Drowning Despair (Fanganronpa VA Load 2)

Drowning Despair (Fanganronpa VA Load 2)

Project Overview

16 students are trapped on a vacation cruise only to be entered into a killing game, hosted by the wonderfully mischievous, ever-adored MonoPig!

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  • Deadline

    Due to our lack of current auditions for most characters, we've pushed back the deadline to October 20th.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nagasawa Isao (Ultimate Lawyer)
Role assigned to: Davey Kine

Nagasawa Isao (Naw-guh-saw-wuh I-say-o) is known as the Ultimate Lawyer for his skill in the law department. (Medium-Low pitch, similar to Rantaro's voice)

  • (Curious) "16 of us, all in one place.  Hmm..."

  • (Introductory) "My name is Nagasawa Isao, I'm the Ultimate Lawyer"

  • (Bored) "Are we done here? I'd rather get out of here as fast as possible, so I don't have time for chit-chat."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hikaru Orochi (Ultimate Zoologist)
Role assigned to: Olivia Westmorland

Hikaru Orochi (He-kuh-roo Or-oh-chee) is the Ultimate Zoologist, known for his devotion to animal protection and fundings to research on animals. (Medium-high pitch, a slightly more masculine Chihiro voice.)

  • (Surprised) "Oh! Hi- I wasn't expecting to see anyone else..."

  • (Introductory) "Oh... hello there. I'm Hikaru Orochi... but I'm also the Ultimate Zoologist."

  • (Scared) "I hope we can find a way out of here soon..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arakawa Shoto (Ultimate Pirate)
Role assigned to: ChedHead

Arakawa Shoto (Arr-uh-ca-wa Sho-toe) is known for his unique title as the Ultimate Pirate. (Medium Pitch, reference N/A)

  • (Laid-back) "Ah, hello there, I was just talking to this- uh, tailor guy over here?"

  • (Introductory) "The name's Arakawa Shoto, Ultimate Pirate."

  • (Amused) "Pleasure to meet ya, Ms. Famous Lady."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tanji Katsuo (Ultimate Tailor)
Role assigned to: Turgize

Tanji Katsuo (Tawn-gee Kot-soo-oh) has a high reputation as the most talented tailor in the world. (No voice plans available, go ahead and wing it.)

  • (Annoyed) " 'Tailor guy?!?!' *scoff* I'm far better then that!"

  • (Introductory) "I'm Tanji Katsuo! The Ultimate Tailor. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sora!"

  • (Confident) "No worries, Arakawa, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here soon enough."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Takamoto Shoji (Ultimate Gardener)
Role assigned to: AddivTP

Takamoto Shoji (Taka-mo-toe Show-gee) is known for his extraordinary ability to grow and heal any plant, regardless of how difficult or unhealthy it may be. (Medium-Low pitch, similar to Gonta)

  • (Hopeful) "Oh hello there. Are you stuck here too?"

  • (Introductory) "I'm Takamoto Shoji, the Ultimate Gardener."

  • (Talking to self) "A boat in the middle of nowhere, no animals or plants in site. Hmm."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miki Tomoko (Ultimate Astrologist)
Role assigned to: Haruki

Miki Tomoko (Me-key Toe-mo-co) is known for being an amazing astrologist, although her knowledge is diluted by her not-so-subtle zodiac beliefs. (No planned voice, go with the flow.)

  • (Spiteful) "You better not be another Gemini!"

  • (Introductory) "I'm the one and only Miki!"

  • (Happy) "Wait... You're a Pisces Rising! No more Geminis!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Minato Koi (Ultimate Hypnotist)
Role assigned to: Domavega

Minato Koi, (Me-not-toe Coy) the charming hypnotist himself, who has an odd reputation with his track history of his Ultimate. (No voice plans made, just go for it!"

  • (Inquisitively) "Hm... All ultimate students gathered in one place. Intriguing."

  • (Introductory) "The name's Minato Koi. Pleasure to meet ya, Sora."

  • (Nonchalantly) "IF- we get out of here, of course. Just don't jinx it, Sora."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kyosuke Jurou (Ultimate ???)
Role assigned to: Ivar

Kyosuke Jurou (Key-oh-soo-kay Jur-o) is an ultimate of sorts, possibly the ultimate amnesiac for the fact he forgot his ultimate. (Medium-high pitch)

  • (Cheery) "Oh! Another person- Hello there..."

  • (Tired) "I'm Kyosuke Jurou, and... I don't remember my Ultimate."

  • (Quiet) "Let's try to find our way out of here."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Asuka Kagami (Ultimate Goddess) (Understudy)
Role assigned to: Isa C.

Asuka Kagami (Au-soo-ca Kuh-gaw-me), the Ultimate Goddess, has a very unique view of life. Being seen from the top, she looks down on others as lowlifes and views herself like royalty. (Medium-low to low pitch)

  • (Commanding) " Kneel before me peasant! Its only just respectful! "

  • (Introductory) " Nuh-uh-uh! Who gave you permission to speak in the authority of one such as I, the glorious Asuka Kagami, officially recognized as the Ultimate Goddess."

  • (Angry) " Gross voice? " Don't you dare disrespect one such as I, especially with such vulgar words coming from your truck-sized mouth! "

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yuki Ayane (Ultimate Figure Skater) (Understudy)
Role assigned to: Isa C.

Yuki Ayane (You-key Eye-on-ay), is widely respected for her determined attitude and skill in her field. (Medium-low to low pitch, similar to Kyoko from DR1 or Maki from V3)

  • (Annoyed) " Hey, you, I don't suppose you found a way out of this dump? "

  • (Introductory) " Yuki Ayane, Ultimate Figure Skater. Are we done here? "

  • (Monotone) " And I take it there's a catch? You wouldn't let us walk out without a challenge. "


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