Dasukenyo Academy | LOOKING FOR VAS AND CREW | A Gacha VA Series

Project Overview

Dasukenyo Academy 

Dasukenyo Academy is an unpaid Gacha VA Series, following the story of our protagonist, Netou Jisuke, his best friends, and some classmates and other friends as well. Dasukenyo Academy is known to be prestigious and sought-after, the education system of the academy is known to have a college acceptance and graduate rate of 100%. The academy is also known for hosting large and costly events. Netou Jisuke, being at his final year in the academy, wants to make the most of the remaining school year with his friends. Will the year run smoothly, or will drama stir up, scandals be told, or... maybe even something worse? Let's learn our way through their stories in Dasukenyo Academy!

What I need:

  • Male Voice Actors

  • Female Voice Actors

  • Thumbnail Artists

  • Background Artists

  • CG Artists

  • BGM Producers

  • Prop Artist

Requirements for auditioning:

  • Must be 13 years old or above

  • Must have a Discord Account

  • Experience is not required

  • Fancy equipment are not required

  • Voice Actors: Must have clear audio with little to no background noise


  1. Do not steal other people's auditions. If you are caught stealing, you will not be considered when we do casting

  2. When you submit an audition, add your Discord Handle/Tag, you may also specify whether you want feedback, suggestions, recommendations, or not

  3. Voice Actor Auditioners: Delete older auditions when redoing auditions

  4. Crew Member Auditioners: Reply to your audition when you want to add more of your auditions

  5. If a character is still open after the deadline. This means that I have not found a suitable voice actor for the character. At this point, it is a free-for-all. The moment I find an audition that fits the character, the auditions for that character will close. You may post auditions or redo auditions to these characters

  6. There is a Discord Server where auditions are being held as well. Please do not be surprised when the character is labelled with "Casted to Off-site actor"

Note: There might be changes to the casting call club whenever it is necessary

Note 2: More roles may be posted when necessary

Note 3: If you want to join the Discord Server instead to audition, here is the link:


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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • My deepest and sincerest apologies

    Hello guys! It's me again but with terrible news this time...

    Sadly this project will be discontinued until further notice, my deepest apologies to those who auditioned and waited in anticipation for casting. As most of you are unaware, I am just a teenager attending what can be considered college with the given subjects, but it's labeled as highschool. Anyways, back to the point, I am discontinuing this project because of school and personal life clashing with each other, and with the added pressure of this project, it seems too much for me, so with a heavy heart, that was my reason to discontinue

    My health comes before my career, and I hope you all may understand. I will be announcing who was casted now, but the reason will be to clear up who got what role.

    Cast list

    BGM Producers: Literally just all the auditioners there's only 2 of them

    Bg Artists: Sibby, Vxaleri, Starr

    Thumbnail Artists: K4YLIE and Akino

    Prop Artists: Sharkayzzz and CreatingW

    CG Artists: Sharkayzzz and CreatingW

    Extras: stqrrykei, xfrench_fries, DarkestMoon, K4YLIE, chairgtables

    Main - BU

    Alden: Fairy, Zhun

    Sienna Miller - Luxio Main, Fruity BU

    Calio Collymore - Mqrshi Main, Ian BU

    Richard Douglas - webbsite_92 Main & BU

    Anneliese Ferguson - SkotiaFlight - Main

    Lokyria - BU

    Melinda - Daigon Main, Keisha L BU

    Jacinto - Shuten Main & BU

    June - Levi Main & BU

    Amai Kanazawa - NightmareWolf Main, NoahReed BU

    Vokuna Kouji - Quintessence Main, Ali BU

    Kiro Li- JinjaYagi Main, ReflexVA BU

    Quinn - Potato Main, Mirage BU

    Astrid - Xarictoria Main, Daigon BU

    Benjamin - Crouton Main, Potato BU

    Camillia - Joyous Main, BloodyTomato BU

    Pierce - Zephyr Main, SimYzs BU

    Archie - Jinja Main, Vayne BU

    Hart - Crouton Main, songfulallen BU

    Kelsey - Grace Main, Sam BU

    Janine - elly_seen Main, Sam BU

    Fauxro - Zhun Main, Blob BU

    Kristen - Fairy Main, Zhun BU

    Abby - Uni Main, Wulfy BU

    Kyran - Joran Main & BU

    Lynney - NotmintyVA Main, Daigon BU

    Verito - Caloniner Main, Yuuhai BU

    Netou Jisuke - Yuuhai Main, JinjaYagi BU

    This is SwitchIt, now known as TheBlueSwitch, signing off.

