Danganronpa Fan Game (New World Order)

Project Overview
EDIT: On suggestion, I will be re-closing this and making a new project for the re-cast. LINK: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/danganronpa-new-world-order
Project update: Hi everyone! As the previous VAs are too busy to continue with the project, I will be re-opening Nataliya and Pierce's VA roles. Please note that as of Chapter 2, Nataliya is the main character. It therefore goes without saying that she will generally receive more lines than any other character.
Please also ensure that you can commit to this project in the long term.
In the meantime, please read her character description for more information!
Also, note that casting *may* occur from the moment either of these two conditions are met:
- There are 10 additional auditions
- The 15th of September rolls by
This is not a guarantee that casting will occur upon meeting either of these conditions, and is merely meant to provide an indication of the time you will have to audition. Please let me know via PM if you wish to audition, but feel you cannot do so in the given time frame. My discord is Nopeunintended #8291 for anyone who prefers using it to communicate^^
I will also be taking this opportunity to put up positions for the following roles. *The following positions, and only the following positions, will be paid*, as I understand these assets will be especially time-consuming:
- Sprite creation/editing
- Body Discovery/Execution animation
- Climax Reasoning/Closing Argument manga creation
- Background/Backdrop Creator
- Miscellaneous Art [e.g. depicting certain characters at a certain location within the game]
- (Still undetermined) Audio Composer
Thank you, everyone^^
Danganronpa: New World Order [aka DanganFanfic v2: New World Order] is a playable fan game/visual novel, featuring a fresh cast of characters, most of whom are based veryveryvery vaguely on real life friends [hence the tongue-in-cheek disclaimer you get in the title sequence]. As of now, the entirety of Chapter 1 has been released and is available to play. However, I wouldn't recommend doing so until the reworks have been finalised and the VA added^^
The storyline is different to the main series, with the game being set in a talent-driven world, ruled by 16 'Great Families' which each hold exclusive jurisdiction over a separate area. These include such things as education, entertainment, religion, and so on. Amidst the strict regularity of this 'New World Order' [*theme song plays*] came a series of events that shook the system to the core, culminating in a killing game with most of the original Family Heads as the participants. To this date, the mastermind of that incident, and how exactly they managed to orchestrate such a large-scale kidnapping, remains a mystery.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the world quickly shifted to a merits-based system rather than the former hereditary one.
It is thus that we're brought to the start of Danganronpa: New World Order, which takes place during the final stages of the Great Talent Program, an initiative designed to scout out candidates to replace the former Family Heads. By this point, the talent pool had been reduced to 50 batches, ranked from most to least compatible and with each batch possessing 16 candidates.
The story follows the top batch of candidates, deemed to be most capable of succeeding as the head of their respective Great Family, and the horrifying ordeal they have to endure after they are kidnapped and trapped under a dome with only one means of escape. No points for guessing what it is...
Ye Olde Casting Call [archives]:
Hello! With my Danganronpa fan game's first class trial recently being completed and released, I'm now hoping to implement voice acting going into Chapter 2 and beyond. My immediate goal would be to have voice acting in just the class trials to minimise the amount of inconvenience caused to any potential VAs. However, I would be open to the idea of daily life/investigation implementation if there is enough interest!
As for the project itself...it was originally private because I wasn't sure if my fan adaptation had any broad appeal, but I've recently started testing the waters a bit!
Link to the game's OP: https://youtu.be/KCilh3psSuc
Link to my friend's youtube let's play of the Chapter 1 class trial for anyone interested in seeing what it looked like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faYFk8CpNg0&t=
Our discord channel, if anyone wants to join. I promise that most of us don't bite! https://discord.gg/G9Yv657
Link to the prologue if you feel you can stomach the inside references/jokes: https://nopeunintended.itch.io/danganfanfic-v2-new-world-order-prologue
General Requirements:
We are looking for VAs who can stick with the project until the end (which may drag into the years, if history is anything to go by).
Note: Since this is a non-commercial project, it is unlikely that I will be able to pay much if at all. I'll be looking to make a determination on this matter depending on the general response. To maintain fairness, I will pay every VA the same rates if this does end up proceeding as a paid role.
Extras (Edit):
Added in roles for art creation and music composition for anyone who may be interested! I'd honestly be delighted if anyone feels this project is good enough to use to showcase any of their assets!
In terms of the characters, I have almost no set requirements - if you feel your voice is appropriate for a character, please don't hesitate to audition! You are free to use any lines I may have put here and/or any you come up with yourself!
Edit: I've also added basic background information to hopefully explain the characters a bit more.
A minor exception exists with 'Hunt', who has been established as having a gruff voice, but with formal (posh?) undertones.
I honestly don't know what to expect at this stage, but I will appreciate any interest (if at all) that this ends up receiving!
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Latest Updates
Hi everyone! As the previous VAs are too busy to continue with the project, I will be re-opening Nataliya and Pierce's VA roles. I have set a deadline of September 15, but casting *may* occur before that if there are 10 or more additional auditions for each role. Thank you for bearing with us!
Magnus Cast and General Project Status
Thank you to everyone who auditioned for the role of Magnus! The quality made it very difficult to decide, and I believe every auditioner managed to capture at least some of the key essence of Magnus' character. As a whole, they were a delight to listen to! There were several who stood out and, just like with the main casting call, I'm left regretful that I can't feasibly multicast :( To those who missed out, there may be future opportunities to lend your voice to the project, whether through late arrival characters [I have a few in mind^^], flashback sequences and the like. For the late arrivals, I prefer having something concrete design-wise for the characters before opening up their auditions. These characters will be introduced sometime in Chapter 3, along with their pets [though the pets themselves are already locked in voice-wise!] In the meantime, I will be keeping the paid asset creation roles open to anyone who may be interested at trying their hand. I apologise in advance if I take a while to respond to the audio composer auditions. The Alpha Team is trying not to split focus while we're in the midst of developing Chapter 2's Daily Life segment [where audio additions are not a major priority]. To those who don't already know, daily life will likely exceed 3 hours of playtime [at a moderately fast reading speed] if you decide to go through all of the free time events and love suite sequences. The latter two will also be fully voiced, courtesy of the amazing VAs we have on board! At the same time, we're also looking into a Chapter 1 rework starting with the prologue. As you likely know, Chapter 1 was originally written just for my friends, which means that we may have made some rather sweeping compromises that would no longer be acceptable with a public release. We plan to start remedying this through a[n ongoing] rework of Chapter 1 in general. For the prologue, this would include the addition of VA, interface adjustments, and an overhaul of the character introductions to make it less of a slogfest. It's at that point that we'll look to start properly advertising this project too. Thank you once again for bearing with us, everyone! The people I've encountered through this project have all been amazing, and I'm sure we can pull off some truly great things moving forward :) P.S. Yes, I know I'm still pretty damn verbose. Turns out the imminent threat of exams doesn't really change that. Just while I've broached the topic, good luck to any students that have upcoming finals. See you on the other side^^ -
