Destiny lies with us||Gacha voice acted series||

Destiny lies with us||Gacha voice acted series||

Project Overview


i’m seriously accepting anyone in the project at this point in time-

name may be changed around some what
In this world life is in form of wings, whatever wing colour you get forms your destiny, the wing colours are white, black, Aqua, red and gold. White black and Aqua is the most common red is uncommon and gold is extremely rare.






some may get multicoloured... multicoloured wings can make lots of money so if you have multicoloured wings better watch your back...

The land is guarded by wing protectors, they guard the land from all the other kingdoms(such as humans) from entering the land, that’s everyone’s wish to be a royal wing protector!

Join Haru as she joins a new school especially for winged protector training, as she meets forever friends (and bullies!!)and learns new skills along the way, helping protect the land, and finding out some of the schools darkest secrets...


1. Discord is a must

2. 12+

3. Please state your name at the start of the audition or in you description 

4. Actors will be chosen deadline so stay with me

5. Don’t be rude or you’ll never hear from me again

6. Lines must be submitted by due date or you’ll be kicked out

7. This is a musical but you do not need to sing what so ever 

8. No fancy mics needed just little-no background sounds or noises(the buzz you may hear in some mics are ok)

9. You can audition for more then one character 

10. Have fun 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haru Yotoru
Role assigned to: Ladyhollow Melody

Haru is a very lively character, she’s very optimistic and confident. She’s really sweet towards everyone even if she doesn’t know them. But with all the excitement comes lots of clumsiness. I will need a strong and clear voice for this role.Voice range: Medium-high

  • Hi I’m Yotoru but you can call me Haru!*giggle* I don’t mind(cheerful)

  • Excuse me this is too much to take in, [pause]why do I need to do this again?(whisper)

  • Guys let’s go I have a bad feeling about this(shakily, scared)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Moya Ruinsun
Role assigned to: Kami L'le VA

Moya is the one to get annoyed really easily , she’s shy and is an introvert not wanting to talk to people beside her best friends. Although she is shy, she has a short temper, she can shout a lot and has a very bold, brave, loud voice.Voice range: medium-deep

  • What do I care? I don’t even know you(mutter, unphased)

  • That’s not the point ok?! I don’t care about your stupid business now get away from me!(shout annoyed)

  • Sorry about shouting at you earlier... [pause]I’m just having some trouble with my family life; I guess if you can say that...(murmur blandly)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saku Mormi
Role assigned to: Autumn Rose

Saku sometimes gets carried away when it comes to studying, she likes to think about the future instead of the present. All she wants is success. Beside doing studying she’s really friendly, caring and kind.Voice range- medium-high

  • So your a first year like me huh? Wanna study together?(cautious)

  • What do you mean no? It’s helps improve your brain knowledge so you can- *awkward laugh* (snobbish)

  • Don’t mind be I have a habit of doing stuff like that... but if we get to know each over i bet we can be good friends... so ummm what do you think?(stutter, awkward)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Korudo Tumashi
Role assigned to: FuyukoShi (MusicalLeo)

Korudo is a very proud and confident character, always sticking up for her friends. She does get into lots of unreasonable fights so she gets in detentions a lot. You see her most active in gym classes as physical performance is very important to her. Her voice is very deep.Voice range: Deep

  • Look, your drawing attention to yourself... just take it!(whisper, annoyed)

  • I take it your rambling on about studying again?(casually, happy)

  • That’s probably a good idea,*louden tone* let’s go!(shakily)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aisuru Gorudo
Role assigned to: bobaline

Aisuru is very gentle and caring… she is the only current gold angel in the school. People fuss all over her because of it. Well she hangs out with her friends and she may get disturbed by mysterious phone calls… She seems to know all about wing hunting and the school. Near the end of the series this gets the group suspicious.Voice range: soft medium

  • Yep I know I’m the only gold angel in the school*sigh* (unphased)

  • No need to fuss al over me, I don’t mind if you don’t, Ugh just stop!(gradually growing more angry)

  • Ooh I know what’s happing there’s going to be a special festival where we can all show off our talents, I’m still not sure what I’ll do-(cheerfully, soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ketsueki Tenshi
Role assigned to: yhsuM

Ketsueki is the main ‘bully’ in this story. She was born a troublemaker, always blaming stuff on her older brother, making rude jokes and then eventually she picks a victim to bully on until they leave her territory. She is also very manipulative. She has a slight edge to her accent. Her voice is also sharp.Voice range: sharp medium-deep

(Accent isn’t compulsory)

  • Look... a multi wing I think we have our next target(aggressive, satisfied)

  • So your the new student nice to meet you(suspicious) I’m ketsueki (ket-su-eki)

  • what I met you a day ago, I don’t wanna meet or be friends with someone like you(laugh amused) plus I know your little secret, better tell em’ sooner then later(whisper threaten) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kizutsuita Akuma
Role assigned to: AlexSunCheese

Kizutsuita is the 2nd main bully, he is definitely very offensive. He mainly gets into fights with Koruda(he always loses). He’s very snobby and is a big show off. He has a deep- medium type of voice(slightly sharp, and has a hard accent)Voice range-deep-medium(Accent isn’t compulsory )

  • Now now, be careful around that one she’s a real brat(frustrated)

  • What did you say! I may as well leave if you don’t pay any respect!!(shout angrily)

  • So here we are again... day after day, trust me I’ll win this time and don’t you forget that when you loose. Got that you bastard?(snap)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arashi Kodoku
Role assigned to: gonsqua

Arashi is the 3rd and last main bully. He is very quiet but he’s also very arrogant and intimidating. He doesn’t really care about what the other 2 bullies think she has a mind of his own. He has a very deep voice.Voice range-deep

  • Looks like an easy target... to easy are you sure?(blandly)

  • Don’t take me for an idiot, who do you think I am(shout)

  • Akuma you said that last time, let’s just leave before someone gets hurt, well you get hurt.. shut up let’s up!(nervously)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yami Wakaranai
Role assigned to: nebula

Yami is the unknown wing hunter and the best out of the lot. She’s selfish, snobbish and annoying. Beside all the horrible stuff she does she’s very smart and understanding. She’s currently using a student at the school as a spy to seek out ,ore multi wings. The question is who is the spy…Voice range: soft medium

  • I need a favour from you, think you can do this?(mutter serious)

  • *laugh* your being serious right, your bloody stupid.(amused)

  • There’s a cellar I’ll be there, if you need anything you know where to find me. Just don’t let anyone see you ok?(serious whisper)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jōnestu Meishu
cast offsite

Jōnestu is the president of the student council. She’s really young to be president but her brains proved she could get in. By that line you get she must be smart(she is) she is really helpful to her fellow students and cares about all the problems that come her way. She has a gentle/soft voice) Voice range: gentle medium-high

  • Yes may how I be at your service?(gentle, cheerful, kind)

  • Well of course I am the president of the student council after all-(confused)

  • ok so your saying there’s a intruder in our school. Sorry but that is just unbelievable, are school is guarded by wing protecters i don’t how they could get past. (Serious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fukai Daun
Role assigned to: StarrWatcher

Do not hang rubbish on her name or you're out of the project. Daun is a very bland person. She is very quiet and has a short temper. Though she is very smart and kind toward younger students. She is also the Vice President of the student council.Voice range: deep

  • What do these people want now?(annoyed sharp murmur)

  • Don’t you know who we are? Oh yea...- your the new student(amused)

  • I agree with Jōnestu(June-es-u) its a bunch of rubbish and a waste of time get out of our office.(frustrate)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Riri Otosu
cast offsite

Riri is sensitive and very elegant. She can be kind, happy and joyful one time and then she can get mad because her hair isn’t in the right shape. She cares about her looks way too much but is a very good choice for secretary of the student council for her kindness and brains.Voice range: high 

  • If the problem is really that urgent then come on in(concerned)

  • Hey don’t touch my hair, it took ages to style this morning(snap angrily)

  • Sorry I guess I can’t help you anymore if they don’t except, if you have something more ummm[awkward pause] genuine I’m fine to talk...(awkward and kind)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yuniqu Aisiuo
Role assigned to: deleted537568 ok-right

Yuniqu is very sporty and as well is being treasurer of the student council is the physical education rep. She got into the student council for her love of yep you guessed it money. Not a very good way to get in huh. Beside her money addict she’s really supportive and caring.Voice range: medium

  • Hai welcome to the club what can I do for ya!(cheerful)

  • Uhm- this sounds kinda weird, I don’t think we can handle stuff this complicated(disturbed)

  • As much as the others don’t believe you I don’t believe someone would lie about something so serious, so I’ll try persuade them as much as possible(whisper cheerful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kyuti Shuga
Role assigned to: The_Shadow_Leopard

Kyuti is the one you would call the ‘anime freak’ . She absolutely adores anime(just like me!!). She’s very ‘quirky’ and corny and can do some pretty embarrassing stuff sometimes. But none of that matters around her best friend Ki. She’s the kind person in the background always helping or making statements to Haru. But unfortunately she gets manipulated near the end of the series…Voice range: high

  • Hey welcome to the class!(extremely optimistic)

  • I love your clothes their so kawaii! Where did you get them(cheerful)

  • What do you mean this isn’t a good idea! Of course it is, this is worth fighting for. Pleaseee(annoyed) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ki Warui
Role assigned to: EmojiVA

Ki is a very sensible person… most of the time. In class she’s sensible as can be, but when she’s with Kyuti it’s a whole different story. She can be quite a prankster and likes playing jokes on people. She is very fair and generous as well as being all silly.Voice tone: deep-medium

