Chucky Chicken Animated Series
Project Overview
Hello, everyone! This casting call is for Season 1 of "Chucky Chicken and his Barnyard Friends."
We're casting for a slew of voices to be used throughout the season. Folks cast for main roles will be asked to provide lines for additional, smaller roles that are non-recurring in the series. If you're not cast for a main role, and your voice matches the tone of the show, we may ask you to provide lines for supporting roles in the production.
All roles are in the English language. Voice actors must be comfortable using the language/vernacular of the time.
For main roles (+ additional lines for minor roles and retakes), we're paying between $30-$50 for the project. All payments are made through PayPal or Zelle.
We also showcase all of our voice actors on our website. The showcase includes voice actors photo, biography, contact information and links to a demo reel. Voice actors are also listed verbally in the credits of each show.
“Chucky Chicken” is an animated nod to the Golden Age of theatrical cartoons,ranging anywhere between 7 to 11 minutes in length, and puts the lead characters in different roles and environments to tell a variety of stories. Like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny before them, the gang can be cast in a number of different roles, interact with a plethora of villains, and their adventures can take place in many different lands, times, or eras.
The shorts rely heavily on slapstick comedy, including dynamite, anvils, and other classic WB troupes; however much like the Looney Tunes, they know that they’re actors, and may occasionally use meta humor and break character to showcase their displeasure with the script, story, role, etc. This way, it harkens back to the era of Hollywood animated shorts, and can also play off modern troupes like streaming services, YouTube subscribers, social media, etc.
The show is an animated comedy series geared towards families with children between the ages of 8 and 12, and showcases a broad range of humorous situations that showcase his pluck and occasional awkwardness, along with his long-beloved charm and good heartedness.
The deadline for auditions is May 1, 2021. There are currently no plans to extend this deadline, however if we need to, we hold the right to extend or cancel. We'll notify voice actors who have been cast in roles by April 30th and send scripts to voice actors as we complete them. Once you receive the script for each episode, a record date and time will be scheduled.
If you need a better idea of what kind of voices we're looking for per character, here's a link to our Chicken Head Canon video:
Again, this is what we're looking for, but we're always willing to hear your take on it, as long as it's in the ball park.
Expect to be warmly greeted by Michael Cook, the creator of Chucky Chicken. At this point, you'll be part of our Valley Studios family, where you'll get to interact with other voice actors from around the globe, all of whom offer a wealth of experience and knowledge. You’ll also be added to our Production Thread on Facebook as well as our Discord Server.
We communicate primarily through Discord and Facebook. If you are unfamiliar with either of these applications, you can still audition, however, we strongly, strongly recommend participation through Discord so that you can collaborate with your fellow voice actors. We've used Discord and Facebook with other projects and it has been of immense value.
First and foremost, have fun -- we take pride in bringing together talents in different mediums to create something truly phenomenal, but none of it means anything if the people involved aren't passionate about their craft.
Please submit clean recordings on prosumer mics (no air conditioners in the background, no fans -- we don't mind performing noise reduction on your files, however too much clean-up reduces the quality of your voice). And speaking of clean-up -- please let us handle the post-production. Don't add effects to your lines -- leave that to our audio geniuses :)
Feel free to cut your lines to your best/favorite takes. Three is the gold standard. We have a few voice actors that would rather give us more takes, and that's okay, too. However please at least remove the takes you don't want to be featured on the podcast.
Please submit your recordings as one .wav file to our company email address, which will be provided to you after casting. If a file is too large to submit via email, we prefer to use WeTransfer.
We do occasionally ask for line re-dos, but we do this sparingly and only after great consideration - we realize your time is valuable, and we won't ask for anything we can't work around in edits.
Lastly, since we are planning on multiple seasons of Chucky Chicken, we 'd like to cast people who will be able to stick with us for a while. We're incredibly proud of the cast we've formed over the years, and when starting a new project, we frequently return to voice actors we've worked with in the past.
Valley Studios Media is an organization of film makers and animators in the midwest of the USA who strives to bring together artists from different mediums to create new and unique stories.
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Latest Updates
Hiya, folks! Thank you all SO much for your love and support for Chucky Chicken and his Barnyard Friends! I have received hundreds of auditions, and I'm proud to announce that the main cast is completely cast! For those of you who've accepted the roles, congratulations and I'm thrilled to be working with you! For those of you who have submitted, thank you all so much! The fact that you've shown interest means the world to me, and I'm over the moon. For now, we're going to be closing up the casting call; however, we're always looking for walk-on characters, extras, and ensemble performers to be a part of the fun! If you ARE interested, you can ALWAYS submit here, or send your info and audition to! If you want to continue to support the show, I ask that you please check out our YouTube channel and subscribe here: We will also are on Patreon, which offers really great benefits like Discord chat, behind the scenes peeks at what we're working on, and more! To check THAT out, check us out here: Chucky is also on social media, and he does his best to post often! You can check him out on Twitter: @RealChuckChick and on Instagram: @realchuckychicken08 Any way you choose to do so, even if it's just telling someone by word of mouth, thank you SO much for your love, support, and interest in our project! We look forward to entertaining you all REAL soon!
One of the most “Fair Dinkum” feathered friends you’ll ever meet. Louie Loon is a lovable, quick-witted loon who loves nothing more than hitting the waves, and hanging ten. A smooth talking Aussie, there are moments where he’s crude, unfiltered, and a bit crass; however generally he’s pretty tame, and wants nothing more than to have a good time, flirt with the sheilas, and hang out with his best mates. Louie is also an amazing commentator; being hired as an announcer to many events. Louie’s role in each cartoon is normally the best friend who gets the group in trouble without realizing it. Whether it’s his oblivion to the situation, his urge for excitement, or just because he feels like it’ll help liven up the short in some way, Louie jumps into situations without thinking twice; the more dangerous, the better. Louie can also be an announcer to sporting events he’s not participating in, adding colorful and hilarious commentary.
NOTE: Looking for a soundalike to Ozzy Man Reviews :
Oy, Chuck! These shorts ya suggested are festy as all get out! First off, this is NOT me color whatsoever! Secondly, they were way too expensive! I mean, for the price you'd think the bloomin' things would have pockets.
Oy, Chuck! You here, mate? No worries, I'll be quick. I hate to do this to ya, but I gotta bail on your lesson tonight. Turns out I got an invite to this sheila's shin-dig, so...priorities, ya know?
WHAT? Oh, pluck off man. Give me a little more than to take credit for something that's not mine.
-immediately after being asked where he got his stolen moves -
I certainly did, sheila; all mine, all rights go to me; and please keep this off of BukBok. (like TikTok)
Margarita is a fiery macaw; she loves music, and will always find an opportunity to dance and perform. She is a DIVA; loud, selfish, vain, stand-offish and very sarcastic with her costars, especially Louie Loon. Margarita may be tough on the outside, but when things start to turn, her true colors come out, revealing a somewhat kinder and almost compassionate nature. Margarita should be cast as the leading lady's best friend; whenever the opportunity presents itself, she is always ready with a quip that will rip into the recipient. She’s NEVER a damsel in distress, and if cast in that role, she’ll make it absolute chaos for the crew involved. She could also be cast as a villain, but that’s only on extreme occasions.
NOTE: Looking specifically for a Sophia Vergara sound-alike, however I'd love auditions to be in the ballpark.
What IS all this?! Louie, I told you to bring SALSA music: SALSA! This...this...GARBAGE will not be played in my dance club!
The only thing OFF here is your head if you think I'll let you play that noise.
My contract strictly says that I'm not supposed to be playing this distress in damsel or whatever you call it! I was ALSO promised that I would be singing and dancing a solo, and if you THINK that I'm gonna be dressing up like a banana, you're muy loco!
The adorable sister of Johnny; Janice is a lover of the theater. Janice is a purist, cuddly, and as cute a bunny can be. Her dream is to become a singer, and there can be a few opportunities in some shorts for her to sing. One thing about Janice: as hard as she tries, she always flubs her lines, or is struggling on the set. She’s very insecure, doubts her ability, and very timid. In the role, she can do anything; as long as the director yells “CUT”, she’s very timid. Janice lives and breathes to be the damsel in distress; when given the role, she’ll ham it up, pouring on the dramatics heavily. If not given certain roles, she feels defeated and is really hard on herself. However, she is also surprised when given major roles, feeling that she doesn’t deserve it.
