DBZ Gacha Series "What if Goku was a Girl?"
Project Overview
A Dragon Ball Z Gacha Series focusing on the idea of "What if Goku was a female instead of a male?" It's not going to be ship-heavy, but there will be non-canon ships. It's going to be a fighting-based series, like the show itself.
This is going to be a long-term project, and some characters will now have Voices for a while.
You don't need to have an amazing mic, just one that won't deep-fry your audio too much if you scream.
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Base the voice off of both canon and abridged, not too deep or feminine, but still sounding like a female. She will talk informally a lot. The role requires a lot of screaming, as is characteristic of Dragon Ball. Be prepared for that.
Hey, it's me, Goku! And I'm a Saiyan from Earth!
(Livid after watching her friend get murdered) I won't let you get away with this..!
KAAA-ME-HAAA-ME-HA!!! (Feel free to do her other attacks as well, but its not required)
(Yell as though you are powering up, use goku powers up scream - YouTube as reference)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Goku is a fighter)
Chi Chi is a strong and stubborn woman, but also sweet and incredibly motherly. Her voice should reflect this, only showing her gruffness when she's angry.
In this AU, Chi Chi is a much more prevalent character than in normal Dragon Ball. She is a skilled fighter and will be joining Krillin and Bulma on Namek in Gohan's place (since Gohan does not exist in this universe). Because of this, a lot of the same requirements for other fighters also apply here.
(Polite and sweet) It's so nice to see you all again!
(Determined) I need to get these Senzu Beans as quick as possible! I need to do it for Goku, our friends, the entire Earth.
(Devestated to see Goku dead) Goku!? No, no no no. It's.. It's going to be okay..! It's going to be...
(Angry as all hell) How could he do that!? And to a child, no less!
(Yell as though you are powering up, use - as reference)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Chi Chi is a fighter)
You can reference off the Funimation Dub, Abridged, Ocean Dub, or the sub (preferred). Vegeta is very prideful and arrogant, but he is also a prince so he should talk like a member of the upper class. He does NOT need the weird semi-British accent that Funimation gave him, but if you decide you want to give him an accent go ahead.
A true Saiyan warrior fights until the very end!
Let me ask you: Does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?
(Proud) I am your greatest fear, a SUPER SAYAN!
(Furious) Damn it, DAMN IT ALL..!
(Yell as though you are powering up, use - as reference)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Vegeta is a fighter)
Mainly reference it off of Funimation's DBZ or DBZ Kai, but you can reference it off DBS or Abridged or the sub. Bulma is spoiled rich and very stubborn, despite this she is a genuinely intelligent and good-hearted person. She's like an older sister to Goku.
(Proud) Well, I /am/ the smartest girl in the world!
(Comforting) Hey, it's going to be fine.
(Annoyed) Well took you long enough!
(Scream like your life is in danger)
Reference him mainly off of Funimation's English dub, but you can reference him off other dubs. Krillin is Goku's best friend.
(Surprised) Wow! I've gotten so strong (Proud) I feel like I can take on anything!
(Kinda disappointed) Ugh, I'm going to die, and I've never had a Girlfriend!
KAAA-ME-HAAA-ME-HA!!! (Feel free to do his other attacks as well, but it's not required)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Krillin is a fighter)
Reference him mainly off of Funimation's English dub, but you can reference him off other dubs.
(Prideful) It's alright guys, I can take care of it!
If you're gonna run, now's your chance!
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Yamcha is a fighter)
You can reference him off any Dub.
Better not get careless!
(Mourning the death of his friend) Noo! Chiaotzu!
(Trying to tell a joke but coming off very serious) You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!
Tri-Beam CANNON!!! (Feel free to do his other attacks as well, but it's not required)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Tien is a fighter)
You can reference him off any Dub. His voice should be light and childish to fit his small stature.
It's the only way, Tien. Don't worry. I'm not afraid. And if I can save you, then it's worth dying for.
(Optional free space to do whatever lines you want)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Chaiotzu fights)
You can reference him off of any of the Dubs. His voice should be deep and serious, but he also has a tendency to get cocky and mock his opponents (mostly early on in the series when he's still young)
So Goku is about to come back to life? (He gasps) Which would mean the Saiyans are coming sooner than expected!
