Dragon Ball Z (Attack Of The Saiyans)

Project Overview
For a long time I wanted to have voice acted scenes in this game. Also I wanted to change some of the writing in the story so the voices can fit in better. I want some voice actors editors and some people on the storyline to help structure the story. This is just for fun and people who are fans of the game but I'm trying to have a serious take on it.
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Goku speaks with a hokuetsu (北越) sub-dialect of Tōhoku from northeast Japan. He speaks with fairly standard grammar, but does not pronounce things in a standard way. So basically like a small amount of a country bumpkin.
Goku is pure of heart, possessing no negative feelings or thoughts. He is highly loyal to his friends and family, even willing to sacrifice himself to save others as he did against Raditz and Cell.
"Hey, old man! Glad to see you're alive again! You're all lookin' great, too! So where are Krillin, and Yamcha, and Tien, huh? They already go off to fight their preliminary matches?"
"Huh well, who the heck did you thing I was?"
"I know who he is... that's King Piccolo
Even worse...This Piccolo is way, way stronger than the old one!
I won the World Martial Arts Tournament! Yaaahooooo!!!
His name is Gohan.
Did someone called Raditz come through here?
Here it comes!
So what if I was born on some other planet with a different name and stuff? I don't even care if you are my brother. That doesn't matter to me anymore! Krillin's right...You Saiyans are the absolute worst!! My name's Goku, and this is my home! So get going, or else!
I'm really looking for more of Goku og voice Masako Nozawa feel. like a country bumpkin

Overall, Krillin is a highly valued character in the Dragon Ball series: powerful, loyal, and brave. He is second only to Goku in the most appearances in the manga. In some more recent movies however, Krillin has been since demoted to a comic relief character.
"I guess we were kind of rough on my old training partners at the last tournament, huh? Oh, well...I'm sure they've forgiven me by now! Let's see what they're up to!"
"It's me, Master! Krillin!'
"East city huh...? Sure brings back memories... I think I'll check out the Temple."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdxmpBRVXrk Mayumi Tanaka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQIrly1aGKI&t=9s (0:09) Mayumi Tanaka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQIrly1aGKI (1:16) Sonny Strait
A mix of both

Yamcha (ヤムチャ, Yamucha) is a former bandit and one of the Earth's greatest fighters. He was once an enemy of Goku, but he eventually reformed himself and became a lifelong friend and ally of his. He was the first of the eventual Z-Fighters to meet and team up with Goku. He was once the boyfriend of Bulma, and finds a constant companion in Puar. His name is a play on "Yum cha" (literally "drinking tea"), referring to a gathering to drink tea and eat dim sum.[1][2][3] He has the distinction of being the one Z-Fighter that has known Goku the longest, even longer than Krillin.
his voice normal voice and he's pretty smart and knowledgeable about the wider martial arts
Time stamps for this clip
0:12 and 0:55
Well, he said I needed more training... but what should I do, exactly?
I'd like to, but Krillin said he'd go back to Orin Temple to train so...
If I let up now, I'll end up falling way behind him and everyone else.
Ah, don't be stupid! That guy's doing some kinda crazy training right now with Kami!
They've started to move!
Yo! Sorry I'm late, guys.
Let me go.
I wanna show them we're not playing around.
You've already been wished back by the Dragon Balls, Krillin. If something happened, you won't be able to come back. Now, bring it on!
Looks like these monsters weren't as strong as you thought.
I think I'll go ahead and clean yup the remaining four as well...

He was originally a student of the Crane School who desired revenge against Goku for defeating his mentor, Mercenary Tao, but realized he was on the wrong side with the help of Master Roshi. He battles alongside the other Z Fighters against major threats to the Earth, often courageously engaging enemies far more powerful than himself.[9] However, he spends most of his time training with his lifelong best friend, Chiaotzu.
Tien Shinhan was originally a cold-hearted and ruthless warrior, never caring for anyone's life with the exception of his fellow students and mentors. This brutality can be plainly seen when he crushes Yamcha's and another fighter's leg during the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. However, he finds a lifelong best friend in Chiaotzu, for whom he cares deeply, and vice-versa. He highly idolized his mentor Mercenary Tao and desired to be a famous assassin like him. Due to Master Roshi's and Goku's influence, he changed his demeanor and became one of the most respected warriors on the planet. Before he transitioned to the good side, he planned to kill Goku during the World Martial Arts Tournament as he was seen as a threat to himself and his cohorts.
Voice clips
Time stamp for this clip 3:20 and 0:07
Master Roshi... I have betrayed the Crane spirit. In its place, I have learned how to wield my martial arts in ways I never imagined before...But I am afraid my training has left me at an impasse.
And I can certainly forget about ever surpassing him...
...Yes, Master. I wish to master my skills to protect those who I hold dear. While I do so, I want to continue searching for the true meaning of martial arts.
...I don't know if I will or not. But if I keep doing everything I can to strive for that goal...I think that'll be what leads me to become truly strong like Goku...
...Yes, Master. Once, I thought martial arts were a tool to dominate others. But the skills I've learned from you are something entirely different. There is warmth... and kindness to them.
What I have learned is that there are some things in my life I must absolutely protect.
(Listen up, Goku! I think I finally taken a step forward toward your strength.)
Until I figure this out, no matter how strong I get, I well never attain Goku's strength.
I also think I understand where Goku's true strength lies...
(I'm going to be a different man when we meet again!)

Chiaotzu is a white-skinned, red-cheeked little Earthling. He is the constant companion and best friend of Tien Shinhan and one of Master Shen's students.
In his initial characterization, Chiaotzu is sadistic and amoral due to the teachings of Master Shen. During the preliminary rounds of the tournament, he needlessly burns one of his opponents so badly that the man is bandaged from head to toe. He gleefully inflicts pain on Krillin with his psychic attack and uses the same attack to cheat in Tien's match with Goku, on Shen's order.
In his initial characterization, Chiaotzu is sadistic and amoral due to the teachings of Master Shen. During the preliminary rounds of the tournament, he needlessly burns one of his opponents so badly that the man is bandaged from head to toe. He gleefully inflicts pain on Krillin with his psychic attack and uses the same attack to cheat in Tien's match with Goku, on Shen's order.
Heh heh...I knew you'd come to help me, Tien.
...!! Tien!
What about you, Tien? Are you ok?!
Tien... what could this be?
I can't leave you alone when you're so trouble, Tien!
Japanese Dub: Hiroko Emori
Ocean Group Dub: Cathy Weseluck
FUNimation Dub: Monika Antonelli
Brina Palencia
Jodi Forrest

