CHAD: A Fallout 76 Podcast (Second Half of Season 2)

CHAD: A Fallout 76 Podcast (Second Half of Season 2)

Project Overview

Hello, everyone! This casting call is for new characters for the second half of Season 2 of "CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story". This is a dark humor podcast that we created to have rich cinematic soundscapes with full orchestral scoring that imagines the adventures of original characters in Fallout 76 trying to understand the world they emerge into, its threats and the biggest question of all: why can't any of them die? They can be killed sure, but they always come back. If death had no consequences, what would you do? How would you change? How far would you be willing to go? (Click here for a sample episode of the podcast).  

 After the success of our first season, we have a four-season arc planned for the podcast and need a few characters from the Fallout 76 Wastelanders, Steel Dawn and Steel Reign updates voiced. People cast for main roles will be asked to provide lines for additional, smaller roles not featured on CCC. If you're not cast for a main role, and your voice matches the tone of the show, we may ask you to provide lines for supporting roles in the production. 

All roles are in the English language. 

As this is a fan project only, all roles are unpaid and in accordance and compliance of Zenimax Terms of Use this show is a not for profit venture that simply celebrates a shared love of Fallout with the creation of new, immersive original stories. 

We do this for fun, as a challenge and for charity! We founded the Fallout For Hope Charity Initiative, a worldwide collective of streamers and content creator who to date have raised over $400k for charities worldwide. This second half of our season will benefit Project Hope, a humantarian non-profit organization. 

We also showcase all of our voice actors on our website, as well as list actors via IMDB (Click here to see our IMDB listing). The showcase includes voice actors photo, biography, contact information and links to a demo reel. Voice actors are also listed verbally in the credits of each show. 


Expect to be warmly greeted by Kenneth Vigue, the creator and showrunner. At this point, you'll be part of our CHAD family, where you'll get to interact with other voices actors from around the globe, all of whom offer a wealth of experience and knowledge. 

We communicate primarily through Discord and Facebook Messenger. If you are unfamiliar with either of these applications, you can still audition, however, we strongly, strongly recommend participation through Discord so that you can collaborate with your fellow voice actors. We've used Discord and Facebook Messenger with other projects and it has been of immense value. 


First and foremost, have fun -- we take pride in bringing together talents in different mediums to create something truly phenomenal, but none of it means anything if the people involved aren't passionate about their craft. 

Please submit clean recordings on prosumer mics (no air conditioners in the background, no fans -- we don't mind performing SLIGHT noise reduction on your files, however too much clean-up reduces the quality of your voice). And speaking of clean-up -- please let us handle the post-production. Don't add effects to your lines -- leave that to our audio geniuses :) 

Feel free to cut your lines to your best/favorite takes. Three is the gold standard. We have a few voice actors that would rather give us more takes, and that's okay, too. However please at least remove the takes you don't want to be featured on the podcast. 

Please submit your recordings as one .wav file to our podcast email address, which will be provided to you after casting. If a file is too large to submit via email, we prefer to use WeTransfer. 

We do occasionally ask for line re-dos, but we do this sparingly and only after great consideration - we realize your time is valuable, and we won't ask for anything we can't work around in edits. 

Lastly, since we are planning on multiple seasons of CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story, we 'd like to cast people who will be able to stick with us for a while. We're incredibly proud of the acting troupe we've formed over the years, and when starting a new project, we frequently return to voice actors we've worked with in the past. Be sure you're fully onboard with voice acting before committing to the character, as it's hard to write around you if you aren't fully invested.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Duchess (Fallout 76 Wastelanders NPC character)
cast offsite

Duchess is rough and tumble, sly with guarded secrets. As purveyor of the Wayward, she keeps an ear to the ground. With an Appalachian/West Virginia accent you can hear here:

  • Agent Danger, would you be willing to take a mission for me? I need three of the coldest, iciest Nuka-Colas they've got down at Wabash's. If I gave you some money, would you be willing to go get them for me? One of 'em's got your name on it.

  • My friends, plural, at the bureau say you've been making some big claims about this Appalachian drug kingpin you're about to bring in. The one you're trying to get rid of so your new friends from Charleston can take her territory. But wouldn't you know, all that extra yammering got them looking into your finances. And your house. And your car. And they didn't like what they found. So yes, Gerald, they're coming. But no one's coming looking for me.

  • No, Mort. I worked ER. Three long years. And if you make another crack about it, I'll teach Solomon how to set a femur. Yours

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Polly (Assaultron) from the Wayward ~ Fallout 76
cast offsite

Polly is an assaultron at the Wayward, with her voice and personality modeled on the female boxer ex-girlfriend of her original programmer. She protects the Wayward from trouble and is very close to Sol, who views her as his "bot-sister". Her voice is low, gravely and menacing...playful but straightforward. You can hear her voice here:

  • You. You did real good, brother. This body is nothing short of art. all the little malfunctions and mishaps I'd been putting up with for years. Gone. I'm like a new born babe...if babies could turn a human into a cadaver in under eight seconds. Here.  

  • Thought it seemed pretty obvious. I lost the person watching my back. Then the Scorched came at me from behind. Don't have to be Napoleon to figure that one out.

  • Sol's been in my corner since we picked him up. Don't think he'd ever seen an Assaultron before me, so when he joined up, I fielded about three days' worth of questions. But the man's good with electronics and good with a gun. Plus, he finds me charming for some unknown reason. Couldn't really ask for more in a friend.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheena (Fallout 76 Steel Dawn NPC Character) ~ African American/POC (Person of Color)
cast offsite

We are casting an African American/(POC) Person of Color voice actress for the role of Sheena. Sheena is a Fallout 76 NPC character created by Bethesda Game Studios and introduced in the Steel Dawn update. You can read more about her backstory here: 

Sheena is one of the three raiders that inhabit the Crater war room along with Burke and Pierce. As a kid she would always win at the Blast Radius board game due to her strong tactical intellect. In 2103, Sheena is the tactician of the Crater War Party and plans out their operations against the Brotherhood under the orders of Meg Groberg. Sheena is rather misanthropic, saying she does not give two craps about humanity, saying the species has done nothing but abuse and betray each other, also pointing out their world has been destroyed by nuclear warfare. She mentions she will only look out for her and her own, saying the rest do not matter.

You can hear how Sheena talks here:


  • Don't mind Pierce. He's stubborn. Holds too tightly to his morals. I'll tell you about the weapons. But you're going to need to give me something in return. Interested?

  • I would leave if I were you. Unless you want Burke to rearrange your face. I'm sure they'd be happy to do so.

  • Brainwashed already, huh? That's a shame. I was hoping you had a little more sense than the rest of them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Munch (Fallout 76 Wastelanders NPC Character) ~ African American/POC (Person of Color)
cast offsite

We are casting an African American (POC) Person of Color voice actor for the role of Munch. Munch is a Fallout 76 NPC character created by Bethesda Game Studios and introduced in the Wastelanders update. You can read more about his backstory here:

Munch lives in a tent in the northern part of the Crater. He describes himself as the resident historian,[1] though he freely admits he bends the truth about history.[2] Some of his writings on topics, such as the Great War, whales and the space station he resides in, can be found in his tent. He claims aliens are real and are what brought down the space station in the first place, and are probably working to dominate the planet.

You can hear how Munch talks here (41 seconds in):

  • The name is Munch. Most people would probably say I'm just a crotchety old man with a shotgun, heh. But if you ask me, I'm what you'd call the resident historian, storyteller, guru type around here. Just look around, kid. Good ol' OC1 was once a grand space station. Sent up on a top-secret mission to monitor alien activity here on Earth. In fact, aliens are what brought her down in the first place. They didn't like us trying to spy on them. And after the Great War, you can bet they'll be working to dominate this planet. Slowly but surely.

  • That "Sheepsquatch" wins for best worst name. Although Snally probably ain't far behind. Meg didn't believe me about the Snallygaster, not 'til one wandered in and nearly took her head off.    

  • That West-Tek story's bland as balls. Super Mutants are just a result of too much spinach. 'Least that I want people to believe. They say, "Radiation." I say, "Aliens."    

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucky Lou (Fallout 76 Wastelanders NPC Ghoul Character)
cast offsite

We are casting for the role of Lucky Lou, a ghoul from the Fallout video game series. Lucky Lou is a Fallout 76 NPC character created by Bethesda Game Studios and introduced in the Wastelanders update. You can read more about his backstory here:

Lou hails from Pittsburgh and commonly uses local slang from the region. His body has been devastated by turning ghoul, so his voice is damaged, weathered, gruff and rough. Lou was an engineer who lived in Pittsburgh. He was born in 2007, making him 70 years old when the bombs dropped. Since the ghoulification process dramatically slows down chronological aging, Lou is still technically a senior of the same age now 27 years later. 

You can hear how he talks here (skip to 13:38):

  • I'm one of them rad-soaked ghouls. Been that way goin' on twenty-five years. Ain't no way to live. Killin' myself's the only way to keep people safe. Course, that's harder than you think.

