entirely in single words.
“My Lord.”
The owner and bartender at The Laughing Cap, a popular tavern in Leviathan Wakes. Is reputed to know everything that happens in the town, and never tells on a patron. Shows up in one scene to get tortured.
(defiant) “Gava. You have to know this is a terrible idea.”
(struggling) “Did they also—urgh!—mention what happened to the dozen ponies that—argh!—tried this shtick before you?”
(defiant) “What the hay are you gonna do, eat me?”
That's all she says. Look her up in the show to hear her voice, and thanks!
(calling for help) "Over here, Twilight!"
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 18 female extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 18 female extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 18 female extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 14 male extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 14 male extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
A role to cover all those interested in playing an extra. There are 14 male extras in the story. It would be great if you could do multiple voices, but even if you only have one, you can probably do a few roles spread out across the story.
Show me your range.
Public Submissions