also known as the Turtle Hermit (亀かめ仙せん人にん Kamesen'nin) and God of Martial Arts (武道の神様 Budō no Kamisama), is a master of martial arts, who trained Gohan, Ox-King, Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha. He has a sister named Fortuneteller Baba. He is also a hermit and a pervert.
Roshi cares deeply for his students to the point he entered the World Martial Arts Tournament in the guise of a martial named "Jackie Chun" to ensure they would lose the tournament as he felt they might lose interest in the martial arts if they won it too easily due to the great strength they had obtained through his training. While this may have been true for a fellow Earthling martial artist like Krillin, Roshi was unaware that Goku was actually a Saiyan who would never lose interest in fighting due to the Saiyan's inborn love of fighting until many years later after the arrival of Raditz, though through a story he heard from Goku's Grandpa Gohan he did known that Goku was the elder Gohan's adoptive grandson and may have suspected the boy's potential alien origins from the story Gohan told him. As a result, Roshi found a tough opponent in the young Saiyan and it took all of his skill, power, and abilities to defeat Goku during final match of the tournament. Also during the tournament he showed compassion to Nam by explaining he did not need the prize money to buy water after he was defeated by Goku and gives him a capsule to store water from a well, although in exchange for his help Roshi asks Nam to help him protect his secret identity from his students by having him impersonate Master Roshi in the audience and convince his students that Jackie Chun and Master Roshi were separate people. He is also shown to be quite intelligent as he managed to figure out the Moon was the cause of Goku's Great Ape transformation and correctly deduced that destroying it would cause Goku to return to normal and prevent any further transformations (Piccolo would later use this very same tactic in Dragon Ball Z to stop Gohan's transformation in the Vegeta Saga as well as prevent Nappa and Vegeta from using the Moon to transform). Despite his skirt-chasing antics, Master Roshi is still a very wise and kind-hearted person who loves those around him like his own grandchildren. He openly enjoys life and its simple pleasures, but is willing to die for an honorable cause if necessary. Despite being immortal Roshi dies when attempting to utilize the Evil Containment Wave against King Piccolo (who was freed during the King Piccolo Saga), which shows that his immortality only prevents him from dying from old age and thus is not completely immortal. He appears in most of the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z movies, usually as comic relief, though in The World's Strongest and Resurrection ‘F’ he actively participates in the fight alongside the other Z Fighters.
Oooh, my my! I'm surrounded by women! What a shock to the ol' ticker!
oof... You could stand to be a bit more polite...
Ho ho ho...Yamcha too, eh? Krillin went off saying the same thing, y'know...Goku had a major influence on them three years ago, there's no doubt about that.
Do you know this man?
It... It's Goku...
Now this... this really is a shock to my ol' ticker.
Certainly. Make me proud!
There's no need for you to keep wearing the Turtle School uniform for the rest of your lives.
An impasse, you say...?
Do you think you've learned the true meaning of your martial arts, then?
You've grown, Tien...Now it's time to explore the outside world and train to your heart's content!
well, I thought I'd give you your final exam before you graduate from my training!
time stamps for voice clips
1:01, 0:10, and 4:53

Launch (ランチ, Ranchi; lit. "Lunch") is a woman with a strange disorder which changes between two personalities each time she sneezes. Her first personality is a sweet blue haired woman, who is pure-hearted. Her other personality is an angry, trigger-happy blonde woman, who commits crimes for fun and is quick to respond with gunfire when angered. Neither of Launch’s personalities remembers the other's actions, or anything they said.
This version of Launch has blue hair. The innocent persona of Launch is pure of heart as she can ride the Flying Nimbus with Goku in the anime.When Launch's nose gets tickled and she sneezes, it causes her to change into her violent half. Launch has a very sensitive nose, that, when irritated by even the smallest things, can result in a sneeze. Her sneezes are often provoked by things such as flowers, pepper, dust, and other common allergens.
In her bad form, Launch has blonde hair. Goku, Master Roshi and Krillin are all deeply afraid of her bad side after she shoots them all with a machine gun. Afterwards, all of them run behind a boulder several meters away in fear, after being victims of her first assault, when it seemed like she would sneeze, and carefully observing her during dinner, ready to run away at the first sign of a sneeze. Somehow, she always appears to have a machine gun on her.
Blue Haired
come on, everyone! Master Roshi's waiting for you!
We're done packing the food and everything! Get down out of there and lets get going
Krillin! Helloooo?
Yeah... it certainly... ahh... ahhhhh...
They sure are taking their time...
Hey, look who's here!
Hey, Bulma!
...No way...
Good luck, everybody!
Yellow Haired
Listen up, you freaks! How much longer you gonna be sleeping, huh?
You wanna keep the turtle hermit waitin' all day?! Get your lazy butts outta bed Now!
Move it, you bum! Master Roshi wans to see you, now!
Time Stamps for clips Blue hair
0:10, 1:09, and 0:40 this one is ok but she's the nicer one
Time Stamps for clips Yellow hair
0:07, 1:33, and the second best 1:54

As a child, Chi-Chi was very shy and often always thought about who she would marry. Despite being the daughter of the Ox-King, who had a reputation of being terrifying, she was shown to be the opposite of him, as she was shown to be of pure heart by being able to ride the Flying Nimbus. During fighting, she is often scared and defeats her opponent while crying.
Chi-Chi's personality changed when she became an adult, especially after marrying Goku and having her son Gohan. She is often depicted as a sometimes nagging, overprotective but fundamentally well-meaning woman, similar to the stereotypical overbearing shōnen mother. Though her power pales in comparison to most of the Z Fighters, she is still one of the strongest women in the world, and has been seen fighting well above the level of an average human on more than one occasion.
I have to admit, Though, I'm impressed. I never thought you'd get this strong.
ugh, you really don't remember me? I'm Chi-Chi! Daughter of the Ox-King.
No wonder I figured you'd be the perfect husband.
Listen up, everyone! thanks for coming to celebrate my marriage!
Ohhh, this makes me so happy!
Thanks again for the wedding dress, Daddy!
Time stamps for voices
0:08, 3:07, and 1:25

Baba is shown to be very rude towards people, even her own brother. Baba also likes to underestimate people who fight her five warriors, as she thought that Goku, Yamcha and Krillin stood no chance of beating any of them. She seems to have her limits on just how far she will let the fighters do to their opponents, urgently ordering Spike the Devil Man not to attack Goku with the Devilmite Beam, assuming it would kill him like all its other victims. Another example of her arrogance is evident when she informs Grand Kai that she will take Goku to the living world without the Kai's consent, and even dared to say to his face that she did not need it to do such a thing, much to the deity's displeasure (though he is forced to consent anyway because, as noticed by Baba, he would have to train Goku himself if he refused).
How about I tell your fortunes, instead?
Hoihoihoi!! Let's see...Ahhhhh!
Oooh, this is troubling indeed...
time stamps for voices
0:07, 0:39, 3:09, and 2:37

Bulma has a temperamental personality while being very tomboyish and girly at the same time. While known for her extreme intellect, Bulma is considerably spoiled and vain, using her great beauty as an excuse for her selfish behavior. Her selfishness prevented her from being able to ride the Flying Nimbus. While in stressful conditions, she becomes frightened easily and gets angry toward everyone including her allies. Bulma tends to have a great deal of concern over her hygiene, frequently complaining when circumstances prevent her from taking a bubble bath or replenishing her beauty supplies, even when her hygiene is the least of her worries such as being stranded in the wilderness.
Despite her temperament, Bulma often displays friendliness and helpfulness towards others. She tends to approach major situations rationally, often making crucial decisions on her own, and she tends to be very persistent in achieving her goals. As she gets more mature, Bulma focuses on becoming a great scientist and helps out by creating and fixing inventions that help the Z Fighters and her family. She is shown to be very witty, usually teasing her friends, apart of being happy and easy-going.
Eeeeee! oh, wow, I haven't seen either of you in forever!
So where is everyone? They still aren't here yet?
Keep your hands off me, you old coot!
You...you've grown, Goku...
It's called lipstick!
Hey! Long time no see!
Heh heh heh...Here you are, just a little gift, some of your favorite meat buns!
What? Yamcha? That idiot? How should I know, huh? He crossed me one too many times, so I didn't tell him we were all meeting here today! We can party it up just fine without him, okay!?
Wait a minute... what about Launch, though? where's she?
Hmm? Who's the kid with you?
Time stamps of voices
0:07, 0:37, 3:44, and 1:08

old form
Being the concentrated evil that lived within the Nameless Namekian, King Piccolo's personality is the exact opposite of his good counterpart, Kami; as he is presented as a cold, ruthless, sadistic, and power-hungry villain with little to no sense of compassion whatsoever. He has demonstrated on many occasions that he is willing to do anything to accomplish his goals, regardless of how many innocent lives need to be taken in the process. Piccolo has also been shown to have a very warped and twisted sense of humor, often breaking out into a maniacal laughter after causing some form of death and destruction and creating a holiday where he would destroy a city every year on the anniversary of his take-over. Despite his power-hungry nature, however, he has absolutely no interest in actually ruling over his subjects, at least after his release from the electric rice cooker by Pilaf. This was especially evident after he took over the world, where he outright admits that he has no interest in ruling over the planet despite his being the new king of the world and if anything encourages the subjects to do all the crimes they ever want while explicitly ending law and order.
new form/ rebirth
Originally, Piccolo inherited his father/former self's desire for world domination and destroying Goku. He was determined to prove his superiority and possessed many of the villainous properties of his father, such as a violent and destructive nature and a total disregard for anything besides victory. This was shown during his battle with Goku in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, where he shows almost no mercy for his opponent, breaking all of Goku's limbs while laughing sadistically, believing it was necessary after what Goku had done to his father. Despite all this, Piccolo was not without a measure of restraint and honor, as he for no reason saved a mother and daughter from debris during a storm.[11] He also let Krillin walk away after submitting in the tournament. Piccolo has also shown traits of pragmatism, teaming up with his archrival Goku and later the rest of the Z Fighters when the threat of the Saiyans proves to be too much for him alone, citing the aliens' defeat as a shared goal. According to Goku, his overall evil nature became more of a stubborn and angry attitude than flat-out villainous.
After his battle against Goku, Piccolo gradually began to develop for the better as the evil nature only dwelled through his desire to destroy Goku inherited from his father/former self. Later, when he and Goku team up to battle Raditz, Piccolo began to show more respect during the battle, even commemorating Goku on his noble sacrifice despite still considering him an enemy and, during the battle against Nappa, praised the other Z Fighters' bravery and tactics.
While training Goku's young son, Gohan, while originally only for to prepare for the coming Saiyans, Piccolo's heart and motives quickly begin to change as the boy takes his time to talk with Piccolo and have normal discussions that do not result in a violent outbreak, this stemming from Gohan agreeing on Goku's views of Piccolo now being more grumpy than truly evil. During the time he was training Gohan, both Mr. Popo and Kami noted the change in Piccolo's personality with Mr. Popo noting he was no longer the Demon King of old referencing his loss of Demon Clan status and Kami himself surmised that he had the same premonition of death that Kami himself had and that Piccolo wanted to leave behind some kind of legacy even if it was in the son of his sworn enemy. Around the start of Gohan's training Piccolo told Gohan that if he feels resentment towards him, then he should curse his own fate like Piccolo did, indicating Kami was right about Piccolo's motivation. During the battle with Nappa, Piccolo goes as far as to sacrifice his life to save Gohan, stating how his friendship and love had changed him forever. Piccolo has stated that Gohan was the first person to see him not as a monster and was proud to call him his friend. From then on, Piccolo became very protective of Gohan, proud in his growth as a man and seeing Gohan a surrogate-son, to which Gohan himself came to care for Piccolo as a dear uncle or even second father. This also truly cemented his change from evil to good and a true friend and team-mate for the Z Fighters. He also came to view Goku in a similar light as a dear friend and ally as after being teleported from the self-destructing Planet Namek and learning of Goku's intentions, Piccolo noted he would have preferred to fight alongside the noble warrior to the end, showing his respect for the Earth's savior.
Ha ha ha ha ha hah!
Heh heh heh... Once you're out of the way, I'll take over the world in the blink of an eye.
The Piccolo you're about to face is nothing like the one you fought three years ago!
A beautiful, demonic world awaits!
Heh heh heh... That kindness is going to kill you someday. I warned you about that.
...If I can't hit with it, it's worthless.
A game?! Dont be ridiculous!
(That Saiyan...He reduced that green monster to pieces in a matter of seconds...What power!)
Let's not beat around the bush! Well take you all on at once!l
time stamps for voices
0:07, 0:45, 3:09, 0:37

Despite his threatening sounding name, Ox-King is really quite harmless and fun loving. He was somewhat demonic when his castle became engulfed in flames on Fire Mountain during a picnic with his daughter,[2] and wreaked havoc through the village at the foot of the mountain. In the anime, he has a few large roles though from time to time, mainly involving keeping his daughter out of trouble. He also cares deeply for his family, buying his grandchildren presents and visiting quite often, and will stop at nothing to make sure things are done, such as protecting Chi-Chi's wedding gown from the fires surrounding his castle.
Though generally very polite and generally disinterested in girls, Ox-King is shown to have a perverted side similar to Master Roshi's when watching Maron sunbathe in the episode "Krillin's Proposal". The Ox-King is a smoker, as seen on the cover of the chapter "An Unexpected Strength", in the first Dragon Ball Z ending sequence, and in the episode "Gohan Goes Bananas!".
Take care of her for me, Goku.
You're an even match for your mother, in fact!
...Wow, Chi-Chi you're beautiful.
Hey there! Long time no see!
Nothing we can do, so we might just as well start eatin'! Goku will have Gohan back before ya know it...
C-come on now! Gohan's four years old! Skipping a day wouldn't hurt...
Time Stamps for voice
1:50 and 1:37

Yajirobe is very asocial, preferring to be by himself often so he can eat peacefully, and often acts rude towards others. Yajirobe enjoys consuming large amounts of food and has a grumpy attitude to those who bug or distract him, even in the slightest. He enjoys eating wild roast pig and also possesses a particular affinity for steamed pork buns (butaman in Japanese); which he is depicted eating in several scenes throughout the series and regrets not consuming more when he thinks Vegeta is about to destroy the Earth during the Vegeta Saga. Also true to the vagabond ronin stereotype, Yajirobe is unkempt and does not care if his loincloth is visible to other people. According to the Daizenshuu and other databooks, Yajirobe enjoys driving stolen cars. He also enjoys fishing, hunting and taking afternoon naps. He is somewhat characterized as a coward because he tries to avoid major skirmishes, as seen with King Piccolo and Vegeta, but prefers to be thought of as intelligently careful.
In spite of his cowardly and asocial traits, Yajirobe does possess a more honorable and noble side which is shown on several occasions. After Goku took a brutal beating at the hands of King Piccolo, Yajirobe rushes to his aid and helps him regain consciousness by supplying him with water from a nearby river. He later assists the weakened Goku by taking him to the top of Korin Tower, thus allowing him to drink the Ultra Divine Water which proves pivotal in the defeat of King Piccolo. Also, had it not been for Yajirobe catching him as he was falling to the ground after his battle with the Demon King, the heavily wounded Goku could have perished. In the Vegeta Saga he once again saves Goku from being crushed to death by the Great Ape Vegeta by severing the Saiyan Prince's tail and reverting him back into his humanoid form, which helps significantly in giving Gohan and Krillin the upper hand in the battle ahead. Later, after the Spirit Bomb fails to kill Vegeta, Yajirobe (the only fighter not worn out by the battle with the Saiyans) risks his life to save Gohan from Vegeta's wrath by severely wounding the Saiyan with his katana. Though this only angers Vegeta even more but gives Gohan the time he needs to transform into a Great Ape and finally defeat the Saiyan Prince once and for all.
Hey in there!! Open up!
It's me.
It's Yajirobe, you twit! You did that on purpose, didn't you?!
Who builds a house in a place like this?! Took me forever to find it! I'm only here because Korin has a message for you!
He knows about what happened. That's why he wants you, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and what's his name to come right away!
Kami says he's gonna train ya. Same for me.
Even though I said I didn't wanna fight no stinkin' super strong aliens...
Looks like I got no choice.
Well, I did my job. I'm outta here.
Time Stamps for voices
0:07, 2:04

Korin may appear to be a strict teacher, but he's actually a very nice guy. When Goku went to get the holy water while Korin was sleeping, he changed his mind and didn't steal the water. Korin, impressed by this display of honesty and decency, decided he would train Goku to his full potential. As noted by Kami, Korin likes to play tricks.
All right now, what's the rucks all about?
So, you finally made it! I was watching what went on below, so I guess there was nothing you could do...
Hmm...Before that...There's a little favor I have to ask!
Hah hah. He's got a good sense of humor. He give you all a warm welcome?
...But to get there, you're gonna need a power pole!
Good luck with your training with Kami!!
Time stamps for voices
0:07, 2:07, 2:41, and 4:42

