Doctor Who Minecraft Animated Series 1 CAST AUDITION

Doctor Who Minecraft Animated Series 1 CAST AUDITION

Project Overview


Hello Everyone, welcome to the official CASTING AUDITIONS! For the first season of my Doctor Who Minecraft Animated Series! We are very hard at work on producing this series and making it the best possible series based on the popular BBC Show, that we can. This series features it's very own original Doctor incarnation, which will be known as the 24th Regeneration of this character! We will be tackling real life traumatic themes throughout this season for example: Depression, anxiety etc. We will be handling those particular themes with such care throughout, as the main companion Emma Dalton suffers from them. 

This season has one great big overarching arc throughout from start to finish! And we're hoping it will have the audience gripped right from the start! 


- Payment will be sent to you through Paypal

- £50 Per Episode You Are In (Depending On How Big Your Role Is)

- Episode 1-13 = £650 Overall Payment


- You Must Have Discord!

- You Must Have A Decent Quality Mic For Recording Your Lines

- You Must Read Everything On This Casting Site, Carefully!

- Must Be Dedicated To Your Role and The Series Itself! (If Your Role is big)

- Please Only Audition If You Will Be 100% Committed!

- Must Deliver Lines On Time! (Unless there is a reasonable excuse) 

- Have Fun 

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  • Let's Keep Going!

    I am completely blown away by the amount of auditions that have flooded through over the past couple of months for this series! We're almost there for casting all the big major characters for this first series! But keep them coming! Everyone is doing so well!

    Thank You All! Cannot wait to hear more auditions!

  • Keep Up The Good Work!

    Just wanted to post a little update! I am blown away by the number of auditions I have been receiving other the past couple of weeks! You have all been so good! As you can see, we have already casted some roles into this series so far! Who have been fantastic already! Keep up the good work everyone! I cannot wait to hear more auditions from you all! Thank You!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emma Dalton
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Georgia_Elizabethh

Emma Dalton is the main companion to The Doctor throughout Season 1 and as planned, the 2nd season as well!

Emma Suffers from depression and anxiety. She overthinks a lot. She is a very loyal to The Doctor, afterall he was the man who saved her life from being all over! Emma just wants to move on from her past, she wants to do right in her mothers name. And doesn't want anyone else she cares about to feel the same hurt and pain she has felt. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • female adult
  • You know... All this time... I always felt, like I was nothing. Like I didn't mean anything to anyone. That I didn't even exist. Like I... Like I was trapped. In limbo. No one there. No one to... to talk to me. People just walking all over me, every second they get.

  • That doesn't matter. I'm bloody 19 years old! I'm not a baby anymore. I can do whatever the hell I like, when I want. Wherever I want.

  • He's not my dad, mum. He lost that title the moment he walked out on us. And he didn't just do it once, he's done it over and over again. How the hell am I meant to forgive him for that? A man who just comes and goes as he pleases. There is no trust there anymore.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fred Dalton
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Eka

Fred Dalton is the father to the main companion Emma Dalton. He will have a recurring role throughout the season. Not in every episode, but he will be in multiple other episodes during this first season. 

 Fred Dalton is A father who failed his daughter. But has returned to make things right with her once and for all! He cares massively about Emma, even though she doesn't see it sometimes. All Fred wants is for his daughter to be happy. He has a hard time trusting The Doctor currently, after not being able to save his wife, Sarah, during Episode 1. He just wants Emma to be safe.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • How many times do I need to keep saying this, Sarah. Emma is never gonna forgive me!


  • I want you to know... I... I think you are such an impressive young woman. Never thrown by anything. Always fighting. Never giving up. And I am really, really proud to call you my daughter. I am so very proud of the woman you have become.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sarah Dalton
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: DrAtoms

Sarah Dalton is the wife of Fred Dalton and the mother of the main companion Emma Dalton! 

Sarah is a loving and caring mother, who has dealt with so much loss and heartbreak which include her husband Fred. However she has given Fred another chance, which Emma is not on board with! All Sarah wants is best for her daughter, even if she does struggle sometimes to connect with Emma. 

Sarah will be appearing in The first episode of this season! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • What time do you call this?

  • Fred said that you left ages ago. Yet, you've been gone a while. You didn't even answer any of your texts. Or phone calls. Nothing! We were worried sick about you... remember the last time?

  • My dad walked out on us as well. Left my mum behind. And me... But the thing is, I never saw him again. That was it. But you... you get to see your dad again. Isn't that worth something? (Sad)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Sandra Lane
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: AndreaR

Dr. Sandra Lane is the personal therapist to the main companion Emma Dalton. Someone there to help Emma through all the pain she is feeling.

Dr. Sandra Lane is featured in Episode 1 of Season 1!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • These 1 to 1 sessions with me? Does it make you feel any better in anyway?

  • No... You don't have to suffer anymore. We can get you all the help you deserve. That is a promise.

  • That's a very common feeling when it comes to the people you've lost!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Daxeri/Daxeri King
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: thevoiceactor697

The Daxeri is an alien species that are the main monsters during Episode 1 of Season 1! They have two resonating chambers on their heads that give them the ability to shoot beams of energy out of them towards their victims. They harvest a fungi substance as food source, which is a poison to Humans. They have colonised beneath Planet Earth forming a section beneath the planet into their very own Hive. And have one goal only... to Terraform Earth into their new Home world wiping humanity from existence.  

When voicing The Daxeri and Daxeri King. I am looking for a very monstrous alien sounding voice! Use Audacity to change your voice up! I don't want them to sound human at all! Also, I would like The Daxeri King to sound more deeper and prominent just so the audience can fully understand that THIS is the king of it's species. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • alien
  • animation
  • Right beneath the Earth's core lives a part of our world. Our hive. Soon. Our hive shall rise once more. And we will take this planet as our own. - Daxeri

  • Too long have we waited for this moment. Our original planet is lost. But now, our new planet shall begin. - Daxeri King

  • Ohhhh yessss, There are such legends that speak of the Doctor. The Timelord of war. The oncoming storm! The Imp of the Pandorica. So many names. So many legends... - Daxeri King

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Userkaf
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Jack

King Userkaf is the first pharaoh to build a dedicated temple to the sun god Ra in the Memphite necropolis north of Abusir, on a promontory on the desert edge just south of the modern locality of Abu Gurab. Works might have started during Userkaf's fifth or sixth year of reign.

Userkaf is a historical character that will be in Episode 2 of Season 1. He will be working closely with the main villain of the episode, a god who he and many other Egyptians worship set in Ancient Egypt. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • egyptian
  • english
  • animation
  • My allmighty god, it has been found! As spoken in the prophecy!

  • Abusir! We can fulfill your destiny now, my lord! We can honor the sun god you call, RA! By building the very last pyramid to complete the ultimate ascension of Egypt!

  • There are many prophecies that surround this place... fortunately for your survival. You two are one of them!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: MystyleYt

Sutekh, also known as The Destroyer, is a very old enemy of The Doctor. He is an Osirian God, who plans to destroy all life in the known universe. He feared all forms of life which might one day challenge his hegemony, and so became the destroyer of all living things. He was later imprisoned, trapped inside a forcefield that paralysed him. But he has returned, escaped from The Eye of Horus and now has enslaved Ancient Egyptians to do his bidding. 

Sutekh will be the main villain of Episode 2 of Season 1. 

I want Sutekh to have a strong God like voice! To properly show that Humans have no choice but to obey this god like being. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • male adult
  • I have waited for this day. For so very long. I've been trapped within an eternity of hell. But now that I am free... I have come with the hope of getting what I have always wanted!

  • I've waited. I've planned. I've collected. THE ASCENSION DAY HAS COME!

  • I AM SUTEKH, THE DESTROYER! Where I tread, I leave nothing but dust and darkness. That is who I am! THAT IS WHAT I WAS BORN TO BE!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Teche Melancon

Sepi is an Ancient Egyptian slave who has been trapped within The Tomb of RA's dungeons for so very long, in-prisoned by King Userkaf and Sutekh the destroyer. The Doctor and Emma find themselves in those dungeons and begin to rescue him. Making him an ally. Sepi is one of the only people that works out what Sutekh truly is. And what he is. 

Sepi is a character in Episode 2 of Season 1. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • egyptian
  • male adult
  • animation
  • english
  • H-Hello??? Who are you people? I haven't seen people in so long... (Scared)

  • Well, being alone with your thoughts all these years down here. No sun light. Kind of enough to drive anyone insane.

