Comic Crew Needs You!

Project Overview
Hello! This is not really project, but more of 'searching for members' thing. Here, I would like you to audition for the roles down below. Please feel free to go for more than one!
I have a few requirements;
You MUST have discord, thats where I'm running this from.
Please have a decent mic if you’re auditioning to be a VA. I don't mean some expensive one, just as long as there's not too much interference.
Please be pretty active, after all, can't let the project die!
Important Links! Link To The Channel Link to the discord server, you can join if you don't audition! You will be given a 'Fan' role
Please check the requirements for the role you audition for, and if you do audition you need to message me on discord for th auditioner role on the server!
I want us to all be friends here so if quite a few people end up on the discord, let’s chat! I doubt we all want to be working with strangers.
Also !! Please excuse the pictures on the roles, I can’t find any good ones
Hope to see you there!
Thank you !! xx
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This is the place for VA’s to audition! Multiple people will get this, so if you have auditioned as stated above, message me on discord that you have and that tell me your CCC name!
Good Mic !! Please don’t just be using your phone, that normally sounds bad. Your voice may be amazing, but the audio quality probably won’t be.
Be active on the server !! Please don’t just disappear so I can’t contact you, I need to be able to rely on you.
While auditioning please redo lines as many times as you need, doing different voices etc!
May edit these later when I can think of more!
So.. you’re telling me it was all a lie?
[Laugh] I’ll give you that, that was good.
Yeah well, at least I stopped before it got worse.

This role is for people who want to help make original comics w/ me and help out with editing images and such.
Please link an example of your art !! If I don’t accept you it’s not because I don’t like your art, just I don’t think it would work for a project.
Like the VA role, please stay active !! Suggest new ideas ! You know the drill
Tell me if you have previous experience working on comics before. You don’t have to have had, I’d just like to know
Message my discord that you’ve auditioned for an artist role and tell me your CCC name please !
I suppose that’s it, see you on the server!
Say something you think would fit

I would only want one or two editors working along side me! This would basically mean helping edit the videos so they’re ready for YouTube!
Tell me if you’ve had experience! If not that’s okay
Tell me what you would/use to edit! I’m curious
If there is one, link an example to your editing please!
Message me on discord that you’ve auditioned to be an editor and your CCC name !
Pretty sure that’s enough for now, can’t wait for your message!
Say something you think would fit

Exact same requirements as video editor! I’m not the greatest audio editor so I’d like one other person to help me out!
Can’t wait to talk to whoever gets it! x
Say something you think would fit

Writers would help correct grammar on comics and help with stories for our original projects! Not that I couldn’t Do this myself, but i’d like some help.
Please link me to something you’ve done before. Unlike other roles i’d like you to have had experience!
Tell me how long you’ve been writing please!
I honestly don’t have as many for this role, but I’m waiting for your messages writer!
Say something you think would fit

I couldn’t decide what to put this as but writer seemed easiest.
This is for people who want to be mods on the server. You can audition to be another role as well as this!
Please have had experience being a mod / owning a server before
Be active!! You’re an important role to the server after all
Tell me what you’d do if two people were arguing and refusing to stop.
Can’t wait to see you on the server! Remember to message me and tell me your CCC name in pm.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions