Dream SMP TV Series

Project Overview
I am making a Dream SMP TV Series onto Youtube. the series will be 6-10 episodes long. I need Minecraft Players (Java only) and Voice Actors. The series estimated release date is in Spring 2022 (Hopefully April)
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Please use this link as a reference as i am looking for impersonation of Dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOxkuO3ip0
Dream is an excellent strategist, and is incredibly well-composed most of the time. He is a natural leader, seasoned in the art of military combat and, prior to his imprisonment, was often never seen without fully enchanted armor and several weapons. He is mysterious by nature, taking care to mask his true intentions and hide behind his composed persona in order to maintain a level of respect and fear.
Dream values control, and reacts violently towards any signs of a loss of control - this is proven by his instinctual reaction to declare war on the newly budding independent nation of L'Manberg. Above all else, Dream hopes to unite the server as "one big happy family," and most of his actions lead to this greater goal - Dream is devoted to this cause, often disregarding personal attachments to further his own progress.
Dream cites attachment as the greatest power of the server, and as a result, sought to control it, even aiming at one point to obtain and control one item of value from every server member. Prior to canon, he was once closer to some other members of the server, such as Sapnap, but would come to favor his ambitions for unity over his attachments, cutting his own ties in order to become uncontrollable. This would ultimately fail, as he was not able to cut his attachment with Tommy, causing his downfall.
Dream often shows extreme confidence when he assumes he has the upper hand, though this facade easily falls as soon as his plans start to fail: when it appears he is about to die in the Disc Confrontation, Dream is reduced to begging for his life. He is typically difficult to anger, and usually appears detached from the server, frequently appearing as some sort of higher power
Somewhat contrary to this assessment of his character, Dream tends to portray himself as a leader. Many members (characters) of the SMP have criticized Dream for always inserting himself into other people's conflict, whether it is in the name of protecting the server, or for his own interests.
Dream, as the content creator, has also described his character as being "reserved" and having an "ends justify the means" mindset.
What do you think what gives you power? Is it your crown? Is it the fact that you are king? If respect is the only thing protecting you from... a knife in the back. Respect is nothing right?
Techno. Do you have any withers?!?
Why don't you go seem them then?

George, though close with his friends, does not show much care to the happenings on the SMP, often sleeping through or ignoring important events on the server. He often followed his best friend Dream on the server, prior to George's dethronement. George seems to be able to move on quickly from his losses, and many members think he is naive and weak due to him not participating in most of the server's conflicts, he spends nearly all of his time dreaming, and it has been implied that he has a sort of derealization where he conflates reality with dreams.
George's D&D alignment is chaotic neutral.
George's main flaw is his lack of care or emotion. He often does things without thinking, such as griefing, killing and more. He often doesn't like to show his emotions, so it is very unclear of his true intentions.
I think I just heard him laugh but I didn’t hear him before that.
Not if you're colourblind
Sapnap’s on a donkey.

Sapnap is hot-headed and stubborn, and fiercely loyal. He is a bit of a class clown type, and can seem a bit stupid at times. He refuses to back down from a fight and enjoys causing chaos by playing pranks on others. However, he can also be shy and lacks social confidence around others, as pointed out by TommyInnit.
Sapnap's D&D alignment is true neutral.
I actually failed my first test
No, Dream is right next to me. Should I turn on facecam?
You said ‘bye George ’ twice.

Make the music for the series. 13 songs for each episode. The music needs to sound like a mix between Minecraft and Marvel music.
Say something you think would fit

This role you need to have Minecraft (Java) downloaded with update 1.17 and optifine. Recording softwares options are OBS or Minecraft replay mod. OBS ONLY: To set up camera please turn on shaders and hide your hud, and hand, and players gametags.
Say something you think would fit
George. It's Ok.
Ok... Put it like.... like.... (Laughs)
Whats that?

Tommy has a chaotic, prideful personality, which often him into conflicts with other members. He also tends to be confident in himself and his own abilities. However, when he loses, he goes into a state of grief before recovering and picking fights again.
Please you this as a reference to impersonate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbMhb4ZS1DU&t=69s
We might not be L'Manberg anymore, but we are still together."
"Do I shoot him Will, or do I aim for the skies?"
“I'm not the hero, no-one's the hero, we have L'Manberg for each other!”

Before the war, Wilbur was cocky and self-assured, with a firm instinctual belief in the principle of personal freedom. Despite his pseudo-confidence, he seemed fairly unaware of the dire consequences that forming a nation would bring.
Please use a deep british accent or voice please
"Independence or death. If we get no revolution, then we want nothing. We would rather die than give in to you and join your SMP."
"Even if everyone has this 'good side' that you're talking about - anyone who wants to prove it, has to show their dark side first."
"Tommy, I think you should do what your heart tells you to do. Just meet him face to face."

Tubbo plays the character of a hyperactive, earnest, and somewhat naive sidekick. He is often seen following Tommy around, usually assisting him in his pranks and hijinks. Tubbo is fairly easygoing and optimistic if a tad phlegmatic, and tends to be more of a follower than a leader. He likes to do as he’s told and is easy to push around, which has caused several problems for him in the past. He’ll go with the flow of most things as long as they don’t directly interfere with his morals, which he sticks very close to. Tubbo hears voices in his head, and said that this is what his Twitch chat is in the canon of the SMP.
"The land is still here. Solid foundation. We can rebuild."
You've undermined my authority from the get go! Okay? All of you, no one here has respected me! You all jump on these merry little bandwagons of—of destruction! It's not—it's not okay! You definitely don't have the best interests of this nation at heart!"
As long as I can’t be the next Schlatt, you can’t be the next Wilbur."
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