Danganronpa: Stolen Hope (Web Series)

Danganronpa: Stolen Hope (Web Series)

Project Overview

Disclaimer- Danganronpa Stolen Hope, like all the games of the Danganronpa title, will contain occasional blood/violence and profane language. 

So what IS Danganronpa Stolen Hope?

I'm so glad you asked! Danganronpa Stolen Hope is a web series based on the Danganronpa franchise, set in it's own universe. It's styled to look, feel, and sound like a Danganronpa game, and will feature 16 original characters as they take on the killing game that lies ahead of them. This project will be primarily worked on through Discord, and posted to YouTube! A tumblr and twitter are also in the works, and will be used for giving out more public updates regarding the project!


1. You must have a Discord! This is the easiest way for communication between staff and VAs, and allows the process to go much quicker. It's easy to make an account, communicate, and above all- it's free!

2. I'll be checking audio quality in terms of auditions. It's understandable if you don't have the latest, best of the best professional microphones for the auditions, however, it does help for you to at least have decent quality! 

3. As of this post, all the character's fates are sealed. This means that any character could die at any time, but any character could also survive to the end. Be prepared for either when it comes to dedication. 

Keep in mind that no character will be cast before the deadline! With that said, best of luck to everyone who auditions!


Discord link- https://discord.gg/MQvyK6Q
Youtube channel link- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFNPnKKL-NHjONJcrcusOQ

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Matsuda Hosuka, the Ultimate Interrogator
Role assigned to: sword of swords

Matsuda Hosuka is the Ultimate Interrogator, a member of class 86, and a participant in the Killing School Journey. As a boy, he was ushered into a life of law enforcement by his father, who was the cheif of police, and wanted his son to one day succeed him. He is well known for his ability to get info out of even the toughest criminals, although his methods are somewhat... questionable. Regardless, his results impressed his higher-ups so much that Hope's Peak gave him the title of Ultimate Interrogator. A kind, confident, and sociable person, he loves to get the most he can out of conversations. 

He is the protagonist of Danganronpa Stolen Hope.

Matsuda's voice should be in the mid-range. Not too deep, not too high. He's a very talkative person when he wants to be, and this should be reflected a lot when voicing him. He'll often have moments where he switches between full-on confidence and passive friendliness, so voice actors should be able to do both!

  • (Friendly) "My name's Matsuda Hosuka, and I'm the Ultimate Interrogator... don't let the talent scare you though! I don't need any info out of you right now."

  • (Stating) "What people are thinking and what people are saying are very often different. Liars aren't uncommon..."

  • (Angered) "I'll get the truth out of you, whether you like it, or not!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TunnelBerg

Monoakuma is the devilish field trip supervisor on Class 86's trip to Raion City. Once class 86 is ready for the killing game, he promotes himself to the rank of King. His first order? Have everyone compete in his little twisted killing game! His main purpose is to moderate the killing game, provide motives for the other students, and run the PA system with announcements. Sardonic and ever cynical, the King of Raion City can often be seen offering deals to other students, with varying levels of success. Nobody knows just what he's thinking, or who's the one controlling him.

He's the main antagonist of Danganronpa Stolen Hope. Expect him to be around for quite a while.

Voice actors should use their best Monokuma-esque voices for this one! Monoakuma's character draws heavily from his counterpart, and it should be reflected in the way he speaks. However, unlike Monokuma, he's known for being especially snakelike and evil (Hence the devil part of him.) Anyone who's auditioning should be able to pull off a very sinister voice for certain moments. He should also be able to incite fear into the user at certain moments, so be prepared for that as well. 

  • (Commanding) "Attention subjects! Your king is awaiting! Please meet in the theater ASAP!"

  • (Mocking) "Oh, and you think I'll just tell you who the culprit is? HA!!! I didn't think you were all that lazy! Figure it out for yourselves!"