  • Hey, welcome, don’t be a stranger(calm, friendly)

  • Come on Kyuti, you have to at least laugh at one of my jokes(complain/slightly amused)

  • Ms Shuga get back here this Instant you could get hurt, and who knows what might be down there or who...(disturbed/worried)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Monshō Tenshi
Role assigned to: Tangeryne

Monshō is the guy in the back of class, always butting in in conversations and doubting or letting down people's decisions. He gets angry a fair bit and can only be calmed down by Aki, which is normally hanging around him. (Sharp edge to his voice)Voice range: medium

  • You really think that’ll work? Pathetic(mutter, slight laugh)

  • No Aki that’s not correct!(annoyed)

  • Well the thing is she’s my sister, and to clarify your not experiencing anything new, she’s always been like this.(murmur blandly)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aki Kimi-Wa
cast offsite

Aki is a laid back sweet boy. He’s been Monsho’s friend from the beginning, always ‘cooling’ him down. Aki is always there to help people and I would like a soft-gentle high to medium type voice. Any accent will do good. Just make sure to have a gentle voice.Voice range: medium-high

  • Don’t mind this guys he’s always getting himself into arguments[awkward laugh](softly)

  • Come on Monsho, we don’t have all day... I heard their serving pizza in the cafeteria!(excited)

  • Monsho you need to stop getting into fights, I won’t always be there for you... so just promise you’ll be on your best behaviour.(calmly, serious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kurutta Utsukushi-sa
Role assigned to: LixxyyJK

Kurutta is the girl that complains about everything she can be super annoying. If something isn’t right for her she’ll change it. She’s a sweetheart to the teachers but pain to other students making them do everything for her. To be accurate she’s your average spoiled brat. Voice range: medium-high

  • Umm- that’s disgusting maybe you should change your so called clothes(mean)

  • Please please Ms, I have this allergy that could kill me(sweetly)

  • Ok you think you can compare to my sense of fashion well, wrong! Your a failure to human society!(amused,loud)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shai Sinetsu
Role assigned to: SnowMilka

Shai is the spoiled girls ‘best friend’. Unfortunately for Shai she gets the blame for every wrong Kurutta does. But surprisingly Shai is very resilient and never gets let down by her ‘friend’. She’s really sweet and is really nice to Haru and her friends. She has a very high pitch, but not so pitchy, more soft and gentle high.Voice range: high

  • Hey I’m Shai and this is da-da-dadada Kurutta!(cheerful sweet)

  • Awwww i didn’t do it don’t tell me-(chirpy)

  • Kurutta alway’s puts the blame on me- I hate it I just show happiness so everyone else can be happy I guess-(sadly)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs Yobun
Role assigned to: milkycookies

The principle of wing training high, she was the founder of the school and was a valuable wing guard when she was younger. She’s smart and is really skilled in the wing department. An adult-ish voice recommended for this character!Voice range- deep-medium

  • Welcome to the school, here’s your schedule and your dorm key(polite, cheerful)

  • Hello class, today your teacher is away so I’ll be your teacher but just for today!(cheerful)

  • If the student council doesn’t think it’s genuine then what makes you think I’ll accept the idea but- I guess I can keep in mind.(Flat)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs Rui
Role assigned to: AC

Mrs Rui is a sweet young teacher. She’s really kind and nice to all her students considering their thoughts above everyone’s. She also got engaged to Mrs Tsubasa. I may also have a little side ep on how they met. She has a young, gentle medium toned voice.Voice range: medium

  • Yes what can I do for you!(kindly)

  • Of course I’ll consider it with the principal(cheerful)

  • What do you mean girls, that’s the only option I’ve got, I can’t do anything if the principal doesn’t accept(confused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs Tsubasa
cast offsite

Mrs Tsubasa is the school's gym/wing training teacher, she’s really sweet like her wife and is really skilled in the wings department. She can be a bit light headed and nervous around students sometimes since it’s her first year teaching.Voice range: medium-high

  • Uhm hi we-welcome to wi-ngs training class(stutter nervous)

  • So you’ll take that route today, you have it(professional)

  • What?! I can’t be in charge I’m still so inexperienced, and don’t go you’ll get hurt and I’ll loose you-(slowly get sader)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms Yotoru
Role assigned to: NaturalCrackhead

Mrs Yotoru is the mother of Haru, she is a hard working single mum who has a job as well as looking after the house. She has been involved in abuse in the past, so she may be sad and tired at times. She’s really nice to her only child and would do anything to protect her baby.Voice range: medium-deep

  • I’m so proud for you honey!(happily,gentle)

  • You have a good time and make sure to come and visit if you need any advice!(shout out happily)

  • Sorry to be a bother sweets but there’s a problem back at home and I may need to stay here for awhile(nervous)


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