Code Geass Fandub: Lelouch and Shirley's Kiss (CLOSED)
Project Overview
The finished product!
Hi there! This scene is already mixed and all that's needed is voices. Now that's left to do is find someone to voice Shirley. This scene is very emotional. There's a deadline written, but honestly I'll insta-cast the person who blows me away. My fandubs are passion products honestly so it's really whatever sounds right to me tbh. Also if cast, I may ask for skype/discord for direction.
Edit 7/22 : The voice actress I originally cast is unavailable due to mic complications so imma have to open this back up. I don't do first come first serve with things like this but I'll be happy to insta-cast whomever wows me &&
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So for this scene we aren't going to be going for normal reads, we're going for building sadness into full crying. I'll be linking the scene in Japanese for context and I'll link a voice type I think would work best in English.
Original Scene (Japanese Audio):
English voice reference:
Then, then... why did he kill my father?
You know my father. He was so gentle! He never ever hurt me!
I... don't want this. No... Please, Lulu... help me.
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