  • I found another one of them "ghouls" in this mine tonight. He looked just like me, but his mind was fried. I tried talking to him. Stupid. He just ran at me. If Lev's right, I could turn into one of those things at any time...Yeah, there's only one way out of this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raider Punk (Fallout 76 Wastelanders NPC Character)
cast offsite

We are casting for the role of Raider Punk, a raider and a little bit off cryptid enthusiast from the Fallout video game series. Raider Punk is a Fallout 76 NPC character created by Bethesda Game Studios and introduced in the Wastelanders update. You can read more about his backstory here:

The raider punk is an amateur radio operator, cryptid enthusiast, and cryptologist. He claims to be part of an amateur radio network, or "ham net," dedicated to cryptid hunting and has contacts all over Appalachia.[1][2] He prefers not to use his real name, instead using his network call sign, "Punk."

You can hear how he talks here (skip to 1:28):

  • Look. I got this dream, it eats me up inside. I've been traveling with this crowd for a while, and well... I need to get away. You feel me? The raiders...well, don't get me wrong. I still wanna stop by and hang out with them, see the sights, but I need quiet, calm... I need to hear the world. I got a radio, I know some people. Got a buddy here in Crater, a hunter pal out in Foundation, know some people all over. I know people, man.

  • Don't forget to eat a healthy meal before you head out. Eat something nutritious like, I dunno, pure sugar or beer or something. Good luck out there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Time Radio Male Hosts
cast offsite

We'll be doing more old-time radio commercials and serials and I'm looking for some classic Transatlantic announcer voices from the Golden Age of Radio. We'll be casting 2 males. Voices should be clear, cheery and earnest. 

  • Friends, in uncertain times such as these with the threat of atomic war looming, you often may feel yourself nervous, jittery and lacking that pep, vim and vigor to get the job done. Introducing new Ironized Yeast Stimpaks. Guaranteed to put the skip back in your step with all of the convenience you know from Stimpak brand products now that delivers instant essential vitamins, minerals and compounds to make you feel like Adam again. Ask your druggist for Ironized Yeast Stimpaks today. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Time Radio Female Host
cast offsite

We'll be doing more old-time radio commercials and serials and I'm looking for some classic Transatlantic announcer voices from the Golden Age of Radio. I'm looking for a classic polished female voice for commercials and old time radio sketches. The kind of clear, earnest voice from that era of a leading lady.  

  • Ladies when time is short, you need a time-SAVER. And when it comes to time-SAVING I'm thinking about Sweetwater's Tea, You know, Sweetwater's Tea is such a handy beverage. It takes so little time to prepare. And it's always so welcome, Yes, its famous brisk flavor makes it enjoyable not just at your own mealtimes, but between meals and whenever folks drop in for a visit. That's why its a good idea to buy Sweetwater's in the larger, more-economical size packages. That's right! the larger packages are much thriftier. So, you see it's wise to keep on hand a really good supply of brick-flavored Sweetwater's Tea.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
College Aged Vampire (Male) ~ Ideally with a Southern/Scottish/or English (UK) accent
cast offsite

Character attributes: Gay, Sarcastic, Protective 

Note: Ideally, I'd love to cast LGBTQIA+ voice actors for these two for obvious reasons, but it's not required. I'd rather the voices be the right fit. 

These episodes will benefit Project Hope and their ongoing work with humanitarian relief.

For our upcoming Halloween horror anthology special set in the world of the Fallout 76 video game, this will be a dark humor pre-war (Great War apocalypse event) story. We're looking for a male voice actor to play a college age vampire boyfriend who is fiercely loyal, protective and wields sarcasm like a sword. His love interest will be a complicated, slightly nerdy recently uncloseted type at Vault-Tec University who takes himself and his life far too seriously. For someone as old as this vampire is, the attraction comes from both keeping the other on his toes, and who marvels that the other doesn't he truly rare a soul he is. While he is timeless, the fact that he's a vampire in converse sneakers and a letterman jacket makes for some incongruous humor. This story will deal with some light topics of hatred and prejudice.

In voice I'd love for a non-Eastern Atlantic voice, an accent either southern/Scottish or English (UK), confident, playful and witty...delivering teases with a smile. It should also be knife edge terrifying, cold and threatening when someone threatens someone he cares about. 