  • (Excited) "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! I want you all to pay very close attention to what's going to happen next! Let's give it everything we've got- IIIIIIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kuroda Basho, the Ultimate ???
Role assigned to: Ryan Pratt

Kuroda Basho is known as the Ultimate ??? by his classmates for his refusal to share his real talent. Apparently not even the teachers know, and Kuroda doesn’t want to give it away for what he claims is the sake of suspense. However, he assures everyone that he does have a talent, and that he alone knows what it is. He loves to be dramatic and mysterious, trying to make everything as entertaining as possible, even at the expense of others. He loves to create mysteries for the others to solve, often leaving them questioning more and more with each one.

I'll be quite honest- Kuroda's a bit of a creepy guy. He's shrouded in constant mystery, and fully embraces the fact that he is. His voice should be mysterious and alluring, and the ability to get the creepy laughs down right is very essential.

  • (Teasing) "Sure, the world may be filled with liars, but that makes it all the more interesting, right? And in the end, that's all that really matters."

  • (Mocking) "Oh, this is rich! You think that you can interrogate me for my talent? You wouldn't be the first to try, and you won't be the last to fail..."

  • (Wryly) "Well, at the very least I know I'm not dying first. The rest of you, however... good luck. Kehehe..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Karui Doduka, the Ultimate Toxicologist
Role assigned to: Ariana Rosario

Karui Doduka is the Ultimate Toxicologist. Incredibly shy and reclusive, she’s prefers peace and quiet over interaction with others, and is always trying to blend in the background. It’s very clear that she doesn’t particularly enjoy her talent, but since it’s one thing she knows she’s good at, she practices it long into the night, making her an insomniac. Meek and fragile, she suffers from low self-esteem, despite her classmate's efforts to get her to be more confident. However, that confident side does come out when she talks about her talent, as she's incredibly knowledgeable on it.

Karui's voice should be very hushed and frail. Remember, she only ever comes out of her shell if absolutely necessary, and she's never too loud when she does. She should also sound very sleepy, as often, she'll forego sleep for nights on end.

  • (Bashful) "O-Oh, um... well, even though there's probably nothing, I could always run some poison testing..."

  • (Surprised) "Y-You... you *want* to hang out with me? That's uh... new, ehe…"

  • (Sarcastic) "S-Sleep... heh, that's funny. I can't even remember the last time I fell asleep..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amaro Devlin, the Ultimate Unlucky Student
Role assigned to: Clover_Houraisan

Amaro Devlin is the Ultimate Unlucky Student, something that becomes very apparent from the moment you meet him. He seems to be really sweet, and a nice person to talk to, but always tries to keep himself a bit distant from the others for fear of his bad luck passing onto them. He’s a strong believer in Murphy’s Law- everything that can go wrong will go wrong, and that it applies more to him than anyone else. This has made him really inexperienced with friendship, which hasn't been helped by his several bullying situations outside of class 86. Despite this, he tries his very best to be nice and make friends with his classmates without getting too close.

Amaro is a very apologetic, worrying character. He's constantly on edge, out of fear of another "Unlucky incident" occurring at that very moment. He's also very nervous around new people, although he tries his very best to act nice to them anyways (No matter how difficult that is.) His voice should be in the higher end of the mid-range, with a little bit of nervous raspiness.

  • (Stating) "Well, being unlucky managed to land me a spot at a really, really prestigious academy! So I guess I can't really complain. Luck works in mysterious ways..."

  • (Frightened) "Stay back! If you get any closer... something really unlucky might happen to both of us!"

  • (Positive) "Well, after a while, you get used to having my talent. You learn to roll with the punches, because bad stuff is always going to happen, so you just have to prepare for when it does!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Imai Yoshinaka, the Ultimate Remixer
cast offsite

Imai Yoshinaka is the Ultimate Remixer. She's constantly listening to music on her headphones, and has a very laid back and carefree attitude about everything happening around her, radiating an aura of coolness. She experiments in remixes of nearly every genre, gaining a massive online following because of it, and hopes to one day take them to an even bigger stage. She specializes in house and dubstep, but the one genre she stays away from at all costs is nightcore. She and Koyasu often find themselves entertaining the cast to distract them from the hardships of the killing game, and they have a friendly rivalry based around the quality of their music.

