Cryptic | (Re-Auditions & New Characters) Original Voice Acted Gacha Club Series
Project Overview
A little warning before any audition information is given!:
This series contains some serious topics that are taken with extreme caution when writing them. This series contains topics such as:
Psychosis and mental health.
Gaslighting and manipulation.
Mild violence.
Dealings with trauma.
Emotional themes surrounding important characters.
If any of these topics concern you, or if you have any questions regarding the writing behind them, please let me know and I’ll provide extra detail on them. Another thing to mention is that although this series doesn’t have excessive swearing, there will be some light profanity, however not for the majority of the show.
You need to have discord in order to participate. In your audition description, make sure to place your name, age and discord with its tag right next to it. Only people from 13 and older can audition.
I highly recommend not auditioning for a character that isn't the same ethnicity as you, meaning that Caucasian actors shouldn't voice for any of my poc characters, but for good reason, and that actors of different backgrounds can audition for characters themselves. However, this doesn't mean that specific voice actors need to audition for characters that are similar to them, va's aren't forced to audition for a single character. I feel as though I want people of colour to be able to audition for characters that represent their culture, traditions and values, and when a white va takes that spot, there's a crack that tumbles that opportunity down. I don't just want diversity in stories, but diversity in cast choices. Just please be mindful of who you decide to audition as, and let me know if you have any questions regarding this.
Do not have bad mic quality, and when I say bad quality I specifically mean don't have people talking in the back of your audios. I can understand that you don't have the money to buy an extremely expensive microphone, but I do know you have a closet. It doesn't even have to be a closet, as long as I can hear you and only you is what counts.
Project title, description, and type:
As you have heard before, the project name is Cryptic. This will be a long term project, one that’ll take over 2 years of making.
Cryptic is an 8 episode Gacha series that follows in mainly the perspective of James, a student at Ravenhill High School who finds himself stuck in his own nightmares after finding missing posters plastered all around his school. And so Sam, a remaining survivor of this calamity, guides him through this new world with the goal to reach a portal, a portal that’ll lead them both back to the conscious world and stop a cycle of terror and dreadful trepidation, once and for all. Each episode comes from the perspective of an important character from the cast and takes a tow on their personality and agency in the series. The genre for Cyptic drives off as a horror slash murder mystery made up of 8 episodes, each being paced to 15 - 20 or more minutes of screen time depending on how much I wanna get across.
Why am I asking you again to audition?
I am mainly asking new people to audition because of the fact that there are more characters that have been added to the show, and there have been characters who haven't been able to find a voice actor in time of announcing them. And since these characters are needed in the story, they'll need someone to fill in their role, as to why I'm reaching out to voice actors again! So, if you like a project like this, something that'll try to expand and be ambitious with its story, then this is the project for you. If you audition, you’ll be able to hear from me back on April 1st 2024. If you are accepted, I’ll provide a link to the Official Discord server for the rest of the VA’s, where there you’ll be given your script. You’ll be given 3 - 4 weeks to finish up the script’s lines, and then editing for each episode will start right after. Please note that if you have any questions or concerns that I haven't talked about here, feel free to ask me through messages. When you do audition, you'll need to join the server link below. If the link doesn't work, please let me know!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see your auditions!
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- Pitch: Medium. Role?: Major character (He/him)
A clear, calming voice that talks smoothly through each sentence. He has a little rasp in his voice, making his voice sound husky. If you'd like a reference, his voice is similar to Sal Fisher from Featherfall Studio's Sally Face fandub. Overall every soothing, which compliments his sense of patience and care to those around him.
The main singer of the band 'Florence', a band that James, Audrie, and Velma are in as well. He's a rolling stone with not that much time on his hands, who always tries to take risks, no matter the situation. However, he can't seem to change the way he views himself, as to why he can notice the little details about the people he trusts most rather than the details about himself. He's persistent, patient and attentive, however timid and discontent.
Additional notes:
1) He is mlm representation and is shown to have a loving interest to James throughout the series.
2) His character is shown to give representation towards people who have struggled with Psychosis or are still struggling with mental illness.
- english
- male teen
- animation
- animation/character
(Coy) "Velma is persistent to cover things. I think that as a group, we just have to trust her and hope that everything will be okay. And if she needs help, we'll be there."
(Frustrated, upset) "I'm not asking for clarity. I don't want that, not from you. So don't try anything, because you know I'm not forgiving you."
