Dream Project

Project Overview
Hello! Thank you for visiting this page! Dream Project is an indie horror game, where you play as a female protagonist. It seems as if you're trapped in a huge building, and will have to rely on the help of your other 12 teammates. Only mysterious notes will help you on this journey. Will you ever get out? And, will you ever find out who put you here?
Before Auditioning:
1. Please read the character descriptions
2. Please read the project description
3. Please have a good microphone!
And most importantly...
4. Have fun with these characters! They are yours to portray, so imagine them however you want, as long as it fits the character!
If interested, please join the discord!
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Latest Updates
Hello amazing auditioners! The team and I appreciate your auditions, especially during this time of hardship. Due to all of the time on our hands now, we’ve taken the time to build a Twitter page! Please follow @DreamProjectOf1 at https://mobile.twitter.com/DreamProjectOf1 to see any new updates or small announcements for the game. Another thing we wanted to tell you, is auditions are being graded as we speak, so soon enough once the deadline is passed, hopefully all roles will be casted! However, this will not be the case if there is a voice acting role that I believe has not been properly casted. In this case the project deadline for auditions will be pushed back a week to a month to gather more auditions for that role as well as all others. Thank you all for your patience and auditions! Also, we just hit 300, so keep ‘em coming lovely voice actors! ~Jester
Thanks for auditioning!
Thank you so sincerely for auditioning and putting your faith in this project! There has been some progress on the script, but we’d like to wait a little longer for more artists and voice actors. With this in mind, we will be extending the deadline! Put in as many auditions as you please! Thanks, Jester~ -
Hello, its the creator. I would just like to thank all of you who auditioned for roles of any kind, and putting your faith in this project. Previously, we have asked that only those who are casted to join the discord, but now the discord is more fleshed out, and we would like everyone who has an interest in the project to join. Thanks for your auditions! ~Jester
I will need 13 different people for this, or a few of you can do different art styles. One style for each character. I would like it to be anime plus sponge of your own take on it!
Say something you think would fit
A team to help with the overall grammar, storyline, and preparation for the story.
Say something you think would fit
These will be the animation of the death scenes of the game. In the description, name your price and I'll see what I can do. (Nothing over 5$ per execution)
Say something you think would fit
This is the theme song, so you will have to sing a song or two for the project. I may have some of you be the background vocals as well.
(Sing a verse of your favorite song as long as it shows of your vocal talent :) )
I would like to have unique music for different moods of the game. I shouldn't need more than 15 songs from you, more likely 10. Please recognize that this is a horror game as well, so even some of the happy so vs Mau need a touch of spooks :)
Say something you think would fit
Somebody skilled in the video creating field who will do the compilation of the lines, sprites, and music to the video. (Don't worry, I'll help you)
Say something you think would fit
Somebody as a go - to that would like to see the project at certain points, just to see what a player would see.
Say something you think would fit
Somebody skilled on the veils of video game creating, (hopefully RPG Maker XV, or something else if that's what you work with) and working with others in this project. I would like a pixel used version as well as a Unity or 3D version of the game. (Different people can work together on this)
Say something you think would fit

A friendly and welcoming girl, she is the protagonist of or game! Voice her as a very worried, but also somebody you'd like to have as a friend.
Hi, I'm the protagonist!
I mostly like to dabble with computers in my free time.
Where are we? What's going on?

(Uh-han-uh Shuh-vah-shtee)
A happy and friendly girl, Ahana is one of our more giddy characters. She isn't too energetic, but see is very nice and calm almost always.
Hello, I'm Ahana Savasti! It's nice to meet you.
I like to do yoga and sew in my free time.
Please calm down, we can fix this if we concentrate.

(Ver-sigh Gray)
An energetic and spunky girl, Versailles is one of our favorite characters. Her voice is vey unique. She acts American, and enjoys the use of old slang and curse words.
Heyo, I'm Versailles Grey! What's up yo?
I mostly like to do gymnastics and kick ass in my free time!
Jesus dude, being angry at me won't get ya nowhere.
(Kay Ha-Gee-doh)
A quiet and impatient man, Kei is and deep voiced person, who is very strong. He doesn't talk unless he is asked to, and doesn't appreciate when someone presses him.
... Kei Hajiro. That's all you need to know.
... I train in the gym during my free time.
I think you should take a lap, and come back when you're feeling better.

(My-koh Sah-noh-moo-ruh)
A very depressed and lonely girl, Meiko had a deep and melancholy voice at all times. Even when put under pressure, she never changes emotions. Very rarely will she smile.
I'm Meiko Sonomura... I have nothing else to add.
I like to listen to music in my free time. It makes me feel whole.
Is say something about how annoying you're being, but I doubt you'd even listen to me.
(Wess-lee Crum)
A vey wise and positive man, Wesley is also one of our favorite characters. He is always encouraging others, even in his wheelchair. He has a deep voice, but it always sound so friendly.
I am Wesley Krumb. It's very nice to meet all of you.
I like to just reminisce in my free time, adventures I've had and all.
Just stay in the moment son. life goes by too quickly to spend it shouting at people.
(Mal-kum Sim-ins)
A very aged and caring man, Malcolm is the wisest of all characters. Voice him with years worth of memories, and fondness when talking about his family.
I am Malcolm Simmons. Good to meet you all.
I like to read books to my grandchildren in my free time.
Niño, I've seen a lot in my time. I'm sure that this is the worst thing I've been through.

(Sev-ah-stoh-vuh Turn-ov)
A very self absorbed young woman, Sevastova is a Russian Model. She is very rude, and practically freaks out when somebody doesn't know her. Sevastova doesn't know to much English, so get grammar at times may be off. She also resorts toRussian words of she wants to offend you. Voice her with poshness and snarkiness.
I am the Sevastoba Turnov. D-do you not know me!?
I like to walk down red - carpet runways in my free time.
Come on people! I'm a model! You Amerikantsov should know who I am!

(Kih-zoo-nuh Chow) (Kai-ee-toh Chow)
A loving and committed mother, Kizuna is very stressed out. She always sounds tired, and barely gets the chance to sleep. Voice her with affection for Kaito and weariness in every line.
I am Kizuna Chao, and this is my son Kaito Chao.
I don't really have free time, haha. But when I do get some, I just sit by the fireplace and drink some wine.
I know that Kaito is barely old enough to tilt his head, much less hear what you're saying, but please don't curse in front of my child.

(Tah-kay-he-she Toh-mar-oo)
A very energetic and welcoming kid, Takehishi makes friends easily. He loves baseball, and talks about it whenever possible. Voice him with passion for rollerblading, and friendliness in each line.
Hey, I'm Takehishi Tomaru. What's your name?
I like to play baseball in my free time. Luckily I still have my bat with me.
Was that really necessary? Just apologize and let's get on with our lives.

(Ree-yoo-tar-oo Koo-wah-tuh)
A very stem and dedicated businessman, he is always antsy about working on something. Working is what makes him feel purposeful, and it's what he's good at. Voice him sarcastically, and judging with almost every line.
Ryutaru Kuwata. Carry on with the introductions.
I like to work in my free time. Speeches are what I excel at.
Your pretty querrels are not welcomed. Let's get back to the task at hand, shall we?
(She-noh-toh-bee Goo-chee)
A vey daring and excitable young boy, Shinotobi always wants to have fun. Even in dire circumstances, he will try to have fun, and help others do that as well. Voice him as a young boy, full of energy.
I'm Shinotobi Guchi, it's nice to meet ya!
I love rollerblading whenever I have time. It's so much fun, and its almost soothing, ya know?
Come on, don't be like that. Just chill.
Public Submissions