"Dragon Ball" Manga Fandub

"Dragon Ball" Manga Fandub

Project Overview


Welcome to my fandub for the "Dragonball" manga. These dubs are for fun, but I am striving to create a good quality product for each one, to give the cast involved something to be proud as well as ourselves. We know it's not always easy getting experience, and I want these projects to be a high quality project for people of any experience level to either just have fun doing or so people wanting to get more experience and for everyone to have something they're proud of to share.  This is one of multiple dubs that are up or will being posted in the coming weeks. We are trying to build a surplus of videos up before they start going up in June. That way it will give the long term VA's for any of the projects some leeway if things come up down the road and they can't meet deadlines. Once June hits there will still be some coming up every so often but the majority of the projects for the next few months at least will be being listed this month or the beginning of April.

*Warning* This series is not NSFW but does have a bit more mature content, mainly around Roshi and Oolong being perverts

What I'm Looking For

Due to this and future projects like this being fandubs, unfortunately I am not able to offer monetary compensation due to copyright. Although it is unpaid though I would like to still have a level of professionalism and quality to the project. So I will be looking for people with:

  • Because this is a very long series, please audition for the main cast or supporting characters that reoccur later on, only if you are willing to commit to a long term project. Other than the main crew the commitment isn't overly large for supporting characters but we would like to avoid having to change later on. If you aren't able to commit to long term though feel free to audition for extras, minor roles or supporting roles that do not reappear later in the story, so we don't have to recast if you have to leave. 

  • Good quality microphone, preferably XLR but if you have a USB mic do not let that deter you from auditioning since it is the sound quality I'm looking for and that's still definitely achievable with some USB mics.

  • Little to no background noise, reverb or echo. Some we can definitely work with but if there is too much of any of these it greatly takes away from the quality of the audio and can be very jarring to listen to when mixed in with other audio.

  • Discord is definitely preferred but not mandatory by any means but will make things much easier to work on the project as a whole.

  • A good attitude! I'm hoping to form a great group of people to continue working with me on these projects going forward and that is obviously much easier if you can get along well with me and the rest of the team!


Considering the size of this manga, there are a lot of roles that are available and will continue to be available going forward. Aside from the main roles, many of which we still need to cast, we have a large need for many versatile VA's for voicing many of the minor and extra characters. If you are auditioning for a bigger role, feel free to let us know in your audition that you are interested in voicing extras as well. If you have a demo reel feel free to send that on the extras listing or you can send it to me directly on discord as well.

If you would like any feedback regarding your audition as well please let me know when you post it and I'll be happy to give feedback to anyone wanting some asap!

We have also started a discord channel for Echo Audio Productions for this project and many more manga and video game dubs going forward. Feel free to join the server to keep up to date on this project as well as be the first to find out about more projects in the future! We do have a designated server already for this project since it was already active before I took over, so if you are cast I will send you a link to that one as well.


Last but not least, thank you for taking the time to check out my project and we are looking forward to hearing your auditions!

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Latest Updates

  • Thank you and feedback!

    Thank you all for the amazing auditions we've received. We could not be more happy with the amount of talent that has auditioned across our projects this last month. That said, we are a bit behind on casting due to the amount of auditions but we are in the final stages with each project now, so thank you all for your patience! I am also going through and making a list of everyone that is wanting feedback for their auditions since I know a lot of people asked already. If you have and haven't received any yet it's just because of how busy we've been. I'm planning to start getting through my feedback list this coming week though! So if you haven't listed you'd like feedback on your audition(s) and you would, feel free to let me know and I'd be happy to add you to my list! Thank you all again so much for the amazing auditions and to those that don't get cast, please don't get down, the competition was very high for a lot of the roles, and we would love for you to try out again for future projects! Anyone who isn't already on our discord server is also welcome to join there for updates on new roles available, to try for extras and minor roles and to be updated right away when new casting calls come up, since there will be some series that will regularly have new ones running! https://discord.gg/tgUaqB6wax
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JillianLeigh29

Next to Goku, Bulma is the next leading character for a good chunk of this series. She is a very intelligent teenage girl who is determined to find the dragon balls and won't let anything stop her. Except maybe a good looking guy. She goes through a wide range of emotions at the drop of the dime, from being very serious and focused, to flying off the handle on someone, to becoming extremely infatuated with a guy. 

I would like her to sound as much like the english dub as possible, but the biggest concern is that the acting is there and that the VA is able to properly portray her character. 

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY6CH7g3qNU

  • It should be somewhere around here... Hmmm... Maybe a little more to the west? 

    W-wait a second!!! I-I'm not yokai!! I'm a human!!!! 

    There it is!! The dragon ball!! KYAAAA KYAAAA!!!!

  • How's this? You can take a peek. You can even touch it a little if you want... It's not dirty!!! How rude!!!! 

    Hum, hum, hummmm! I wonder if we'll get to see HIM again.... Eh!? He's here?! He actually came?!  

  • Why would I wanna see something like that?! The thing hanging from your neck!!! 

     Wh-what are you doing?!?! Help me!!!! I'm going to be eaten!!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Master Roshi
Role assigned to: A.J Chase

Master Roshi is a very unique character, and anyone familiar with DB knows he doesn't need much explanation. He's an old martial arts master and Goku and Krillin's first teacher, and he is also an incredibly preverted old man. He is not shy about it either, and has no problem being a total creep. He's one of the main characters that may not be around for a while at a time but he is one of the first characters introduced and is still continuing on in DBZ today. 

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h1PQvbb7yk

  • I see, I see! Allow me to commend you for your hard work! I have a wonderful present to give you as thanks! Come to me, Immortal Pheonix!!!! 

    Don't eat my treasured cloud!!

  • Unfortunately there is only one Flying Nimbus... But I can give you something else in its place... as long as... y-...you.... Show me your panties first!!! 

    Wh-what the big deal?!! Even hermits want to see some panties once in a while!!! Silence!!!!

  • Wow, I still can't believe what I saw today.... I'm gonna live a long life! 

    F-fine... You can have it...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: FrootyBop

Oolong is a pig and the next character to join the group after they team up. He is a pervert similar to Roshi but he tries to be a lot sneakier about it. He starts off attacking a village and kidnapping girls to make them his wives. The different characters he turns into originally will have different voices but this will be for Oolong's normal self. He is also fairly selfish and doesn't care about abandoning everyone to protect himself (through most of the series, he does have his moments though) And he tends to bully Puar a lot as well.

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYl_UwayJ64

  • Wheeee! A moment later and my true form would have been revealed.... 

    A-... And just who the hell are you, anyway...!?

  • What are you doing?! You're really sick!!! Oh course I'm a boy!! Can't you tell that by looking?! I love girls and hate guys, got it!! Don't ever tough me again!!!!! 

    Wh-whaaaaat?! Frypan mountain?! Y-you're really intending to go there?!

  • Fine, fine, I'll stay with you, but... Gimme those panties.... 

    Hm?! IIEE?! OHHHH, OHHHHH!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HIIEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!......... I.... I'm sorry... I-I won't run anymore.... P-please stop.... (Bulma gives him a candy that makes him have to go to the washroom everytime she says "piggy" for reference, the voice reference video @ 1:50 shows this particular scene)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Yamcha is the first real challenge Goku has in the series and becomes one of the main characters in the series. He starts out as a bandit, attacking people in the desert and robbing them, until he meets Goku. He finds out about the dragon balls and follows the group for a while before eventually becoming their ally.

He is a strong fighter, although he is a bit cocky sometimes. His greatest weakness however is the fact he gets deathly shy around girls, Bulma especially.

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhqVVE7fC5Q

Battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW0o1wIGrBc

  • It's been a while since we've had some prey... Fuhu 

    Fuhu... I am the Hyena whole citadel is this very wasteland... Yamcha!

  • I hate to have to hurt a boy like you, but if you want to leave here alive, you'd better hand over all the money and capsules you have. 

    To think Son Gohan had a grandson... I guess I can't let my guard down just because you're a kid...

    I-it always happens... Whenever there's a girl around, I get too nervous... I-it's not that I dislike them, I just get too worked up.....  *Extremely shy and embarrassed from seeing Bulma*

  • Fuhu... Looks like I'll be able to have some fun for once... Feel my wrath.... Wolf Fang Fist!!!!!! 

    *Fighting sounds* 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Puar is Yamcha's companion and best friend. He is a shape shifter like Oolong but much more trained in it. He is always wherever Yamcha is and does his best to help. His voice is very high pitched

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi_i_7MAM30

  • Yamcha!! Three sitting ducks!! 

    Y-...yeah! A long time ago, when I was going to the south transformation preschool, there was this other boy, Oolong, who always bullied me...

  • He was a huge pervert who stole panties from the female teachers and was eventually thrown out!

  • Flyswatter transformation!!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KpBillie

Turtle is Master Roshi's companion and the reason Goku meets him. He's quite slow and his voice is slower and drawn out. He is also the one that tries to keep Roshi from pursuing his "unpure thoughts"

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYfC0DjSJbw

  • Eh... Excuse me... but could I possibly get a cup of saltwater? If possible, I'd like some seaweed as well... *glug glug*

  • The truth is, I.... am a turtle.... A sea turtle, that is. I was out gathering mushrooms, when I... um... got... lost...

  • Ehh!! You mean... You'll really do it?!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Little Girls Father
Role assigned to: Osumdude

He is the father of the little girl in the first village Goku and Bulma come to. He attacks Goku thinking that he's Oolong coming to kidnap his daughter. They end up begging Goku for help to save their town and the girls there. 

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boiY-C3IuaU

  • P-please forgive me, Oolong-sama!!!! If it's money and food you want, I'll give you as much as you wish!! J-just please spare my daughter...!!!

  • Please excuse me!! I thought for sure you were Oolong transformed... M-my deepest apologies!

  • Oolong is a fearsome shapeshifting monster who lives in this area! No one knows what his true form really is!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ox King
Role assigned to: TheMongoose

Ox King is one of the most feared warriors in the world at this point, and was once a student of Master Roshi. He is very scary seeming but in reality he's a pretty friendly guy. Goku saves his daughter and him and becomes good friends with them.

Voice Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whhBFZj3J2I (Near the end of the video he speaks more relaxed and shows his happy side too)

  • Who're you? And what are you doing here?

  • You didn't come here to steal my treasure did you? Eh?! Did you?!

  • You couldn't ride that cloud even if you stole it! So how did you end up with it?! 

    Wait, you know Master Roshi?! Do you know how I can find him?!

Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor
Role assigned to: SSJ4Affleck BurgerDude

Although we are currently doing the video editing ourselves, with the amount of work we are going to be producing going forward we are very open to having help with the editing. Because of the nature of the project, we aren't able to provide compensation for this role either unfortunately, but if you are interested in gaining more experience and credits to your name, or just love the content and would like to work on a project for fun, we would love to hear from you!
The editing for the manga's is going to be fairly simple, just lots of transitions and words loading as speech is being overlaid. As well as inputting the audio tracks into the video as well obviously. There will also be an opening theme song that will be played at the beginning of each episode, but once that's produced the first time there won't be a new one till the next theme comes in down the road. Any questions please let me know!

  • Say something you think would fit


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