- Pitch: Medium to medium high. Role?: Major character (She/her)
Her voice is very calm when with the right people. Her voice is clear, very angelic, and crisp due to her excellent annunciation. Overall: calm and collected, even when worried or frustrated, her voice can show raw emotion without over exaggeration. This helps to compliment her lack of dishonesty to the group, and to show how she can stand her ground during overwhelming situations.
Velma is one of the guitarists for 'Florence', and is the girl who's known to be very construct and professional about the things she's apart of. If you know her name, then you'll most likely know her success, her familiarity with the rest of the school, and everything everyone says about her. She cares for those around her, and cares for having a life she can be at ease with. However, that sort of life doesn't feel very earning anymore, and everything feels out of her control now. She's caring, elaborate and genuine, but so lost in her work to let herself be free.
Additional notes:
1) She's very good friends with Audrie, and has known Audrie since the beginning of high school. They've seen each other grow and change into better people, and the contrast between their personalities makes a really good balance. They've known each other way before joining Florence.
2) Velma is Ezra Fisher's sister. They have a very good sibling bond.
- english
- animation
- animation/character
- female teen
(Teasing) "(Chuckles) Mirogen. If it makes you feel any better, I just want you to know that he’s asked me about you. James is really obvious. And James really likes you. I mean– did you see the way he smiled at you?”
(Worrisome) "I mean– what if he’s right, Audrie? What if– (sighs) what if it’s all the truth? I can't let him hurt you two again."
- Pitch: medium. Role?: Side character (She/her)
Her voice can be described as strong, in a almost pleasant way, as she likes to bring her opinions and points forward rather than beat around the bush with what she wants to say. She also has a Korean accent. Myung's voice is clear and loud when needed, but when she's talking to Olivia Williams (her partner) as an example, she suddenly becomes comfortable with being quiet and not as clear with her points. Olivia already understands how Myung feels.
Additional notes:
1) Myung is the mother of Mirogen Millers, and is known of his struggles. She treats him with love and the upmost care, as shown throughout the series.
2) Moved to Ravenhill with Olivia sometime before it became so known for its paranormal activity. They still stay in Ravenhill for Mirogen, as his hopes and dreams can be afforded there. Everything they have is there, and the two feel like as long as they keep their family safe, they can stay.
- english
- animation
- korean
- female adult
- animation/character
(Jokingly, however reassuring) "I know that we can.. Embarrass you sometimes Miro. But, It's only because we love you. And we promise that when your friend comes over, we'll try our best."
(Worried) "I just- see myself through him sometimes. I used to take risks too. I used to- (scoffs) dream that I could do big things. I just don't want him to cry. Not again."
- Pitch: medium high. Role?: Extra (She/her)
Aisha has a higher pitched voice, but no specific accent. Her voice is soothing and genuine, as she talks with a sense of manner and respect to anyone she's with. She's clear and consistent with explaining things straight on and can read people very well, which helps to explain how she got into the career she's in right now. She's an extremely good listener and knows when to demand accountability. Aisha's voice is crisp; clear sounding, quick, and efficient.
Additional notes:
1) As she has all these aspects about her voice, Aisha has a career as a therapist. She had studied and had gotten a master's degree in psychology in her home town before moving to Ravenhill for employment.
2) With that in mind; she has been Mirogen's therapist ever since the start of his psychosis and his break up with Kody, who is important later on in the story. They've known each other for a well enough time for Aisha to see Mirogen heal from his past relationship, and helps to provide all the support and advice she can when he asks for it.
- english
- animation
- animation/character
- female adult
"Well it might feel different because of your past relationship with Kody, right? You feel worried because you're not sure you can trust someone in that position to be honest. And since he wasn't honest with you, you can't trust this new member to be any different. Is that why you're so stressed?"
- Pitch: medium to medium low. Role?: Extra (He/him).
Joseph's voice is soft and timid, and has a stutter. He has a British accent. He's an extra because of the fact that for the majority of the series, he's almost always unavailable due to his career alongside Amelia. They both are emotionally unavailable due to how busy their new work is outside of Ravenhill, as to why they don't speak as much in the show. And because they're always away, Audrie doesn't have his parents to rely on, and so is more supported by his friends instead. Joseph and Amelia however find out about this once they come home and change their ways to help provide more to Audrie.
Additional notes:
1) He's the father to Audrie Summerbranch, and the husband to Amelia Summerbranch. He works hard, but always makes false promises, which is something he is frustrated with. He doesn't know about Audrie's transitioning.
2) He was able to find a high paying job, however was required to move with his family to Ravenhill, away from New Jersey, which practically felt like home to Audrie since those were the only times he was able to spend with his family.
- english
- british
- animation
- male adult
- animation/character
(Happy, but somewhat stressed) "H-hey sunshine, how are you? Uhm- we just wanted to see if everything's okay back home. Work has been.. D-difficult, but we're almost done. We miss you, and-.. We promise that we'll hang out with you once we come back. Please, call us when you can. W-we love you."
- Pitch: medium to medium low. Role?: Extra (She/her).
Despite her outside appearance with being sophisticated and professional when she's talking to co-workers and distant relatives, she's very profaned to those who take disrespect to her or her family. Her voice is husky; almost deep and hoarse which is a feature Joseph finds every beautiful about her. It sounds almost androgynous. She also has a British accent. She often swears when she's upset or feels like she's being disrespected by her peers, however tries her best to keep a cool head. She's firm on her opinions and can understand that she has a large sense of agency in the marriage.
1) Amelia is the mother to Audrie Summerbranch, and the wife to Joseph Summerbranch. She defends her family with no hesitation and takes pride of having a strong son like Audrie. She doesn't know about Audrie's transitioning.
2) Made the decision to move with her family to Ravenhill, however realized that accepting this job took a lot of time to manage, as her agency keeps getting stripped away from her.
- english
- female adult
- animation/character
- animation
- androgynous
(Disappointed) "Joseph. You know we won't be able to. Shit- they're probably just gonna ask us to do another trip by the time we get home, and then you'll have to explain yourself all over again. I know how much you care, but right now, we don't have control over what happens.. Okay?"

- Pitch: High. Role?: Side character (She/they).
Ezra's voice is the opposite to Velma's voice. Their voice is loud and not as clear, and is overall hyper and disorganized when speaking. She goes from topic to topic and gets excited over small details. Her voice can show these emotions and still have a sense of when to let others speak. Imagine her voice being similar to a character such as pinky pie, except their voice is much less cartoonish and sounds realistically interpreted.
Additional notes:
1) Velma is Ezra's sister, and both of them, despite the fact that they're complete opposites, seem to get along really well. Velma lets Ezra talk, and she's extremely grateful for that.
2) Used to be and still is very good friends with Audrie, as they helped out with finding Audrie's true identity and transitioning.
- english
- nonbinary
- animation
- animation/character
(excited, joyful) "That reminds me of the time me and Audrie tried climbing a tree for the first time. He kept falling down and getting back again even though he sprained his foot the first time. He was so optimistic about getting to the top of the tree that he didn't realize how much it was causing his arms to cramp."

- Pitch: any. Role?: Extra (She/her)
Claire has a clear and strong voice. You can experiment with her voice or give her an accent you think would suit her best, as she doesn't have a canonical design. A good detail is that she has a very good reporter voice, which compliments her career as a news reporter for the Ravenhill news channel. She is simply an extra character for the story.
Additional notes:
1) Claire is the main news reporter for Ravenhill's news channel, "RHL News".
- english
- female adult
- any
- animation/character
- animation
"I really think that people should stay inside earlier, not just for the rain, Henry. A few days ago, there had been another case brought into the police station about a girl that had gone missing, a girl by the name of Rory Bridghers."
- Pitch: any. Role?: Extra (He/him).
Just as the same as Claire, his voice sounds like something you'd here during a news report session, while Henry sounds more cheeky and confident instead of professional. Yes, he has the same news reporter type of voice that Claire has, but gives off a more comical and eccentric persona. He really really likes his job, and uses the advantages he has to give an upbeat attitude in any conversation. He's also known as the second main news reporter for the Ravenhill news channel. He is again, simply an extra character for the story.
Additional notes:
1) Henry is the second main news reporter for Ravenhill's news channel.
- english
- animation
- animation/character
- male adult
- any
"Yes, but don’t let those sunny skies disceve you. The weather team has issued for all residents to stay inside later on tonight, due to the chance of some heavy rain and perhaps even a thunderstorm. What do you think about this, Claire?"
Public Submissions