  • He is a false god for our society. With false promises. He isn't here to act as a saviour. He's here to conquare. To enslave. Enslave us all. Put all of us to work.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Ogre

Anubis is an Osirian worshipped in Ancient Egypt. His father is Sutekh, the destroyer (The main villain of Episode 2). Anubis has been trapped, hidden from the world. Sutekh want's to bring him his son back to the living. 

Anubis is a character who will appear in Episode 2 of Season 1!

When auditioning for this character I would like to see your voices modified to sound more god-like as Anubis is represented as a God like being, worshipped in Ancient Egypt!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • Sutekh, father... What have you done?

  • What you call slavery, I call a massacre!

  • What those prophecies spoke of. The man that saves worlds! You're more of a god than I could ever be!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: merryday365

Reegan is a character who is on board of a Space Station known as Arcadis. She acts as a Host/Receptionist for the station. 

Reegan will be in Episode 6. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • english
  • Welcome To Arcadis! We would like to inform everyone that everywhere on board this station is open for 24 Hours. We all hope you enjoy your stay.

  • Here on board Arcadis, we have a very strict policy on any form of violence. Anything that appears to be unusual will be dealt with immediately!

  • Thank you for choosing to board Arcadis, hope you enjoy your stay!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Reason Dixon

Curtix is a maintenance worker on board the space station Arcadis! He is a good friends with another maintenance worker on board the station, Andrex. Curtix is a character that gets killed during the cold open of the episode.

Curtix will appear in Episode 6 of Season 1! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • animation
  • I heard that one of the fellow builders here tried to smuggle an illegal substance.

  • Well I believe in the upper class society. They sure know what they are doing to make sure Arcadis is the best space station in the galaxy!

  • This is maintenance worker Curtix reporting for duty Mr Sol. I have just reached the lower decks, about to head towards the fluid spillage now sir. Over and out...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Ethan May

Andrex is a maintenance worker on board the space station, Arcadis. He is also friends with another Maintenance worker, Curtix. 

Andrex will appear in Episode 6 of Season 1!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • animation
  • We're nobody's to them... Literal Zero's. We're just here for maintenance, that's all, Curtix.

  • Some sort of virus broke loose. I assume someone here released it. Because the first victim was my friend Curtix... He took the first dosage. Then it spread through him to others.

  • I HAVE TO TRY!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Connor Lux
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Naifay

Connor Lux will be a recurring character through this season and the next upcoming seasons of the show that we have planned as well! He will be the sort of Captain Jack Harkness of my series. Connor is an ex-time agent with his very own Vortex Manipulator, he is one of the last remaining time agents in the universe. Due to the organisation disbanded, years ago. 

Connor Lux will appear in Episode 6, 7, 12 and 13 of Season 1!

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • american
  • male adult
  • Sounds like a great bloke then! (Sarcasm)

  • We're trapped on a planet with an army of Plavina life. What else can we do?


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Plavina Troops
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Pyro

The Plavina Troops are a Judgement Race! Who will bring Judgement to all those who are guilty across the entire universe, by any means necessary! They are the main monsters in Episode 6 and 7! 

When voicing the Plavina they need to sound alien and monstrous. Not human what's so ever. So use audacity to change your voice! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • alien
  • animation

  • Scans detect guilty lifeforms on board this station!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Nox
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: The Upright Man

Captain Nox is the leader of this sectors Plavina Organisation Judgement race. He is a captain that is very determined to capture the guilty by any means necessary, including brute force. 

Captain Nox will appear in Episode 6 and 7. 

When voicing Captain Nox I want the voice to sound alien and monstrous, not human whats so ever. I need the audience to properly see that this is a commanding, alien species. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • alien
  • animation
  • Crime has been detected in this sector. Judgement shall be brought... The Guilty shall be located!

  • I am Captain Nox of The Plavina Organisation. Judgement shall be brought to the guilty!

  • You cannot stop The Plavina for fulfilling their contract. We will bring our wrath. We will show Judgement. WE WILL LOCATE THE GUILTY!!! If it means killing you all!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Oracle2019

Katlina is the assistant to Ranis Sol, the guy who created the space station, Arcadis! Katlina is a very loyal woman to her boss. And looks up to him very highly. 

Katlina will appear in Episode 6 of Season 1! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • all english accents
  • They could kill you!

  • Not all doctors have the cure to viruses straight away, Andrex!