It is not known what the Nameless Namekian's personality was like originally, but after purging himself of his evil counterpart, he becomes a normal peaceful Namekian known as Kami. Though he could count as a Warrior-type Namekian, he gives up martial arts almost completely after becoming Guardian of Earth (though he later fights Piccolo Jr. as Hero and Garlic Jr. as himself). According to Korin, Kami does not like visitors and will send any rocket ship trying to reach him back (implying it has happened at least once). His need for seclusion may stem from growing up by himself in the remote Yunzabit Heights. Despite having a legitimate care for the Earth, he began to think all humans were selfish and distrustful as he watched humanity grow and rebuild after the King Piccolo wars, until he meets Goku, which renews his faith in humanity (despite Kami somehow knowing that Goku is not from Earth, though it may have been Goku's love for his friends that changed Kami's mind, of course he may have also been inspired by the actions of other Earthlings such as Mutaito, Roshi, and Goku's friends). Kami's respect for Goku was great enough for Kami to see him as a potential successor and even offered him the position of Guardian of Earth after the 23rd World Tournament, even suggesting that Goku and his soon-to-be wife Chi-Chi could live together on the Lookout, though Goku ultimately refused, to Kami's utter shock. Though he normally refrains from combat after the Piccolo Jr.
Kami also has some complexity to his character, as even though he was the Guardian of Earth he felt as if he was not deserving of the title. This is because King Piccolo and Piccolo's existence relied on him being alive, leading him to want to take his own life on several occasions. He reiterates this to Goku at the end of the 23rd World Tournament. After Master Roshi explains to him how none of this would have been possible without him and the Dragon Balls, Kami is able to forgive himself and continue as Guardian of the Earth until he fuses with Piccolo. Kami still remained a part of Piccolo, as was noted by Piccolo when he gave him strategic ideas in combat (most notably against Imperfect Cell in order to get information). He also encourages Piccolo to continue on fighting during the Tournament of Power, knowing full well that the fate of Earth and Universe 7 is at stake.
Hey! Tien! you have to kill me!
That's the only way he's ever going to die!
I can't kill him myself! This is the only way we can save Goku!
It will be fine! You can summon Shenron and wish me back to life later!
You have to kill him, Goku! He can't be left alive!
...And so, I brought Goku to receive training, body intact.
Please, King Yemma, allow him to visit King kai.
Voice Time Stamps
0:07, 0:39, 2:53

Gohan is a shy and studious intellectual child who lacks the Saiyan fighting spirit, so he had to utilize his incredible half-breed Saiyan potential and emotional reserves to protect those he loves, becoming one of the most powerful Z Fighters. As an adult, he achieves his dream career of becoming a great scholar.
Being only half-Saiyan, Gohan is unusual in his values and personality compared to most full-Saiyans. These unique values and personality separate him from pure Saiyans; as powerful as he is, he does not like fighting much. However, when he is forced to fight, he shows special interest in protecting his family and friends. Like his father, Gohan has a truly pure and gentle heart, apart from having the typical Saiyan appetite and will eat anything.[3]
Though he claims he does not share the love of fighting Goku has, Gohan does indeed love martial arts and adventures. It is also clearly obvious that he enjoys his superhuman powers, and he greatly enjoys using them to be a superhero, though he dislikes receiving the fame and attention that comes with it and prefers to keep a low profile, which is why he created the Great Saiyaman persona, in order to keep his identity a secret. This is even more evident when he didn't acknowledge Cell's defeat at his hands to the public after Mr. Satan falsely took credibility for it. During the Zeno Expo, he admitted that his Saiyan half was getting excited from the challenge shown by Top of Universe 11, demonstrating that even though he despises senseless violence, he actually does enjoy fighting as a sport. It is possible that he prefers not to fight due to the many gruesome and painful fights he experienced in the past, and because of these battles, Gohan has negative emotions associated with fighting.
Uh... h-hello.
Four years old, ma'am
Waaahhh! Waaaahhhh!!
Waaaaaahhhhh!! Daddy!!
LEAVE MY DADDY ALONE!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!
Oh! D-Daddy!
What?! W-who are you?! Waaaahhhhhhh!!!! Daaaaaadyyyyyyyy! I'm scaaarrrred!
But...But I don't wanna be a warrior...I wanted to be a scholar.
But...But I'm scared...
*Sniff* I...I wanna wait for my daddy to get resurrected. Then I can learn how to fight from him.
Pi... Piccolo...
Don't die, Piccolo! My dad will be here soon!
Please... Don't die!!
Examples of the voices of this character
0:07 second favorite Masako Nozawa, 0:39 3rd favorite Saffron Handerson , and number one 1:10 Stephanie Nadolny

I'm going to be the director and one of the supporting writers, but in the lead role is to lead you and the writing team to write down every piece of dialogue in this game and so we can structure it like a series or to be more specific like an episode of dragon ball. Since we have the foresight we can pull from interviews and other cannon material.
I'm looking for a freelance writer since I'm on a fixed budget.
Say something you think would fit
Asssisting me and the lead writer
Say something you think would fit

Though he does not appear to physically age, Mr. Popo is very old, having served Kami, the Guardian of Earth, for hundreds of years. He also served Kami's predecessor, as well as the Guardians of Earth into the distant past.[1] Being the loyal and faithful servant that he is, his vocation covers a wide variety of areas, such as tending to Kami's palace and grounds, keeping the Lookout clean, training Earthlings and other creatures to deal with especially dangerous enemies of the planet (such as Piccolo Jr. at the end of Dragon Ball, and Vegeta and Nappa at the beginning of Dragon Ball Z), taking over the Lookout when the Guardian is away, odd and interesting tasks like helping to reconstruct Shenron if needed, and most importantly, supporting, serving, and caring for the current Guardian. He always has a deep emotional bond with the Guardian of the time and will become incredibly depressed or worried if they undergo any harm. He also tends to the ancient butterfly garden that he planted thousands of years ago, and enjoys the more simple things in life. He has a large amount of patience, and doesn't become irritated at people for lashing out easily, and often attempts to calm people down.
He is one of several Dragon Ball characters who openly and greatly appreciates the natural world (other examples being Android 8 and Android 16). Mr. Popo also commonly refers to himself in the third person. While in the Funimation dub, Mr. Popo speaks eloquently with highly sophisticated sentences, the Japanese version portrays him as a seemingly primitive figure.
You're acting kind of weird, Kami. Is there something the matter?
I think your right. The demon king og the past wouldn't try to make Gohan stronger like this.
One year...?
So...So the Dragon Ball have little time left as well.
Can you not feel his presence yet?
Kami... You don't mean...
Quicly, Kami!
Good luck!
...But good had been born in Piccolo's heart. Kami was pleased.
Kami wouldn't want me to mope around. You should try looking ahead too.
Voice cips of the type of voice a mix of 3 or suprise me.
0:07, 2:39 my favorite, 1:32