  • About Casting!

    Casting will be shown in video form so hold on to your hats and horses auditioners!

    You are not only against people in this CCC project, you are also going to be against the people who auditioned on Discord!

    The video will be a few days from now give or take.

    Have a lovely day or night everyone!

  • Deadline Reminder!

    The deadline is nearing! Hurry and audition if you haven't already, or if you want to audition for more roles, or possibly redo auditions!

    Deadline's on September 24th, 6:00 am GMT +8.

    Casting will be followed soon as a video! I will update you guys when the video is released and when you are casted!

    If you are casted you will receive a DM from me, so hopefully you have your DMs set to everyone, or I will send the link to the discord on the CCC group chat

  • Warning!!!


    This series will contain the following.

    • Slightly Disturbing Imagery

    • Heavily Implied Heavy Topics

    • Heavy topics (Such as but not limited to; trauma, abuse, and death)

    • LGBTQIA+ Characters (Namely but not limited to, Lynney, Kyran, Janine, Kristen, Kiro, Verito, Vokuna)

    If you are uncomfortable with any of these then I suggest to either not audition, or audition for another role

  • New Characters have been released!

    I am so happy to announce that there are 5 more characters to audition for. 3 girls, and 2 boys. Go check them out if you want to audition!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Netou Jisuke
cast offsite

Netou Jisuke (Neh-toh Jis-keh) is a Calm and soft-spoken person. He is known as the ikemen in the school. Most students think he is calm, cool, collected, kind, and mysterious, but all of his friends and fellow Astronomy club members know that he's just a huge astrology nerd.

His voice is on the Medium-low side with a soft tone to it

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Soft
  • calm
  • Medium low
  • "Hello, it is nice to meet you. I am Netou Jisuke, what about you?" (Greeting)

  • "Oh no... I'm so sorry! Here, let me help." (Calm, Soft)

  • "They're opening an observatory in this school soon!?" (Excited, Soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lynney López
cast offsite

Lynney López (Lin-knee Low-pez) is the social media influencer of the school. Although she may be popular online, she is not as known in the school. She is quite loud and her speech patterns are quite... Interesting. She may love social media, but friends and family always come first to her, and surprisingly, she does okay at school, getting a B on most subjects. If you need a tour of the school or directions to nearby establishments, she is your go-to gal. 

Lynney has a Medium to Medium-low voice, her speech pattern is comparable to how Junko speaks normally in the English Dub for reference

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • loud
  • Medium low
  • "Hey there!! I am @lynnlopez or more notably, Lynney López!!! Ya need anything, just give me a call, sweetie!!!" (Greeting, Loud)

  • "Oh em gurd, you guys need to see this LOL moment!" (Laughing)

  • "Obvi!! I'd totes hang out with you guys! Drinks are on me!!!" (Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kyran Frodo
cast offsite

Kyran Frodo is a theatre club member known for his great acting skills and singing in plays. Kyran on-stage can be anything he needs to be, he can be brave, he can be an idiot, he can snarky, he can be anything, he can put up an act after all. However, off-stage, he is shy and meek. He's confident around his friends, but becomes a welcome mat to strangers, there's no act in here, only the truth. 

Kyran's voice is a Medium

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium
  • male teen
  • "Huh? O-oh, uhhh, hello? M-my name? R-right, it's uhhh, Kyran! Yes, Kyran Frodo. Nice to meetcha." (Greeting, Nervous)

  • "Now, let's make this year memorable!" (Happy, Pep talk)

  • "*oof* I'm so sorry! Here, let me help." (Panicky, soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Abbie Sidyan
cast offsite

Abbie Sidyan is the well-known tomboy of the school. She is a part of the American Football team, and as well as known to skateboard or parkour whenever she goes to school. She is a huge adrenaline junkie, and gets excited at the thought of doing something exciting, or even just hanging out with friends. Our tomboy here has the brains and the brawns. Although she doesn't listen to classes, she still gets straight A's somehow.

