Danganronpa Rebirth-Voices - Class Trial 2

Project Overview
So, this project is an original, fully-fledged killing game using the characters of the April Fools Danganronpa, Danganronpa Re: Birth. Recently, we released our first Class Trial on Youtube after around four months of production. The first class trial was done in almost entirely in audio form, however we are looking at modding Danganronpa 2 in order to create visual Class Trials for future chapters. You can catch the first Class Trial here:
With this Casting Call, we're looking to cast some quite minor roles for Chapter 2. Chapter 2 has been fully written and is currently being proofread and edited, and we're looking at around an October-November release. There are around 6 lines for each character here, so we expect the turnaround to be fairly quick once you've received the lines from us. We're only expecting these roles to be needed for this episode, but for those of you going for Emi Fujimori, please note that you may be needed again in future. There are a few requirements that you should know before auditioning:
1. Must be 13 years old or older.
2. Must have decent microphone quality, at least a Blue Snowball or around the same tier of quality.
3. Must have Discord, as this is how we communicate with each other.
4. You must not already voice a character within this project.
Below, you can find the links to our social media:
Good luck!
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As for her voice, we're looking for a big-sister/motherly kind of voice. We're not too fussed on the pitch, so long as the actor is able to portray the role of demanding big sister well.
C’mon Ayumu! Just let me do this! (Forceful)
Aw, pleeease? Not even for your big sister? (Pleading)
See? You look so pretty! (Reassuring)

Two of Ayumu's friends from his time in school. Not relevant outside of one scene in chapter 2 and also has few lines like Emi. These extras are around the age of 13-14, and two separate people will be cast for this role (as there are two different extras within the script).
For this role, we're looking for female high-pitched voices that can convincingly be perceived as young teenagers.
Please note that as these roles are only extras, you will not be given access to the crew server on Discord. Additonally, the picture is only used to show the type of character you'll be voicing.
Woah! Is that you, Ayumu? (Surprised)
Oh my God, who did your makeup? (Curious)
Don’t say sorry! You look so good! (Reassuring)
Public Submissions