"Romeo, oh Romeo; wherefore art thou, Rodeo?"....oh, shoot; I'm sorry, can...can I try that one again? I know, that's the sixteenth take, but I swear I'll do better! YOU try saying this stuff; who is this Shakes...speare guy anyway?
Oh...all I wanted to do was be a pretty pink princess, wear a tiara, and sparkle my way into everybody's heart...but (sniff) b-but now...I RUINED THE WHOLE MOVIE!!!! (sobs)
Excuse me, Mr. Chucky sir; is there a part for a cute, little bunny like me? I promise to behave myself; yup! Sure do! I'll be on my bestest bestest behavior and not let Johnny tear down the set in a blind mad rage again.
A wise old chipmunk originally from the far east; Chu is more than he seems. Quiet, reserved, and observant, Chu keeps to himself in most cases and only participates in the antics when he’s desperately needed. A gag that can be used with Master Chu is that whenever the gang are racing to catch a villain, Chu can constantly be trailing behind, only to realize he forgot something essential to the plot and needs to go back and get it….even slower. Chu peppers his speech with ancient Chinese proverbs. His favorite pastime is sipping green tea from his hallowed-out acorn set. Chu should be cast as a wise mentor, maybe even a king or a ruler in some cases. He excels in roles like a detective or a martial arts instructor; something that will help teach the gang peace and tranquility. This could also lead to some of the cast being frustrated with how much film his scenes use, and even the director could speak up asking Chu to speed up.
"The world of sunlight, Blossoms with precious jewels, Too precious to keep"...a haiku for spring, the time of Nature's know, it's a poem of sorts, to celebrate life and balance.
"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." Or to put it so YOU can understand it, "Go for it. You've got nothing to lose."
Hmm...whenever dealing with foes like Freddy, one must always remember: "Stupidity, like sap, runs through family tree." And there is no bigger SAP than he.
A rather rotund hog, Luca would much rather peruse the local market for a delectable treat instead of following around some chicken...unless of course it’s fried. Luca is a bit stuffy; he fancies himself as one of the elite, however he can’t seem to handle his snorting. It gets him into trouble with Freddy; it disgusts him to no end. No matter how you slice it, Luca is a loyal pig who will do anything his boss pays him to long as he can grab a bite to eat along the way. When not around Freddy, Luca can be found trying to schmooze with the girls; he can be quite charming....for a pig. However his heart is firmly and forever placed in his stomach. Luca can be cast in a similar way to Wimpy from Popeye; he can be a restaurant owner, a judge, a plumber, or any other job that would allow him to showcase his unquenched hunger in comical ways.
NOTE: Looking specifically for a Dom DeLuise sound-alike, however I'd like auditions to be in the ballpark.
The boss has been expecting you...I hope you got it right this time...he's in a dreadful mood.
I...I'm sorry, God Fodder- er I mean, Mr. Bronco! I mean no disrespect! Honest!
Listen, can I get a pie with pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, black olive, mozzarella, anchovy, and extra garlic? Oh, and just leave it outside my dressing room; it's the one with the mini-oven in front of the door. Thanks, you're a pal.

The hot-headed hare; Johnny is a fast-talking, quick-tempered rabbit who is always on the go. He’s impatient, and very easily offended and sensitive. He’s VERY protective of his baby sister, Janice; whenever he feels that she is being treated poorly, he goes into a destructive rage; he’ll destroy a set, but never set a hand on anyone. At that point, the only one who can calm him down is Janice, who will do so with therapeutic tactics; counting backwards from 10, “Goosfraba” like mantras, etc. Johnny should be cast as the “ oafish heroic” figure; although he’s no bigger or stronger than Chucky or Louie, his ego and bravado gets him the attention and approbation he so desperately craves.
So...what do you want me to do here now? I'm only here as the chaperone to the squirt; if ya need me, I'll be over by the food table.
Whadya MEAN my little sister is too small to play the role of the giant? Whatchya got against little rabbit girls, huh? You tryin' to start something, bird?!
Listen, Chuck; I'm a rabbit. If there's one thing we know how to do, it's find our way out of trouble....well, that and multiply, but this is a kid's show, okay?
Public Submissions