Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods | RoF Abridged + Dragon Ball Super Abridged
Project Overview
This is the auditioning for the series-in-the-making Dragon Ball Z: BoG + RoF + Dragon Ball Super Abridged that will be uploaded on youtube! I'm currently searching for talent that'll be interested in doing long term work with me in creating this series! In search of capturing the same fun and excitement that came with Dragon Ball Z Abridged so long ago! (More roles will be added as time goes on and I get auditions, thank you so much!)
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Son Goku or Kakarot is the funny-dimwitted-goober Saiyan Martial Artist that we all know and love, he has a usual cheerful voice but changes his voice around when he gets serious about fighting! He loves to eat and fight! I would prefer if the voice sounds similar to the abridged, as in high pitched kind of like the original Japanese VA.
- male adult
- american
- warm
- funny
- Goofy
- Witty
- strong
- Sometimes Serious
- audacity
(Apologetic) Oh come on King Kai, I love training on this planet!
(Surprised) I never knew that there were gods outside of King Kai, you must be really strong!
(Disappointed) So.. I don't get to eat after all this?

Son Gohan is the Half Saiyan son of Goku, and is less of a fighter and more of a scholar. He's smart and knowledgeable, but of course has always risen to the challenge, He has a deep power within him that remains untapped. His voice should sound similar to the Japanese VA.
- english
- smart
- strong
- male adult
- american
- adult
- Kind of a Smart ass
- audacity
- audacity
(Angry/Yelling) MASENKO!! HAAAA!!!!
(Sarcastic) Mr. Piccolo, I really don't think we should argue about human Vs Namekian physiology.
(Annoyed) You really don't know what I'm talking about do you Krillin?

Vegeta is the proud Saiyan prince that serves as a rival to Goku, and is extremely prideful over himself and his family. He seeks to carry on the Saiyan Legacy and to hone his Saiyan Abilities and get stronger than Goku. I would prefer if his voice sounds similar to the gritty proud leader of Christopher Sabat.
- english
- proud
- strong
- warrior
- Prideful
- american
- gritty
- audacity
- audacity
(Angry) Kakarot you really think that you can fight a god?
(Pensive) I can't say I'm disappointed with this Kakarot, but it does put a few roadblocks between us..

Lord Beerus is the ancient and powerful God of Destruction of the 7th Universe, tasked with maintaining universal balance through destruction. He speaks proud, but not too prideful. He has a tough, gravelly voice and is extremely intelligent and violent.
- english
- strong
- gravely
- Knowledgeable
The Super Saiyan God isn't here.. I guess I'll have to destroy this planet..
So this is who defeated Freeza, interesting, I shouldn't underestimate him like Freeza did.
Whis, you mean to tell me that a concoction like this will taste good? It smells salty and horrible!

Krillin is the most powerful human on Earth, Krillin is short, bald and has six dots tattooed on his forehead. He usually wears the turtle hermit school name on his uniform. Krillin is married and has a daughter.
- english
- Goofy
- funny
- silly
- Sarcastic Sort of
- Audacity
With all of the crap that's happened to me over my time of living.. I still really don't know what to do in this situation..
Holy shit! Vegeta's beating the crap out of that purple cat!
You know, Piccolo doesn't like being called Big Green..

Piccolo was originally the nemesis of Goku when they were both younger, but as the both of them grew, Piccolo began to find companionship with Goku and the Z Fighters, he also began to find a deep bond with Gohan, forming a father type relationship with him.
- english
- Christopher Sabat-esque
- serious
- american
- Intelligent
Gohan, you've gotten stronger.
I've had enough whining for one god damn day.. let's kick this grape looking asshole back to wherever he came from!

Bulma's family runs the Capsule Corporation. Bulma is the friend of Goku and Krillin and is a scientist just like her father. She is also married to Vegeta and mother to Trunks and Bulla.
- english
- Intelligent
- american
- shrill
- Angry
I'm so sick and tired of bullshit happening on days that are important! I cannot stand this any longer! You, you've ruined my birthday party!
There's absolutely no reason for me to ever wear a bunny suit, especially not after what happened last time!
The.. the.. God of Destruction!?

Frieza is an evil alien tyrant, once the ruler of the North Galaxy and responsible for the destruction of Planet Vegeta. He Has earned a reputation for being very powerful and feared throughout Universe 7.
- english
- female young adult
- aristocratic british
- Chris Ayers Frieza
- Short Tempered
- strong
- evil
- Merciless
Every second I spend not killing Goku is another second that I spend wanting to kill you.
It took you much too long to find a way to revive me, I've been in the worst hell imaginable.. I don't think you understand, I don't think you understand at all!
I miss Zarbon..

Hercule or Mr. Satan is the World Martial Arts Champion! His daughter is Videl and by extension his granddaughter is Pan.
He's known to be explosive in his personality, yet scared of the real challenges the Z Fighters face.
- english
- american (southern)
- gruff
- scruffy
- Gravelly
- proud
- loud
- american
I am Mr. Satan! I am ready for everything and anything !!!
I love all of my Satanists equally..
Well.. uhh.. I don't think I could do that..

Tien Shinhan was once an enemy of Goku in the original Dragon Ball series, but he has since reformed and would go on to become a valuable asset of the Z-Fighters in their many battles against Villains that were threatening the safety and peace of Earth.
- english
- serious
- english (american)
- adult
- calm
- Semi Melancholic
It's like you can taste the gap widening..
A god of Destruction.. on Earth?
You've got to be kidding me..

The Supreme Kai is the Supreme Deity of Universe 7.
- english
- androgynous
- British Royalty Esque
- warm
- nice
- Cool fella
Goku did not.. he didn't challenge Lord Beerus to a fight.. you must be kidding..
I get the feeling that we're not going to get along..
Hello once again, Son Goku.