Puar is very close and is extremely loyal to Yamcha, often following his orders without question or hesitation. Whenever Yamcha gets hurt or dies, Puar is the first to show concern, thus proving that he cares deeply for best friend's well-being. Aside from loyalty, Puar holds unwavering faith in Yamcha; examples include during the Universe 6 vs Universe 7 baseball match, Puar told Android 18 that Yamcha was perfectly suitable as the team's captain; another was during the Universal Survival Saga, Puar was happy when it appears that Yamcha has finally got an invite to join Goku and the others in the Tournament of Power.
In the anime-only part of the Vegeta Saga when a baseball riot ensues between the players, Puar tells Yamcha not to get involved (knowing full well of the latter's strength), showing that he has concern for the well-being of others.
He used to be bullied by Oolong during their time in Southern Transformation Kindergarten, and sometimes get annoyed by his perverted personality. In Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Puar (along with Oolong, Chi Chi, Bulma, and Piccolo) would become annoyed at Gotenks' recklessness.
You've been training for ages now... Why don't you stay here and rest up a little?
You think so? Hmmm...
Oh, I know!
If Krillin went back to Orin, what do you think about going back to our old hideout?
That'd be the perfect spot to pick up your training!
In that case, I'll go run over there now and clean up the place for you!
Great job, Yamcha!
Oh, absolutely! I bet that you could even beat Goku by now, Yamcha!
Y-you got it!
He's off on a solo training journey...
Give It all you got, Yamcha!
Yamcha! Yamcha! It's Krillin and Tien!
Fortuneteller Baba's waiting!
Voice clips of what I'm looking for.
0:07, 2:25, 2:51, 3:23

Like Master Roshi, he enjoys smoking cigars and is a pervert, but considerably less so. His favorite hobby is collecting women's underwear. Oolong is cynical and cowardly, and he is not hesitant to admit it; in fact, he is downright proud of his wimpish traits. Ironically Oolong is three years younger than Goku, Bulma points this out with the line "what kind of kid acts like a middle aged pervert" in the original Japanese version of episode 6. A running gag in both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z is Oolong constantly being beaten up by Bulma during the World Martial Arts Tournaments due to her anxiety over the fighting. At one point, Bulma became so habitually accustomed to this that when Oolong moved away from Bulma before she could hit him, she found it surprising and looked for him. He is also there to provide comic relief and is often very sarcastic. Similar to the stereotypical depiction of pigs, he is also shown at times to be a huge glutton, as in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, he was enjoying the immense feast that Paragus prepared for him, Goku, and Roshi, and even went as far as to threaten to eat the entire banquet if Goku didn't start eating (as Goku at the time was pondering who the Legendary Super Saiyan was after deducing it wasn't Paragus).
He is also perceptive enough to realize the anonymous female fighter at the 23rd World Tournament was in fact the grown-up Chi-Chi, a revelation that shocked the rest of his friends none of whom recognized her.
That guy? Oh, he ran off on us practically the moment we arrived at West City.
Y-your're kidding...! Are you really Goku?
Man, that lady's a total flirt!
Was it my imagination, or did some guy just come right out of that fighter?
I wouldn't go there if my life depended on it!
Voice clips of what I want.
4:06, 0:39, 0:07

For the most part, he is shown to have an eccentric personality, being very loud and demonstrative whenever describing the battle occurring in front of him, along with showing the amazement of the unique techniques every fighter he sees uses. But a major flaw he is shown to have is not starting the countdown at the correct time due to him being too distracted with the events occurring around him, and if he did not have this trait, many fights would have ended differently or earlier based on the time he started the countdown. He seems to have an understanding of ki techniques and is familiar with a select few of them.
The announcer is also one of the few Earthlings to know full well that Goku and his friends were responsible for Cell's defeat at the Cell Games instead of Mr. Satan, and refuses to believe Mr. Satan's claims of ki attacks being mere "tricks" due to his passion, familiarity, and understanding of the techniques. His amazement in Goku's abilities also caused him to view regular human's matches as boring, and spent numerous years craving for Goku's return to the tournaments. This has put him on good terms with Goku and co., even Piccolo, who he jokingly reminds not to destroy the tournament stage, even earning a smirk from the Namekian.
Ladies and gentlemen, the moment is here! The final match is about to begin!
Who will be the greatest fighter in the world? Goku, or Piccolo Jr.? Fighters, you may enter!
The arena is heating up now, folks!
Both fighters are among the most capable who ever lived! This is going to be one killer match!
The 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament is almost over! Who will take the top prize and reign supreme!?
Oh...oh, right! Yes, it's a ring-out!
Goku is the victor!!!
Goku is the champion of the World Martial Arts Tournament!!!
Voice clips of what I want
1:35, 1:45, and 1:21

As with most wish-granting Eternal Dragons, Shenron is a neutral figure who grants any wish within his power regardless of the intent of the wish itself or the nature of his summoner, including evil beings such as King Piccolo (who ended up killing him afterwards), Garlic Jr., and so on. Shenron is normally very courteous, polite, and does his best to grant a wish in a way that will bring the most joy to the summoner, including advising against what he considers impractical wishes and proposing alternatives unless the summoner absolutely insists. The exacting wording of a wish is still important, however, as seen in the unintented interpretation of the Pilaf Gang's desire for 'youth' resulting in them becoming children.
He will also preemptively inform his summoner if a wish cannot be fulfilled for whatever reason. A frequently mentioned limit is the inability to eliminate a threat more individually powerful than the wish dragon or their creator is, as was the case with the Vegeta and Nappa and their power compared to Kami. Shenron has also expressed doubt at unusually complex or demanding wishes he has never attempted, such reviving an enormous number of victims of the Frieza Army within a year of a wish. During the Black Dragon Ball arc, it is implied these complex wishes generate the largest amounts of negative energy.
While kind at heart, he has a strong personality (Porunga is specifically called out as more laid-back) and can be impatient or aggressive when dealing with supposedly frivolous wishes, such as Yamcha's idea of wishing for a necklace. He is annoyed by indecisiveness or interruptions during summons and perceives them as wasting his time; he once attempted to physically rebuke Gohan's friendly dragon Icarus (who had misunderstood the situation and attempted to defend Gohan) for its impertinence.
Like most mortals and deities, Shenron is terrified and fearfully respectful towards Beerus, the God of Destruction of Universe 7. If summoned within Beerus's vicinity for whatever reason, even for simple information, Shenron will leave as quickly as is polite or feasible.
Long ago, deep in the mountains, thousands of miles away from any city...
It is here where our amazing, astounding, and altogether astonishing story begins.
After his ferocious battle against King Piccolo, Goku met with kami...
Togather, they successfully resurrected Shenron, the eternal dragon.
He revived all of his friends who had lost their lives against King Piccolo.
With that task done, Goku dedicated himself to training under Kami's watchful eye...
Make your wish! I will grant any wish, but only one!
I can not grant that wish.
Kami is my creator. I can not grant wishes that exceed Kami's power.
A simple matter.
Voice clips of what I want.
0:07, 2:08, 3:33

Dr. Brief is easy-going and friendly. He rarely leaves his home, even if it means almost certain death, as when in the Majin Buu Saga he and his wife, Bikini, refuse to leave their pets even after Capsule Corporation has been specifically targeted for destruction. This is probably due to the fact that they know they can always be wished back with the Dragon Balls.
Dr. Brief's amicability allows him to deal with his son-in-law's antics and rage without much surprise or fear, though he has cautioned Vegeta against overtaxing his body in enhanced gravity on at least one occasion. He also has no problem providing technology for Trunks and Vegeta to train in enhanced g-forces, gladly developing technology for whatever purposes his family finds.
Dr. Brief's ability to take extraordinary events in stride, such as the threat of Cell and Vegeta's angry and threatening demeanor, as well as his ability to create faster-than-light speed engines in a matter of days, may simply be due to his immense intelligence, with his almost superhuman brain power allowing him to adapt to these stressful situations with little wear and tear on his sanity. However, it may just be that his constant smoking helps him cope with the many extraordinary events in his life.
Like his daughter, Bulma, he possesses a great technical intellect, being able to fix or operate on virtually anything. He can often be found tinkering on a number of complicated gadgets while surrounded by his beloved pets. His favorite pet is a small black cat named Scratch (or Tama, in Japanese), which is usually perched on his shoulder. In the early Dragon Ball series, Dr. Brief was depicted as a little bit of a pervert, even going so far as to stash dirty magazines inside random capsules, much to his daughter's chagrin.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, it is revealed that neither he nor his wife was aware that he was the richest man in the world, a fact they discover only after overhearing Chi-Chi point it out to an oblivious Mr. Satan. His ignorance of his absurd wealth can be attributed to his love of his lifestyle, which revolves mostly around his various experiments and other engineering projects, tending to his expansive menagerie of common and exotic pets, and general puttering about his home. Along with this, his love of mechanical tinkering and research into his various fields of expertise merely monopolize so much of his time and attention that he never simply thought to consider how much wealth he and his company accumulated over the course of monetizing and marketing his inventions. It is highly likely that Dr. Brief is merely the brains behind his company's creations while relying on others to market and advertise for him.
Well now! Everyone's here! What seems to be the trouble?
The Dragon Balls, huh...
How's the Dragon Radar that Bulma invented? Working well for you?
...Oh. A problem, huh...
Oh, I see!
...In that case, I'll lend you one of our new capsule subs!
With one of these, you'll be at the bottom of the sea in no time!
Voice clips of what I want.
0:19, 0:43, and 1:13