Abbie's voice is Medium to Medium-high, her voice is also quite raspy

  • "Hm? Oh! Hey there! The name's Abbie Sidyan! What's yours?" (Greeting, Excited)

  • "Come on! Hurry up! Let's go to the café already!" (Excited, Impatient)

  • "Oh no... How Awful! I sure hope I pass!" (Mocking, Sarcastic

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kristen Azergohn
cast offsite

Kristen Azergohn (Kris-ten A-zeh-go) is the President of the Music Club. He's known for his rude remarks and harsh words, but also for his passion and loyalty. He may be rude, but he's still got a soft heart for those he cares for, even if he cusses them out. It's just tough love when it comes to him

Kristen is a Medium-high with a raspy voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Medium-High
  • raspy
  • "Eh? Watcha botherin me for? Hi, I guess... I'm Kristen Azergohn, now scram." (Cold, Harsh)

  • "Watch where you're going you dumbass!" (Irritated)

  • "No no, you're one key off. You're supposed to play A# not A." (Instructing)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fauxro Kcinstroj
cast offsite

Fauxro Kcinstroj (Faw-row Kin-straw) is the President of the Photography Club and is the one that manages the yearbooks. Fauxro is a soft spoken, shy, and meek person. He's not always shy though, he can be confident sometimes, and he would do anything to snap a pic of any beautiful scenery. Fauxro may not say much, but his pictures do tell a thousand words. 

Fauxro is a Medium-high with a soft tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Soft
  • Medium-High
  • "Hm? Oh, greetings. My name is Fauxro Kcinstroj, I am the President of the Photography Club. If you need any help with photography, just come to me." (Soft, Shy)

  • "Say cheese everyone!" (Happy)

  • "W-where's my photo album!?" (Panicky, Sad)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Janine Frotto
cast offsite

Janine Frotto (Ja-neen Frot-toe) is the President of the Student Council, and is the role model of the students in the school. She looks, sounds, acts, and is perfect. Well, to most people. She's willing to give you a helping hand and tries to make a compromise if possible. Janine can be seen studying if she's not doing Student Council duties, and if she is doing neither, she'll focus on one of her hobbies.

Janine has a high voice that can switch from Smooth to Soft and Dainty

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • High
  • Soft
  • Dainty
  • "Greetings! Welcome to Dasukenyo Academy. I am Janine Frotto, and I am the school's Student Council President, and I am here to give you your school tour." (Greeting, Soft)

  • "Straight posture, perfect smile, and perfect personality." (Obsessive or Checking up on herself)

  • "Good morning everyone!" (Innocent, Soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kelsey Newandria
cast offsite

Kelsey Newandria (Kel-see Neh-wand-ree-yah) is the Student Council's Secretary. She may not look nor act like a secretary, but she is responsible enough to help Janine to keep her on track of all her duties and schedule as Council President. Outside of Council life, Kelsey is the confident, maybe arrogant, dramatic, trendsetter of the school. She always makes sure her friends are dressed their best whenever they go out

Kelsey has a Medium to Medium-high voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • "Hey there! I am Kelsey Newandria. Cute fit by the way." (Greeting, Complimenting)

  • "You know I know every single gossip in this school." (Lowkey Flexing, Informing)

  • "That outfit is a hate crime! Let me get you a REAL fit." (Dramatic, Helping)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hart Mckenzie
cast offsite

Hart McKenzie (Heart Mac-ken-zee) is the President of the Carpentry Club. Despite his status as president. He is quite the pushover, to a worrying degree. Although he is quite timid, he is still able to lead his club thanks to his club members' obedience and willingness to follow him.

Hart is a Medium-low with a husky sounding voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • medium-low
  • "Hello! I'm Hart, Hart McKenzie." (Greeting)

  • "Dunno, I never really thought about it that way." (Realization)

  • "I'll just wait and one day for sure they'll stop, p-p-picking." (Hesitant)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Archie Fujio
cast offsite

Archie Fujio (Are-chee Foo-ji-yo) is the President of the Swimming Club and the ace of the swimming team. He is quite laid-back, and a bit of a flirt. He makes sure that no one messes with his club members. Even if strips him of his role on the Swimming Team and his presidency of the Swimming Club. 

