Dasher Blue: King of Justice Ch. 01

Dasher Blue: King of Justice Ch. 01

Project Overview

Project Overview

It’s a day like any other on Earth, and its people are enjoying a

festival by the water when all of a sudden terror strikes! A wild

and violent man attacks an innocent creature without warning.

With a hostage in hand, the man threatens to ruin the day for

all, and take this creature’s life. Yet, unbeknownst to him, the

powerful protector of this galaxy is in attendance.

Trace Kincade is Dasher Blue and he will not let

evil go unchallenged... but will he make it in time

to save the innocent bystanders and the hostage?


This is a project from Moon Lair Studios' and Command Grab Multimedia's "Dynamic Manga" series. Dynamic Manga is a combination of moving manga/panel panels fully voiced with sound effects and an original soundtrack. It is a truly immersive experience similar to visual novels. This is an official project and not a fandub.

Moon Lair is the secret hideout from which all of our stories are born. Think of it as the mad scientist's lab, the underground base, the fortress of - well, you get the idea. 


We have a deep passion for the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s – the time when iconic manga and anime captured our hearts and imagination. Our stories not only pay homage to the timeless classics, but also introduce fresh ideas and original concepts. We’re striving for the perfect blend of past and present. We want to bring the magic of that era back to life, weaving tales that evoke the same awe and excitement we experienced while flipping through the pages of those classic manga. We're committed to crafting inclusive stories that resonate with a broad audience, ensuring that everyone can find a version themselves within our worlds, and that's just the beginning!


We're not just a manga studio; we're about multimedia magic. In the near future, we will be expanding our horizons into the captivating realms of animation, video games and toys; bringing your favorite stories to life in ways that go beyond the pages.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trace Kinkaid/Dasher Blue
Paid: Flat Rate 80 USD

Trace is the Protagonist of the Series. A Man who inherited the responsibility as Hero of Earth and The Galaxy. He Transforms into the Hero Dasher Blue

Character Description:

Name: Trace Kinkaid Alias: Dasher Blue Role: Protagonist


  • Resourceful and Reflective: Trace is thoughtful and meticulous, often seen planning and preparing with a keen eye for detail. He exhibits a calm and reflective demeanor in everyday situations.

  • Dynamic and Adaptable: He can quickly switch from a casual, almost laid-back individual to a decisive and action-oriented hero when the situation demands, showing his flexibility and quick thinking.

  • Heroic and Determined: As Dasher Blue, he embodies the quintessential hero—bold, commanding, and unwavering. He possesses a strong sense of justice and a profound commitment to protecting the innocent.

  • Empathetic and Protective: Trace shows great concern for others' safety and well-being, evident in his interactions with civilians during crises. His empathy drives his protective nature, ensuring he remains approachable and reassuring even in his superhero persona.

Physical Description:

  • Build: Athletic and sturdy, suitable for a superhero who engages in physical confrontations.

  • Age: Appears to be in his late 20s to early 30s, combining youthful vigor with mature confidence.

  • Voice: Requires a versatile voice actor who can seamlessly transition from a light, conversational tone to a deeper, more resonant voice filled with authority and heroism. The voice should convey a range of emotions, from calm contemplation to urgent command.


  • Trace Kinkaid lives a dual life: a normal citizen with everyday concerns and the superhero Dasher Blue, who rises to confront evil and injustice. His transformation into Dasher Blue is marked by a notable change in tone and demeanor, reflecting his dual identity's depth and complexity.

Key Traits for Voiceover:

  • Versatility in voice to cover various emotional spectrums.

  • Ability to deliver lines with both a conversational and dramatic flair.

  • Strong command over voice to differentiate between Trace’s normal and superhero personas.


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • american
  • animation
Other info:
  • anime dubbing
  • hero voice
  • cartoon voices
  • heroic voice
  • "Let's See...Fuel...Get the Engine Looked At.....Yeah it looks like I got everything. Seems like I have some time to Kill. If I knew there was going to be a fair, I would've brought Kacey and Dorf Along."

  • "The Zygogauge? What is he talking about? I've never seen anything like this! Whatever he is...I have to stop him...and Fast!"

  • (After Transforming) "I AM...KING of JUSTICE....DASHER BLUE! When Evil Threatens the Innocent...I will not let it go unchallenged!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 70 USD

Name: Kaine     Role: Antagonist


  • Menacing and Confident: Kaine exudes confidence and a sense of control, with a menacing demeanor. He enjoys intimidating others and flaunts his power without hesitation.

  • Sadistic Enjoyment: He takes pleasure in the fear and pain of others, evidenced by his anticipation of "having a good time" after dealing with his enemies.

  • Cunning and Persuasive: His speech to the doctor reveals a manipulative side, using his words to intimidate and control the situation.

Physical Description:

  • Build: Imposing and possibly larger than average, fitting for a villain who transforms into a monster for additional power.

  • Age: Could be mid-30s to 40s, offering a mature voice that can convey both menace and experience.

  • Voice: Requires a deep, resonant voice that can convey intimidation and malice. The actor should be capable of delivering lines with a sinister undertone and a chilling laugh.


  • Kaine is a villain who utilizes a device called a Zygogauge to transform into a monstrous form, enhancing his physical abilities and powers. He is not just physically imposing but also mentally sharp, using his intelligence to manipulate and dominate others.

Key Traits for Voiceover:

  • Ability to portray a classic villain with a sense of dramatic flair and intimidation.

  • Capable of delivering a range of emotions from casual cruelty to intense rage.

  • Skill in manipulating the voice to convey different levels of threat and malice.

Voice is open to interpretation. a few Ideas: a gravely Southern accent or something similar to a Steve Blum voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • visualnovel
Other info:
  • anime dubbing
  • Oh dear Doctor, you may not know me, but I sure know you. As much as I hated that Disgraceful coward there’s no way a weak pipsqueak like you could have taken him out

  • I’m here for the piece you kept. Where is the remaining zygogauge? ‘cause once I get rid of him I’m gonna have myself a good time.heh heh

  • heh heh man, it’s been a while since I’ve come across someone with a halfway decent punch. Behold the power of the zygogauge!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Officer 01
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD

Space Force Officer Charged with Keeping the Peace

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
Other info:
  • visual novels
  • cartoon voices
  • anime dubbing
  • comicdubbing
  • Freeze! Put Him Down Now!

  • We Warned You Freak!

  • H-He Just Destroyed This Thing and it was c-charged with up to 20,000 volts!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doctor ???
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD


Name: Doctor (His name will be revealed later on)    Role: Supporting Character


  • Timid and Anxious: The Doctor is shown to be fearful and pleading, easily intimidated by threats and aggression.

  • Innocent and Unassuming: He appears to be caught up in situations beyond his understanding or control, insisting on his innocence and confusion about the accusations and threats directed at him.

Physical Description:

  • Build: Short and chubby, with an appearance reminiscent of a rabbit humanoid, adding a unique visual element to his character.

  • Species: Part of the diverse alien races inhabiting Earth in the series’ futuristic setting.

  • Voice: Should convey a high level of anxiety and fear. The voice could be slightly higher-pitched, reflecting his nervous and jittery personality. The actor should be able to effectively communicate panic and urgency.


  • The Doctor is a civilian caught in dangerous circumstances, possibly with no direct involvement in the darker plots unfolding around him. His primary characteristic is his vulnerability and visible distress in crisis situations.

Key Traits for Voiceover:

  • Ability to portray fear and desperation authentically.

  • Skill in delivering lines that fluctuate with emotional stress, illustrating the character’s anxious nature.

  • Capability to maintain a consistent voice reflecting the unique species characteristics, potentially incorporating nuanced vocal effects to suggest non-human traits.

Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • animation
  • visualnovel
  • male senior
Other info:
  • voice over/acting
  • cartoon voices
  • emotional voice acting
  • anime dubbing
  • original voices
  • voice acting
  • Pl-Please, I don’t know who you are or what you want! You must have the wrong person, I’m begging you please don’t do this!

  • H-How do you know me? are you with that other man? I swear I didn’t do anything to him!

  • *Make A Sound the character would make while struggling to get away

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Running Kid
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

A little Boy between the age of 10-12 running head of his little brother 

Other info:
  • cartoon voices
  • voice overs
  • voice talent
  • “Hurry up! I don’t want to wait in that long line for the roller coaster!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kid 02
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Voice description:
  • male child
  • child
Other info:
  • voice over
  • cartoon voices
  • emotional voice acting
  • voice acting
  • “S-Slow down!”

  • “Soji Wait I --" *trips "oh Noo!! My Ice Cream!!”

  • “mommy!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD

Name: The Supplier              Role: Supporting Character


  • Practical and Business-minded: The Supplier is focused on the practicalities of business, discussing shipping prices and offering the best possible deal under the circumstances.

  • Amiable and Helpful: Despite the business focus, The Supplier appears friendly and accommodating, directing customers on how to finalize their transactions.

Voice description:
  • male adult
Other info:
  • cartoon voices
  • normal voice
  • anime dubbing
  • With shipping prices going up this is the best price I can give you.

  • Great! if you want you can head on in to the office and Marie will ring you up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The Supplier's Receptionist . Female Voice

Voice description:
  • female adult
Other info:
  • visual novels
  • voice over/acting
  • Here’s your receipt. We’ll call you when everything’s ready.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child's Mom
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A Concerned Mother. Female voice

Voice description:
  • female adult
Other info:
  • cartoon voices
  • visual novels
  • voice acting
  • Oh Thank God You're Safe!


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