Code Name: Pirate Princess (Visual Novel) (Otome) (Voice Actors)

Project Overview
Fantasy Studios is recruiting voice actors for ‘Pirate Princess’, an upcoming visual novel being produced by Fantasy Studios. 8-10 voice actors are needed for the different characters in the game.
About 'Pirate Princess':
Disguised amongst the crew of Zade's great ship, Ivara is on the run from her father, the King. Torn between loyalty to the king and forbidden love for Ivara, the Captain of the King's guard searches the realm for the missing princess. There is more, however, to Captain Zade's enterprise than first meets the eye and before long Ivara must decide between life as a princess or a pirate. Did she make the right choice in escaping her arranged marriage, or was it a mistake?
Pirate Princess will have three routes (Common, Pirate, Princess). We will need voice acting after each route is written. Overall this project will take 2 years (finish in 2020). Please only audition if you are able to commit to the project. Be ready to give out your email if you are cast.
1. Decent voice recording equipment (No background noise)
2. The ability to 'become' the character and embody their personality
3. Able to meet deadlines
4. Able to commit to the project
5. Have a discord account to communicate with the director
5. Most importantly, have passion and a love for this kind of work
This is a big project so only audition if you are able to commit. Looking forward to working with you guys!
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Latest Updates
Because we are also holding live auditions we will not be able to cast the voice actors for 'Pirate Princess' until we have heard everyone. Sorry for the delay. You will be notified if you have been cast on the 15th of October 2018.

Cadmium is the captain of the guard, appointed by King Cerulean himself. Even though he is young he is the best knight in the kingdom. When he met Princess Ivara he fell instantly in love. But because he isn't royalty he cannot marry her so he makes it his goal in life to make her happy in whatever way possible. (Love interest) (He is kind and loyal sort of like a puppy.)
Pitch: Medium (Smooth)
(As if it is the most normal thing) Of course I have two frying pans.
(Authoritatively) You don’t want to mess with me.
(Desperate) I love you!

Zade is the captain of 'The Eye Of The Phoenix', the most feared pirate ship on the high seas. He is determined to find the treasure his father left behind. His only clue to its whereabouts is in his father's journal. (Love interest)
Pitch: Medium (stern)
(Yelling at crew) Get moving you useless lumps of wood.
(Stern) How dare you disobey me.
(Lovingly) I love you.
Vale is a very rich prince from the kingdom of Kelkiah. When King Cerulean offers him his daughter's hand in marriage, Vale sees this as a great opportunity to expand his influence and power. (Antagonist)
Pitch: Mediam to Low (Comes across as a kind gentleman but is actually evil)
(Pompous) Kelkiah is by far the best place to be, I don’t know how you stand it here
(Threatening) I will make her marry me and I will get my empire.
(Gentlemanly) I shall await the moment I next gaze upon your beautiful face.
Viletis is one of the most feared pirate captains, second only to Zade. His goal is to take down Zade and find the treasure that his father left behind. (Antagonist)
Pitch: Medium (Crazed, insane, can be a gentleman)
(Bitter) You were always his favourite, you and Adria.
(Angry) No! Now it’s my turn to win.
(Mischeiviously) My plans will succeed.
Cerulean is the King of Everdee and farther of Ivara. He loves his daughter, however, the loss of his dear wife has affected him deeply and he pushes Ivara away. When troubling times come to the kingdom he can only see one option: Marry his daughter off to the neighboring Prince.
Pitch: Low (Authoritative)
(Sweetly) Now, now, Vara, dear.
(Stern) You will do as I say.
(Angry) Guards! Go and find her. Now!
Vaddek is the Eye Of The Phoenix's first mate. He is one of the most feared pirates in the seas and is one of the best fighters in all the lands. His menacing exterior, however, disguises a care for his crew and friends that is second to none.
Pitch: Low (Loud, authoritative, can be gruff)
(Authorative) Do as the good Captain says.
(Jovialy) C’mon, lad, have some fun.
(Concerned) Hey, are you alright?
This character will play many different roles throughout the story. May be voiced by more than one person.
Pitch: Anything (Will be playing a flirtatious waitress and other roles)
(Yelling) Out of my way!
(Nervous) I don’t want some foreign king.
(Flirtatious) Oh, I didn’t mean to interupt.
This character will play many different roles throughout the story. May be voiced by more than one person.
Pitch: Anything (Will be playing a bartender and other roles)
(Yelling) Hey! Who goes there?
(Annoyed) Which one of you is going to pay for these drinks?
(Forceful) I have my orders.
Public Submissions