Imai is a character that remains in high spirits as much as she can, even in an environment like the killing game. She's a very passionate and enthusiastic speaker, so any potential voice actors should be able to keep up with her energy!

  • (Enthusiastic) "Ah, it's great to find someone else here with an appreciation for music! Go ahead, tell me what songs you like! I want to know what keeps you pumping!"

  • (Stating) "Well, anyone can create music. But what I do is I take music that others have created and bring it to the next level! That's the beauty of remixes- you're given the opportunity to take something and put your own creative spin on it!"

  • (Nervous Agreement) "Y-Yeah! We'll never kill each other! No matter what you throw at us, we're never gonna stoop down to that level!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Koyasu Shinsui, the Ultimate Composer
Role assigned to: John Patneaude

Koyasu Shinsui is the Ultimate Composer, and acts in a very gentlemanly and polite way, claiming it's proper to do so because that's the way his parents taught him. His voice is noticeably melodic, as if he's almost on the verge of singing whenever he speaks. He values himself on how creative he can be with his music, and is extremely dedicated when it comes to composing, sometimes going entire nights without sleep. For a long time, he had worked under the alias of K. Tokai, making his music grow in infamy as people tried to discover who the composer could possibly be. His alias became known worldwide for their phenomenal scores, and he eventually decided to put the mystery to rest, coming out as the person behind the name shortly after being scouted to Hope’s Peak.
Koyasu's voice is an interesting one, as he's very melodic even with his normal speaking voice. I won't be making characters sing, but if anyone could, it's him. He's meant to be as polite and charming as possible, and because of this, he should come off as a true gentleman. 

  • (Acting formal) "Well, Mr. Hosuka. Or... do you prefer Matsuda? Either way, it's a pleasure to finally meet you! A shame that it wasn't under better circumstances..."

  • (Reminiscing) "Nothing quite compares to the elegant sounds of a piano. The right melodies can be absolutely beautiful when performed by a good pianist!" 

  • (Lecturing) "Look, if you want to say something, then just say it! It's impolite to leave people hanging like that."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Airi Yoshito, the Ultimate Archer
Role assigned to: ArtimmissVA

Airi Yoshito is the Ultimate Archer. She’s known for having unparalleled accuracy with a bow and arrow, ranking on the level of a professional Olympic athlete. She has a close relationship with her brother, Kaoru, and looks up to him as a role model, despite their occasional bickering. She loves to plan things out in advance, and will get irritated when things don't go the way she wants. Known to be incredibly hard-working and determined, she hopes to make the most out of the trip to Raion City.

Airi is known for always being very witty, and marching to her own upbeat rhythm. She's very free spirited, and a mostly positive person, except when things don't go her way. When something gets on her nerves, she gets incredibly salty, and you'll know it right away.

  • (Sarcastic) "Oh, give me a break. There's nothing entertaining about a bunch of High Schoolers killing each other! Seriously, who would enjoy watching that?"

  • (Mounting frustration) "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm feeling really damn tempted to turn that devil bear... *thing* into a pincushion. Anyone else with me?"

  • (Relaxed) "Well, me and Kaoru have nothing to worry about. We'll protect each other and get out of this killing game together! Simple as that."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaoru Yoshito, the Ultimate Sniper
Role assigned to: PeeJ

Kaoru Yoshito is the Ultimate Marksman. He’s known for being calm, quiet, and calculated, giving off an aura of coolness and professionalism. Like his sister, he’s known for being a hard worker, and wants to set a good example for her to follow. He always has his eyes covered up by sunglasses, no matter how dark it is, and has a seemingly infinite amount of spares just in case. He’s among the richer classmates in his group, but doesn’t think it really matters as he wants to be treated the same way as the rest of them.

Kaoru's is a bit more reserved than the rest of his classmates in the way that he speaks, but should definitely give off intimidating vibes when he does. He's Airi's bodyguard in a sense, and should be both cool and intimidating at the same time- I'd also avoid going *too* deep with the pitch, but it's better to go low than high. He's a tough guy that needs a tough voice!