(Yelling) Get out of the way, you idiot!
SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!! (Feel free to do his other attacks as well, but it's not required)
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Piccolo is a fighter)
You can reference the voice off of any dub, he's a large and gruff man and should have a rough voice. He's very arrogant and easily angered, but does not challenge Vegeta
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about her power level?!
Let me show you my power!
(Make pained grunts and yells, it needs to be convincing since Nappa is a fighter)
Base it off any dub
Mimic some of the sounds here DBRB2 Voice Clips - Saibaman - YouTube
You can reference him off of FUNimation's Dub or late abridged. He's an old wise man with a perverted streak.
Okay... Eternal Shenron! By your name I summon your forth!
(Surprised) Goku?! Is that you?! Where are you?!
You can reference it off of any Dub
C-could you defeat the Saiyans and s-save the Earth?
(Frightened) No matter how many times you see it, it's still scary!
You can reference them off any Dub. They have a light cute voice
Well I'm going! Yamcha needs my help!
(Celebrating) Woohoo!! They did it!
(High pitched scream or yelp)
You can reference his voice off of any Dub, he's Goku's mentor and while he shouldn't sound as old as Roshi he should still sound old.
How do you organize a space party? You planet
That's enough Goku! Even I make mistakes! Now, you'll need to tell your friends to wish you back to life!
You can reference it off the FUNimation dub or other dubs. Kami is another very old and wise man, he should sound like it. Unlike Roshi though, he's more serious and solemn
(Kami is dying in this scene, breathing slow and heavy) Piccolo's life force is fading away and mine along with it, Goku must not have gotten there in time...
(About to fuse with Piccolo, this is basically a self sacrifice on his part so he's solemn and serious) Our union will make you more powerful, Piccolo, and you will obtain my vast knowledge. I hope you will use these new powers wisely.
Free line, you can either say whatever you want in character, tell a little about yourself, or just ignore this line altogether.
You can reference it off the FUNimation dub, Popo should sound very sophisticated despite the few words he speaks.
When their planet was in danger, Kami's parents must've put him on board and sent him here to save his life.
(He is speaking an alien language here, so the pronunciation isn't a big deal so long as you sound confident in the delivery) Topooru koopa Jupei
(Tearing up happily) Oh Kami, soon you will be with us again.
You can reference it off any Dub
So see, you've tripled your strength since you arrived all by yourself.
I. Read. Minds. But don't worry kid, there weren't that many chapters.
You can reference it off any dub
(Acting all tough even though he's not) My boys are fightin' them right now for ya, to make sure they don't get their way. Ya got that!?
Alright you guys, you guys! How do YOU explain this weird situation!? Eh!?
I won't steer you wrong, though. You'd better not get too close to them. These are some pretty horrific guys after all.
Reference it off any Dub (Voice changers are allowed). He is a magical wish granting dragon.
Speak fourth your wish.
That wish is not possible. I was created by Kami. I cannot grant a wish beyond Kami's power.
That will be an easy wish to grant.
(Monkey noises)
Reference him off any dub, Gregory is a cricket who helps Goku train under King Kai, he should sound small.
You can't go thinking you're going to be brought back to life again!
Take care!
Reference it off the Funimation dub
Last time on Dragon Ball Z
Nex time on Dragon Ball Z
Last time, on Dragon Ball Z, all of the warriors were training on Kami's lookout to prepare for the incoming threat of the Saiyan's. Meanwhile, in the Other World, Goku sailed through King Kai's tests of strength. And after months of training, it seems like the student has surpassed the teacher. Goku's strength and speed had greatly increased, but will it be enough to defeat the Saiyan's. Find out, today!
An extra character
What was that?
Just an Extra
What happened?
Just an extra
Th-This is a surprise!
Th-That's it! That round thing fell down here!
here's a person coming out of it!
Just an Extra
It looks like something fell down here!
Just an Extra
There's one over here, too!
Over here too!
Just an Extra
The Outro is more important than the intro because credits will be in the outro. The only thing that matters about the song is it follows a similar layout to the canonical intros and outros :D
Lyrics are not required :D
Say something you think would fit
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