Death Fan

Project Overview
"Death Fan" is a short film (approximately 8mins). Its story is about a college student that is in class, she learns about cursed objects. She learns about the death fan and later, is asked to develop some photos for a friend. He can't do it himself, thanks to his lack of experience. The student reluctantly agrees to do so, even though she would much rather be doing something else.
However, while mixing the necessary chemicals needed to develop photos, she encounters the Death Fan, mocks it, and kicks the object across the room. Even though she learned that it was a cursed object that had been lost since 2012, She treats it like nothing.
Soon after, strange things start occurring. It seems like The Death Fan has found its latest victim.
As you can imagine, this is a low-budget B-movie short film. It is a homage to really stupid films from the 70s and 2000s that had killer tires, tomatoes, carrots, donuts, recliners, cars, etc. So, now we have a killer fan, the Death Fan.
The project is made entirely at my college campus with only three people. There is me, a friend, and my professor. It is a passion project made by somebody that really loves campy movies.
I need a composer, somebody to make at least two tracks that are very short but can serve as good background pieces. The tracks themselves only need to be a minute long. Think of the likes of the music from The Thing, Halloween (1978), The Shining, Evil Dead (1981), and The Car. It needs to invoke an atmospheric, yet eerie scene. Think along the lines like something is supposed to be off, yet the main character doesn't know yet.
I also need someone (or up to four people, gender doesn't matter) to do creepy ghost whispers that are in reverse. This plays during the final scene of the short film.
There are requirements:
- You have to be over 18 or close to 18. I don't want to work with minors for obvious reasons. However, I am willing to accept a submission from someone who isn't over 18, granted that their birthday is only a month away.
- You must have a Discord. This is so I am able to talk to you and describe exactly what I want, so you can make alterations in case the score needs to be changed, talk about what scene it is for, etc. This can also apply to the voice role, but if you apply for the voice role, you most likely will get the part. It just needs to be creepy.
- Only something horror-related can be submitted. It wouldn't really make any sense if you gave me a submission that gives you a different feeling. I need something atmospheric, so I can see if you are a good fit for the project. This only applies to the composer role.
- You have to be prepared to give me finished tracks quickly. I'm sorry, but I work on a lot of projects at once and I need to get this one done as soon as possible. This doesn't mean though that you have to give it to me as soon as you are accepted. I understand that stuff takes time, and I wouldn't want you to rush it. This also applies to the voice role.
If you have any questions, or concerns, or want to see if you are a good fit without auditioning (just in case), my Discord is AquaBlue#2718. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. I would also like to say, if you get accepted, I will happily try to contribute to one of your projects. I am not a composer, but I can write, direct, VA, and am a basic editor. Thanks! I look forward to seeing your submissions.
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Anything that is horror related. I am primarily looking for something you would hear on the piano, but I'm not picky. If something sounds better, I will gladly use that.
*Say something you think would fit*
I need somebody or some people (gender doesn't matter) that can deliver creepy voices, almost in a whisper. This role is open to up to four or more people. All I need are whispers that are reversed. For your audition, just say something that is reversed and you think would fit.
Additionally, it doesn't matter who you are. Male or Female voices will really set the mood.
I look forward to seeing your submissions.
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions