Chronicles of Sheriff Hardin (Hunt: Showdown trailer)

Project Overview
In light of the upcoming inaugural awards of the Hunt: Showdown video contest (, I have decided to participate, by creating a video in the "Trailer" category.
Hunt: Showdown is a first-person shooter, taking place in 1895, where a paranormal entity has overtaken the bayous of Louisiana, spreading a highly contagious disease, which in the end, turns out to be something far worse.
The story of the video will be centered around an in-game character by the name of Sheriff Hardin, a law-enforcement officer, who sets out to find and destroy source of the corruption, by any means necessary. While Hardin's intentions to save mankind are rooted in good intentions, his conviction of "the end justifies the means", certainly makes him an anti-hero, willing to sacrifice both innocent men and children to attain his goals.
The video will function like a movie trailer, promoting a fictitious campaign, and showcase the story of Sheriff Hardin in a dramatic and cinematic fashion.
The final video will be uploaded to my own YouTube channel, but will also be uploaded to the contest hosted by Crytek, and is subject to potentially be promoted on their YouTube, Twitter and Facebook account.
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Sheriff Hardin is a law enforcement officer of New Orleans, tasked with finding out what is causing the bizarre deaths within the bayous of Louisiana. His journey leads him to discover an entity from another realm, corrupting the area and population with a deadly disease before bringing the dead back to life. His fight against the other side will bring out the most ruthless and pragmatic sides of him, going as far as him using children as soldiers against the corruption.
He is a man between 40-50, with a deep and sharp voice, who speaks with a stern authority.
Governor Murphy: “What is it then?”
Hardin (ominous): “I don’t know, sir.. But whatever it is.. I don’t think we’re ready for it..”
Hardin (Desperate/insisting): “Sir, we need to call in the army before we lose control!”
Governor Murphy (baffled/disgusted): “You’re sending children out there?!”
Hardin (Screaming at the top of his lungs - climax of the video): “This is what has to be done!”

Governor Murphy J. Foster was the residing governor of Louisiana during 1895. He initially underestimated the situation severely, and due to political interests, later decided to keep a lid on the situation, refusing to involve the army, severely impeding Sheriff Hardin's ability to fight the corruption.
Governor Murphy (Assertive/Demanding): “People are starting to ask questions, Hardin.. I don’t know how much longer we can keep these rumours contained. I want this situation dealt with! Close off the area, leave the poor to deal with this disease themselves!”
Hardin: “Sir, we need to call in the army before we lose control!”
Governor Murphy (Furious): “Absolutely not! This cannot leave New Orleans! Contain it! However you can!”
Governor Murphy (Baffled/Disgusted): “You’re sending children out there?!”
The Doctor is a small character examining the corpses of the people killed by the corruption.
Hardin: “Another one, doc?”
Doctor (perplexed): “Over one hundred dead so far.. Their symptoms are all the same, but.. Their deaths.. The things I’ve found inside their bodies.. Sheriff.. This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.."
Doctor (perplexed): “Their organs are changing, Sheriff.. They’re becoming black.. Their veins saturated by a black tar still pumping through their bodies - even after death! This isn’t the sign of a body in decay.. This is an organism that’s preparing for something else!”
Recruited by Sheriff Hardin, the convicts will be sent into the bayous, armed with small caliber weapons to help fight off the infected.
They will all die a horrible death - but Sheriff Hardin is not going to tell that.
Convict 1: “So.. If I work for you, I get my freedom back?”
Hardin: “That’s right.”
Convict 1: “What the hell are those things?!”
* Painful scream *
Recruited by Sheriff Hardin, the convicts will be sent into the bayous, armed with small caliber weapons to help fight off the infected.
They will all die a horrible death - but Sheriff Hardin is not going to tell that.
Convict 2 (terrified/panic): “They’re everywhere!”
Recruited by Sheriff Hardin, the convicts will be sent into the bayous, armed with small caliber weapons to help fight off the infected.
They will all die a horrible death - but Sheriff Hardin is not going to tell that.
Convict 3 (Frantic/Panicking): “Let’s get the fuck outta here!”
Hardin: “How many attacked you?”
Man 1: “The Salters! Entire family’s gone mad!”
Inhabitant of the New Orleans bayous
Man 2: “Have you heard about the murders in the swamps?”
Inhabitant of the New Orleans bayous.
Woman (Frantic): “He came back to life, Sheriff! He was dead one moment, then the next.. *pause* I had no choice but to shoot!”
The children "recruited" by Hardin to function as child soldiers within the bayous, are actually orphans, forcefully taken from the larger cities without knowledge of their destination or purpose. They will fight against the undead and the corruption with small-arms weapons, in a futile attempt to keep themselves alive.
(Any age between young child and teenager will work fine here.)
Kid 1 (terrified/begging): “Please, sir, don’t make me go..!”
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