Archie's voice is a Medium-high

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Medium-High
  • "Yo yo! I'm Archie Fujio. Nice to meetcha, mate" (Greeting)

  • "Huh? I mean if you'd like, I can check it out for ya!" (Enthusiastic)

  • "Oh?~ Well you look pretty yourself~" (Flirty)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pierce Cruzo
cast offsite

Pierce Cruzo (Pierce Crew-zo) is the Treasurer of the Student Council. He tends to handle most of the financial problems within the students, and is also the one in charge of businesses or events to raise school funds. He tends to space out from time to time trying to think of the day ahead of him. He is also a bit of a pessimist and is not afraid to say what's on his mind, even to the principal. 

Pierce's voice is Low with a soft tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • deep
  • Soft
  • "Heya, I'm Pierce Cruzo. If you wanna help me raise school funds I'll be happy to get a helping hand." (Greeting, Monotone)

  • "Sorry, what were we talking about again?" (Confused, Distracted)

  • "Well, that's lame. Kinda expected more pizzazz." (Blunt)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Camila Rivera
cast offsite

Camila Rivera (Cah-meal-lah Ree-veh-rah) is the President of the Art Club. With her meek and timid attitude, you could confuse her as just a normal member in the art club. However, she is able to manage the whole club with the help of other council club members to run it. However, even presidents are susceptible to bullying, and being taken advantage of. 

Camila's voice is Medium-high 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Medium-High
  • "It's nice to meet you. I'm Camila Rivera, I hope we can be great friends!" (Greeting, Calm)

  • "I love Pokémon a lot! It's the one thing that always makes me happy!" (Happy)

  • "I did your homework, just leave me alone already." (Timid, Upset)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Benjamin Fernsby
cast offsite

Benjamin Fernsby (Ben-jam-in Ferns-bee) is the President of the Gardening Club and is the soft-spoken, level-headed, and loyal student. He may be susceptible to teasing, but he doesn't let it happen, he fights back, and makes sure he lets them know that he's no target.

Benjamin is a Medium with a Soft tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Medium
  • Soft
  • "I'm Benjamin Fernsby! Nice to meet you! (Excited)

  • "Gardening is the most calming thing in history!" (Calm, Happy)

  • "Stop calling me carrot top!" (Annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Astrid Smith
cast offsite

Astrid Smith (As-truh-d Smith) is the loud and rambunctious President of the Gaming Club. She's always looking to have fun and compete with other students in gaming. She may not be the best at all games, but there are some where she is considered unbeatable by her club's members. 

Astrid has a Medium-low voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • medium-low
  • "Yo yo, I'm Astrid Smith. Pleasure to meet ya bud!" (Greeting, Happy)

  • "You got to be kidding me." (Annoyed, Done)

  • "God you are such a drag." (Amused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Quinn Mercedes
cast offsite

Quinn Mercedes (Kuh-winn Mer-say-deez) is the fashionista of the school and a part of the Fashion Club. She was an average girl from a wealthy family. Although, one thing stood out from her, her albinism. She was bullied and ostracized due to her being different, she felt alien. One day, she found out about fashion and used it as some sort of coping mechanism. As the years go by, she's now the confident tough cookie everyone knows

Her voice is a medium with a dreamy-like or soft tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Soft
  • Medium
  • "Hello, I'm Quinn Mercedes. You look amazing by the way!" (Greeting, Happy)

  • "I thought we were done with this. All she did was decline your offer! Now leave us alone before things turn sour." (Angry, Fed up)

  • "You know... I never thought anyone lookee ugly. If you think about it, I'm more focused on personality." (Neutral)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kiro Li
cast offsite

Kiro Li (Kee-roh Lee) is the well known weirdo of the school. Although he may act cold and unwelcoming, he just does it to hide the fact that he actually cares. Bit of a tsundere if you ask me, but I wonder why he tries to be so cold to everyone

Kiro Li has a Medium Voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Cold
  • Medium
  • "Huh? No I'm not gonna give you my name. Fuck off." (Cold, Rude)

  • "BRO HOW AM I EVEN SHORT!?" (Pissed)

  • "Bro, you good? Like, I'm not dragging you to the nurses office." (Sounds pissed, actually cares)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Verito Kouji
cast offsite

Verito Kouji (Veh-ree-toh Koh-jee) is the President of the Literature Club. The soft-spoken, introverted, and caring twin, he's the one who you should go to if you just want to chill, read a book, or have a comfy conversation with. He loves his twin sister a lot, and sometimes can be very protective of her. 