Project Update
Hi everyone! Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be re-opening Magnus' VA role. Please read his character description for more information about the role^^ Also, note that casting *may* occur from the moment either of these two conditions are met: - There are 10 auditions - A week passes from today [note: 'today' is the 26th of October - **the casting call's deadline has been set beyond this deadline primarily for the asset creation roles listed below**] This is not a guarantee that casting will occur upon meeting either of these conditions, and is merely meant to provide an indication of the time you will have to audition. Please let me know via PM if you feel you need more time. My discord is Nopeunintended #8291 for anyone who prefers using it^^ I will also be taking this opportunity to put up positions for the following roles. *These will all be paid*, as I understand the following assets will be especially time-consuming. - Sprite creation/editing - Body Discovery/Execution animation - Climax Reasoning/Closing Argument manga creation - Background/Backdrop Creator - (Still undetermined) Audio Composer Thank you, everyone^^ -
The cast has been...cast!
Now that all characters have been cast off, I thought I'd just take this chance to once again thank everyone who has been following this project! The auditions were of an extraordinary quality all round, and the choices for a lot of the characters were exceptionally difficult to make. Moving forward, the Alpha Team (and the VAs for sure!) will be looking to make their mark in the Fangan realm with the upcoming installments! If anyone wants to drop by and say hi, or to offer any help related to the project (asset creation, video editing, coding, critiquing...) please don't hesitate to swing by the discord. Most of us don't bite (hehe :P), and if we are to keep this project constantly swinging upward, we'll certainly need all the help and support we can get^^ Otherwise, we hope you'll all stay tuned for the upcoming Chapter 2 parts, culminating in what we hope will be an absolute ripper of a class trial. But for now, this is Tenunded...signing off! (didn't know how else to end this...) -
Shook (I can't think of anything else to write for the subject!)
Hi everyone! Now that casting is nearing the final stretch, I thought I'd just extend my sincerest gratitude to each and every single person who auditioned, for showing enough interest in the project to grace me with their voice (or in the case of one character, literally 'Grace' me with their voice <-- yeah I have a terrible sense of humour, but I think the writing in the fangame already gave it away). At this point, I just wanted to say and emphasise that the choices were absolutely NOT easy to make, and resulted in a succession of sleepless nights, as well as significant polarisation amongst the people I consulted for advice. I've actually lost count of the number of times I've listened to my consolidated recordings, made for the express purpose of bringing them up on the fly >< Honestly though, I just can't put into words how breathtaking the quality of the auditions has been, and how humbled I and the rest of Team Alpha feel about the response that this project has received. While we're completely aware that this is certainly no Kill/Cure (or even anything remotely close to that level), this is certainly not going to deter us from continuing to give this project our all! We're also fully cognisant of the fact that we at least have something special going with it being a playable game (for what it's worth...), and hope to continually fine-tune this project moving forward! ^_^ We definitely look forward to seeing this whole thing through with your support, whether it's through being a voice actor/actress (congratulations everyone, seriously!!!), offering to help with things like coding or asset creation, hopping on discord and saying 'hi', offering any thoughts you have on the game itself [*cough writing quality cough*], or simply reading this and nodding. On behalf of Team Alpha, thank you again everyone! This truly means a lot to us :'D P.S. Yes, I know I'm a verbose little bugger...I blame university <.<

Ultimate Warden
Candidate (Great Family): Law Enforcement
Looks can deceive. Though she may appear innocent and unassuming, Nataliya grew up in one of the toughest great families of the world: the one charged with upholding law and order. As the Ultimate Warden, the prisons under her control boast the lowest recidivism rates in the world; a fact Nataliya attributes to her disarming demeanour, coupled with her unwavering focus on rehabilitation. Analytical at the right times, and playfully cute at others, Nataliya's fierce dedication to justice and truth has won her the respect and admiration of her colleagues, despite their frequent differences of opinion. Despite the deeply troubled soul that lies beneath her cute exterior (which would come across as 'forced' to any astute observer), Nataliya always seeks to keep moving forward, either on her own merits or guided by those she respects.
Oh, and don't call her "short". She reaaaally doesn't like that.
(Annoyed) Nyan!? Why does everyone always have to be so uptight! You know what I'm talking about right, Blaisey-kun?
(Sombre) I really thought I could see it through to the end, but I was wrong. I...definitely lost my nerve, didn't I?
(Assertive) The truth is staring us right in the face...we've come too far to give up now!

Ultimate Lawyer
Great Family (Candidate): History
There are many words you could use to describe Pierce: Talented, a fierce advocate, loud, obnoxious...childish. As a person and candidate, he is a walking concoction of these volatile emotions, and perhaps more. Constantly mindful of the robots that could be in his presence, Pierce never shirks what he considers to be a solemn duty: applying the 'Mein Kampff' test (a name that combines his brother's love for history with a not-so-subtle reference to a film about androids and electric sheep) to any person he deems even the least bit 'suspicious'.
Uh huh! I knew it all along...YOU'RE A ROBOT!
OBJECTION! Your Honour, the evidence speaks for itself - the opposition's claims are nothing short of perjury!
If you feel you can do one or more of the following to a reasonable quality, please feel free to audition, along with a description of your expected remuneration rates [e.g. "for simple VN backgrounds, I expect 30-40 USD"]. Note that I'm not setting any rates myself to avoid alienating composers who may be inclined towards asking for lower/higher amounts.
If I think the quality matches the price and is suitable for the project, I'm open to pretty much anything short of total bank account annihilation^^
- Sprite creation/editing
- Body Discovery/Execution animation
- Climax Reasoning/Closing Argument manga creation
- Background/Backdrop Creator
Additional information:
* I've opened the 'sprite creation' role to hopefully increase sprite variety, and to decrease this project's reliance on 'traced' sprites. A sprite creator will need to be able to create sprites in a similar style to those currently used for this VN. If the circumstance [quality] warrants it though, I *may* consider a full replacement of the existing sprites^^
My discord is Nopeunintended#8291 for anyone who would prefer to PM examples of their work.
Say something you think would fit
NOTE: I'm currently in the process of looking around for composers to fulfill my goal of having a unique OST for this project. Therefore, there is no guarantee that I will cast from the auditions for this role.
Having said this though, please feel free to audition with the same rules applying from the 'asset creation' description (i.e. PM me if you want, name a price range, provide examples of your work, and so forth^^)
Note: In the interests of fairness, anyone who I currently have on board that has accepted this as an unpaid role will be entitled to request payment^^
Say something you think would fit

Ultimate Secretary
Candidate (Great Family): Planning and Organisation
Having grown up surrounded by trolls (and not the type that lurks under bridges!) it is perhaps unsurprising how Virginia turned out. Having mastered the art of sniggering with a perfectly straight face, Virginia has been an endless source of headache for anyone who dares ask to speak to the manager (or basically any question in general). Difficult to read, and motivated by a love of 'trolling' matched only by her love of the almighty 'Groot' (totally not a Guardians reference), it is clear that anyone who encounters Virginia will leave with a distinct impression of her. Negative? Perhaps. Speechless at how she managed to devise such an efficient, personally -tailored schedule while simultaneously making you the subject of ridicule? Definitely!
And just like his umbrellas, the idea of a 4 o'clock appointment is also...a troll in design.
Oh you're still here? The office closed hours ago!

Ultimate Personal Trainer
Candidate (Great Family): Labour
A personal trainer who values commitment and effort above all else, there is seemingly little to distinguish Hunt from just a typical personal trainer. That is, until you gain some insight into his love of 'comradeship' and the revolutionary spirit...or his British-but-not-British vibe (preposterous, I say!)...or his general support of slavery (note: his interpretation of the word may be different to the prevailing view). Yeahhh, it's complicated. All in all, Hunt is perhaps a strong embodiment of the age-old maxim that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover; just, perhaps, applied in reverse.
Poppycock, comrade! You can do better than that!
Drop down and give me twenty!
I could never hurt him...that would go against the spirit of the revolution!

Ultimate Psychic
Candidate (Great Family): Aid
A humanitarian through and through, Eden wants nothing more than to use her extensive divine powers to help the less fortunate. Often seeing herself as powerless before the stars and the ever-elusive divine eye, she nevertheless seeks to interpret them to make sense of fate itself. Her powers include, but are not limited to, such things as mind reading, the conjuring of divination seances, and the ability to read the future. However, each is certainly not without their limitations. When reading minds, for instance, she is unable to sense hostile intent (which apparently means you can still play poker with her!)
Finally, you might be wondering about the occasional accent she puts on. In Eden's words, it was something she has retained from her early psychic career, as she felt it made her sound more like a 'genuine, bona-fide psychic!"
My powers pale in comparison to the might of the stars!
The divine eye...as elusive as ever.
You ain't plannin' on pickin' on her again, are you?

Ultimate Doctor
Great Family (Candidate): Pharmaceuticals and Therapy
They say there is only one cure for every ailment - a visit to Phoenix, the Ultimate Doctor! A practitioner whose steady hands are unparalleled in the profession, Phoenix has performed many a medical miracle over his illustrious career. However, he continues to be plagued by the doubts that have been present since the start. Did he really become a doctor of his own free will...or was it the work of his archnemesis? And if so, was it because they were trying to stop him becoming truly happy...by preventing his pursuit of a lofty career at WcDonalds!?
WcDonalds! Here I come!
My arch-nemesis...they return.
Th-that shouldn't have been p-possible!

Ultimate: Navigator
Great Family (Candidate): Movement
As a man whose reputation in the military precedes him, Magnus has been at the forefront of many conflict-based situations. Even when (and perhaps especially when) given virtually no information, Magnus has been shown to possess the uncanny ability to calculate the most efficient course of action no matter what the circumstances are. However, beneath the exterior of his undeniable tactical genius lies a more mellow soul, one who is quite content to listen to music for hours on end in complete solitude.
Notes for VAs:
- This will be a very minor role, and is ideal for someone looking for a small, short-term commitment.
- The person who is successfully cast will be expected to provide sound bytes and a handful of character introduction lines as soon as practicable [due to the upcoming prologue re-work]
- Magnus became the first victim of the killing game in Chapter 1. When confronted by the culprit, he refused to divulge information that would likely have saved his life, thinking that it would have endangered the life of his kidnapped friend, the Ultimate Nomad. However, as Killmore Bear/Monokuma later revealed in typical Killmore/Monokuma fashion to the horror of all the candidates present, Magnus' sacrifice was effectively in vain.
- Since Magnus is the victim of the first case, his role will likely be limited to a character introduction video, as well as any possible prologue/daily life dubbing that may occur. If you feel your voice is suitable for the project but don't wish for a long-term commitment, Magnus may be the ideal role [see above]
(Observant, then pained) You seem like a decent person. Please don't repeat those same mistakes.
(Impatient/Annoyed) You’re wondering why I don’t want to talk? It’s simple. Every quantifiable measure suggests that this conversation is a waste of time.
(Methodical) Data - insufficient. Recalculating to the nearest second...okay, listen closely. I'm only going to say this once.

Ultimate Journalist
Great Family (Candidate): Military Equipment
Unrelenting in her pursuit of the truth, there are few who haven't heard of Elisa, the journalist who rose to acclaim in an astonishingly short period of time. Aided by her specialisation in military equipment, which enabled her to access scoops in conflict zones that would have otherwise gone unreported, Elisa will stop at nothing to expose unseen realities to the world. Though somewhat tactless in her interview technique and sensationalist in her reporting, those who get to know her well soon get an insight into the Ultimate Journalist that lies beneath the sass, one that feels troubled by both her past, and the ongoing dilemmas she faces in her work.
And yes, if anyone has played games from the Deus Ex series before - her name and broadcasting station are both rather direct references (even if her personality is completely different to THE Eliza Cassan!)
This is Elisa Cassidy reporting to you, live, from PiKis!
This just in...our reporter is accosted in the streets and narrowly escapes with her life. More on that at 6:30!
I shall leave you to your *ahem* proclivities.

