Dumbman (Superhero Satire Series)

Dumbman (Superhero Satire Series)

Project Overview

Written, direct, and produced by James Subscribes with James Playz Reviews having a small part in it (such as designs and help with producing) this is another The Bros production. Meet Donald Druncard, your ordinary jerk of a businessman, Donald's life is changed when a scientist known as Doctor Frank Genus (who's action and IQ make you question how he even got the job or a degree in physics) activates a machine that can give people superpowers all heck breaks loose when the machine switches the 2's IQ and gives Donald superpowers. Donald and Frank are now at each other's throats as arch-enemies Dumbman and Doctor Genius with Genius wanting to rid the world of Donald and Donald just wanting to have fun.

As Dumbman, Donald has an even lower IQ than the dinosaurs yet has the ability in just his fists to break the earth in half. Fortunately, Donald has his wife Julia to keep him under wraps and from revealing his abilities to the world. However, things aren't made easy by other people in their life (for example: Kids, Doctor Genius, and Julia's best friend) but at least they have each other, what wacky shenanigans will this less than smart superhero get up to?

(P.S. For anyone part of The Bros productions Spider-Man movie, don't worry it's being made it's just taking a while sorry for the long wait)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Formerly a tech genius with his own business named Donald Druncard, after being hit by the superpower giver an invention made by idiot scientist Frank Genus, the 2 have now swapped intellects. Donald is as intelligent as a walnut (or has the brain the size of one whatever the term is) but has the power to destroy the earth with just one step. Donald just wants to live a happy life with his family but will use his powers whenever he deems is needed, he is also easily angered when attacked.

For anyone wanting to star in this role you must make your voice sound like the definition of the word "Durr" like make yourself sound as dumb as possible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • Superhero
  • Stupid
  • idiot
  • Oh look a bumblebee full of kids

  • Hey! That hurt!

  • Call me Dumbman! The world's dumbest and best superhero ever!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Julia Druncard

The wife of Donald Druncard, Julia spend her days trying to keep the house in order, her husband from revealing his powers and stupidity to the world, and trying to keep the business that is responsible for their current living situation afloat. It doesn't help that the accident that caused her husband to become Dumbman also spawned an arch-nemesis for him who calls himself "Doctor Genius". With all that combined Julia is the voice of reason but loves her husband and family regardless and will go to great lengths to keep anyone from knowing... aside from her husband's arch-nemesis, her kids, and her best friend who happens to also work for her husband.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • Honey, I need help with the kids, let's head home.

  • Oh great, not this again!

  • Don't you have anything better to do than mess with the mind of a man who you already took the genius away from?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doctor Genius

Formerly a scientist with the brain the size of a walnut (making most question how he even got the job or a degree in physics) after the accident that switched the intellects of him and Donald Druncard, Doctor Frank Genus who now goes by Doctor Genius has made it his life's mission to either ruin Dumbman's life or kill Dumbman. However, Dumbman's powers and his seeming ability to win by sheer dumb luck don't make this easy, it also doesn't help the fact that Dumbman's wife Julia is constantly helping him. Doctor Genius has tried many times to end Dumbman but Dumbman seems to be immune to any and all attacks from shooting regular bullets to literal ray guns at him and Dumbman takes them all like champ. However, shooting these will anger Dumbman which due to his unpredictable power could be dangerous, which is why Doctor Genius prefers to insult him.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • Mad Scientist
  • Evil Scientist
  • male adult
  • adult
  • animation
  • Scientist

  • Dude can take insults like compliments but one blast to the face and suddenly he knows I'm the bad guy?!

  • Come on Genus, remember the accident, how did this all happen?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alicia Messenger

Julia's best friend and the worker at the front desk of Donald's business, Julia is kind but mostly sticks to her office. She also appears bored with her job and wishes for more action in her life. However, Donald's new low IQ and newly found superpowers offer her a glimpse into that sort of life.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • bored
  • animation
  • adult
  • annoyed
  • Side Character
  • *Sighs* He's upstairs, third door on the left

  • Oh, hey Julia! We just sent someone up there but I don't know anything about a meeting.

  • Wait?! You're telling me Donald, as in your husband and my boss, has superpowers now?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Donald Druncard, Junior

Son of Donald and Alicia Druncard, ever since Junior was little he looked up to his father he frequently fights with his sister Mattie and has a close bond with his brother Clark. Junior is amazed that his father has superpowers and like all his siblings wants to use this to his full advantage despite his mother wanting to keep their father's abilities a secret.

Voice description:
  • male child
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • child
  • Mom, dad has superpowers!

  • He literally reheated my eggs with his eyes...

  • This is amazing!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mattie Druncard

Daughter of Donald and Julia, Mattie often fights with her brother, Junior and like Junior has a close bond to their little brother Clark. When finding out her father has superpowers, she wants nothing more than to use them to her full advantage much to their mother's annoyance.

  • english
Voice description:
  • child
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • girl
  • Mom! Junior isn't sharing!

  • Can I fly with dad?!

  • Woah, dad has powers?!


If anyone would like we could use some help writing episodes. As it is not easy to come up with episode ideas. We've come up with a few so far but we'd appreciate a writer who also has ideas

  • english
Other info:
  • american
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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