Danganronpa: Descent

Danganronpa: Descent

Project Overview

Danganronpa: Descent is a survival game produced by a higher figure (identity unknown) as a test to see “What talent reigns above all in a contest of survival?” A group of 21 were chosen in order to test this. In a specially-crafted proving ground, one lucky Charm (protagonist) finds herself pitted against 20 other gifted individuals in Descent, a game that will test the merit of mankind's struggle to survive. What stands between us and oblivion? Is it power over others, knowledge of the truth, unity, pushing our limits, devotion to a higher purpose, or is it something as nebulous as fortune? Or perhaps when all is tested, we discover there is really nothing standing between us and the final edge?

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  • Golem Scrapped

    Sorry to anyone who wanted to audition to voice act for Golem! We've made the decision as a team to recycle his character and create a new one. Once we've figured out the specifics of this character, I will be making a new section to audition for those who'd like to.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mia.the_Artist

Charm is our protagonist (her voice type is Alto 1, meaning higher mid range) Charm usually speaks in a comfortable, low range. She is a very sarcastic and snappy character but can also be sappy at times.

The Ultimate Lucky Charm

132 lbs
~Blood Type~
March 17
Reading, Midnight Walks
Being up early, Astrology
“For some people, survival isn't a question. I'm one of those lucky few. But what can I do with that knowledge?”

A dutiful and loyal person who tries to help those she can with her own abilities. Though she has little appreciation for her talent, she uses it to help those who matter to her. A well mannered individual who seemingly gets along with most.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Sarcastically) “You’re unnervingly forward. Again, proving yourself to be a weirdo.”

  • (Stubborn) “Fine, you win, asshole. Thanks for the directions.”

  • (Upset) “What? What do you see in somebody as dull and boring as me? Is it really because of that, or do you want to suck off all of this supposed luck I bear? Are you really that childish to think that luck is tangible like that? It's not real. I’m not luckier than you just because I’m an Ultimate, I don’t deserve to be one! I’m just a normal girl, who lived a normal, depressing life! I’m not even supposed to be here!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Professional Companion

Ruby is what could be described as a protagonist partner (Her voice type is soprano 2, which is the lower high range) Ruby has a very cutesy voice. Imagine your pet speaking, it's her. She is very kind and almost always happy. She knows how to comfort anyone in an instant.

110 lbs
~Blood Type~
May 30
Studying, Buying and Making Gifts, Documentaries
Rebels, Heights
"I believe in the power of determination. Survival is about not giving up, no matter how bleak things seem. I don't see it as a game of chance, but a testament to the human spirit." ~Personality~
Boundless optimism and enthusiasm follow Ruby like she follows the rules. Her attitude towards authority is complacency, but she holds a helpful hand to anyone willing to take it.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Comforting) “It's okay not to be aware. Physical touch does relieve one's anguish, especially if it's a loved one, so.. I tried my best to comfort you, even though you’re a stranger. Did you feel my love?”

  • (Cutesy) “Hnn… I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that! I’m Ruby, the Ultimate Professional Companion! ♡”

  • (Positive) “You’ve just gotta open your mind! Think how the artist thought, and you’ll see the true beauty.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: LmaoD4C

The Ultimate Table Ace

Fault is one of the 22 Ultimates (his voice type is Baritone) Fault is a very snarky and rebellious character, often breaking norms and doing his own thing. He speaks with a lot of malice and with a lot of fervor.

178 lbs
~Blood Type~
October 31
Sports, Dark chocolate, Zombies
Bees, Country Music, Rules
"For me, survival is about exploration and adaptation. New environments, new challenges; it's the thrill of the unknown that keeps me alive." ~Personality~
Some may say a Jack of All Trades, Fault holds many different kinds of skills. His excellence in Ping Pong is the most notable. An intelligent, albeit somewhat arrogant individual whom holds a thirst for adventure within him.

(Prerequisite: Be good at mimicking accents or other people)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
Other info:
  • mimicking voices
  • mimicking accents
  • (Australian accent, sound as convincing as possible, as if telling your own story!)“My name is Daiton Korey. I grew up in Australia, but lived here in Japan for a few years. I’m the Ultimate Table Ace, I play Ping Pong for a living. I actually moved to Japan for the sport. I wanted to come to Japan to train in the sport that I love. People think it’s dumb, but I love it. I spent my whole life playing it. At first, I played for fun with my dad, but then I became a prodigy. I was the champion in Australia, then moved to Japan to take out the big dogs. They call me the “Sharpshooter of Ping Pong.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jeremiah Cole

The Ultimate Angel Investor

Scepter is one of the 22 Ultimates (his voice type is tenor 2) Scepter gives off a very otherworldly aura, as he should. He’s in a completely different world than common folk, as his riches are immense. He talks fancily in a comfortable range. When making deals, he can be very intimidating.



185 lbs

~Blood Type~


December 30

Flowers, Nature, Trees, Budding Potential

Wasted Talent, Fire, Raccoons
"I think survival is about seizing power. Those who are strong make their own luck and do not need to sacrifice. The world belongs to the strongest." ~Personality~

Scepter is a paternal individual who has a keen eye and a discerning mind. Insightful and wise, many find themselves looking for his advice. Caveat Emptor, because his help doesn't come for free.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (Uncomfortable) “My apologies, I thought you were misleading us with your... Erotic fantasies.”

  • (Dumbfounded) “Well, since I am quite rich and popular, my house is guarded. We have security cameras, bodyguards on watch 24/7, even guard dogs! How did I end up here with all of my security?”

  • (Asserting Power) “Ahh, but you gave me a verbal agreement. You must. Charm, you wouldn’t want to make an enemy out of me.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Moonlight

The Ultimate Flutist

Cadence is one of the 22 Ultimates (her voice type is soprano 1) 

{Optional: Background in opera, French speaking}



157 lbs

~Blood Type~


September 19

Classical Music, Deers

Citrus, Heavy metal
“If I’m killed, so be it. It’s not like I could’ve prevented it. I’m actually surprised I’ve made it this far.” ~Personality~
Cadence is quite timid and solitary. An introvert in every sense of the word. However, she still holds an abundance of talent with the flute. Her words can sometimes fall out blunt, but her intentions are not evil.

  • english
  • french
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • generic french
  • opera singer
  • “What’s there to it..? I just ran away.. I don’t know what happened.”

  • “C’est la vie..”

  • “I ran away because I was scared. I know I’m gonna die, but I didn’t wanna die, not yet.. And it didn’t seem like they were after me. It seemed like they wanted Akito. So I left. I trusted Akito would have fought back, but.. I thought wrong. I ran to the detective's office. I never left after that.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Masseuse

Hakue is one of the 22 Ultimates (their voice type is baritone) Hakue is a very calm and serene individual. Their voice is very monotone and somewhat soothing.



168 lbs

~Blood Type~


July 7

Hunting, Meditation

Technology, Modern Fashion
"I think survival is a matter of principle. Even when it gets hard, I don't compromise my values. I don't rely on luck; I rely on my own convictions." ~Personality~

A calm and serene individual who struggles with conversation. Despite their calm presence they are unmistakably a wise and passionate person, who seems to think beyond the limits of what is possible, aiming for farther than most.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • neutral
  • (Calmly) “I am neither man nor woman, rather.. Both. What do you city folks call it.. Non-binary?”

  • (As if talking to an elder) “Of course. I will offer my services for free, here, so that we stay in a positive mindset.”

  • (Honest) “No, it's quite alright. My ears are sharp enough. But.. If you could hold my hand so I don’t bump into anything, it would be much appreciated.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Contortionist

Ergo is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type Alto 1) Ergo is an insightful person who always loves the little things in life. She sounds as if she’s lived on earth for a century.

117 lbs
~Blood Type~
January 12
The Little Things, Circuses, Amusement Parks
Clowns, Mimes, Cockroaches
“Fate runs its course. It’s a miracle I’m alive and breathing, as it is for anyone else. We’re all the same. There’s no factor that separates me and you from being any different. We’re all human. We all die eventually.” ~Personality~
A hardy and determined individual who carries an appreciation for all things beside her. Known to be somewhat of a goofball, she brings joy with her despite dire circumstances

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (In awe) “I’m glad you share my eye for life! This room is splendid! Full of information on such a niche topic.. Whoever the Ultimate this room is made for, they’re very lucky to have a room created towards this study!”