Ultimate Philosopher
Great Family (Candidate): Scholars/Intellectuals
A man who revels in intellectual discussion and the pushing of boundaries, Sigmund is almost constantly in search of new information to broaden his horizons. Though his love of mind-numbing hypotheticals (and insistences that answers to questions must be discovered through experience) may make him unapproachable to the ordinary person, it is clear that Sigmund exists as a seemingly endless fount of intellectual stimulation. His dispassionate approach to daily life occasionally manifests in clashes during the class trials, where he insists on the prioritisation of verifiable logic above all else.
How disappointing...aggravating, even!
For the good of my mental wellbeing, I'll pretend that never happened.

Ultimate Split Personality
Great Family (Candidate): Weaponry
Known in psychological circles (and later, the broader community) as the Ultimate Split Personality, to say that Mona is an 'interesting' case study would be an understatement to say the least. Despite having been given the ability as a result of the complementary nature of her personalities (one side makes weapons, while the other uses them), Mona still struggles to see her own skill as a valid talent. Sharing some of the frustrations voiced by a few other candidates with regard to the 'new world order', Mona has made it her duty to ensure that dangerous weapons never fall...into the hands of any person she deems an 'idiot'.
Special notes:
DAY personality: Quiet in discussions, aggressive and overbearing in conversation
NIGHT personality (partially inspired by Ibuki from DR2): Upbeat and happy go lucky (but more closely in tune with something saddening from her past that she *can't* quite remember)
NOTE: For the final cast, we have decided to 'split' Mona into two (one for each persona); Memento was cast as Day Mona, while Julie was cast as Night. Thank you bearing with us on her; the reason that Mona remained open for so long is largely due to the massive difficulties faced in coming to a conclusive decision due to the significant quality of the auditions.
(Day Mona) Idiot...you're just begging to get shot, aren't you?
(Day Mona) The Ultimate Split Personality, huh? They might as well have named me the 'Ultimate Freakshow'
(Night Mona) Hey hey! It's so g-o-o-d to see you!

Ultimate Crime Fiction Novelist
Candidate (Great Family): The Arts
A talented and mysterious writer hailing from some as-yet-unnamed European country (with, among other things, legalised murder), Florence is a firm patriot who espouses her country's attitudes towards crime in her writing. Distinguished from other crime fictions writers through her emphasis on only the most heinous offences (such as petty theft and indecent exposure), her books have generally been released to both international and (especially) domestic acclaim. Reveling in unpredictability, Florence is on the constant lookout for novel ideas which she may borrow from her own immediate circumstances.
Other Notes:
She delights in presenting herself as mysterious and even sinister. Whether that is actually reflective of her personality is open to debate.
She also likes cyborgs and ninjas. But not cyborg ninjas...that's just ridiculous!
How predictable...
There is no crime more heinous than petty theft.
I think I'd prefer to be left alone for now.

Ultimate ???
Great Family: ???
A robot with a mysterious past, Mii-Yu has remained an anomaly of the group since the start. Motivated principally by the shared learning model underlying her AI, Mii-Yu is genuinely interested in observing and partaking in the intricacies of human interaction. Though she is definitely still learning to get her footing in the world, she remains plagued by self-doubt and is mindful of the possibility that she may have been involved in the initial kidnapping incident. After all, how can you comfortably proclaim your innocence...when you don't even have the memories to back yourself up?
I am Model M11, Primary Designation Y, Sub-designation U. But please call me Mii-Yu. I hope we can learn to get along.
There is no need to lie to spare my feelings. I...have already come to terms with what I am.
Activating emotional discernment simulator...

Ultimate Barista
Great Family (Candidate): Food
A barista with a fine dedication to his craft, Dash truly lives to spread the joy of coffee to the world. Having had the pleasure of co-owning a world class establishment with the Ultimate Baker (until the events of the S1 Killing Game) he now hopes to live up to the ideal of their shared legacy. However, when you separate barista from coffee, strange things start happening...
And suddenly, it's no longer surprising that he used to be called the 'Kitchen Nightmare'.
Special Note: He's the only character that regularly swears.
Very good, sir. I appreciate it!
Does sir have a request I can fulfill?
I'm out of f-f-FREAKING COFFEE!