Unlike his brother, Goku, his mother, Gine, and his father, Bardock, Raditz is harsh, brutal, and often arrogant like most Saiyan warriors. He does, however, give his brother a chance to become part of Frieza's empire, only attacking Goku when he refuses and protests against his plans. He likes to mock weaker opponents, and to mess around with them before actually finishing them off; as shown when constantly mocking Piccolo, and taking great pleasure in seeing his own brother Goku and nephew Gohan in pain. He is incredibly manipulative, begging Goku to let him go when Goku grabs his tail to weaken him. Goku does and Raditz damages him tremendously and begins to crush his ribs, taunting him whilst laughing.
Raditz can also be quite a coward when facing death, as he kept struggling and begging desperately with his usually arrogant attitude when facing Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. Apparently, unlike most Saiyans in general, especially Goku, Raditz fears death greatly. He was only willing to accept his death when he arrogantly believed his comrades would revive him with the Dragon Balls. His cowardice might explain his weakness compared to Vegeta and Nappa, as a cowardly Saiyan is unlikely to suffer life-threatening injuries, meaning he would have had fewer opportunities to get a power boost from Saiyan Power like his father and younger brother.
He claims that he wants to anger Goku in order to get his Saiyan blood boiling, so he could realize his Saiyan heritage and get him to join the remaining Saiyans in collecting planets for Frieza. He is extremely proud of his Saiyan heritage, like Vegeta, and makes many comments on it, even explaining the near extinction of the Saiyans. He is also very disgusted to learn Goku's tail has been cut off and mocks and ridicules him for forgetting his mission to depopulate the Earth, due to an injury to Goku's head when he was a baby. He also mocks Goku for becoming soft and becoming a part of the Earth's population. He seems confident that Goku will join him, Nappa, and Vegeta. While kidnapping Gohan, he mocks his nephew for crying, telling him he is a Saiyan. He also has no apparent problem whatsoever killing his brother or his nephew without hesitation in stark contrast to his parents who are shown to value family (especially in the manga). In some ways, Raditz seems to take after Vegeta for glorifying the Saiyan race and killing anyone who is either a threat or, in the cases of Goku and Gohan, refuses to live up to the expectations of their barbarous lifestyle. It could be said that his elite Saiyan comrades may have been a bad influence on him due to their strong Saiyan pride and ruthlessness. Additionally, it is likely that his brutality is partially a result of the surviving Saiyans serving the tyrant Frieza who is also known to have a corrupting influence on those in his employ, thus Raditz may have become just as ruthless in order to adapt and survive working under the remorseless tyrant along with his surviving Saiyan comrades.
Raditz also is very dependent on his scouter, and when a power level gets too high (close to his level, which is 1,500), he assumes it is broken. Raditz displays a high level of confidence in his power level and strength and is very arrogant. During his time on Earth, he did not take Piccolo and Goku seriously and severely underestimated them due to their low power reading (This backfired when Goku held him in a Full-Nelson and Piccolo hit him with his Special Beam Cannon). He also refers to himself as a top-class warrior. Before dying, Raditz states that he has no doubt Nappa and Vegeta will bring him to life with the Dragon Balls. Nappa actually does consider using the wish to revive Raditz, but Vegeta instead chooses to wish for immortality, claiming that Raditz deserved to die for his incompetence.
The only instance where Raditz displays a positive side is when he shows genuine grief and remorse for Goku after they have both been hit by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon, lamenting how Goku would sacrifice himself for what he saw as low-level trash, showing that he did value his brother's life in his own way. While he himself did try to kill his own brother, Raditz may have justified it in his mind that at least Kakarot would die at the hands of a fellow Saiyan.
In the Frieza Saga, Raditz is shown to be greatly affronted for receiving no praise from Frieza, Dodoria, or Zarbon after he conquered Planet Shikk along with Vegeta and Nappa. He was also mortified that Vegeta would abandon avenging his race, especially when rumors escalated in regards to Frieza's involvement in Planet Vegeta's destruction. This shows that like his parents he cares about his race and that he is eager to avenge them though only with the aid of his Saiyan comrades presumably due to being fully aware he is not strong enough to tangle with Frieza on his own.
It is implied that some of Raditz's more brutal tendencies could be the result of having grown up around the ruthless elite Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa, who tended to think little of Raditz due to his lower battle power - despite Raditz being one of the mid-class warriors, making him stronger than most other Saiyans. One possible reason for Raditz's coming to Earth was to prove himself useful by recruiting his younger brother (and possibly Gohan once he learned of the boy's existence) giving their group another Saiyan warrior to make conquering planets for Frieza much easier and possibly to one day rebel against Frieza. His attempts to anger and even kill his brother instead of leaving him in peace may have also been due to him being fully aware that weaker warriors like himself and his brother would not be capable of defeating Nappa and Vegeta who would likely not take to kindly to Raditz if he allowed his brother and nephew to live peacefully on Earth. This is implied in the What-If scenario Fateful Brothers, in which Raditz loses his memory and ends up bonding with his brother and nephew, only to become conflicted when his memory returns, though ultimately chooses to sacrifice his life by ramming his Attack Ball into Nappa and Vegeta's Attack Balls, killing all three of them. Before sacrificing himself, Raditz also states that behind Nappa and Vegeta is an even greater monster, referring to Frieza.
In the Granolah the Survivor Saga chapter "Bardock, Father of Goku, a young Raditz is shown together with two other Saiyan children, with Raditz holding a beetle while looking at another one with apparent fascination, indicating that his brutal nature as an adult may have been due to the influence of Vegeta, Nappa, and/or due to being employed by the Frieza Force (as Frieza is known to have a corrupting influence on his underlings). Gine also asks Bardock if he thinks Raditz will be jealous when he finds out he has a little brother.
The nature of Raditz's relationship with his parents is unknown, though it is implied that he did grow up around them for a time as he recognized his brother due to his resemblance to their father. It is known that Gine loved both her children and was proud that Raditz was assigned to invade a planet with Prince Vegeta in Dragon Ball Minus. However, it is implied that his relationship with his father Bardock is strained, though he apparently does respect him. Various video games that show them interacting together support this as Bardock tends to be cold towards Raditz, though this may be due to him being aware of his actions during the Raditz Saga thanks to his ability to see the future from the TV special. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, if the warrior is training under Bardock, then Raditz will be surprised that they are training under him and even reveals that his father never taught him anything before asking why his father would train them over his own son. During a special instructor event, Raditz and his father end up having a reunion inside Orange Star High School. Raditz is surprised his father is alive and asks how he became an instructor, though Bardock asks him if he ever shuts up and states he doesn't know where he gets it from, before noting he seems to have grown a bit and asks Raditz if he wants to see how he'd fair against his father. Raditz notes to the Future Warrior afterward at how annoyed he is that his father never even let him know he was alive and states that his father's thinking reeks of Saiyan. Bardock himself notes to the Future Warrior that Raditz is just a low-class warrior and that he doesn't have much of a power level either, though he admits he respects Raditz's stubbornness and states that he never thought he'd see him again.
In Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, in his own Story Event, after losing to Vegeta and Nappa, Raditz has a dream of encountering his father on Planet Vegeta. In the dream, Bardock admonishes Raditz for his weakness and lack of Saiyan grit before challenging him to a battle. After the fight, Bardock tells Raditz that he can get stronger. After waking up from his dream, Raditz admits he dislikes training (this matches Nappa's statement in Xenoverse 2 when he says Raditz skipped out on tail training), though inspired by his father's words decides to train against several Saibamen (and a Kyukonman). After his training, he challenges Vegeta and Nappa who are impressed that he was able to hold his own against them before Vegeta sends Raditz to Earth to recruit his brother.
In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the events that lead up to Raditz being sent to Earth are shown. Like Nappa, Raditz is shown to fear Vegeta, especially when he threatens to kill him if he continues to be a hindrance to their missions, as he notes that they would have conquered the planet they are on sooner if he wasn't a weakling and Nappa insults Raditz by referring to him by his unofficial nickname "Raditz the Runt" (which he hates). Raditz remembers his brother as a result of Vegeta's threats and Vegeta allows him to go to Earth to retrieve him, which Raditz hopes will put him in better standing with his comrades as another Saiyan will bolster their forces. However, as his ship approaches Earth, he wonders what his brother has been doing, as he hadn't heard anything that suggested the planet had been conquered and, upon arrival, discovers that the Earthlings haven't been exterminated. He is also shown to be aware of Namekians like Nappa as he notes to himself that Piccolo is one upon encountering him and wonders what a Namekian would be doing on Earth, though, unlike Nappa, he keeps this knowledge to himself. When Raditz is revived in Age 763 (ironically by his killer Piccolo), he, despite Vegeta's threats to kill him for being weak, truly believed his comrade Vegeta would revive him as he assumed that was the case before Piccolo reveals he revived him. Piccolo is quick to point out that Vegeta isn't the type to revive someone who lost so easily. Raditz, however, makes the excuse that he was caught off guard for a second. Piccolo offers him a chance to prove it by fighting him, basically giving Raditz a chance to avenge his death. However, he is no match for the Super Namekian, who had fused with Nail and had recently survived the epic battles against Frieza on Namek. Piccolo notes that the difference between Raditz and Goku is that Goku doesn't complain when he loses (as losing only spurs him to grow stronger). However, Raditz, like Vegeta, holds on to his pride as a Saiyan warrior and swears that with training he can grow stronger than the Dragon Team (he is unaware that his brother has recently become a Super Saiyan). Intrigued, Piccolo suggests that he train with them, which Raditz accepts (though it is a temporary truce as Raditz plans to surpass them and hasn't truly given up on his evil ways). This shows that Raditz, like Vegeta at the time, is willing to ally himself with his former enemies in hopes of one day surpassing them.
Additionally, like in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Raditz's Super Dragon Ball Heroes game world self shown to be aware Piccolo is a Namekian in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission when he survives his encounter with Goku and Piccolo due to an in-game anomaly created by Sealas. However, it is unknown if his knowledge is a result of the anomaly and/or due to his status as the game world's incarnation of Raditz, as said characters are virtual representations of their real-world counterparts.
The inhabitants of this planet are still alive... Curse you, Kakarot.
Power level... only 5, huh? Piece of garbage.
Pfft. Such a pathetic species.
There's someone far more powerful nearby... range, 4800. Is that Kakarot?!
Gah... you're not Kakarot.
I don't need to deal with the likes of you.
Heh heh heh... That's a big mouth you got there. Hmm...Power level 322, eh? Quite a range of humans live here, I see. But you're still no match for me...
Can't say I do.
What a worthless move... All it did was kick up some dust.
Now it's my turn, huh? Let me show you a real move...
Kakarot! Have you thrown away your pride as a Saiyan, the great warrior race in the universe?
Heh heh heh... you've gown, kakarot, but I still recognized you right off.
You look just like father, after all...
Your mission was to eradicate humanity! Why have you wasted so much time?!
Right! First off, you weren't born on this planet, Kakarot! Your birthplace is Planet Vegeta! You are a Saiyan, the proudest warrior race in the universe!
And I... I am your bother, Raditz!
Heh heh heh...The answer's simple, really. Kakarot was sent here to destroy the human species that lives on this planet! We Saiyans are a race of warriors...We search for suitable planets, eradicate everyone that lives on them...And when we're done, we sell the planet to alien races for an enormous profit. We sent adult Saiyans to planets with strong native species living on them...But with low-level planets like these, we send babies instead, like yourself. Luckily, this planet has a moon...With that, you could wipe out the humans here in just a few years. Once you get around to remembering your orders, that is!
Heh...Heh heh heh heh...I never thought...Kakarot would sacrifice his own life...
Heh...Heh heh...You do realize all this is being recorded? The entire battle...Is being broadcasted to my two friends, far away in space...Once they realize I've been defeated...They'll come here for you...Y-you Earthings are such fools...They will come and eradicate humanity in the blink of an eye...And maybe I'll have them...Resurrect me...With those magical balls of yours...
You'll have no chance to win...I'm sure of it this time. Hope...Hope you enjoy the year's time you have left...Heh heh heh...Hee hee hee...A pretty short-lived victory, huh...? You humans are nothing more than annoying flies...
Voices clips of what I want.
0:07, 1:35 my favorite, and 0:39

