"Copper" Animated Short Film

Project Overview
For a while ive wanted to do a short animation! I am a Cartoonist and Animator on youtube and wanted to get a few people to help bring my idea to life :)
those who work on it will not be paid but full credit will be given when its finished. :) this is just for fun!
What is copper?
Copper will be a story about a skeleton that is different from the rest of them in his planet skelopulus. When everyone has a special ability (flying , invisibility and ect)
he is the only one who doesn't. When he finds 3 crystals it takes him to the human world where he plays around and discovers more about it.
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In the short his father is dedicated to find his true ability, Going to the lengths of trying everyday
he is a father that loves to play jokes, play sports and tries his best to be his kids mentor
If you want this part, any age is okay as long as you have a deeper voice
Say something you think would fit
"Me and Your Mother will be going on a trip this coming weekend, Your Uncle will be watching you!"
"Lets try one last time! You can do it, you just have to believe you can..."
Copper is the main character in the story, hes shy but when alone is excited and surprised.
And appreciates the little things in his life.
Say something you think would fit
"Ill show them who can have a power, just they wait!"
"oh these? yeah most definitely their for my family haha" (sarcastically)
Penny is coppers twin sister, she tries to be nice but sometimes struggles relating to him.
She has a sarcastic attitude and is the smartest out of them
Say something you think would fit
"wanna look at my drawing I made of you?"
"How does brushing your teeth make the bathroom glow?"
Quartz is the mother, she was very happy and in aw when copper was born but slowly got tired and a little more strict as she got older
This character can be played by any age, if you can make yourself sound older that would be best
Say something you think would fit
"look at how cute he is! His cheeks are so chubby"
"Time to make your bed copper! A big day tomorrow! "
Dont wanna play a lead? Well we have a Cashier, Background Kids and a Coach!
Say something you think would fit
" Grab the ball! Lets see who can kick it the farthest!"
Wanna help expand or add to the story? Well if you would like to be a writer then go for it!
If you decide to audition for this, you will help change and improve the script and story
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions