Dream Catchers

Project Overview
Dream Catchers is an independent pilot created by C204 Animation. The story follows an orphan named Klein who begins having lucid dreams.
This casting call is for the pilot of the series (Episode 1). Right now, we only need voices for the primary characters. This includes Klein, Riley, Lil Lucy, and Mr. Murphy.
As of right now, this project is an entirely free passion project. Nobody is getting paid, and in the future, if episodes do get monetized, everyone will be paid accordingly.
Everyone who plays a role in this production will be credited accordingly.
As of now, the deadline for the auditions is January 27, 2022. We are lenient with the deadline, but any auditions past January 27th will not be prioritized.
Once the deadline is met and voice actors are found, the scripts will be sent out, and everyone will record their specific lines.
As of now, we will mainly communicate with Voice Actors through Discord and Emails, but this will of course vary.
Each character will have a description of how they should sound, but feel free to experiment! We're open to any ideas for the characters, and we're open to improvisations people add to the characters.
Clean, unfiltered audio. No air conditioning in the background and no background ambiance.
You can submit as many takes as possible, but please do not audition for the same character twice.
.mp3, .wav, or any other audio file works.
We may ask for separate takes of lines
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Klein is a curious, naive, hopeful little orphan. He has a goal to get adopted with his best friend Riley, but their bond gets in the way of either of them leaving the orphanage. Klein is just that committed to Riley.
For his voice actor, older age voice actors are heavily preferred. I want to steer away from children taking the room only due to the fact children's voices change. Any gender works for this part, although we would prefer a voice actress.
In terms of vocal direction, we are allowing our voice actors to experiment with whatever voice they see fit the design. We want to steer away from a raspy voice. (Like Timmy Turner and Ash Ketchum for example) A voice inspired by Bart Simpson is what we are aiming for.
- english
- animation
- high pitch
- female adult
- male adult
- nonbinary
"Why is it such a big deal for them to adopt us both? The more, the merrier!"
(Relieved) "Mr. Murphy! What's going on!?"

Riley is the complete opposite of Klein. Dull eyed, rational thinking, very nonchalant, but more than willing to take a stand if Klein is in some sort of trouble. Since Riley is older than Klein, she often feels that she's both the protector and advisor of him.
In terms of vocal direction, we're looking for a voice actress that can be soft-spoken, a little raspy, but still has the ability to pull off raising their voice.
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- female teen
- animation
(Defensive) "Yeah? Well, last time I checked, you weren't adopted either, Lil Lucy."
"What happened? Did Mr. Murphy punish you?"
"Are you mad at me? You kinda blew me off back there. I was knocking on your door all day and you didn't even answer."

Lil Lucy is everything you wouldn't expect from her appearance. She's rough, tough, and says some pretty vulgar stuff. Lil Lucy and her posse go around harassing other orphans and she will go to drastic measures if she does not get her way by throwing a tantrum.
In terms of vocal direction, we are looking for preferably a male voice actor who can pull off a bossy, gruff, mafia inspired, loudmouth type of voice. An Italian accent is allowed, but not a requirement.
- english
- italian
- animation
- male adult
"Y'know what's the sad thing? Both you two's had plenty of opportunities to leave this dump, but ya won't unless ya together? You's ain't even related!"
"Here's the facts, Jack. That changed THIS morning! BADA-BOOM! Read 'em and weep, ya old farts!"
(Throw a tantrum)

Mr. Murphy is the gentle, considerate, and admired orphan keeper at the orphanage. Mr. Murphy strives for every unadopted child to both feel like their requirements are being met and enjoying their time at the orphanage. Mr. Murphy believes any issue can be resolved through sympathetic communication and hardly ever lashes out at the children when they do wrong.
In terms of vocal direction, we are looking for a soothing, calm and collected type of voice.
- english
- male adult
- animation
"Klein, I would like to have a word with you in my office."
"From now on, I want you to watch your temper, okay?"
(Angrily) "I told you to watch your temper!"
Public Submissions