  • OH MY GOD!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: BetterCallHuxler

Rassilon was one of the founder fathers of Gallifrey, alongside, Omega, The Other and Tecteun. He used to be known as Lord President of Gallifrey, before he left his home world. But now, Rassilon is back with vengeance towards The Doctor, due to a secret that has been unlocked. Rassilon poses as a new character called Ranis Sol on board of the space station Arcadis. But he is revealed to be the maniac ex-president of Gallifrey! 

Rassilon will be appearing in Episode 6, 7, 9 (For a small appearance), 13 in Season 1. He will act as one of the main villains of the Season 1 arc.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • animation
  • Once Omega found out what Thremix has been planning, he alerted Me and The Other... The Founding Fathers of Gallifrey came together and assigned an agent of Gimel, to assassinate Thremix!

  • Gallifrey. A planet that once duplicated itself in the Nine Gallifrey's Project, in prepation for war. But that just wasn't enough. The enemy destroyed the original Gallifrey in The War In Heaven. Though the timelords continued fighting from the other Gallifrey's.

  • (Laughs Crazily) COME IN, WELCOME ABOARD!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sargent Bentom
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: AJ Vocals

Sargent Bentom is the leader of a crew on board the ship known as STS Storm, which has crashed landed on a wasteland planet known as Amillion. 

Sargent Bentom will appear in Episode 9 of Season 1!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • We've already lost people to THAT monster... We're not losing anyone else!

  • Ashtom, do you hear me? Stay quiet. Please. Remember, it moves because of the sounds we MAKE!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Honey Nguyen

Jayda is a crew member on board the space ship known as STS Storm, that crashed landed on a wasteland planet known as Amillion. 

Jayda will appear in Episode 9 of Season 1. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • Are you real?

  • OH MY GOD! (Panicking)

  • I-I don't want to do this anymore... (Whispering, Panicking)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: sunnywongVOA

Calwin is a crew member on board the space ship known as the STS Storm, which crashed landed on a wasteland planet known as Amillion. 

Calwin will appear in Episode 9 of Season 1. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • male adult

  • Everytime it's hunting us. It counts down from Ten.

  • What? The sickening monster, giving her, her greatest fears. So it can eat her?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Ten
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: The Upright Man

The Ten is a mysterious unknown alien species that was named by the crew of the STS Storm. This creature preys for its victims by inducing them with a fear state, showing it's victims their deepest darkest fears. And by making them more scared, this creature counts down from Ten all the way to One. Once it hits one, that's when each victim dies. 

When voicing The Ten I want a complete monstrous, terrifying voice. So maybe change your voice in Audacity, to make yourself sound completely terrifying and dark and gruesome. 

The Ten will be the main alien villain in Episode 9 of Season 1!


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • alien
  • animation
  • Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

  • You... You were... You were the last of your kind!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: TeiKeih

Ashtom is one of the crew members on board the space ship known as the STS Storm! Which crashed landed on a wasteland planet known as Amillion. Ashtom is the crew member that gets killed during the cold open of his episode!

Ashtom will appear in Episode 9 of Season 1. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • Sir, I feel like something is coming! (Worried)

  • B-But... It's here. I feel it! (Worried)

  • LET ME OUT!!! HELP MEEEEE!!! (Panicking)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Daleks/Supreme Dalek
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: GingerlyGinger

The Daleks are the most infamous alien species across the entire universe! They are the biggest threat known to mankind, and the greatest enemies of The Doctor! They want to exterminate everything across the galaxy that isn't dalek. They are ruthless killing machines. 

The Daleks will appear in Episode 11, 12 and 13 for this season! 

Here are references on what I want you to sound like for this audition: 

Daleks -

Supreme Dalek -


  • english
Voice description:
  • Supreme Dalek
  • animation
  • Dalek
  • Scans indicate several non-dalek lifeforms on this planet. They will all be EXTERMINATED! - Dalek

  • The Doctor shall stand still and bare witness to the beginning of the end! - Supreme Dalek


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Sulvan is a corrupt Politician from the 22nd Century! He will act as the main villain for Episode 10 of Series 1! However he isn't the typical "Evil" villain. He is more of a selfish person, trying to save his own life rather than the rest of the human race! He has been meddling with time, and created a bunch of time windows in this old English countryside village, where multiple different time periods co-exist with each other. 

Sulvan is in Episode 10 as The "Villain"


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • political
  • Imagine... just for a second, imagine, if someone has the knowledge of everything that's ever happened or ever will happen. And just imagine, if that person could solve all of the worlds problems. Global Warming. Terrorism. World hunger. Viruses. War. Imagine, if that can all just go away.