Android 18 was originally a cybernetically enhanced cyborg-android made by Dr. Gero, but ultimately defected during the fight against Cell. She is now allies with Goku and married to Krillin.
- english
- american
- Deadpan sounding
Do you want to die? (Asking)
Sounds like this other Universe is strong.. (Pensive)
Hands off my Krillin! HAAAAAAA!! (Powering Up)

Android 17 is Android 18's twin brother and was originally a foe to Goku, but retired to become a park ranger.
- english
- Witty
- deadpan
- general american english
- smart
I hate poachers..
So.. for Earth, right? Fighting for Planet Earth.. wow.. how Human of me..
You know we've never fought before.. so don't go easy on me..

The result of Innocent Buu expelling all of the evil in his body, becoming pure good. He is identical in appearance to Innocent Buu, however he lacks any evil whatsoever and is a different life-form.
- english
- american
- high pitched
- androgynous
- shrill
- loud
You make Buu mad! Don't make Buu mad!!
Turn intooooooooo..... CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
Buu not care if you are God of Destruction, this is Buu's pudding!

Once the Supreme Kai, he was locked inside the Z-Sword for 15 generations.
- Old Man
- Elderly Man
- british
Goku, your lust for battle has got you and this planet in trouble so many times, but a Tournament that decides the fate of the Universe!? I can't believe I didn't put it past you.
Beerus is awake.. I can only hope that Goku doesn't decide to fight him..
After Buu, you've shown us that you can pull through for anything Goku..

Kid Trunks is the son of Vegeta.
- american
- Childish
- male child
Come on dad! How am I supposed to get stronger if you don't let me fight in any tournaments!? (Complaining)
I'm too cool to lose.. hahaha.. (Cocky)
Holy crap, I haven't seen dad that angry since.. I don't actually think I've ever seen him that angry! (Surprised)

Goten is the second son of Goku.
- english
- american
- male child
- young
- Childish
Trunks, let's fuse! Let's kick this purple guy's ass! (Cocky)
My mom doesn't let me watch those kinds of movies.. sorry.. (Pensive)
I hate when it's super hot outside..

Future Trunks is a freedom fighter from the Future that fights against Goku Black!
- english
- american
- adult
- strong
- Pensive
I won't let you.. I won't let you win!!!!!!!! (Yelling, Powering up)
Do feel this power Zamasu!? I am the light of Justice! Feel the power of the mortals you despise!!! (Angry, yelling)
Dad's a lot less tolerant than I remember.. (Sarcastic)

Goku Black is the evil clone of Goku,
- english
- evil
- male adult
- english (london)
- Villainous
- Proper
I will put an end to this Mortal World.. (Delegating)
This is Rosé.. a beautiful twist to your "Super Saiyan", (Bragging)
I fear that your time, has come to an end.. Son Goku.

Zamasu is a Kai Apprentice that seeks to wipe the universe of Mortals.
- english
- english (posh)
- evil
- strong
- hateful
- Proper
Your kind is filled with evil politics, war, long periods of unrest.. why wouldn't I want to eradicate you!? (Angry)
Everything you've just said has made me violently angry.. (Irritated)
Behold, I am the Ultimate Being.. Zamasu.. (Bragging)

Hit is the Time-Skipping Assassin.
- male adult
- american
- Stern
- Cold
My timeskip.. is unbeatable.. (Stern)
Everyone's got a plan until they get knocked on their ass.. (Stern)
I've learned a lot from you, Son Goku.. (Admirable)

Hot-headed and cocky Saiyan.
- english
- female adult
- american
- Cocky
- proud
- Prideful
Check this out.. I've been training.. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... (Transforming, yelling)
More Saiyans!? More to pummel into the ground!! (Cocky, ready to fight)
Kale! Let's fuse so we can show this Goku guy what's good!

A shy, and semi-self-deprecating Saiyan.
- Pensive
- female young adult
- weary
- american
- Scared
I'm not powerful! I'm not powerful like you Caulifla! You can't expect so much of me!! (Complaining)
GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR ARMS OFF AND FEED THEM TO YOU!! (Grumbling, Gruff and Strong, in her Legendary Super Saiyan form)
Jeez, Caulfila, these guys look strong.. when Cabba suggested a tournament I didn't think it would be so massive..

Cabba is a Saiyan from the Planet Sadala.
- female teen
- weary
- american
- strong
Don't go easy on me Vegeta..
They fused into Kefla.. those two together are intense..

Master Roshi is the original master of Son Goku, he's an Old Man with a weakness for hot ladies.
- male senior
- american
- Cooky Old Man
- gruffy
KAAA.. MEEE... HAAA.. MEEEEE.......... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Firing Kamehameha)
This old guy's moves outclass any of you youngsters, hehe! (Bragging)
Evil Containment Wave! Into the jar you go!! Haha!! (Laughing)

If there's any character's you dont see on this list, feel free to audition for them!
*Say something you think would fit*

Jiren is the strongest warrior of the Pride Troopers.
- american
- strong
- Valiant
- male adult
- Noble
I can see through your time-skip.. A warrior who relies on gimmicks is no warrior at all!
Goodbye, Son Goku..

Broly is the ultra powerful powerhouse of Dragon Ball Super. He's known to be extremely devastating when in battle but calm, and cool when not in battle. He is of primitive nature, so his vocabulary isn't perfect.
- english
- male adult
- american
- adult
- strong
- powerful
- Audacity
FATHERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Screaming and powering up)
What kind of drink is this? (Examining water)
My name is Broly.
Public Submissions