  • Okay, okay...hey! Hi...if you can stop screaming for a minute, we can do introductions properly. And firstly, let me just say that back there is not at all how I was planning this to go. I figured I'd lurk in the shadows for a bit to build up the intrigue, before slowly approaching you through the crowd and maybe doing some dancing where we don't speak. Oh! And the whole time right, you'd be thinking, "Who is this mysterious stranger? Why is he so cold?" And then we'd go for a walk in the corn maze, and I'd freak you out a little with a cat and mouse game disappearing around corners and then when you were a little lost and on the verge of panic, I'd gently take your hand and pull you through to the exit. Because, and without words, I'd want you to know that whenever you felt that way...I'd be there for and forever. A promise. And we'd have a real moment there...I think. But yeah, so that was the plan. Instead, it was all blood, guts, and "oh my god what the fuck is that?" and heart pounding terror. Which, in hindsight, probably isn't the best first impression I could've made. Are you going to come out from under there? It looks muddy. Hey! Do you like pancakes? I could kill for some 2am pancakes. The Red Rocket Truck Stop makes little smiley faces in whipped cream. Or we could...annnnnnd you're running away. (sigh) I'm way too old for this. 

  • Yeah, I've heard that professor is brutal, but putting you on display like that was completely uncalled for. Want me to eat him? (laughing) The look on your face. Priceless. (silence) (Deadly serious) Do you? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
College Student (Male) in Horror Anthology
cast offsite

Character attributes: Loveable ball of angst, deep, thoughtful, empathetic, takes himself way too seriously

Note: Ideally, I'd love to cast LGBTQIA+ voice actors for these two for obvious reasons, but it's not required. I'd rather the voices be the right fit.  

These episodes will benefit Project Hope and their ongoing work with humanitarian relief. 

For our upcoming Halloween horror anthology special set in the world of the Fallout 76 video game, this will be a dark humor pre-war (Great War apocalypse event) story. We're looking for a male voice actor to play a college age kid who is slightly nerdy, reserved and who deeply loved Halloween as a kid growing up. He's complicated and doesn't see his own self worthy, but loyal to friends and family who was recently outed by some frat boys following a catfishing prank in a really public way. Loves classic horror films and has struggled to find his soulmate and is after a horrifying Halloween, finds him as a sarcastic, protective vampire who pulls his normally introverted self out into the world. This story will deal with some light topics of hatred and prejudice. 

  • (Female friend shows up at dorm) What are you wearing? A cat cheerleader? Well, you look like a street walker. I know, I know...but I'm just not feeling Halloween this year. I figured it would be rough being away from the old gang, mom, dad and grammie, but I didn't think it would lead to some kinds of existential crisis. I hadn't even told my parents yet...first day of swimming try outs and the guy of frankly anyone's dreams gives me a wink and handshake that lingered just a little too long. First date I've ever had with a guy ever and its of course a cat fishing prank by some asshole fratbros, who were crafty enough to insert some holotape video footage they captured in the middle of the Duck and Cover film at assembly. The very last thing I want to do is get drunk at a corn maze party surrounded by those people. Look, why don't we stay in? Vincent Von Ghoul will be on at 8 doing an all-night marathon of the classics, even 12 minutes of footage cut from Night of the Fishman's Revenge!

  • (panic) You...that was you? That thing? What the hell are you? You''re a vampire. Nosferatu! The Undead! Get back unclean spirit I've got...this broken oar and look! Another one...I am now making the sign of the cross! Begone! Are...are you wearing tennis shoes? What kind of vampire wears tennis shoes?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roper (Fallout 76 Raider Overboss from Wastelanders Update)
Role assigned to: Robyn_Meif_Old

We are casting for the role of Roper, raider overboss of the Free Radicals faction and former Maryland prison guard. Roper is a Fallout 76 NPC character created by Bethesda Game Studios and introduced in the Wastelanders update. You can read more about his backstory here:

As their leader, he is cunning, ruthless and brutal if has his eyes set on something, be it resources or treasure. We're trying to match the original voice of the character as best as possible! These last episodes of the season will be to raise money for Project Hope's humantarian mission in 3rd world countries providing food, shelter and medical supplies in disaster areas. 

You can hear how he talks here (skip to 1:28):

  • You find me that treasure, we'll leave The Wayward alone. Scout's honor. And honestly, I gotta hand it to this Duchess broad. I really believed she knew where this treasure was... wonder if she wants to join up. Fake? The treasure was a fake out? Guess it makes sense. Why would a treasure hunter like Crane hang out at a dump like The Wayward. My people aren't going to be happy about this. Going to have to find a project for 'em. The extents people will go to drum up a little business. Heh.

  • Appreciate how you handled that back there, covering your end of the deal. Consider yourself a full member of the crew... though I'm keeping the caps. You made some real good scratch off those robots. Consider yourself a full member of the crew. You make yourself at home, understand?


Public Submissions

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