Nappa has quite a destructive personality and loves demolition to an extreme level. When arriving on Earth, the first thing he asks Vegeta is if he can destroy a town. When taking time off to wait for Goku, Vegeta allows him to destroy as many things and places as he wants (in the anime only), as long as he does not waste enough energy to break a sweat. Nappa proceeds to demolish an entire Navy fleet division as well as an aerial raid, smashing through many jets and helicopters before leveling a slew of ships. Despite this, however, he usually congratulates his victims when they utilize attacks that come close to killing him, as evidenced when he congratulates Tien Shinhan on his use on a Spirit Tri-Beam that shattered his Battle Armor, citing that, had his aim been better, it would have severely injured him.
Nappa also has a very cocky personality, as he enjoys toying with his opponents. Nappa is somewhat sadistic, and his sadism is strongest by far towards Goku, and he repeatedly voices the intention to kill Goku's friends and son before his eyes as revenge for his treason towards his own race (by siding with Earthlings instead of the Saiyans). He tends to fight first and makes use of his brawn more so than his brain. However, his great ego would immediately vanish the second someone causes him a bruise or scar, and would decide to kill them slowly and painfully as a result. He is, in this instance, vain to the extent that he feels his appearance should remain unscathed (though in the Japanese dub, his rage against Krillin is fueled by the blow to his pride over being wounded by a much weaker opponent). However, he would still eliminate anyone as quickly as possible when losing patience with them.
Oftentimes, he allows his anger to get the best of him, becoming extremely enraged and infuriated and unable to think properly, which results in Vegeta constantly reminding or, in some cases, ordering him to calm down. Whenever Vegeta tells off Nappa for acting asinine, or not listening, Nappa apologizes to Vegeta, usually in a slightly fearful state, and then proceeds to claim he was not thinking straight, showing his respect for Vegeta. In the Japanese dub, Nappa normally addresses Vegeta in a casual manner. In Bardock - The Father of Goku, this is alluded to be Vegeta's preference when he orders Nappa to "quit bootlicking". However, whenever chastised by Vegeta, he always addresses him with very polite language, as one would normally address a superior. It is only when Vegeta decides to kill him that Nappa abandons all respect for him, even calling Vegeta a "dirty rat" (though only in the Ocean dub) and challenging him in Dragon Ball GT. Despite many years of loyalty, Nappa also seems to never like working with his those superior to him such as Vegeta possibly due to the fact that Nappa doesn't like being in servitude (as that is a common trait among Saiyans working under Frieza) and is capable of going as far as killing a superior he dislikes if given the opportunity. This is evidenced in the fact that in a what-if scenario in Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden, Nappa defeats Goku under orders from Vegeta and decides to rebel against Vegeta. Both combat each other and Nappa defeats Vegeta, afterward killing Vegeta with his Volcano Explosion attack similarly like how Vegeta killed Nappa with his Galaxy Breaker in the original. Nappa also calls Frieza a jerk in Dragon Ball FighterZ after being scolded by him showing that despite his loyalty, he still thinks low of his superiors though still maintains some form of respect toward them.
An anime-only flashback in the Frieza Saga, shows a more sympathetic side to Nappa. He appears to be shocked when Vegeta claims not to care about the death of his father and the rest of the Saiyan race, and his overall dialogue seems to imply that he does not kill when there is nothing in it for him, once even nearly attacking Frieza, Zarbon and Dodoria when they mocked them in how long it took to take out Planet Shikk instead of rewarding them for their task, with only Vegeta stopping him. Also, when Nappa and Vegeta learn about the Dragon Balls and their wish-granting capability, Nappa's first suggestion is to bring Raditz back to life, demonstrating that despite his ruthlessness, he cares for his friends and comrades. In the manga and anime Nappa's ideal are often geared toward the greater good when put into thought, this is shown to where he suggest on putting priority in repopulating with the people of Earth in hopes of cultivating a new Earthling/Saiyan Hybrid race however Vegeta opposes to the idea much to Nappa's dismay (though ironically Vegeta himself would later settle down on Earth and ended up having a hybrid son with Bulma and later a daughter as well, though Nappa himself is hostile towards Vegeta's son as well as his son from the future in various video games due to them being related to the backstabbing Vegeta). Within a filler episode, Nappa is interested in being titled "A hero" by the remaining Arlians and doesn't feel it bad to do a good deed (possibly even considering to spare Arlians their planet), however Vegeta opposes which revealingly disappoints the Saiyan.
Raditz, that moron... he died...
So, now what? Maybe we should save this planet for later...
Are you gonna resurrect Raditz?
Hmm...! Not a bad idea!
You don't think that was some kind of Scouter error?
A sort of Super Saiyan, you could say...
Interesting... if we could create more of those hybrids, then us Saiyans may yet rule again!
I suppose you're right...Either way, Earth's inhabitants don't have long to live!
I'll see you in a year. This is going to be so much fun!
How about we greet the noisy little animals?
Wah hah hah hah!!!
Oh yeah!
Hey, Vegeta! We're gonna search for those things that will grant us any wish, right?
Sorry, Vegeta. I forgot about that.
Hey, Vegeta! This is strange! There's a bunch of power levels over 1000! How could that be...?
Heh heh heh. This is great! The gravity is so low on this planet! It's really easy to move!
Heh heh... There they are!
Heh heh heh. This is great! The gravity is so low on this planet! It's really easy to move!
That guy's a Namek...
Those Dragon Balls are our main goal. So hand 'em over! Even if you are a Namek, you're just one. You're like a fly to us!
Vegeta! Are they being serious?! Heh heh heh! Is Kakarot actually coming this way?!
It's over for you, kid!
Ahh! Ahhhh!
Hey! What's wrong with you? You wanna die already? Well?! Let me give you a proper greeting!
Vegeta, what's Kakarot's power level?
8000?! That can't be right! That thing must be broken!
Voice clips of what I want.
0:39, 2:11 my favorite
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mcmw8vxF4s More of phill
and my 3 favorite Takahata

