CITY 24 - A Half Life 2 Webseries (GMOD)

CITY 24 - A Half Life 2 Webseries (GMOD)

Project Overview

CITY 24 is a webseries set in a rendition of the Half Life Universe. Set after the events of the 7 Hour War, and during the planetary reign of the Universal Union, CITY 24 follows the faltering foundations of its namesake CITY 24, one of the Mega-City's constructed to house mankind's remnants. The story is shown from the prospective of both sides of the events, from the calculating Overseer and his teams of Civil Protection to the underground resistance cells grasping at the last vestiges of Humanity's salvation. This isn't the story of Gordon Freeman however, there will be no hero to save them from their fate. This is CITY 24.

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Latest Updates

  • Looking for Volunteers

    This project is mainly looking for Volunteers. Unfortunately I can't afford to pay anyone money for their work. Please understand this when your audition. If a time comes when I do receive any sort of monetization from the series, I'll gladly distribute it to all interested volunteers.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Civil Protection (Male/Female) - Volunteers

You are the faceless visage of Combine tyranny. A member of the Civil Protection is someone who has forsaken their Humanity to be on the surviving side of history. At first, a Civil Protection is no different then a regular Citizen, they are prone to the same stresses as Citizens and are often reserved in carrying out their duties. Depending on your character's ranking, you'll need to pull off a more emotionless feel to your character. All voice clips will be put through a high pass filter and varying levels of equalization, as Civil Protection make use of a voice modulator, as such, speak as clearly as possible.

  • Suspect,  prepare to receive civil judgement!

  • Dispatch; Update Code Status: Block, Pacify, Restrain.

  • Another tumor dealt with.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Citizen (Male/Female) -Volunteer

One of the many Citizens of CITY 24, mostly a roll to fill in background chatter in public locations. Unlike their Rebel Counterparts, Citizens fear the wrath of the Combine and live their life meekly and in fear. A Citizen should be a mix of Casual monotony and crippling fear, when the situation requires.

  • Sometimes.. I dream about cheese.

  • I think my suit filter's leaking again, I coughed in the sink this morning and saw blood.

  • Civil Protection! Run for you life!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mako (Male) - Supporting Rebel Character

Mako is the designated combat veteran of the Resistance Cell located in CITY 24. Previously an Combine Overwatch Soldier, Mako ended up defecting from his trans-humanist programming and joined Ezekiel Manfred in his creation of a Resistance Cell inside the City's underground caverns. He is responsible for the training of new fighters and armed missions carried out against the City's Overseer. He leads his own squad, Anti-Citizen 2, and assists the Rebel Protagonist throughout the events of the story. Cocksure of himself, he's often caught joking with his squadmates who he has begun to open up to. Mako is also capable of considerable rage, having been originally indoctrinated by the combine, the loss of a comrade makes him far more dangerous then usual, especially to those who get in his way, friend or foe.

While his accent is listed as any, feel free to try out either an Irish, English, or Australian accent.

  • Boss, Anti-Citizen 2, in position. Awaiting your go.

  • For cryin' out loud, I don't want your grenade! SO TAKE IT BACK!

  • Ya can't shake-o the Mako.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ezekiel Manfred - Rebel Supporting Character

Getting on in years, Ezekiel Manfred is the leader of the Rebel Cell of CITY 24. Originally a Soldier before the time of the combine, Zeke as he's called by his men saw first hand the ruthlessness of the Universal Union. At first he kept his head low, broodingly accepting their rule as unchallenged. One day however, something changed him, as since then he's lead a guerrilla rebellion from the shadows of CITY 24 and its outlying regions. While he's no Hannibal Barca, Ezekiel's mind crafts menacing plans against the Overseer and his servants. Calm, Collected, and inspiring, Ezekiel is one of the last lights of hope in the world.

  • I bet ol' Perceval's throwing a tantrum right about now.

  • Don't have any place for a grave, nevermind ten.

  • I'd buy you a beer, but I wouldn't trust anything the combine's got on tap.


Public Submissions

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