  • (Cheery) "Airi is the best twin sister I could ask for! A little annoying at times, but hey, that's how it is with siblings."

  • (Confident) "I've gone through situations far worse than this and come out just fine. Well, maybe with a scar or two, but that's besides the point."

  • (Analyzing) "If this is a hostage situation of some kind, our kidnapper was very generous. I mean, we have a whole city just for the sixteen of us..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sasori Akinari, the Ultimate Animal Rescuer
Role assigned to: Livygoose

Sasori Akinari is the Ultimate Animal Rescuer. Her talent and incredible passion for saving animals became known to the world when the news reported a small pink-haired girl running out and trying to save dogs during a hurricane. Ever since then, she's continued to save as many animals as she can, ensuring that every one of them finds the perfect home. Although normally shy and easily persuaded, the braver side in her starts to come out when animals (or people) are in danger, as she’ll do everything she can to protect them. Despite being fearful and nervous, she will always try to maintain a positive outlook on any situation. Some would call her gullible, or too optimistic, but she believes that a positive, and thinks a hopeful outlook is the key to success.

Sasori tries her best to be as optimistic and helpful as she possibly can, in *any* circumstances. She's brave, protective and a genuine sweetheart character. A cutesy voice would be very fitting for her, in order to show the sweeter side of her character better. Make sure you can really sell it!

  • (Embarrassed) "O-Oh, you heard about the hurricane story? It was nothing, really! I'm just glad all those retrievers are safe and sound."

  • (Thinking) "Well, I don't have many pets for myself. Instead, I think of all the animals I rescue as temporary pets of mine, at least until they go on to their new homes!"

  • (On the verge of tears) "Stupid bear! What did we ever do to you that you want us to hurt each other? Come on, just let us go home already!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wakabi Fujo, the Ultimate Ornithologist
Role assigned to: hi im stel

Wakabi Fujo is the Ultimate Ornithologist. Often, he’s travelling the world, looking for new species of birds to find and showcase on his wildlife show, Rare Wings. He’s most well known for discovering and documenting an incredibly endangered species of bird, the Myanmar Jerdon’s Babbler. He loves predictability, and often makes predictions that turn out to be 100% true, even with little proof to back it up. A true adventurer, he has a chivalrous and somewhat flirtatious attitude, and doesn’t hold back from trying to use it on the girls of the cast (even though he isn’t very successful.)

Wakabi often acts incredibly smug and laid back, as if he couldn't worry less about what's happening around him. He's always very confident in his guesses, and absolutely despises when they're wrong (especially when others go out of their way to prove it.) Voice actors should be able to pull off his both his smug confidence and frustrations without either side being weaker. His voice should be in the mid-low range, and should be on the smoother side.

  • (Overdramatic) "Oh please. Trying to claim you're innocent right now is pretty pointless. This class trial's going to be the fastest one ever, ehehe~!"

  • (Furious) "God DAMMIT! Why the hell do I have to be stuck in this cramped city?! Whoever's behind this, SCREW you and SCREW your little bear plush! We're not staying here forever!"

  • (Skeptical) "I dunno why... but I've got a bad feeling about this."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nemu Chisoka, the Ultimate Hypnotist
Role assigned to: KissfromtheShadows

Nemu Chisoka is the Ultimate Hypnotist. She’s an uncompromising, confident, and will always speak her mind, even if it doesn’t help the situation. She doesn’t hesitate to scold those that disagree, and will often get into lengthy arguments about proving her point. Her skills in the field of hypnotics are unparallelled, and people will often leave her with a completely different mindset. She’s a heavy caffeine addict, and is prone to briefly falling asleep at random times, and will often be cranky when woken up.

Nemu can be best described as unpleasantly grumpy. It takes a lot to raise her mood, and I mean *a lot*. So for the most part, she'll be in her normal condescending, grumpy self. However, the voice actor should be able to play this outwardly-mocking character without making them too unlikeable.

  • (Mocking) "Seriously? You honestly still believe that nobody's going to play the killing game? Odds are... one of us is gonna break eventually."

