Emerald Eyes Episode 4+ | Original Live2D Fantasy Gacha Voice Acted series

Emerald Eyes Episode 4+ | Original Live2D Fantasy Gacha Voice Acted series

Project Overview

Hello, so there is so much info about this series that you'll have to go to this link to read more: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/united

These characters won't be in every single episode except for Cassandra. 

Project image made by: Pearlea!

Audition requirements:

  • Must have a good microphone

  • Must be 13+

  • No background noises

  • Add your Discord in audition  

  • you must say the lines twice when audition

  • Turn your deadlines in on time

  • Stick with this project all the way through 

  • You must have Discord

NOTE: There will be 2 seasons. Season 1 will have 5+ episodes and season 2 will have more


This project does have blood, stabbing, and fighting. There will be bloody daggers and swords. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lusaerys

Cassandra is a trainee in The Difference Society. Willow puts her in Isla's (Iz-la) team because she doesn't think Isla and Mitchell are capable of getting their job done. Cass eventually becomes part of The Difference and becomes very important in the series.

Age: 19


  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • american
  • (Awkward) Uhh, I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cass-

  • (Evil/a little laugh in her voice) Well, it looks like the princess is here to take back her kingdom. Sorry princess, I'm in charge now

  • (Confused) Mitchell, wait! Why is Isla (Iz-la) being like this?..... Wait what?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: simplydy

Quest is a side character that is in Iridescent Village. She helps Axel and Scarlett find the potion they need to get rid of their green eyes, AKA known as Emerald Eye. 

Age: 20


  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • (Neutral/explaining) Oh, that? Why are you asking? Oh I see, yes it does. The potion removes magic from people, objects and many more, but I'm not sure it would remove your green eyes. We could try to get it and add some other magic in but we need to get past the people who have it...... The Difference

  • (Explaining) Say you had a magic artifact, right? Well if you used this potion on it, the magic would be gone and it wouldn't have magic anymore.

  • (Whispering/sneaking) Shhhh! Guys do you want to get caught? Okay then shut it and follow me..... It's right through those doors, but we need to get past those two somehow. Anyone have an idea?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SuperMcAdeley

September is a tough, kind side character that will appear in a few episodes. Her biggest part in the series is when her and Harper go out into the forest and Mitchell attacks them. September and Harper are friends and during this scene she gets Harper to safety. 

Side note: September's eyes are covered by a blind fold because her eyes can harm people if she looks at them in the eye. 

Age: 19


  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • british
  • all american accents
  • (Emotionless) What are you thinking about?

  • (Instructing) Harper, I need you to come help me get water from the river.

  • (Suspicious/annoyed/whispering) Be quiet.... someone is here. What did I say, be quiet!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AngelshiVA

Hermione is on Rome, Quest, Esmeralda, September, and Ace's team. Because she is a fairy, she can help from the sky. She is a kind, tough, friendly person and is very loyal to her friends (Anastasia, Rome, Esmeralda, September, Ace, Quest, Ren, Lula, Aella, and Ambrose.)

Hermione is very curious and loves adventures.

Age: 19


  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • female young adult
  • (Netural/Explaining/sneaking) September could get rid of one them with her bow. What? Uh, yeah.... we always kill people, how do you expect us to get stuff done without someone coming back for us?

  • (Yelling/Instructing/Thinking) *thinking/heavy breathing* Huh? I have to get the sword to him- *Yelling* Rome, here!

  • (Mad/raising voice) What were you thinking!? You could have died! You should have let us help instead of trying to handle those guys all by yourself!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Esmeralda is in Iridescent village with Anastasia, Hermione, Ren, Ambrose, Lula, Aella, Quest, September, Ace, Rome, Scarlett, Blake, Harper and soon Axel. Like Rome and Anastasia, she is royalty and her kingdom was taken over by The Difference, which she can't return to. Her, Quest, Ace, Anastasia, September, Rome, Aella, Lula, Ren and Ambrose are all very close, they think of each other as a family. She is the book worm of the group and loves history.

Age: 18


  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • female young adult
  • american
  • (Talking/explaining/neutral) I read something about ancient magic that was able to modify any magic. We could try to use that magic to modify this potion.

  • (Playful/Sarcastic/serious) *little laugh* Shut up- *sighs* Ace, do you think we can do it? I mean, where are supposed to find that magic?

  • (teasing/playful) Ohh is that so? Why, is it because of Ana? C'mon Rome, just tell her how you feel, it's not like she's going to reject you and then you'll be sad forever- uhhh I mean.... yeah, I'm gonna stop now

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Naifay

Rome is another side character that was a prince but because his kingdom was destroyed by The Difference, he is now in Iridescent Village. Rome was the only member of the royal family to survive the attack. He is best friends with Anastasia and loves her more than just a friend. 

Age: 23


  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • british
  • american
  • (Neutral) Good, you guys are back. Who's that? I see, did you make sure he can be trusted?

  • (Fighting/yelling/breathing heavily) Get away from them! *Breathing heavily* Quest, get all of them out of here! *sword fighting lifesounds(noises)*

  • (Serious/upset) That's okay we can talk later. And by the way Ana, consider being more aware of people's feelings....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RonRobb

Ace is in Iridescent village like the others and has a special feature about him. His eyes are not normal, both of his eyes are fully white with no pupils or anything, thus he cannot see and it looks really creepy and weird. He has gotten so use to not seeing that he uses his other 4 senses to get around in the world. Ace and Esmeralda are very close and see each other as siblings. Ace is very good at wielding weapons and has taught the others how to wield their weapons.    



  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • american
  • (Serious/Thinking) *Sighs* Did you read anything on where this magic was, or how to get it?

  • (Neutral) Dude, you need to tell her. Even if she doesn't return your feelings, don't let it ruin your friendship.

  • (Serious/yelling) Esmeralda! I think I found something. Do you think it contains the magic we're looking for? Huh, well do you have an idea of how we're going to get the magic out of it?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male extra

We need a few more males for extras. When we get the male extras they will be voice acting side characters that I assign them and those characters in future episodes will become more important to the series.

These lines are going to be made by you. Have some yelling lines or fighting lifesounds etc

I'll be picking a few male extras


Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • british
  • Fighting

  • Angry

  • Yelling


Public Submissions

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