Dream Constellation | Comic Dub
Project Overview
- Introduction
Rivka is a maladaptive daydreamer. She is a girl of sixteen years old, extremely shy and hesitant, daydreaming days and nights. Finding peace in her own imagination, away from the harsh conditions reality shoves into her face everyday, that is how her life goes. To help her go through this part of her life, Dreamer, a demon living off humans' dreams, ideas and fantasies, decides to keep her company.
What exactly is this project?
It is a comic dub of the online comic on Webtoon, Dream Constellation by Livys.
Where will it be posted?
Over this YouTube channel!
What should I know about this on a different level?
A few different things will be clarified.
1. There is a lot of swearing in this, if you are uncomfortable with swearing then I don't recommend trying out for certain characters. -
2. If you plan on auditioning for Dreamer, keep in mind he has the most lines out of EVERYONE. This is a large role that needs to have lines in on time in order to produce videos -
3. On that note- we are usually pretty flexible with schedules. But please please make sure you turn in lines on time for the projects if you get casted. -
4. This is an ongoing (and still new) comic. So updates will be slow compared to the actual comic. -
5. This comic has a lot of dark subjects that show up in this series. So be warned if you do not feel comfortable with these kinds of subjects or future lines. This includes depression, abuse, bullying, violence, disorders, among other things.
- 1. Once you have signed up for the project and I have cast/accepted you, you must stick with the series until it is finished.
- 2. You cannot reveal any of the information to anybody who is not within the team of CometCatch Studios, of this project.
- 3. To talk to each other, we're going to be using Discord. Please have a discord account.
- 4. Please, no trolls.
- 5. Respect others and their auditions.
- 6. When auditioning, please make sure to have no background noise and a decent mic.
- 7. You will NOT be paid for this project. This is purely for fun!
- 8. Once you audition you are agreeing to all of these rules and are expected to follow them.
These are not all the characters. More roles will be added as time goes on. So keep an eye out for new characters if you plan on auditioning!
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Latest Updates
The role of Chris has been reopened. Chris is a young child character. If you're interested in auditioning for this role, the deadline is October 31st. This may change if we find someone we think fits the character sooner. Good luck auditioning and if you have any questions feel free to message!
New Character Added!
A new character has been added to the casting call! "Ibyrll, a very sweet and mysterious demon. Said to be the caretaker of Dreamer in the past. She is very kind to Rivka, but her mysterious dementor can be startling." End date for auditions is June 20th -
Main Character Open
The role of Rivka has been reopened! -
Deadline Extended
We're still looking to cast one of the supporting characters, so the deadline has been extended once again to the end of next month. If you are interested please audition for the role! -
Going to begin casting people today and tomorrow. Though there will still be plenty of other roles open!

A very sweet and mysterious demon. Said to be the caretaker of Dreamer in the past. She is very kind to Rivka, but her mysterious dementor can be startling.
Link to first appearance here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/dream-constellation/snowy-night-05-end/viewer?title_no=125380&episode_no=102
(Mysterious appearance) I didn't want to appear out of nowhere, but it seems to be fine... so I changed my mind. Hello, Rivka. Thank you for staying by Dreamer's side while I was away. You've done wonderful things to this world. I am Ibyrll, Dreamer's eternally devoted guardian and catalyst.
(Admiring, then perks up) Ah~ After eight long years of waiting, I can finally enjoy this place... I'll turn it back into the great kingdom it was... following Rivka's conditions of course!
(Squishes Rivka's face) You can't say "no" to this adorable face, can't you?

A maladaptive daydreamer. She is a girl of sixteen years old, extremely shy and hesitant, daydreaming days and nights. Finding peace in her own imagination, away from the harsh conditions reality shoves into her face everyday, that is how her life goes.
A soft medium or high voice.
Yeah, but that’s about it… you don’t seem interested in possessing humans or haunting or doing anything evil… even your name is… rather cute. You’re so..? Not really evil at all, you’re just… extra fluffy.
(Crying) Forget what you saw. Please… d-don’t look at me… don’t look…
I don’t know how to express myself… but I do my best, I swear. So please… don’t let people… crush you down. Ah… I should say all of this out loud… (Huffs in exhaustion) Come on. It’s a dream, I can do it. I didn’t do all of this for nothing… okay, take a big breath, and try to comfort that tiny thing.
It’s just a little scared.