  • (Hushed) "You know, if I'm being honest, I don't trust a lot of the people here. They seem pretty shady... no offense."

  • (Condescending) "You know, if you're going to try accusing someone, at least back it up with evidence. Otherwise, you're wasting your breath." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryuko Oguki, the Ultimate Fencer
cast offsite

Ryuko Oguki is the Ultimate Fencer. She’s never backed down from a competitor, even adults and professionals. Rumor has it that she’s never lost a single match, and that her speed is so great, cameras have a difficult time catching her movements. Currently, she is on break for reasons unknown, but promises to return at some point. Stoic, cool, and honorable to the very end, she tends to let her actions speak on her behalf.

Ryuko prides herself on having an unbreakable will, and is incredibly determined. She is also very capable of leading a group, and wishes to set a good example for those that she meets. She's a very stoic yet self-confident person, and her voice should also be suitably mature. I would suggest a medium to low female voice for her, with a tiny bit of raspiness. 

  • (Cheerful) "It's nice to meet you, Matsuda. I hope that we'll be working together from now on!"

  • (Stating) "Every group needs a leader. Someone that they can look up to in times of need. And I have a feeling that this group in particular needs one really bad..."

  • (Cold) "Look, anyone that even *thinks* of playing this fool's game is going to have to deal with me. If I catch any of you plotting a murder... well, let's just say that the consequences will be excruciating."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hase Sorato, the Ultimate Character Designer
Role assigned to: epic_new_moon

Hase Sorato is the Ultimate Character Designer. Known throughout the school for working on designs for famous anime and movie studios, she values creativity and effort above all else, and urges her classmates to show their creative side as often as they can, seeming to sensationalize the idea of natural creativity. She’s known for having an eye for small details and other things people wouldn’t normally notice. A bright and cheery girl, she's constantly doodling and daydreaming, as if she’s living in her own reality sometimes.

Hase's voice should be fittingly cheery and entusiastic. A girl stuck within her own world, she doesn't pay much attention to the people or even the killing game happening around her. It takes something especially shocking to snap her back to reality. Her voice should be in the High to Medium range, and voice actors will have to make her daydreaming especially convincing.

  • (Surprised) "O-Oh, I'm sorry! Were you talking to me? I must have spaced out for a moment there..."

  • (Embarassed) "Huh? What's the matter? The rest of you didn't notice that? Oh, um... this is awkward, ehe…"

  • (Enthusiastic) "Well? Have you ever had any ideas for stories and characters that have just been itching to get out? Come on, tell me! Really use your imagination!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Seisa Yawasaki, the Ultimate Surgeon
Role assigned to: sethfuzzy

Seisa Yawasaki is the Ultimate Surgeon. He relies solely on facts and logic, with little to no regard for the feelings of others. He’s not exactly subtle about how much he dislikes his classmates, and claims that he only decided to join the trip to Raion city to provide medical aid if needed. He’s easily angered, and has a bad temper, but does not let it overlap with his work under any circumstances. Despite being a jerk sometimes, he does care for his patients, and is incredibly understanding when it comes to them alone.

Alright, I'll be direct with this one. His attitude and way of speaking should be very reminescent of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. He tends to get very fired up, and is very verbally agressive, despite his professionalism. He tends to completely snap when insulted (especially regarding his height) so voice actors should be prepared for his occasional flip-outs.

  • (Straight to the point) "Look, just stay out of my work and we'll get along without any problems. Capiche?"

  • (Grumpy) "Look, I'm busy. If you want to hang out, or whatever, make it quick. I don't have a lot time to waste."

  • (Beyond furious) "SHORT?! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING SHORT? DO. NOT. CALL. ME. SHORT!!! If I hear one more fuckin' word out of you, I'll make your LIFE short!! GOT IT?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clay Akimitsu, the Ultimate Thanatologist
Role assigned to: Devin McLaughlin

Clay Akimitsu is the Ultimate Thanatologist. His research into fatal diseases has lead to huge leaps in the medical community, as well as the thanatology field. Nobody is more qualified or knowledgeable on death than he is. He always wears black out of respect to his patients who have passed on, and has a very respectful demeanor. However, his somewhat dark talent makes his classmates a little wary of him, with a few exceptions. He gets along very well with Michizoe, and the two share a common love for all things spooky! He promises during the killing game that if a murder were to ever occur, he would perform an autopsy to help in any way that he can.

For Clay, I'd suggest a deeper, more formal voice. He's supposed to be somewhat ominous, though it's completely unintentional on his part. He loves dark humor, and tends to come off as creepy, despite the fact that he's well-intentioned. Voice actors should also be able to get down his cackles, because even the way he laughs is ever-so-slightly creepy.

  • (Explaining) "Oh, Thanatology is the scientific study of death. It's quite interesting, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone faint of heart."

  • (Dismissive) "Oh, blood just doesn't faze me. I'm quite used to it after seeing so much of it in my line of work. Though it is a pain to get the stains out of these suits..."

  • (Laughing) "And when the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing, and the doctor was never heard from again! Ahahaha!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Michizoe Eishi, the Ultimate Horror Director
Role assigned to: garbageGothic

Michizoe Eishi is the Ultimate Horror Director. She's a bright, affectionate, and confident girl, who wants nothing more but success and the best for those around her. Her movies are well known for their use of special effects, atmosphere, and effective body horror, often striking the perfect amount of fear into the audience's hearts. She often tries her best to make friends with everyone and get on their good side, even though sometimes she comes off as overbearing or scary. She always seems to know much more than she’s willing to say, as if she’s always a few steps ahead of her other classmates. She loves to scare others and has an obsession with fear and the horror genre, especially movies.

Michizoe should have a medium-ish female voice. Any attempt to be too "cutesy" might not sit well with the character, so try to avoid that when possible. Her personality can change very rapidly, and she's very good at using acting to her advantage, so voice actors should be prepared to encompass a wide variety of emotions with her. (Note: Make sure you practice her scary voice! She absolutely loves to use it!) 

  • (Stating) "Aw, but people are so much more entertaining when they're spooked! Nothing's more priceless that the look on somebody's face when they're scared senseless!"

  • (Nervous) "Nope. Uh-uh. I'm sure as hell not going to be the first to die! I'm going to be the final girl at the end of all this, just you wait!"

  • (Joking, but a little creepy) "You know, this whole killing game scenarios seems like it would be just perfect for one of my movies. If we manage to survive this, maybe that'll become my next project, kehehe…"

CG Artist

Like most other visual novels, this series will require a good chunk of art. I'll be tackling most, if not all the sprite art myself, but in order to ensure it's not overwhelming, i'll be looking for some assistance with CGs! As is the case with most Danganronpa games, there are certain cutscenes that require additional artwork to accompany them, and I'm looking for an art quality that can match (Or come close to) the visual or those within the games. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor(s)
Role assigned to: Locke ryoutawara

This bit should be mostly self-explanatory. I am certainly not a professional video editor, but as this is a video series it was fairly obvious that something had to be done. And thus, this position was opened!
Editors should be capable of working with the "Interface", and making the daily/deadly life segments feel somewhat authentic. Drsh should feel like you're watching a let's play of Danganronpa- and the right editor is needed in order to get the atmosphere down!

Regarding the deadly life, and trial minigames, this may also fall to the video editor unless we are able to split the workload between two teams of editors. If you're taking on this position, please, be prepared to put forward a good amount of effort when it comes to the trials, as they might be the most difficult part.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Additional Composer/Remixer

While I am already working on the soundtrack for DRSH (And have uploaded a few pieces of music to our YouTube), I feel like perhaps more musicians would be helpful in the development of the project! Stolen Hope will have a jazzy/sci-fi aesthetic to it's music, similar to Danganronpa v3, so we'll be looking for composers who specialize in those genres! However, you're also welcome to expand outward into other genres if you'd like! 

Note: You won't be restricted to only original compositions! Remixes of other Danganronpa songs are also acceptable for this soundtrack!

  • Say something you think would fit


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