Verito Kouji has a Medium voice with a soft tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Medium
  • Soft
  • "Hey there, I'm Verito Kouji. Need some help?" (Soft, Greeting)

  • "Huh... That ending felt quite rushed." (Surprised, A bit disappointed)

  • "Hey sis! How was your hang out?" (Happy, Soft)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vokuna Kouji
cast offsite

Vokuna Kouji (Voh-koo-nah Koh-jee) is a member of the Art Club. She is the happy-go-lucky, friendly, and lively student. She loves his twin brother to bits cause he always supoorted her no matter what, and also feels a bit protective over him. She sometimes interrogates Verito's potential love interests just to see if they are fit for him. Aside from that, she is the one who always plans a hang out, and tries to get everyone to loosen up a little

Vokuna Kouji is a Medium to Medium-high with either a Nasally or a Raspy voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Medium
  • Medium-High
  • Nasally
  • raspy
  • "Hiya! I'm Vokuna Kouji it is so so so nice to meet you!" (Greeting, Excited)

  • "Hey hey! Time to go to that snack shop!" (Happy, Excited)

  • "Bro! My day went so well!" (Very Happy)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amai Kanazawa
cast offsite

Amai Kanazawa (Ah-my Kah-nah-zah-wah) is a part of the Music Club and is the liveliest of the bunch. However, it seems her reputation exceeds the school, but not as Amai, but as Sweet Mello. Sweet Mello is Amai's other life as a famous band member in the Softcore Punk genre. How will she balance these two lives I wonder. 

Amai Kanazawa has a Medium-high voice with a loud and energetic tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Medium-High
  • loud
  • "Hey hey! The name's Amai Kanazawa. Best musician in this whole school! Don't tell Kristen that-" (Greeting, Loud)

  • "Yoyoyo! I see you guys finally made it here, so tell me whats cookin'? Other than what my mom's making-" (Enthusiastic, Rambling)

  • "Hey hey! It's Sweet Mello here to perform all night long!" (Announcing, Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jacinto Del Rosario
cast offsite

Jacinto Del Rosario (Ha-sin-toh Del Roh-sah-ree-yoh) is the Principal and Found of Dasukenyo Academy. Known to be well-versed in a lot subjects and as well as a great understanding in psychology and education. He managed to be able to create a school as prestigious as Dasukenyo Academy. With a welcoming smile and charismatic aura, he is able to charm the hearts of the public and the media. 

Jacinto Del Rosario is Low/Deep with a smooth voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • generic spanish (european)
  • american
  • deep
  • Low
  • "Hello students, I am Jacinto Del Rosario. The founder and Principal of this academy." (Greeting, Speech-like)

  • "Go to my office NOW!" (Angry, Strict)

  • "I would like to welcome our students to a new year." (Welcoming, Speech-like)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
June Polena
cast offsite

June Polena (Joon Poh-leh-nah) is the Head of the Teachers and as well as the English Teacher of some classes. He is seen very tired all the time. He said it was due to work, having to help the Principal with paperwork, and his nephews and nieces, but is there more to this? 

June is a Medium-low to low with a smooth and tired tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • medium-low
  • Low
  • "Hello, I am June Polena, and I will be your Class Adviser and English Teacher." (Greeting, Tired)

  • "Everyone settle down or I will fail this class." (Annoyed, Tired)

  • "I'm not paid enough for this." (Unamused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Melinda Mikhaela
cast offsite

Melinda Mikhaela (Meh-lin-dah Me-kah-el-la) is a Science Teacher, and also that one teacher you would accidentally call mom. Her caring and approachable nature helps students confide in her and has an ear that will listen. Her teaching methods may be a bit... Extra, but it gets the job done.

