Deceit (Artists, VA's(main cast for now) and Musicians) (Long term project)

Deceit (Artists, VA's(main cast for now) and Musicians) (Long term project)

Project Overview

In a forgotten land, 5 monarchs are brought to life to mould it's resources to their personal will. (red) Aries, the monarch of passion.  (blue) Poseidon, the monarch of tranquillity.  (green) Ki, the monarch of equity. (black) Hades/Damien, the monarch of chaos. (white) only known as the Divine One, the monarch of order. A voice within their minds tell them to create life, but at the cost of their own power. Aries, Poseidon and Ki choose to create empires from their blood and sacrifice their own power, they put there resources together to create (bronze) Trojan, the monarch of man, bringing civilisation to their metropolis'. However Damien chooses to only create 5 subjects and retain most of his power for himself and The Divine One goes missing without creating anything. Despite this, a grand city is born with the royal guard controlling it and acting as a safe zone for all disciples regardless of their monarch.

Omen, a fish turned man from a witch, is indoctrinated by Poseidon and taught to be the best magic caster in the kingdom. With the White monarch still missing, all eyes are focused on containing her mysterious powers, However not all monarchs have the same intentions. Aries is overwhelmed with greed and power and wants to dominate the whole land by capturing the White monarchs powers for himself, will omen and the other monarchs be able to stop the outbreak of war between factions and secure peace?

Meanwhile in the shadows Damien also has other intentions, his nature is to cause chaos and his narcissistic mind set causes him to not care for the fate of the other factions. He only wants to be entertained in his twist sense of fun. though he didn't use to be like this, a corrupted scarf has ripped any sense of morality away from him, forever.

(a note to take is that every character has a "deceit" or a lie so to speak, for example, Damien's real name is Hades, this is the same for any character we and it is up to the audience to figure out their deceit as it isn't directly mentioned as a concept in the lore of the universe).


Deceit is a Universe that we have created, with extensive lore and characters. We want to bring our ideas to light in a comic/manga style series, however we want to make it a dub over that would be uploaded to YouTube.

Right now we need portrait artists and background artists to develop all of the characters and locations, VA's to start giving the characters a voice which will be adapt their personality (which is why we are doing this so early) and lastly musicians to help up write a OST that we would use throughout and give our world originality.

We are very passionate about this and will take some time to get right, so I hope you can be patient. But fear not, you wont be sat about doing nothing till we need you. We have a discord set up that will regularly have polls and discussion to help with deceit's improvement that everyone can join in with, we would want to push the idea of our team being friends as well. This would ensure that we are working together on the same wave length.


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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TunnelBerg

Omen is a fish turned man, that is the unofficial son of Poseidon. He is an eccentric, naive magic caster that specialises in Ice magic. 

His voice should be moderate in pitch but has energy behind it, like an excited child.

  • a man? A MAN? I am a fish! you know, blub blub? *whisper* i can speak fish.

  • That's her! That stupid witch! yeah the witch bi**h! Get her.

  • Poseidon, it's not your fault, believe me. I lost everything too...Except my family was eaten by some witch, but apart from that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: evangeline

Poseidon is the blue monarch and is the queen of a large kingdom to the north and has the responsibility of training Omen. She has a deep history with Damien that causes problems for her people as well as her hidden lust and drinking habits.

She should have a motherly voice, but also has a  lustful side to it.

  • Try again, your failures are only drafts of a final product.

  • Welcome everyone to my kingdom! *pause* wanna drink?

  • No, no no no. Why, WHY. How can you stand there, and smile at me after what you did!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Aries is the red monarch and has a cocky/arrogant demeanour, however he is a coward and will use any force necessary to ensure his own safety.

He should have a upper class voice that with a deep pitch.

  • Me? the red monarch, fail? you're kidding me right?

  • *laughs* I'll just kill them, all of them! If they want to get in my way then they should endure the consequences old friend.

  • Valor, protect me! I can't die in a place like this. Never, NEVER.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Damien is the black monarch and is a psychotic narcissist, he doesn't care about anything and will only ever do something if he personally finds it fun. 

He should have a soft, slightly husky voice and have a patronising under tone to it.

  • Everyone here has such unique physique! Except maybe you Aries, you should change the tie up a bit. 

  • Chaos within a system topples the system, but a system within chaos, well that creates a world where everyone is free. 

  • Listen Jester we are one in the same, the sooner you realise that the sooner you can fully understand your purpose.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Ki is the green monarch and has trust issues due to the abuse her father put on her tribe, her only goal is to protect her people and the forest around her. 

He voice should basically sound like junko from danganronpa, that's all i got xD 

  • The  lineage of Luna dragon runs though your veins, don't disregard that.

  • So you're the ice boy huh? be a dear and keep my drink frosty for me then. thanks!

  • I am going to claw your throat out you little punk, so fucking tell me.

Character Artists
cast offsite

As we are developing this into a comic dub first, we will need character artists to create designs of characters and then putting them into a comic. We would need to settle on an art style that everyone is able to drawing it consistently and for a character you create, you would have control over that character. you would work closely with the background artists as well to ensure everything looks smooth together.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music composer
Role assigned to: flesciamento Seaswords

Having our own original OST for Deceit would open a lot of potential for future ideas and projects such as an op ETC. 

  • Say something you think would fit


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