Dreamer is a demon living off humans' dreams, ideas and fantasies, and decides to keep Rivka company.
A calm, gentle, yet ominous, medium or high pitched voice.
(Has the most amount of talking in all of this!!!)
Today has been a really bad day for Rivka. She got bullied then scolded for daydreaming too much. All she wanted was peace with her little dreams. Sad, upset without any comfort, she decided to dream again. Little does she know, all her dreams, emotions, fantasies, are being thoroughly analyzed… by a demon.
Existing thanks to humans’ imagination, dream and fantasies, he goes by the name ‘Dreamer’.
And so moved by Rivka’s feeling, the demon decided to keep her company.
He appeared in front of her. The most surprising part of this situation, would certainly be Rivka’s delighted face once she meets him.
Once Rivka’s out of the house, she travels to another world. A walk to school, drown in daydreams. But that’s exactly what Dreamer needs.
Daydreaming is a need.
There is no one around. “It’s just me.” You just have to turn the volume up… just you and the stories inside your head. Rivka is hurting her ears, but it’s for the daydream’s sake. It’s for the daydream’s sake.
Well… I love space. I love looking at the stars. Imagining that each little light is like one’s dream, shining alone on it’s own, in this empty universe… some end up disappearing, while other appear with time… and all these little dreams are fulfilling the void. Turning the original dark and endless space into a place shiny and marvelous.

Rivka's caring mother.
She is always very tired, and only wants the best for her child.
Any range can do.
...it’s been a while since I’ve seen her smile. I still wonder if we did the right choice… I just want my daughter to be happy.
(Worried/Fighting) But… she tore the note apart… and didn’t eat… I… I think I wrote down something she didn’t like… but Uhm. Since you two had a fight the same morning, I may or may not have added an apology from you discreetly… but now that I think about it, she probably figured out it wasn’t you…
(Happy) Rivka? It’s Mommy… Rose just called me… we were at her house yesterday and she wanted to see you again. If it’s alright with you, she offers us to stay the weekend at her place.

Rivka's father. He is an angry man whos face is often blurred out throughout the comic.
Warning: He swears a lot, says some not-so-nice things.
A medium-deep voice.
(Normally Angry) What the fuck are you doing? Talking on your own, again? ...and it’s not like you say the nicest things there. Should I remind you who keeps the family alive in this house? Aren’t you fed? Do you pay the bills? What about your studies? Are you beaten up at home? Any marks? You’re the reason why life has been such a nightmare these past few years. No wonder that’s the only friend you’ve got is imaginary.
(Calmer) But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to know… if you slept well. Me and your mother couldn’t find any sleep. We had this constant feeling of not being entirely alone, as if something was there to disturb our rest. I wanted to know if you shared the same sensation. I need a coffee though… so I’ll hear you in a minute. Hopefully I won’t fall asleep at work.

A strong but caring beat-up boy that saved Rivka from bullies.
Can have a very cheery tone at times
Medium to high pitched voice.
(Dumps water on someone's head) Sorry to interrupt, I just noticed someone was quite thirsty here~! You should go home.
(Serious) Mh- It’s not fine at all. I mean, with all the awful things he’s done to you… But I understand. You probably just want to go home. So, you can always call me if he causes you trouble again.
Yo, Rivka! I can finally greet you, haha! Thank you for looking after Chloe! I have a car, would you like me to drive you home safely?
I am still very thankful So call me if you need anything! Have a nice evening!
Oh, wait! I recognize that voice! It’s Rivka! I thought you lost or erased my number haha. You… remember who I am, right?

Similar to Rivka's voice, but a more serious, perhaps off-settling or haunting tone. Yet still childish in their own way.
Space is nice, but the ocean is even better… if I live here, I need an aquarium. ... please.
(Cheer) Aquarium! Aquarium!! Aquarium!
This eggplant looks pretty friendly, so I believe you won’t meet too many troubles once you try with him in real life.
Lettuce hair… eggplant color… friendly… seems about right.
Hello there, Caramel. Welcome to my Aquarium. My plushie is called Ashan. He’s a yellow-bellied sea snake.
...they’re late. I want to give her my gift… oh well.I should have expected her to be the discreet kind.

Big bro big bro we have a biiiiiiig problem!!!!! I forgot that dad spilled his coffee on my favorite shirt so I can’t wear it!!!
Ansyyy, come with the car when you pick me up at school.
Can you stay with me, please? My big brother had to buy something so I have to wait for him. He told me I should stay with someone around him age so that I could be safe.
My name is Chloe. Night to meet you!!

Ansel's mother. At first glance, she is quite a character. Happy, slightly energetic, but likes to tease.
(Happy) It's been so long!!! Look at this baby, she's so big now!!!
(Teasing) I thought you preferred my rough side?
(Now, happy teasing :D) Talking about sleeping... I see that someone just got out of bed. Did you forget we have guests today?

Say something you think would fit

Ansel and Chloe's younger brother.
Say something you think would fit

Extra people in the comic.
These people do include swearing and saying some not-so-nice things.
(Bully) Mornin’ Rivka. How’re you today? Gonna have some sleep during class? For being so tired, I wonder what you’re doing at night… see what I mean?
Why’re you lookin’ at me like that?? Am I actually right?
(Two people talking)
1: What are you doing here?
2: Pfft, nothing.
1: Just come, haha. Using her as a stopgap, you meanie!
2: Shut up, she’s damn creepy…
1: Always so harsh!
Public Submissions