Melinda Mikhaela is a Medium to Medium-low with a Mature and Motherly tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Medium
  • medium-low
  • motherly
  • "Welcome new students to Dasukenyo Academy! My name is Melinda Mikhaela, but you may call me Ms. Mel or Ms. Mika." (Welcoming)

  • "Good morning dear, something on your mind?" (Comforting)

  • "*humming* Lovely day isn't it?" (Happy)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anneliese Ferguson
cast offsite

Anneliese Ferguson (Anna-lease Fur-guh-son) is a Social Studies Teacher and is also known as the most blunt and harsh teacher. She may be strict, but all she wants is for her students to reach their full potential. Although, she is quite stubborn to admit it. She loves her students and usually snaps at the person trying to make her admit

Anneliese has a Medium and rough voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Medium
  • Rough
  • "Hello everyone, I am Anneliese Ferguson and you better remember that." (Strict)

  • "Today we're learning how to get through life for dummies." (Blunt)

  • "Are you going to listen to an object or the teacher that has your careers in their hands." (Harsh, Cold)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Richard Douglas
cast offsite

Richard Douglas (Rich-ard Dog-lass) is a Math Teacher and an after school tutor. Although generally calm, once he snaps, he snaps. He gets tired a lot due to tutoring after school that lasts until 7 pm, every weekday. 

He has a Medium-low voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • medium-low
  • "Hello class, I'm Richard Douglas your Math Teacher." (Calm)

  • "Good evening class." (Calm, Slightly Tired)

  • "Today we're watching a movie." (Annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Calio Collymore
cast offsite

Calio Collymore (Cah-leo Call-lee-more) is a Counselor of the Academy. He is a great listener and gives great advice to students. Some say his mastery in Psychology rivals the Principal's. When he's not counseling students, he's in the Teacher's Lounge trying to see if anyone is free to hang out after school to loosen up. 

Calio Collymore has a Low voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • calming
  • male adult
  • Low
  • "Hello there, I'm Calio Collymore. What would you like to talk about?" (Calm, Comforting)

  • "And how does that make you feel?" (Comforting)

  • "A-and how come no one told me about this!?" (Shocked)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sienna Miller
cast offsite

Sienna Miller (See-enna Mill-lur) is the Coach of the School's Track n Field team and also a P.E Teacher. She is quite loud and laid-back. Sometimes you can see her listening to music in her own world. She heavily believes that me-time is the best time

Sienna is a Medium-low with a Raspy voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • medium-low
  • raspy
  • "Da-dun dun da sun dun yup da sun done" (Mumbling, Singing a tune)

  • "Ehh? Whatcha want kiddo, can't you see I'm on break?" (Curious, Questioning)

  • "Aaaaaaaaaaand TIME!" (Yelling, Enthusiastic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alden Pacary
cast offsite

Alden Pacary (Al-den Pa-kae-ree) is the Academy's Librarian. He is a lively old spirit, and gets excited when he finds someone who is as passionate to books as him. He loves books a lot, and has the whole library memorized, so if you need that one specific book, he knows where. 

Alden is a Medium-high with a lively tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • Medium-High
  • Lively
  • "Oh! Hello there! I'm Alden Pacary, the School's Librarian! What brings you here?" (Lively, Greeting)

  • "No no, that wont be much, don't worry." (Nervous chuckle)

  • "S-sure! Books on Animal Life? Right this way! (Happy)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Extras
cast offsite

3 people will be chosen to be male Extras. These can range from students, to teachers, or other background characters. 

  • "WATCH IT POSER!" (Angry)

  • "Flip your books to page 53, we'll start there." (Neutral)

  • "One Mocha Frappuccino for... Lie-knee?" (Yelling to Confused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Extras
cast offsite

3 people will be chosen for this role. This can range from Students to Teachers to random background characters. 

  • "Oh my god, did you see her hair? It was sooo embarrassing." (Gossip)

  • "Question 3. Who invented the lightbulb? Who invented the lightbulb." (Saying Pop Quiz Questions)

  • "I'd like one Cappuccino in a Venti please." (Ordering)

Background Music Producer
cast offsite

Show me clips, snippets, or audio of bgm you have made in the past

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background Artist
cast offsite

Show me some of your works! Maybe backgrounds from series you made, or new ones

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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