  • I am the answer to lifes questions. Humanity will kill themselves in the end if I don't put a stop to ALL of the bad that's ever happened in human history.

  • Fire. War. Death. Blood. All of the above. If I don't stop what's to come. Every last human will die!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: KimberlyWeathers

Nikita is a female insect alien who works on a universal Ghost Catching Reality TV Show! She is also an empath, which is key to solving mysteries. She will end up being possessed by the main creatures of the episode "The Shadow People". You will need to be able to have a range of different accents: Scottish, American and British, as she gets possessed by different Shadow People, she'll get different accents. Just have fun with this role :D

Nikita will appear in Episode 8 of Series 1 as one of the main characters in the episode!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • scottish
  • all english accents
  • all american accents
Other info:
  • all accents
  • Better question, what are YOU doing on OUR set? - Normal Voice

  • I'm the captain here, which means I am responsible for these peopl here. We have been trapped for so long, were tired and scared. Please, just understand that we want to be whole again, full again, not these husks. Will you help us? - Strong American Accent

  • We can't allow you to do that lassie. - Scottish Accent

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Ash<3

Christopher works on set of the universal ghost catching reality TV Show! He and his team are filming for their next episode on a abandoned Resort on an Alien world. He is a humanoid male character, who is the love interest for his co-star Nikita. 

Christopher will appear in Episode 8 of Series 1. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • CUT! We we were filming the newest episode of Ghost Catchers here and you just ruined our intro.

  • It's so we can have a clean investigation, extra bodies can affect electrical signals that the ghosts may producing, adding additional bodies can affect authentic readings.

  • I agree, though this does allow for a better sweep of the resort, more people allows for more area to be explored simultaneously. More chances to find the truth.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Lavaner

Gerard is one of the people working on the universal Ghost Catching reality TV Show! He is a humanoid male, who dresses fancy for the camera. 

Gerard will be appearing in Episode 8 of Series 1 as one of the main team members in the Ghost Catching show!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Great, I've always known the show is a scam, but now it seems the Network assumes we need "Special Guest Stars" from a non-scientific show that I've never heard of.... What's your shows Nielson Rating anyway?

  • I can tell you already from what I've seen, it's your employees. Which for some reason management decided to empty the resort as soon as we got here. I bet you a room here that we get nothing tonight.

  • Well I hope the other two groups are doing better than we are. Execs are going to be pissed they sent extra hands for nothing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Chemist
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: H_Dylan

The Chemist is a female scientific, deranged Time Lady, who is known to be the current companion to Rassilon. She will appear in Episode 7 of Series 1 alongside her partner in crime Rassilon.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • all english accents
  • My lord, there are many secrets about the timelords he doesn't know about. Which one are you gonna tell him?

  • The Calsia Virus was used in the Time War... But do you even know why?... Ohhhhh you don't... Do you? The Doctor doesn't know (Laughs)... Why is that?

  • Do you understand what's going on yet?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Barnabus is a character that is the special guest star on the Ghost Reality TV Show that is being filmed on an abandoned resort park across space. He is one of the main characters of Episode 8. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • Can you tell me why I wasn't informed of your arrival. Do we have them on the list Carla?

  • I'm the new owner, and I'm the real "Special Guest Star" of this episode.

  • Not a spectacle, an event! What attracts people more than a luxurious beach resort? A haunted luxurious beach resort! We can sell haunted T-shirts, Ghost Catchers merch, Haunter Tours Hosted by Yours truly!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Tilia

Carla is seemingly one of the founders of the Ghost Catcher Reality TV Show that is filmed across all of space. She will be appearing in Episode 8, where her and a bunch of other people are filming at an abandoned  resort on a distant planet. 

She will turn out to be the sorry person behind the terrible events that take place during this episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • all english accents
  • I don't see them on the list anywhere, we don't have another transport off the resort for another 16 hours.

  • After the very expensive purchase of this resort, we've had some "incidents." Mostly reports of workers leaving shifts early. Then on our most recent report, we had some vandalism, writing on the walls, things going missing. (She points to the wall of the Lobby, everyone turns). So Barnabus thought it would be a good idea to make a spectacle out of this. Everyone turns to see the writing on the wall that says "LET US GO"

  • These people are 500 years old, who would miss them?


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