  • (Showing off) “You betcha. In fact, I’m the most flexible human being alive. I’ve performed feats many contortionists dream of accomplishing. I’ve set records with my flexibility.”

  • (Motivating) “Heh, a lot of people say this, but hard work is the key. Push your body to the limit and exceed human limitation. That's my way of going about things.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Noah Manghir

The Ultimate Graffiti Artist

Smog is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type baritone)Smog is a troublemaker, who doesn’t have common sense. He talks like he’s been on the streets his whole life (which he has.) A wannabe hoodlum.

149 lbs
~Blood Type~
October 8
The number 8, purple
Sunrises, police
"I believe that survival is not a solitary journey, but a communal one. It's about taking care of each other, even if that means personal sacrifices. I feel that those who rely only on luck are missing the bigger picture." ~Personality~
A free-spirit whose independence is often used to inspire others. Smog holds a boundless wealth of creativity and is constantly floating within his own thoughts, prepared to convey them in a helpful way.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (Showing off) “Although many people know me as the Elusive Octospray. I’m so famous, I gotta nickname!”

  • (Angry) “How do you not know me!?!? I’m known by EVERY US citizen! Surely, my name has traveled overseas!”

  • (Hurt) “Yes you are. I was homeless my whole life, for god's sake. Ain’t got a mama or a papa to take me in so I roam the streets. Even if you don’t think you’ve got it good, ya do, lucky bastard.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sunday

The Ultimate Calligrapher

Edit is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type alto 1) Edit has been locked up in a room without any human interaction for her whole life. She doesn’t know how to talk, but as the story progresses, she will learn to formulate sentences. Sound like you don’t know how to use your vocal cords.



108 lbs

~Blood Type~


October 13


“(Protect self from danger! Live!)” ~Personality~

Behind the demure and anxious mind of Edit holds an inquisitive and curious soul, who seems eager to learn about the novelty of her surroundings. She struggles with social interaction, fearful of the unpredictable nature of the people around her.

  • any
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • feral noises
  • (Scared) “Ahh.. Ahh.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!”

  • (Sincere) “Tremble.. My best friend. He helps me.”

  • (Broken English) “I can write.. Talking hard.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Turgize VA

The Ultimate Ornithologist

Colibri is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type tenor 2) Colibri is a ladies man with a powerful libido! He tries his best to sound manly, yet breaks as soon as he gets rejected. A very lovable guy.

198 lbs
~Blood Type~
August 11
Women, Self-Care
Dating App Bugs
“Survival isn’t just getting over a big hill, there are obstacles on your path as well. A tree that fell down, rocky terrain, anything can be thrown your way, but don’t give up. The view at the top of the hill is beautiful.” 

A stubborn and persistent individual whose interests and thoughts are often consumed by romance. Colibri may enjoy attention, but he is still a kind individual who wears a smile throughout the day

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (Embarrassed) “Hey! For your information, no. I have 3 sisters and a beautiful mom! I just..” *quieter* “I get nervous talking to pretty girls..”

  • (Recalling something) “I was making dinner for my family.. I made fettuccine alfredo. I had given everyone their share of food and took mine upstairs because I was busy doing some research. As soon as my butt hit the ground, I.. I dunno. It stops there.”

  • (Lost in thought) “Hey, a free spirit. I can dig that. Ummm… Well, if we start getting into bird symbolism, it gets kind of complicated. Different cultures see things differently. Some cultures see ibises as a symbol of community. Some associate them with thievery. And some consider them emblems of adaptability, driven to survive no matter how dire things get…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Gunslinger

Meridian is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type contralto) Meridian is a rough and tumble type of girl, who grew up in the heart of Texas. Her accent is really thick. She is a trained killer but doesn’t associate with that part of her past. She can use that part of her to her advantage. Her voice is the lowest of the girls.

194 lbs
~Blood Type~
June 22
Summer, Debate, Weaponry
Emotions, The Cold
"I believe survival is about protection - of oneself, of others. It's not just about individual survival, but the survival of the group. Sacrifice, if needed, is a small price to pay." ~Personality~
The disposition of The Ultimate Gunslinger is intimidating, making many people who cross her path fearful, not just of her talent but her blunt words and straightforward attitude. She's loyal to those she cares about, however it's difficult to get on her good side.

(Prerequisite: Be able to do a HEAVY Texan accent)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • texan
Other info:
  • texan
  • (Threatening) “You keep screaming, and I’ll blow your dang brains out. Got it?”

  • (Relieved) “Hahaha!! Oh.. Y'all don't seem like a big ol' threat. Y'all are two darlin' little peaches!"

  • (Trustworthy) "Don't you fret 'bout nothin’. I ain't fixin' to harm ya. Cross my heart and hope to die."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Romance Novelist 

Ryomen is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type soprano 2) Ryomen loves to love, almost too much. She is almost always seen swooning over somebody.


~Blood Type~


110 lbs


February 29

Picnics, Date Spots, Boy bands

Gamers, Body Odor
"For me, survival is about finding balance in life. It's not about endless sacrifices or luck but about understanding our needs and wants, and creating a harmonious existence." ~Personality~

Obsessive, intense and desperate are words often used to describe this individual. She holds romance above anything else in this world. She feels emotions very deeply and can change them quite quickly.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Melancholy) “Well, writing such romantic books? Honestly, it makes me jealous. I just want to live in the fantasies I write..”

  • (Swooning) “So dreamy.. Why must he be so off putting to look at, though?”

  • Give me your best crazy laugh!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Percussionist

Pulse is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type tenor 1) Pulse is a pretty boy through and through. He’s very high maintenance, almost always bored. He’s in a boy band, so singing is optional for this character.


~Blood Type~
134 lbs
May 30
Sweets, New Hobbies
Math, Boredom
"If you burn hot enough, survival fades into the background. You either go hard and live to see tomorrow, or you go out in a blaze of glory." 

For an individual so easily bored, Pulse is drowning with energy and excitement. Although not the sharpest mind, Pulse has a fast paced thought pattern that allows him to keep up and pay attention to many different things.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (Nostalgic) “Me and my boys, we started a band when we were just little dudes. Look where we are now!”

  • (Honest) “Well, to be honest, I get bored pretty easily. I just picked up percussion instruments as another hobby. Whaddya know, I get picked to be the Ultimate Percussionist?”

  • (Flexing) “I’m the drummer/pianist for the band Four Score. Many call it a boy band, but that’s probably just because we’re all hot. Heh!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Beanbean888

The Ultimate NEET

Ibis is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type soprano 1) Ibis is kind of a loser. Lacking decent human interaction, her tone doesn’t always match up with what she means.

~Blood Type~
121 lbs
July 26
V-tubers, Researching, Math, Flashy Colors
Old People, Literature, Summer
"For me, survival is a chaotic storm. Sometimes it demands sacrifices, other times it favors you out of the blue. I believe navigating through this storm is what life is all about." ~Personality~
Ibis is filled with an astounding amount of knowledge gained from her time isolated from the rest of the world. She doesn't usually fit into spaces with others and does not try to. She is a simple person who has somewhat simple needs. She does not complicate herself with matters of the heart, simply just the enjoyment of her time and pursuit of knowledge.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Explaining) “Oh, me? Well.. I was sitting on my computer, watching videos online. The last video I remember was a documentary about an interesting murder case, which served to spread awareness for Munchausen by Proxy!”

  • (Annoyed) “Wha? I.. I’m not a slacker! It just means I’m not employed, in education, or in training! I just do what I want with my time!”

  • (Trying to seem appealing) “That one might be it! I may not look it, but I’ve had my fair share of close shaves and narrow escapes! Living without means is no easy feat. So… what’re your guyses code names?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Choreographer

Tempo is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type tenor 1/alto 2, childlike voice)Tempo is a very happy-go-lucky character, always joyful! He has some sort of country music, as he grew up there, but moved to the city for work, so he has a mixture of both, but can’t seem to get rid of that country accent.

112 lbs
~Blood Type~
March 27
Cheerleaders, Birds, Cultures
Misogynists, Tigers, Bad Hair Days
“Survival isn’t a thing I, or anyone, should worry about. Nobody in their right mind would kill. We’ll stick it out!” 

The eccentric yet talented Tempo has a zest for life paired with an aversion to conflict. He enjoys helping others, and often can keep a cool head in the most stressful of situations.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (Proud) “A-huh-huh! Well, y’all wanna check out my little studio? I spruced it up a bit for it to match my eccentric style!”

  • (With glee) “Why, thank yuhs! After Monotenshis announcements, I stumbled upon this humble studio, and made it my own!”

  • “Well, thanks for stopping by, y’all! Pleasure to meet you, too, Charm! Cya!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KD

The Ultimate Seamstress

Invidia is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type soprano 1) Invidia is a two-faced character. She tends to keep a positive face when in public, but alone, her true self comes out. You do not want to cross her on a bad day. She has a high speaking voice when putting on her little show, and a low voice full of hatred when alone.



145 lbs

~Blood Type~


April 18

White, Hair Styles, Fashion, Sweets

Clumsiness, Spicy Food, rap
"I believe that survival requires adaptation. The world changes, and we must change with it, or be left behind. To me, survival isn't so much about sacrifice or luck, but about the will to change."  ~Personality~

Invidia is vain and arrogant, however she is quite charming when the situation demands it. She is a calculating individual whose ambition is unrivaled.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (With malice) “I’m gonna get the hell out of here.. One way or another.”

  • (Fake positive) “Hello, everyone! I will be your shining light in this despairful world of darkness. We’ve got this!”

  • (Angry) “He deserved it.. How could he not fall for my beauty!? He must be a queer!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate ???

Tremble is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type tenor 2) Tremble is a very manipulative character who uses his words and actions to his advantage at all times. He twists his words to make any situation his.

(Hint: This first line needs to be perfect. It’s the first line of dialogue ever, so it’s very important to get right!)



134 lbs

~Blood Type~


December 24


“I fear life. Lives are all feeble, and can be knocked over in an instant. Why not play with your mortality? Experiment a little. Feel the rush of death flashing before you. That’s what makes you feel human.” ~Personality~

Little is known about this individual, even in our databases. Tremble's secretive nature underlies his unpredictable nature that can cause unease wherever he goes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (Somewhat defeated) “Leave her alone. She can take care of herself. We won’t make it out of this alive if you waste your time worrying about the others.”

  • (Angered) “He’s suspicious, that’s what he is. You’re all suspicious. Why are you all not worried? Where the hell are we!?”

  • (Flustered) “I’m fine.. Just so you know, I’m not gonna make it up to you for saving my life. It was the right thing to do, anyways.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Ultimate Esper

Umbra is one of the 22 Ultimates (voice type soprano 2/alto 1) Umbra is a big rule follower, always caught off guard when someone is out of line. She speaks with authority.

Height: 6’0

Blood Type: O-

Weight: 161 lbs

Chest: 39”

DOB: April 13

Likes: Jewelry, Birds, Paper

Dislikes: Bright colours, “Lost” people, White chocolate 

Notes: If you need guidance, then call Umbra! She can give you insight about your deepest desires using her “third eye,” as she calls it.

"I think that survival is an unending series of sacrifices. Each gain is hard-earned and paid for in blood and sweat. I believe that life is nothing but a struggle, and those who do not understand this are simply fortunate or naive."

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Somewhat menacing) “Your future looks very dim.. Heed my advice, and you could turn it around.”

  • (Convincing) “Of course my skill is real.. I could even tell you who the mastermind is.”

  • (Recalling) “I grew up in the Church. I don’t remember any Sunday of my life I wasn’t praying for my God.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The Ultimate Xenoarchaeologist

Probe is one of the 22 Ultimates (VA ALREADY ASSIGNED)

125 lbs
~Blood Type~
March 13
Researching, Trustable Sources, The Moon
Lies, School, Chihuahuas
"I believe survival is about confronting the truth. No matter how ugly, no matter how painful, it's the acceptance of reality that enables us to endure." ~Personality~
A somewhat eccentric person that has unending determination in his field of Xenoarchealogy. He often spends time discerning lies from truth and usually cannot be taken far away from his work

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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