Vegeta was introduced as a an aggressive, cold, merciless and unrepentant villain, as he would destroy anything or anyone without a second thought, mostly due to his Saiyan nature.
Vegeta is largely characterized by his immense pride (stemming from his royalty among the Saiyan ranks), refusing to be bested by opponents who are lower than him in terms of fighting strength (when he fights Gokū). It has helped and harmed him in countless battles, such as his fight with Dodoria and Zarbon, Android 19 & later 18 after attaining his Super Saiyan form, and the time he lets Cell in his second form reach his Developed Form. It's that reason he has a hard time showing his feelings, and also because of that pride, he aims the to be the strongest warrior in the universe.
Befitting his nature, Vegeta uses the personal pronoun 'ore' (俺), a masculine pronoun that can sound arrogant, suiting Vegeta's proud personality. There also are moments where Vegeta slips into the use of 'ore-sama' (俺様), an exceedingly arrogant variation of 'ore'.
Vegeta is very serious and intelligent (though his pride can cloud his better judgement). He a determined fighter who undergoes hard training, pushing past his limits to achieve results, to this end is the reason he desires to surpass Gokū.
Despite his antipathy towards others, Vegeta does in fact have a caring side; he loved his father dearly and followed Freeza's orders so his father wouldn't be killed. As a father and husband, Vegeta initially showed little care for Bulma and their son Trunks. Even refusing to save them when Doctor Gero tried to kill them to cause a distraction. After his son's future counterpart was killed by Cell, Vegeta showed fatherly instincts for the very first time and assaulted the android. This greatly shocked his wife's future counterpart, who never saw that side of him. Afterwards, he took a more active role in raising his present son, often training him and motivating him to train even if his son doesn't want to.
What a loser.
Getting killed by a bunch of guys whose power level barely broke 1000...
Those Dragon Balls intrigue me...He said they can make any wish come true. All right. Let's go!
Are you kidding me? I don't need that worthless bum. Then how about we wish for eternal youth? We could fight on and on, forever. It'd be great.
Still, the power Kakarot's son showed... He far outclasses any Sayain kid I knew.
No. It couldn't have been. You saw how Raditz was nearly floored by a single strike from the kid...If I had to guess, there must be something about combining the blood of Saiyans with that of Earthlings. It must unleash some sort of massive new power.
Don't be stupid! What do you think would happen if more of those guys showed up? It'd just make our position dangerous. It wouldn't accomplish anything for us.
Well...I'd say it's time for the first long rest we've had in a while.
The full, overwhelming power of an elite Saiyan warrior!
Galick Gun!!!!
I am an elite warrior! There's no way a lower-class Saiyan could defeat me! (I am the greatest fighter in the universe!)
Do you wanna know why we transform when we see a full moon?
Everyone knows that moon light is just reflected sun light...But only when that sun light hits the moon does it create Blutz waves. During a full moon, those Blutz waves exceed 17 million zenos. Absorbing Blutz waves through the eyes at over 17 million zenos causes the tail to react and the transformation to begin! There are many moons of different sizes in the universe, yet no matter what the size, only a full moon reaches the requires 17 million.
You're finished!
I want a more of a Drummond type voice beacuse he makes me think of a Vegeta in his younger years and if you can mix in a bit of Sabat that would be great and ferocity of Horikawa
Horikawa 0:07, 0:43, and 1:15, 2:41 but he's ok he's just a refrence though lol

She is interested in manly men such as King Yemma, Goku[2] and Raditz. However she is quick to anger upon rejection, eating Goku when he indicates that he is going to leave,[2] and trapping him in an illusion so he would not be aware of this.
...What? A guest...
What a fine man... Just my type.
Oh, my! Do you really think so?
How chivalrous...Why, my heart won't stop pounding...
That's right. He was also a genteman like you...
It's been what, 500 years now?
What? Y-You wouldn't...! Wait, please...
Please, don't leave...
Are you sure you can't say...?
How could you?!
voice clips of I want.
0:07, 1:11, and 0:39
Public Submissions