Ultimate Missonary
Great Family (Candidate): Religion
Mature and level-headed, the Ultimate Missionary constantly travels the world, continuing her lifelong search for lost souls to induct into the humble flock. Coming from humble beginnings, a miracle from childhood motivated her not only to value every religion equally, but to view people untouched by divine grace as hollow vessels in urgent need of conversion.
Other notes: A decent chunk of her character is built around obscure references (e.g. "clothes changing colour"? "soft chiming noises"? "conveying relics" as a sacred duty? did someone say...WOLOLOL?)
Special Notes: Arguably one of the more stoic, if not the most stoic of the cast.
It matters not which God you follow...what matters is that you let divinity flow into your heart.
Even now, the thought of spreading the gospels fills me with an indescribable warmth.
Guidance, belief, passion, faith. Those are just some of the ideals I wish to disseminate to the entire globe.

Ultimate Singer
Great Family (Candidate): Music
Known to many as the singer with the God's Voice, Grace rose to acclaim through her singing productions, which combine singing and ice skating to create a distinct aesthetic (think 'Frozen'!) Idealistic yet grounded, she believes that the world's obsession with talent is destructive, leading to global misery. (in fact, her own dreams of becoming a programmer were cut short by a chance discovery of her talent by her parents). Consequently, she has made it her vision as a world candidate to enact change from within, assisted (hopefully!) by the cooperation of the other leaders.
Special Note: Replaced her character introduction splash with a sprite I feel is more representative of her general character! The expression that was previously shown was reflective of her more serious side (which infrequently comes out, depending on the topic of discussion)
To have the God's Voice...I still believe it is more blessing than curse.
This isn't just a hopeless ideal. I know we can do it...together
Nothing can beat the feeling you get when your fingers run across a keyboard, inputting line after line of code!

Ultimate eSports Gamer
Great Family (Candidate): Entertainment
Few in the entertainment industry haven't heard of Zeke, the Ultimate eSports Gamer. Inspiring equal shares of respect and incredulity at his hyper-risky playstyle, there's no denying that no matter what the match may be, the audience will always walk out having seen something they previously never thought was viable. Buoyed by his utter distaste of such things as 'old people' and 'the meta', Zeke prides himself on the chaos and unpredictability that his presence weaves into an industry he views to be sacrificing enjoyment for results. While outwardly, he appears to be a typical trash-talking gamer who can't separate reality from fiction, anyone who watches his character closely would soon realise that something else is perhaps afoot...something they can't quite put their finger on.
As has been correctly identified, the general feel of Zeke's character was partially inspired by Kokichi (Danganronpa v3), but reaaaally not by much.
Lel. What a typical old person response!
To be dissed by someone as decrepit as yourself...boy, I've hit rock bottom.
I'll beat you next time. I swear it on my gamer tag!

Literally Monokuma.
Can't believe I forgot to put him up along with everyone else, though I suspect it may be because he's the only character whose sprites were uncommissioned ><
Puhuhu...a bear's gotta keep himself entertained!
Who, me? I didn't do anything!
Look at all of you...so disgustingly talented. You make me sick. But that's why I love you!

Ultimate Teacher
Great Family (Candidate): Education
A classroom aficionado who has won the admiration of countless students since he was a child (yep, you read that right!) there is nothing Blaise loves more than passing his knowledge on to others. Though outwardly calm and serious, he is easily thrown off by anything he isn't expecting. He also has a series of bizarre interests that he would like to keep to himself, thank you very much!
His flawed sense of justice, misdirected by a fatal assumption delivered by his motive video in Chapter 1, ultimately resulted in his demise during the class trial. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this means that this role will only be available if voice acting is implemented in from the Chapter 1 trial (already released), not Chapter 2.
I uhh...didn't mean to say that out loud.
I asked you a question. And a teacher always expects their questions to be answered!
No...something is seriously wrong. I refuse to let it end like this!
Public Submissions